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RP: Radioactive: The 100: 1x1 between randomname98766789 and Izzy325

Dec 22, 2014
United States
It has been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth leaving the planet simmering in radiation. They're told it'll take another 100 years for the planet to be habitable again. Another 4 space-locked generations before they can make their way back to the planet where it all began. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case any longer. The year was 2149 CE and the only survivors of the nuclear apocalypse were approximately four hundred inhabitants of twelve national space stations that were luckily in orbit at the time. These separate stations combined to form what was known as The Ark. One hundred juveniles of various crimes were being sent to Earth to see if it survivable. A young man with long, unruly brown hair that reached just above his chin sat hopelessly on the bed inside of his prison cell. His dark brown eyes were lifeless and his already pale skin looked even more colorless. Finn Collins turned eighteen either today or tomorrow. It was difficult to keep track of the days anymore.

The only way to count the days was marking whenever breakfast was served in the morning. Instead of celebrating his special day, Finn felt depressed. He was going to die today. There was no getting around it. Most people categorized Finn as the stereotypical reckless bad boy. He loved being on the verge of finding adrenaline and living in a danger zone. During his childhood, the male became close friends with Raven Reyes. They never dated, though. Still, for her eighteenth birthday, Finn found a way for Raven to have a skywalk. Not following protocol, they accidentally wasted three months of oxygen. Raven would have been floated since she was over eighteen so Finn took the blame, knowing he could be reviewed.

Instead of being floated, the male was one of one hundred delinquents that were sent to the ground in a dropship Once on the ground, he befriended a girl named Clarke Griffin. She was the daughter of a council member. However, they had amazing chemistry together and grew closer at a rapid rate. They went on a few journeys together already from trying to find Mount Weather, rescuing Jasper Jordan, and hiding out together in an abandoned vehicle to avoid the acid fog. Earlier that night, Finn had introduced Clarke to an underground bunker that was built to withstand a nuclear disaster. Well, it did and there were various art supplies for Clarke to use. On top of that, Finn had created a trinket and necklace for Clarke that resembled the two-headed deer they saw in the woods on the first days. Earlier that night, they had made love in the bedroom together and officially started a romantic relationship. Finn had just finished and so did Clarke so now Finn was lying beside of the blonde, one arm gently wrapped around her neck, pulling her in, a smile on his face as he thought about how incredible this felt with Clarke. There were no words to describe it. “That was… amazing…”


he year was 2149 CE, 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse had devastated the surface of Earth. The only known survivors were the residents of twelve space stations in Earth's orbit prior to the war. The space stations banded together to form a single massive station named "The Ark", where about 2,400 people live today. Resources were scarce and all crimes no matter their nature or severity were punishable by death unless the perpetrator was under 18 years of age. The form of execution was being floated and it occurred exactly as it sounded. The perpetrator stood near the outer doors while it opened, being sucked into space. Any criminals under 18 were sent to a special place called the “Sky Box”. Their crimes were reviewed on their eighteenth birthday. One of two outcomes would occur: The juvenile was either forgiven or they were floated. After the Ark's life support systems were found to be critically failing, one hundred juvenile prisoners were declared "expendable" and sent to the surface in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth was habitable again. They were told it should take another 100 years for the planet to be survivable. It might take another space-locked century before they could make their way back to the planet where it all began. With the Ark systems failing, they hardly had one hundred days remaining, much less one hundred years. Extreme action was taken and an order for this mission was given directly from Chancellor Thelonious Jaha, the elected leader of the Ark.

Among these one hundred juveniles was a twenty-three-year-old male named Bellamy Blake
A young Bellamy Blake watched his mother give birth to his sister. His life had never been the same. The Ark enforced a strict one child law. Octavia, the name Bellamy gave to his sister, was his responsibility to keep safe and love. Since Octavia was an illegal second child, she had to be kept hidden in their room. As a Guard Cadet, he smuggled Octavia from their room to the Unity Day Masquerade Party which celebrated the day that all space stations formed together into the Ark. That was last year. During a solar flare alert, everyone was required to show identification: something Octavia did not have. She was exposed, their mother was executed, and Octavia was imprisoned in lock-up. Bellamy was kicked out of the Guard because of his actions and was demoted to the position of janitor. He was alone. Being unable to see his sister took a toll on Bellamy. Alone and isolated, life was miserable. Each day was spent cleaning up someone else’s mess. Janitors were the lowest of the low on the Ark. Conditions were miserable until Commander Shumway, the same man that called him out at the party, made Bellamy and offer he could not refuse. Kill the Chancellor Thelonious Jaha and Bellamy could go to Earth and protect Octavia. One hundred prisoners were being sent to the ground and his sister was among them.

