Big Boobied Ninjas for everyone (Senran Kagura craving... 1x1, possible Harem)

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Choco-waifu supremacy
Dec 18, 2015
Yeah if that title didn't grab you I've got nothing XD


Hallo ^^

First things first, let’s get a few basic rules out of the way.

1. I prefer to RP via PM only, I’ve tried threads before but it’s just not really my cup of tea, plus I find PM’s easier to keep track of
2. I follow the rules of the site, so no characters under 15, petite girls like Mirai are fine but make sure they’re legal.
3. I try my best to respond with detail and I understand that by playing multiple characters my own posts may get a little long when it comes to ‘group’ related stuff, therefore I’m not expecting essay length responses from my partner, would however like to request at least one or two decent sized paragraphs in the responses, and no one liners please… nothing is more annoying that writing a long response and getting ‘Bob pounded Jane’s pussy harder’ as a response.
4. 3rd person is highly preferred.
5. A basic grasp of the English language with responses please, I don’t mind the occasional typo, but if things start going all Duwang on me I’ll get very confused and may ignore it. X)
6. I’m a fairly open person so if there’s anything you’re unsure about.
7. When you send requests, also include your favourite SK girl in the subject bar… just so I know you’ve read the rules :3 failing to follow this rule may lead to me ignoring the request entirely...
8. HAVE FUN \o/ if you aren’t enjoying it, let me know and we can add a little bit to make it more interesting, add a new girl or satisfy a particular craving.

Ok boring part over, let’s get to the meat of things shall we;

What i'm Craving

With the release of Senran Kagura Estival Versus on Steam and the effect of a few select erotic videos, I've found myself with a sudden urge to play something Senran Kagura related. (this being one example, catchy tune too :3)

It could be something more in-depth with a bit of story or it could be something almost purely smut focused and just simply be a very lucky male bonking his favourite girls to his hearts content, I'm fairly versatile and when it comes to a game series about big boobied ninja schoolgirls (and Mirai) stripping one another, a lot of depth isn't often needed X3

And for those of you not to knowledgeable of the series and just want some big boobie ninja fun ( I wouldn't blame you) then don't panic ^^ I'll put a list of the girls and a quick summary of their personalities at the end so you can take your pick of them. :3 As mentioned before the games themselves aren't exactly the most 'deep' so it's fairly easy to get a grasp on it...

Time for some fun Kinks :3

Turn Ons:
Just a variety of little things I like to see in RP’s, being ok with me including any of these on my girls will make me very happy;

1. Comedy/Parody (we’re all here to have fun after all, a bit of playful banter between the girls and the guy will ALWAYS make me smile and want to reply sooner, it’s not real after all so we could easily throw in some cartoon slapstick or parody the stereotypes usually seen in anime and manga… the MC having hentai protag powers that means he never gets tired, the fact that the girls can go at it for days on end and still not get pregnant etc etc)
2. Breast Play (... sort of speaks for itself this one if you take just one look at the girls XD it'd be a shame to have those beautiful bosoms and not take advantage of them :3 boobjobs, massages, suckling, groping... you get the idea ^^)
3. A happy tone ( try and keep it light-hearted and fun, cheesy at times with a playful and happy atmosphere, there’ll be moments of seriousness sure, but a happy tone is always nicer than a ‘grim-dark’ one for Harems.)
4. Cosplay (y’know what’s hotter than a big boobied ninja? a big boobied ninja in a maid outfit~
5. Thigh-highs/stockings (Love em... don't know why, but I just love seeing my girls wearing them *_* )
6. OoC discussion (I like talking with people about how the Rp is going on and what direction we’d like to take it, perhaps you’re craving a certain girl more than the others… just let me know, also it’s nice to have a bit of a chat with people)

I’m open but even I have limits, these are a few things I’m really not too keen on doing or getting involved in with these kinds or Rps;

1. Rape/torture (A bit of rough-sex is fine… heck depending on the size of the harem ‘some’ of the girls will certainly be into that sort of rough stuff, but no ‘serial rapist’ protags please… thanks very much)
2. Girl Drama (You ever seen those pictures of a guy getting pulled in two different directions by a pissed girl on each arm… yeah… NONE of that sort of stuff please, I’d like the harem to get along and ‘share’ so to speak, there’ll be little moments I understand that… but no bitch/cat fights over the man.)
3. Scat/Guro/Watersports (ew ew ew,sorry these are REALLY not my kind of thing x_x)
4. Grimdark protagonist (you’re surrounded by woman eager for your junk, cheer up and stop being so edgy XD someone’s who’s playful and fun will always appeal me more than an emo or depressive one)
5. Old Men/Fat (I like to keep the girls looking sweet and beautiful, and the idea of a fat old man doing it with them doesn’t appeal, someone around the same age as the girls in question please ^_^ I'd say 15-30 being my general age range.)

