Looking for love, and adventure in all the wrong places~! (Hypno/Ovi/Enslavement/Etc)

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Mar 22, 2017
Wouldn't you like to know?
Good Morning/Noon/Afternoon/Evening! Thanks for stopping by to give a gander at my thread and giving my fishing bait for finding pleasure a nibble.

Lets get this show on the road then~


Here is my f-list F-list, these are the things that -really- make me tick. I'm some what flexible on the kinks, though it largely depends on the kinks. If you have any questions, I'll be more then happy to discuss them with you over PMs, or if you contact me over one of my IM services.

Role-playing Medium

I tend to prefer the instant gratification of Instant Messenger programs, I use the following programs~

Google IM

If your interested in RPing, feel free to contact me via PM and I'll get in contact with you some how!

Other mediums, such as this lovely forum itself, PMs, emails, or even google docs... I tend to like less as the passion for a scene can die in the time it takes between posts for me, yet I'm willing to give it a try if we share particular interests, and you really prefer some of the slower mediums like these. I have to admit, despite having been in the eRP scene for quite sometime, I still get butterflies at the thought of posting my RPies to a public forum.


I've been in this RP game for quite sometime now, and I prefer partners that are verbose, well-written, with decent grammar and at least run spell-check (I have my fair share of typos believe me so I won't fault you there). I've RPied with quite a few people, including a very friendly Finnish fellow, who for the love of his life can't spell the word spear, so please don't feel too intimidated to contact me.

That said, I like partners who can at least give me 1-3 paragraphs per post, I understand that during things like conversation, or combat, or other high action parts of a RP posts might get smaller.

As for myself, I can range from 1-X pages (Opening the scene), or 1-X paragraphs in the 'action' of things.

Below is a few writing samples to give you a idea of what to expect out of me~

Sample Opening Post: (Premise, savage fae-girl looking for trouble!):

Melody strode through the forest, the air lightly chilled from the evening, the finger tips of winter still grasping the forest like a falling man gripped the edge of a ledge, struggling to prolong the inevitable. The Black Goat forest was Melody's home, she had grown up here, for the most part alone, to the west was Leatherback Swamp, and to the east was the grasslands and plains. The north would lead to the shade and shelter of the Black Ridge mountain range, and south the Goat Horn river, wide, rapid, and dangerous to cross without the proper vessel. Melody made her home on the western end of the Black Goat forest, close enough to the warm swamp that she could hunt, and fish, but far enough away from it that she could avoid some of the less friendly denizens of the swamp.

That wasn't to say that the Black Goat forest was all peaches and cream either, this was untamed wilderness, very few travelers came this way. Melody had only seen humans from a distance, they came here in their funny metal clothes, and funny metal weapons. The hunted some of the beasts in the mountains, or the forest, or perhaps they were trying to cut through the forest to reach the dwarven tunnels that went under the Black Ridge mountains.

Dwarves. Melody's nose wrinkled a bit at the thought of the squat hairy people, she had only met one dwarf, they sometimes came to the forest to harvest the lumber of the massive black oak trees that towered like the black skeletal fingers of a buried god from the equally dark forest floor. This dwarf had just stared at her for a moment, then had tried to hit her with a thrown axe, she hadn't stuck around when he had missed her head by a hair, and she had taken off into the forest like a bolt of cyan lightning as he had hollered and hooted after her in his gravely language. The dwarves had looked for her almost half of a day, cutting the gloom with torches and lanterns. Melody had lead them around their camp twice, then back around to redirect them towards the Leatherback swamp.

It was all rather funny to her, how they went from greedy eagerness, to burning anger, then growing fear at being lost in the forest. Then their screams when they had encountered the nest of swamp trolls she had nudged them towards. That had taught them -not- to throw axes at a friendly fairy that had only wanted to chat.

Melody still had a keep sake of that day, lightly bouncing on her back as she walked. Once the trolls had eaten the hairy men, she had sneaked into their nest and gathered up the discarded dwarven things before slipping off back to her forest home. The trolls had slept heavily after that meal, and they were fairy enough that she blended in with the scent of their home. She had learned that dwarves smelled very bad. All of their clothes had reeked of sweat, body odor, and particularly the clothes that went over the lower half. It was stained and ruined, she had discarded those parts quickly. Their boots wouldn't fit Melody, so those also had been tossed into the swamp. What she had kept was their steel.