The male had an olive complexion and thick, dark brown, curly hair and brown eyes. His body was lean and muscular, clearly physically strong. At twenty-three years-old, the next oldest human on the ship was five years his younger. The young man intended to take charge of the group as soon as they reached Earth. His personality was dominant, demanding, and controlling. Bellamy could be a prude sometimes. Plenty of people thought Bellamy was a complete jerk and asshole. They might not be incorrect.

No matter how gruff and tough Bellamy might act, his one weak spot was glaringly clear. Octavia meant the entire world to him and he only wanted the best for her. A softer side to Mr. Blake existed but only Octavia had seen it. Aggression also primarily characterized Bellamy. A natural leader that could make tough decisions, he might have been exactly what the one hundred delinquents needed to survive. His age automatically would present with him an advantage. Besides, living on the Earth was something that intrigued Bellamy as it did everyone else. He was escaping the Ark and protecting his sister. Shumway provided Bellamy with the weapon and shot the Chancellor. Promptly, secret access to the drop ship was granted and Bellamy became a stowaway.

Upon impact, Bellamy became the group's leader. Not everyone agreed with him but most people supported him. They had already dealt with Grounder attacks and surviving acid fog. Life on Earth was not as easy as it seemed before. Bellamy took it upon himself to protect everyone while still trying to save his own ass and prevent the Ark from landing, knowing he would surely be executed if that happened. Currently, he was leading a team out into the forest. They were hunting, looking for fresh water or animals or anything, really. The further they got into the woods, the more paranoid Bellamy became. At one point, they heard a set of twigs snapping so Bellamy flipped around quickly and glanced in that particular direction. "Hey! Show yourself! We know you're there!" He half-shouted as everyone looked towards the rustling bush, unsure if they should expect a Grounder or an animal.
Throughout her short life, Clarke Griffin's life had been confined to the space station called The Ark. Her time there could be described simply as unique. If one asked Clarke how she felt about The Ark she would have thought that was putting it nicely. With supplies and oxygen dwindling everything was restricted. Life on the Ark did not allow Clarke to roam free the way a girl like her would want to. Despite all that happened being sent to Earth was possibly one of the best things that happened to her. It gave her a second chance at life but more importantly, she got to be the kind of person she was born to be. Clarke Griffin had long beautiful blonde hair that cascaded in small waves down her angelic face. Her blue eyes shined with excitement. Even as a little girl she was prone to getting herself into a spot of trouble. Even with her parents being on the council it did not protect Clarke from the shenanigans that she always seemed to find herself in.

The trip down to Earth was not an easy one. The entire trip made her think of her father and the events that lead to his death. While Clarke wasn't a religious girl she couldn't help but wonder if she died on impact would she be able to see him again. She half hoped she would just die upon re-entry but they made it safely. Bellamy one of the stowaway's and someone who had always been reckless convinced several others on the makeshift aircraft to climb out of the safety of their seats and fly around. Clarke tried her best to convince everyone to get back in their seats but ultimately their lives were lost. Clarke had always been a curious girl who loved to go out and adventure the world. Bellamy, on the other hand, did seem to encourage the wild behavior of their shipmates. As the carrier ship made it's way closer to the earth some of the young teens couldn't make their way to their seats. Upon impact, they were found died. Bellamy had made it safely back into his seat with what seemed to be no regard for the other kids who had died. Clarke pushed those thoughts out of her head during those first few days on earth. The 100 set up a makeshift camp. Clarke wasn't sure how long she would have lasted without meeting Finn. He opened the young blonde to new experiences that she most likely wouldn't have even considered without Finn being right by her side.

Those first few days were bliss...that is until they met the grounders. Some of the original 100 were killed but they managed to fight back. Clarke and Finn were away from the group and were camped in an underground bunker. The pair had just had a lovely experience making love in the bunker but now they laid together Finn's arm around Clarke. She placed her head on his chest moaning softly with contentment. "You were...amazing." She said laughing softly as she gently placed a kiss on his chest. Laying there in that moment Clarke couldn't deny how she felt. She loved the man laying next to her. "And thank you for the necklace..." She moved her hand up to toy with it a bit before smiling up at Finn. "How did I get so lucky to meet you?"