The girls:

Here's a list of the girls that I'd love to play, with one or two exceptions i'm happy to play almost any of the cast though; ^^

Hanzo Academy

Asuka : (bouncy, energetic and hard-working, she's the classic protagonist you'd expect from a series like this)

Ikaruga: (polite, mature, beautiful and a little strict at times, she's the main voice of reason in the game and the big sister character to the other girls in her school)

Katsuragi: (tomboyish, energetic and perverted... no girl is safe from her groping techniques )

Yagyu: ( A girl of few words, while she may seem openly cold and hostile at first, she's incredibly loyal to those who have earned her trust )

Hibari (Cheerful, bright and clumsy... Hibari is the moodmaker who always tries to bring a smile to everyones face)

Daidouji (A girl with a strong sense of justice and the power to back it up. And for those curious this is what she actually looks like... yep... she wears a wig XD ))

Crimson Squad

Homura (Fiery, competitive and impulsive, Homura is almost always the first one into the fray... behind those flames though is a drive to protect and take care of those she cares about)

Yomi (Well mannered and polite, having lived in a life of poverty during her younger years she's learnt how to take care of herself, as a result she has a disdain for those born with a 'silver spoon in their mouth' causing her to be a little harsh and hostile at times )

Hikage (Although not one for showing much emotion, Hikage is a straight-forward girl who is actually quite friendly despite her appearance, as well as a curiosity for learning about emotions themselves)

Mirai (An early life of bullying gave the young Mirai self-esteem issues and a timid personality, as a result she now tries her best to look older and be relied upon and is deathly afraid of being ignored. Has the smallest breasts of the cast )

Haruka (Sultry, Mature, flirty and a little (okay a LOT) dominant... Haruka acts as the big sister for the crimson squad )

Rin (Mature and Strict, Rin was the Crimson squads teacher back when they were a part of Hebijo Academy)

Gessen Academy

Yumi (while she may appear cold and strict Yumi is in fact both elegant and polite to all those around her, putting her friends and fellow students before herself at all times )

Murakumo (Though a beautiful girl underneath her mask, Murakumo suffers from self-confidence and only feels safe and strong when wearing it... without it she becomes a lot more timid and nervous )

Yozakura (Though loud and excitable at times, Yokazura is a very caring and protective young girl, determined to protect those weaker than her )

Shiki (A carefree and free-spirited party animal who loves partying and going out on the town, despite this she can be surprisingly intelligent and insightful at times though )

Minori ((Playful and loving, Minori is akin to a token 'little sister' character, she has an incredible sweet tooth and hates seeing people fight )

Hebijo Academy

Miyabi (Straight-laced, confident and serious, Miyabi is incredibly hard-working and Prideful... behind all of this she shows her own form of clumsy kindness though to those she cares about. )

Imu (Calm and calculating, Imu is an incredibly intelligent young girl, she may seem aloof at times, but her trust and love once earned is a valuable asset)

Murasaki (Fragile and Cynical due to her up-bringing Murasaki is both a shut in and a NEET with very low self-esteem )

Ryona (Ryobi's twin sister and a generally happy and energetic young girl who is also an enormous Masochist, despite this she is incredibly protective of her family and can turn violent quickly if they are insulted )

Ryobi (Ryona's twin sister, while her sister is more of a masochist Ryobi leans more on the sadistic side, despite this though she has been shown to show great remorse and guilt for those she unintentionally hurts)


Phew... that took longer to write than I thought ^^ if anyone is interested in one of the girls (or any combination of them) then feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to discuss further)

P.S. Remember to read the rules carefully as I've hidden a little 'test' inside them, it may seem harsh but it helps with getting spammed and sorting through those interested.

Bye for now, and hope to RP soon ^.^

here's some bonus images :3
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