Few creatures in the swamp or forest knew of the magic of rock and fire to make metal, as such metal things were quite a curiosity, though not to fairies like Melody. Human metal, their knives, chains, spears, and swords were wrought of iron. Simply touching one had given Melody a terrible burn when she had tried to steal from some humans, her scream of pain and sent her on a wild flight into the wood, with humans scurrying about their camp after her like a nest of angry ants. She had watched them searching for her from her hiding spot for a few hours, nursing her burned hand. The wound had long healed, but at times she rubbed her flawless palm, remembering that pain.

Now whenever she encountered metal, she tapped it with a finger nail, if her finger nail felt hot, it was the type of metal she couldn't touch. Dwarven forged things however, she could touch, she wasn't sure why... maybe it was a different metal? Dwarven metal was harder, heavier, and had more of a shiny finish. Human metal was dull, and dark in comparison, and burned her. She wasn't sure what the difference was, but she was thankful for the foolishness of those dwarven lumberjacks to this day.

Most of the metal she had given away, either gifts or in barter, though she had kept a few things for herself. Metal tools were very useful, good for striking up a spark for a warm cook fire, or simply for defending herself. Metal in the hands of a fairy would even give one of the big nosed swamp trolls pause, though usually they weren't trying to eat her. Usually, they smelled fairy enough that she didn't hate them right away, and she imagined that she smelled -troll- enough for them not to immediately see her as food.

Slung across Melody's lithe chest was a axe, it wasn't a large weapon, and it was clear it was meant both for battle, as well as utility. The smooth steel blade was bearded and wicked sharp, but it was also sturdy and well built. Not just for splitting heads, but also to stand up to splitting wood. Bouncing on her hip was a dwarven sword It was a straight double edged blade, with a simple cross guard and a heavy pommel for balance for the broad straight blade. It had seen better days, having a bit of rust, and wear from being used as a machete, but the edge was silvery from where Melody kept it sharp.

Melody herself was a beautiful creature, she was -fae- after all, and fae were like elves, but less like humans, and rather prettier. Melody had never met an elf, but seeing how she fancied dwarves and humans, it was... doubtful that she would like them very much.

Standing about 5'4” she was short, for human standards at least, but she was rather... average for fae. She had fair skin, and striking bright cyan blue hair, with soft sky blue eyes. Honestly, any race, even those monstrous and alien to her, would find her quite a catch.

She wore her hair long, most fae or elven women did, long hair was often seen as a sign of good breeding. Melody wasn't sure how she knew that, she had never met another spring fae before she just... KNEW this. While it would be easier to cut her hair short, Melody treasured her hair far too much to ever cut it. Long bangs framed her pretty face, if her bangs were out of place they would perhaps get into her eyes. Yet two parts kept her bangs out of her eyes, with some errant bangs between her eyes. Her long hair was worn up in a pair of twin tails at the moment, it was her usual hair style, either that or a tight pony tail, or maybe a braided bun.

Fine chiseled brows and long lashes complemented her beautiful, soft blue eyes. She had lovely eyes, soft, emphatic, and just... well there were few that would resist a pout from Melody. Though her soft, genuine features also hinted that she might be the gullible, earnest sort. A button cute nose, soft pink lips, and a delicate chin line finished off Melody's beautiful face.

Her ears were short, just a bit longer then an average human ear, but pointed. She didn't know it, but fae and elves treasured longer ears, Melody didn't think much about her ears. She sported a few piercings, something else that elves -never- did. Melody didn't care, she didn't know elves, she didn't even think about it. The simple silver piercings that decorated her ears were pretty... and were portable funds. As mentioned metal was valuable in the forest, and one of these piercings could help her out of a dire situation in a pinch.

A slender neck led down to a lovely pair of shoulders and arms. Her shoulders and arms showed a fair bit of tone, not bulging muscles but... it was clear the girl was very athletic, and flexible. Her shoulders flowed down to her chest and her breasts. Melody had ample breasts, just the perfect upper limit for her over all petite and lithe build. They would perhaps be considered very small c-cup breasts, but honestly they were large b-cup breasts. Just large enough for an average man to cup and fill his hands with. To make up for their small size compared to most fae women, her breasts were very perky, and firm... and capped with equally firm, and perky nipples.

A slender toned waist flowed down to her hips, the swell of her hips. She had a lovely abdomen, toned, but the tone was softened some what by feminine smoothness. Melody had fairly broad hips, not so large that they seemed unsightly on her petite build but more then enough to be significant and to make her build feminine. There would be no mistaking Melody for a young man unless she wore so much clothes that gender was indistinguishable.