The Ark to some seemed like a prison. A metal prison in space that stopped people from living and made them only exist. Life on the Ark was miserable for many. With the restrictions placed on everyone, it felt as if that was all life had to offer. To worry about whether there was enough oxygen, water, or space available for everyone. Everything on the Ark was about survival and how they would make it through the next week, month, year, etc. For seventeen-year-old Micah Moore living in such a manner was taxing on his mental health. While he did not commit the most egregious crimes of all of the young teens on the Ark they were not a fan. Even his own father who was one of the majors in the guard turned his back on him. Micah stole medical supplies for a friend in need. When he was caught he was told he would escape any punishment time if he gave up who actually need attention. His friend was doing something illegal which is why he needed to keep it quite. Once they knew he wasn't going to give up who it was he was placed in the sky box. That is until him and another 99 souls were sent to the earth.

Despite being sent to earth because of a crime had committed Micah couldn't wait to land on earth. How exciting it would be to see all the animals he had learned about as a kid. To be able to run around with no restrictions just pure freedom and air. He could only imagine what it would be like to interact with the animals. His thoughts were drawn towards the few stupid kids who jumped out of their seat. As they drew closer to earth Bellamy (someone who wasn't even supposed to be on the ship) flipped through the air. If Micah didn't think he was such an ass he might have thought Bellamy was hot. With each passing moment, he could tell they either got into their seats or someone was going to get hurt if not killed. He could hear Clarke yelling at them but he could barely hear it over the sound of the spacecraft. Bellamy was able to get into his seat but some of the other passengers, unfortunately, didn't make it. Micah turned his head away as he heard the fear in some of their voices before impact.

Once on the ground, their numbers dwindled as they came in contact with several unknown obstacles. Their biggest threat being the grounders. Micah along with Clarke became the camps got to medical professionals. Both Clarke and Micah were trained by her mother Abigail who was still up on the Ark. Micah missed her seeing as his own family wasn't the type of people who expressed emotions. This was the complete opposite of Micah who showed and expressed compassion where every he could. On the Ark, he was known tp be 'soft' but he viewed it as caring. With the way the world and humanity had turned out, he understood why the others couldn't understand. Micah promised himself that no matter what happened on earth he wouldn't lose that about himself. He would be the same kind and compassionate person he always had been.

Micah was true to his word. He helped out any one who came to seek out his help. With Bellamy as the leader of the 100 things weren't as bad as he would have thought. Micah actually thought if Bellamy stopped being so selfish he would make an amazing leader. Not that he would ever admit that. Breaking the rules the young brunntte sneak out of the compound to look at the animals surronding the grounds. Micah searched finding a group of insects that caught his eyes. They seemed to glow brightly even in the daylight. As Micah moved closer to them he realized they were butterflies that glowed. The Luminous Butterflies in his opioin were beautiful. He was amazed at how beautiful they were. Micah smiled to himself before allowing a butterfly to land on his index finger. It fluttered it's wing gently with Micah moving forward. He hadn't seen a twig in his way and stepped right on it. The only thing that could be heard was Bellamy's voice calling out to whoever was there.

Slowly and with has up Micah moved from the trees he was hiding behind. He had his hand up but wouldn't look up to see Bellamy's face. He could only imagine one of two things. A smug smile on his face or comeplety agner. He just wasn't sure which he would be in the mood to express. He knew it was against the rules to leave the camp but the thought of exploring this new world and seeing all the wildlife it had to offer was too much for Micah.
Grinning, Finn watched Clarke closely when she said that he was amazing while thanking him for the necklace. “Honestly, I feel like the lucky one. My girlfriend is Clarke Griffin, the most beautiful girl to ever exist in the history of the world.” Smirking, Finn added another gentle kiss onto her lips, snuggling closer to the love of his life. It mattered little how much time they had known each other or the circumstances they were under. Finn knew for a fact that he was in love with Clarke Griffin. She was beautiful, intelligent, kind, caring, and sweet. They had gotten to know one another well since landing on the ground and despite it having only been twelve days, Finn felt like they were lifetime best friends. “I’m glad you liked the necklace and I’m glad you feel this way. I feel so much better knowing you’re here with me, in my arms. We’ve been through so much already and I know it’s been though. You’ve taken on this leadership role and so many people look up to you. You’re so courageous. Just know that you don’t have to make any decisions alone anymore. I’m here for you, Clarke. I’ll always be here for you.”

Already, the girl had to make taxing decisions. It took a toll on her mental state, it appeared. Tonight was his way of making her feel amazing and helping her forget about all their troubles. From this point forward, Finn promised to be by her side and to offer her advice and help whenever she needed it. Even Finn looked up to her and felt honored to be by her side. Once he stopped his speech, Finn pressed one more kiss onto her lips, holding this one for a few seconds longer than most. A smile graced his features and curved his lips upright, his eyes never leaving Clarke’s. Then, his lips trailed down onto her neck and he just sighed in contentment, completely ecstatic that this finally happened. Ever since they landed, he felt attracted to Clarke. He thought about this often, not just having sex with her, but being her boyfriend. This was more than a physical release, this was an emotional release, too. Since Finn never felt this way about a girl before and had never fallen so quickly, he knew this was special. Instead of fighting it off and ignoring his feelings, the male accepted them.

