Life in the Commonwealth(Ban X Zeth)

Ban the Game

Jan 2, 2016
It was a bright day for the northern Commonwealth, mild overcast with heavy winds blowing across the tall irradiated grass. On a lonely dirt road, a small brahmin caravan made it's way north. It was just two men, each leading a brahmin behind them by a ratty, frayed rope. "I can't believe you talked me into this suicide mission Sammy," one of the men blurted out to the other. "Caravan like this walking into raider territory with only two men? We're bound to get pinched."

"Relax Carter, I already told you the clan operating out of here has already been paid off and they know we're coming. I've dealt with them before and they don't like large groups of guards walking around. Hell, the only reason I brought you along was to help handle the brahmin," said the other caravaner with a tired shrug. Sammy was only in his forties but life in the wasteland and long days under the sun had aged him very quickly. He'd been running in caravans all over the commonwealth since he was just a child and had owned a small caravan company for almost 20 years now, thick and thin.

"You really think we can trust those animals? Easier just to skin us then actually bother making a deal."

"They may be Raiders but they aren't animals. Word of advice, money talks and no one survives in the Commonwealth long without thinking at least a little bit long term. They know I make a reliable supplier. Besides, saves caps hiring guards when you can move through safe territory," Sammy said with a self satisfied smirk.
Carter was fairly new to the business, he grew up in Diamond City and never really got to see much of the Commonwealth until just a few years ago. Neither men were expecting what would happen that day.

"Hey! Whats that up on the road?" Carter shouted to Sammy. The older man squinted off into the distance. He never liked to admit it but he needed Carter's sharp youthful eyes. "Hard to see from here," Sammy replied.

"Looks like a body laying on the road. Should we check it out? Someone could be hurt."

"Well we gotta keep walking on this road anyway so we don't really have much of a choice. Just be cautious, don't just run on up there."

The two man took is slow as they approached. A body did lay on the side of the road. A pair of shallow heeled leather boots lead up to torn pantyhouse with a garterbelt hiding beneath a knee length skirt. Her dress shirt and leather jacket were opened on the front, revealing small breasts covered in a, skimpy for the era, lingerie bra.

"It's a woman!" Shouted Carter before he rushed on ahead to check on her. "Now hold on now-" Sammy attempted to interrupt with no avail as Carter rushed on ahead. Carter ran up to the woman, his cheeks turning red upon getting a closer look at her open top. Sammy arrived only a few steps behind and spoke, "Wehehell now, looks like we hit the jackpot. She still a alive?"

"I'm not sure," Carter said kneeling down to get a closer look. Her face was obscured with an old gasmask, despite the roughness you could still see some makeup blending down her neck. Just as the men dropped their guard the body snapped to life. A doublebarrel sawn off in her right hand and a revolver in her left, each lined up straight for the men's necks. Two gunshots rang across the landscape in quick succession. Carter lay on the ground dead, a bloody splatter where his head was, Sammy on the other hand struggled on the ground choking on his own blood. His torn vocal cords were unable to form words as the lone ambusher stood up and took aim with her revolver at the fleeing brahmin just up the road. Four more shots were fired before she leveled her shotgun with the man's head. The seventh and finale shot rang out.

She smirked as she took off her gasmask, bright red lipstick glistening in the hot sun. She took the time to search the bodies while the brahmin tire themselves out with the wounds she left them. Some water, snacks, and a hefty pack of caps was all she found, a disappointed sneer formed on her face, though she partook of the food as she walked over to check the brahmin. The flick of the blade she hide under her skirt was all that was nessicary to speed up putting the poor creatures out of their misery once they slowed down. Two hearts, twice the hemorraging. She took a look into their packs, mostly shipments of jet and some psycho but then she found what she was looking for. A small pill bottle with "Femmout" spelled in big pink letters. The anticipation was palpable as she opened up the bottle to see that it was full, the paper covering and cotten filling still intact. "Yes! Score!" She explained before pouring two pills out and popping them in her mouth with a chaser of warm water. Her hands reached for her breast and she gently massaged them. "Mmmm...I wonder if I can get up to a C cup with these. Oh, I'll finally be able to fit into some more of my bras!" She said to herself. Giddy and excited, she poured as much of what she could carry into her backpack before the sudden sound of an engine firing put her on edge.

She looked around to find the source of the sound but before she could react she was already surrended. A trio of jeeps circled with at least a half dozen cackling raiders hanging off each one. The lone raider reached for her pistol, there was only one bullet left in the cylinder and reloading the shotgun would be too telegraphed. She gritted her teeth and bided her time about what to do as they circled, eventually though she put her hands up after realizing she was no match for them. One of the jeeps stopped and the raiders on board quickly surrounded her. "So, we finally found the little rat running around," said a female raider with a large assault rifle and ready and a bumper blade on her back. "You got a lot of nerve raiding in our territory,you dirty bitch!"

"Yeah yeah, Time for some punishment you fucking cunt!" Shouted another raider as he loosened his belt.

"No Skimmer, you know the rules. Prisoner's see the Boss first," she said before giving a smirk, "Unless she decides to put up a fight." The whole group cackled like hyena's at this but the woman stayed quiet. She took a few steps forward, her hands still up in the air.

"Hmph, too fuckin' easy," she said before walking up to the prisoner, grabbing a fist full of her hair and pulling. "The name's Jessica and you're damn lucky I don't let my buddies here all take turns on your ass before spilling your guts for hitting our supplier." Jessica pulled her over to the jeep and slammed her against the hud before flipping up her skirt. "Oh ho ho damn girl whats this? Some fancy slutty underwear? Oh and a little gift?" She slapped her on the ass before pulling out the knife on the woman's leg. "Heh, I'd say you're the type who'd enjoy getting fucked by a dozen dusty cocks on the hud of my ride. Mmmmm...but that'll come later." She patted her down, searching for any weapons before putting a sack over her head and throwing her in the back of the jeep.
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