Seeking Dark Themed RP F x F

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Mar 2, 2017

I am interested in starting a dark themed role play. I have a few general plot ideas that I would be happy to share if you're interested. I've recently really been wanting to try out a kidnapping role play. It's not something that I've ever role played before, but I would love to give it a go. I'm also a total sucker for romance, so I would like to figure out a way to incorporate both of those themes somehow.

Here is my F-List.

Some pairings that I would be interested in are:

Human x Werewolf (I am currently really craving this one)
Human x Demon
Human x Vampire
Vampire x Werewolf
Assassin x Target
Kidnapper x Kidnapped (I enjoy the whole Stockholm Syndrome thing)
Bad guy/girl x Good girl

These are just a few pairings that I have thought of, and I would definitely by open to any other suggestions as well!

As far as post length and literacy, I generally write two paragraphs per post, give or take, depending on where we are in the plot. I also try to use proper grammar and spelling, but I'm not perfect at it, and I certainly don't expect a partner to be perfect either. Just as long as the story makes sense :) I am a student and working, so I tend to stay busy. But I will try to let a partner know ahead of time if I am going to be unable to respond within a timely manner.

Please PM me if you're interested!


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