Besides, it was a miracle he was even alive and survived the fall to Earth. Beyond that, it was a miracle that Earth was even survivable. Since this happened, Finn found it pointless to hide emotions, especially positive ones. “You’re absolutely gorgeous and perfect. I will protect you and keep you safe for as long as I can. After this is over, I don’t want to act like this never happened. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours. I want to consider you my girlfriend. I can’t honestly picture my life without you, Clarke. I don’t care if we have not known each other that long. I know I want you for a long time.” After making his intentions clear, Finn gave Clarke another kiss on her lips, arms wrapping tightly around her waist, pulling her chest firmly against his own, not wanting to let go, ever. He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes, waiting for her reaction, hoping it was the same.


Unsure of what to expect, Bellamy readied himself. Since he snuck onto the dropship in a guard’s uniform, he was the only person that had a gun. This handgun had seven bullets in one clip and it was fully loaded with one more clip extra. Basically, they had fourteen bullets to help them survive a grounder attack along with other knives and weapons they created and scavenged. It would have been nice to find some guns but that looked impossible right now. Why would there be any guns here? Shaking that thought off, Bellamy raised his handgun towards the noise and watched as the rest of the hunting group with him raised their knives, standing close to Bellamy. Grounders have already caused so much damage. Bellamy felt pure hatred for them and was not going to hesitate to shoot if a grounder showed himself and prepared to attack. The rattling became ladder until a body stepped into the light. It was the middle of the day but the enormous amounts of trees and their heights covered the sun, making the area shady but still warm since it was humid and the air was uncomfortable. Finger on the trigger, Bellamy exhaled in relief when he saw who it was.

Bellamy along with the others dropped their weapons and lowered them, sheathing the knives back into the holsters as Bellamy placed the handgun into the back of his pants. Well, he was not completely relieved. Yes, Bellamy was happy that this was one of them, that there were no grounders that were attacking and there were no problems they had to deal with. However, he was upset too because Micah knew the rules. There was no sneaking out of the camp alone. Nobody went anywhere in an individual group by themselves. It had to be at least two people, more preferably. “Micah, what the fuck are you doing out here alone? Are you crazy? Are you trying to get yourself killed? What’s the matter with you?” It sounded like a parent scolding a child because that was almost how it was. Since they landed, Bellamy took a special… attraction… for Micah. It was something the dark-haired male did not understand. When he landed, the younger male with long, flowing, dark hair made his heart skip a few beats. It was so confusing and frustrating so Bellamy usually took out those uncomfortable feelings on Micah.

Throughout his life and even during his time on Earth, Bellamy has been with quite a few women. He tried to overload himself with sex and the nice looking girls here that were of age when they landed, hoping to quell those thoughts and desires he had about Micha. However, that did not work. He felt confused because he was straight. He thought he was straight but he was questioning himself. Sexuality was something less conservative on the Ark. There were more homosexual couples than any point in human history and they were not really that discriminated against compared to what their history books had told them. However, some people were still not open to ideas and Bellamy just found himself uncomfortable with it at first. How could he have been attracted to women all his life just to have that change now? And it wasn’t this way for any other guys at camp other than Micah. Just him. Bellamy thought about having him in bed and being his and vice versa. That was something he was dying for despite how different and strange it might be. Of course, he was not accepting those feelings. Instead, he tried to fight them off but they were showing right now.

It was not upsetting to Bellamy that someone broke the rules. If it were anyone else, he would have scolded them and moved on, but this was Micah, a young man that he cared deeply for already. If he died then Bellamy would have broken, probably. He never would have the chance to explore this feelings even if he tried to fight them off. They were going to come out at some point, he was just reluctant. Sure, he was an asshole to Micah and to everyone else but he was just tugging and fighting with those insecurities and feelings. That made his anger boil over, looking at Micah as the others looked away, leaving the two with some sense of privacy. “Do I need to remind you about what happened to Jasper and to the others? We’ve had grounders attack us almost every day when we go outside the walls. Do you have a weapon on you? Why didn’t you bring anyone with you?” The questions continued and Bellamy’s fists clinched. He had made a point to try and keep Micah safe. Well, it was a subconscious thing he did, always making sure that the male was out of harm’s way but it happened and now he had failed to keep the man inside the walls where it was not dangerous. Bellamy wanted answers.
Clarke Griffin's heart soared as she listened to Finn's praise. How did she get so lucky? First, she survived a crash landing on a planet that could have killed her and now she has found the man of her dreams. The kisses that he laid on her lips made her feel like she was floating. Finn was everything the beautiful blonde had ever wished for in a man. He was supportive, caring, loving, and protective all at once. He made her feel like nothing could ever hurt her as long as she was in his arms. "Oh, Finn...I honestly don't know what I would have done if you weren't here helping me. I want to keep everyone safe but that's a lot easier said than done. But no I don't want to talk about what we have to do out there." She said looking over at the door. "Tonight is about us and our relationship..."