Her hips flowed down to her more... desirable bits. Her sweet hairless flower, and her lovely tush. Melody had a delightful bottom. A lovely heart like shape, round, and like her breasts, delightfully perky. Once someone had joked that they could bounce a copper coin off of her backside, and it was most likely true. Like the rest of her tush was round, and covered with a layer of feminine smoothness, but under which there was goodly muscle. Anyone who had been fortunate enough to squeeze or slap her backside would realize this.

A pair of long, lovely, and toned legs flowed down to elegant, cute feet.

Melody was wearing her hair 'up' in a pair of matching pig tails, or 'twin tails' though she didn't know the name of the hair style, she just did it. A friend of hers had once told her it was a very pretty way to wear her hair, and she had started to wear her hair like this more often. Her hair was tied up with rubbery toad leather loops that she had stretched and worked about her twin tails several times to hold the long locks of silky hair firmly. The toad leather originally was green, but after curing had turned a dark, charcoal gray.

The hair ties lead down to her ear piercings, they were erratic and irregular, perhaps this might hint that they were more for utility then fashion. Her right ear bore a pair of piercings, while her left ear only had a single piercing. The piercing in her left year was larger then the two in her right year, a thick ring of silver, the smooth round ring was decorated with a braid like engraving along it's length. The two rings in her right ear were smaller silver rings, one was actually a stud of silver, then attached to both sides of that stud was a gold 'U' like piece of metal that gripped on the front and back of the silver stud that went through her earlobe. The other piercing on her right ear was a small silver ring, unadorned and beautiful in it's simplicity.

Her neck was adorned by a black leather thong that was threaded through a few coins, some of them copper, some of them silver, and a few of them gold. They were from different nations, and different peoples. Some where square with holes already in them, some were rough, crude, and looked like they were molded by striking with a hammer, while others were smooth, neat, round, and had been ruined by the hole the fae had hammered through them to thread them onto her necklace.

The frayed, tan leather sling for her axe went across her bare shoulders and chest, the smooth wooden axe handle bumped against her back, and the comfortable weight pulled on her shoulder. Her bared chest and waist flowed all of the way down to her hips. A frayed leather belt, much like the sling that held her axe went around her hips, clinched loosely around her waist, but tightly around her hips dangled off of her person. The sword set in it's sheathe, with a leather strap over it's cross guard so that it couldn't accidentally spill out if the fae started to run, or sprint through the forest.

Covering her loins was a garment made from the flexible toad leather, much like the leather thong around her neck, and the loops holding her hair. The garment was of simple make, most of it was made from toad leather, and the thread used to stitch it was probably sinewy fiber from the toad's belly, or guts. The slender straps of dark gray toad leather graced the curve of her hips, and lightly dimpled them, hinting at how snug the garment was on her person. The crotch of the simple garment was just large enough to cover her flower, while a slender strap of the leather went between the cleft of her rump to grab onto the loop that the upper portion of the garment made around her hips. The skimpy, but simple garment covered Melody's sweet flower, and really nothing else. If the girl had any hair down there, there might have been a bit of sky blue/cyan hair above the upper hem of the crotch of the garment.

Her wrists, and ankles were decorated with a few loops of toad leather, they bore other decorations, some of them pretty beads made from semi-precious gem stones, or uncut gems she had stolen from dwarves or other prospectors who ventured through the forest, or out of the Black Ridge mountains. Others still were decorated with bits of ivory, fangs and claws of beasts of the forest of the swamp that she hunted. Others bore coins, much like her necklace, emergency funds so to speak if she ever encountered a forest gnome or swamp goblin that wanted to barter with her.

Or simply as a shiny distraction to get a gaggle of giant spiders off of her trail after she had sneaked into their dwelling, and stolen a few bundles of silk in her arms. Melody made her way towards the swamp, but her purpose wasn't hunting today, otherwise she would have brought lures and spears with her to lure out the giant toads and trick them into lunging towards her and a waiting spear to impale the greedy beasts upon. Melody had spent the winter hibernating in a hidden hole in the forest, and she had only recently awoken and felt well enough for the trip. She had spent most of the first few days scrubbing rust off of her dwarven axe and sword, apparently damp under ground hollows in the forest weren't a good place to keep steel tools and weapons.

She might have to steal new ones soon... and the only way for her to get new ones was to steal them, and to steal them she had to find... people, or dwarves, or elves, or... some wanderers who might carry good steel on them.

Sample Post: (Post Premise, a blow job)

Molly blinked as suddenly her lips were free, and she glanced up at him as he pet her hair, and she nuzzled his hand to thank him for continuing to caress her hair. His voice began to waver, and he began to stammer, she stopped touching herself and she grew a little worried about her inhuman friend. “Az?” She asked gently, then she blinked as he nodded his head down, and that... that pull off his gaze lessened and she found she could peek down at... she gasped.

The girl leaned back, covering her mouth as she saw the member before her, slightly curved, slender, and with a tapered tip it stood up straight in the air, right where a man's member would be. Her face was beet red under her hands, and her ear tips were a similar color. She then looked back at Azoth's face, then back down at the member, then back at his face before she collected herself, and lowered her hands.

She swallowed a tightness in her throat before she looked back up at him, then suddenly she smiled like the cat who stole the cream. Her smile was broad, radiant, and filled with an almost -innocent- girlish excitement. “Ehehehehehe~” She chuckled lightly, before she managed to contain her smile and cover her teeth with her lips, though she kept a smug, delighted look on her face as she met his gaze, her eyes twinkling with her natural mischievousness.

“You want me to... use my mouth?” She asked teasingly, though she knew what he wanted as she gently reached forward with one of her hands and grasped the base of his member. As her fingers wrapped around it, she almost jolted as it suddenly twitched and pulsed with life against her fingers and hand as she gripped it. She swallowed a bit of nervousness that crept up her throat before she looked back down at his member, then back up at him.

“Scoot closer to the edge, and sit down instead of squatting.” Molly asked, and once he had repositioned himself, his large feet coming to rest on either side of her as she found herself between his spread legs. She looked up at him, smiled reassuringly at him before she turned her attention back to his member. The throbbing shaft still pulsed against her fingers with a -NEED-, and she was only too happy (and curious) to satiate it.

The girl pressed her soft pink lips to the tip of his member, giving it an adorable, and affectionate kiss before she gently leaned her head forward. Her soft lips slid over the tapered tip of his member, it slid in rather easily despite her pursing her lips. Her tongue cupped the lance like top of his member and she investigated the strange head of his member with her tongue... rather... thoroughly. Her cheeks pulled in, and lewd suckling, and slurping noises echoed in the chamber as Molly rolled and swirled her tongue around his tip, lavishing it with the wet, attentive, and slightly sloppy (but in a good way) ministrations of her lips and tongue.

Then, pulling hard on his tip as if she were trying to suck the last bit of wine out of a cup with a straw she leaned her head back and broke away with an audible, small pop before she panted, a ghostly thread of saliva connecting them as she panted. She looked up at her lover, meeting his gaze again as her hands stroked his member.

“More?” She asked in a low, smoky purr, even though she already knew his answer.

Current RP Prompts/Ideas

Random Encounter: Typical fantasy random encounter trope, (might potentially involve a particular fae-girl thief?) girl meets monsters/adventurers/bandits or what have you. Would potentially involve hypnosis, bondage, kidnapping/enslavement, objectification, and all manners of penetration. Rather flexible RP prompt, really more of a concept then a prompt.

Hidden In Plain Sight: Fantasy, or potentially modern fantasy scene. Would involve a wizard-slavery, or a monster-wizard slaver, or maybe a psionist... but regardless, someone who can bend reality to glamour or obfuscate a scene happening in a public place, in plain sight from being seen. Would involve hypnosis, bondage, kidnapping/enslavement, semi-public/exhibition... and of course, more penetration and lewd stuff then you can shake a gnome at.

100 CR 1/2 is a CR 50: Similar to the Random Encounter prompt, but with a gaggle of smaller creatures working together to take down a potential victim. Sometimes, the underdogs win, get laid, sell the princess/amazon/sorceress/femme fatal into slavery.

Master and Apprentice: Perverted Master wizard takes advantage of younger apprentice. Sort of a more light hearted vibe, imagine a sort of... love-able asshole sort of mage, with a double serving of goofiness and his poor apprentice trying to keep her quirky Master from killing himself, and resist (unsuccessfully) all of the weird sexual antics and situations he gets her into.

This has to be a trap, ... Right?: Enslavement RP, but only, instead of the slavers having to run down a victim, a victim comes to them... wanting it. Confusion turns into greedy grins, excited hand rubbing, and much lewdness. End result can be discussed! Perhaps it's all a ruse! Perhaps she is distracting them, perhaps whoever is suppose to extract her never comes, perhaps she's really just a little kinkster and she's living the dream now~

Thats all for now folks, thanks for reading! If you're interested please give me a PM, or a nibble! Toodles!
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