The word felt odd but strangely felt comforting after she said it. Her heart leaped into her chest as Finn stated she was his girlfriend. That they belonged to each other. "Finn I feel the exact same way. I couldn't imagine not having you next to me. I need you more than I can explain." Clarke kissed her boyfriend back softly. She placed her hand against the young man's chest feeling his heart beat underneath his shirt. She looked up into his eyes feelings nothing but love and admiration for her protector.

"I'm not sure if..." Clarke trailed off not sure if she should mention it. Considering she had never felt this way before with any man she knew she wanted to go through with it. Clarke took a deep breath before gathering the courage to ask Finn. She knew she was being silly because she had never felt awkward around him before. "Finn, I want you to be my first..." Her cheeks blushed a slight pink as she moved her body closer. Clarke pressed her chest against Finn's firm one and allowed her fingers to trail lower to his thigh. "If you did want to make love tonight how would you want it...what is your deepest desire?" She asked with as much seriousness as she could. She wanted this to be everything Finn had ever imagined.

"Don't worry about saying something that you truly want...the only thing I want is to make you happy." Clarke pushed the handsome man onto his back shimmying her body further down his. She unbuckled his jeans slowly never losing eye contact as she did. Her hand cupped the man gently as she waited for his answer. She could feel his length throbbing and grow in his pants.


Micah could feel his face growing hot as Bellamy continued to berate him in front of everyone. In his opinion, he hadn't done anything to warrant this kind of reaction from the larger man. Sure he broke one of the rules but he didn't endanger anyone and he was completely fine. There were no grounders to be found and he was by himself. Well, that was until Bellamy found him. Now his peace was disturbed because of one man who thought he owned Micah. "Sorry, I'm a little confused....who the hell are you to yell at me like that?" Micah stopped for a moment as he remembered who he was talking to. "I know that I shouldn't have left alone but I wanted to go out. I feel like we are still on the ark. The one thing I want in life is freedom. I thought I'd have that here. But you are just as bad as them up there."

Micah walked back towards the tree he stepped out from and grabbed his bag. He wanted to draw the things he had seen outside in case he wouldn't have a chance to see them again. He wasn't the best artist out there but he wanted something to remember them by. Particularly the butterfly. Micah had never seen anything so beautiful. Micah looked for the butterflies but they had disappeared. "You made them leave..." Micah said sadly as he felt sadness pull over him. "How am I going to draw them now..." He said softly to himself as he peered through the woods in search of the pretty creatures. Maybe he could come back at night and try to find them somehow.

Micah turned around and scowled at Bellamy feeling anger towards the man. They probably would have left on their own but seeing as Bellamy had distracted him he would misplace his anger. "Do you enjoy ruining things for everyone around you or is it simply just a talent that you possess?" He asked walking away in a huff. He realized as he started to walk that he didn't know exactly where he was.

Micah walked for another thirty seconds before sighing softly. He really didn't want to turn around and go back after leaving in a huff like that. Micah turned around his face flushed with embarrassment and irritation asked Bellamy. "Where are we? I think I need help getting back..." He asked not looking at him but behind him. He hated having to go back and ask him but he didn't want to be stranded all night.
It had been an enjoyable night so far. All Finn and Clarke did was cuddle and talk. It caught Finn off guard when Clarke said she wanted him to be her first, to make love with her tonight. There was something in Clarke’s tone that was revealing. She was acting rather submissive towards him, asking for his deepest desires. At first, Finn thought about not suggesting the kinkiest idea in his mind. However, the emotion shared between the couple along with these desires that have been brewing for so many years took precedence. Letting out a soft moan when Clarke lowered his jeans and cupped his cock, Finn decided to come clean about his fantasy.

“I hope you don’t find it weird, but I’m into bondage.” Finn started, taking a deep breath. “I want to tie you up. There’s some rope and duct tape in the bunker. I’d love to bind and gag you while we have sex.” Finn admitted, trying to remain neutral throughout in case Clarke thought it was strange. Besides, she was such a dominant person outside in the world. It made Finn wonder if she would want to take a submissive role in the bedroom. He did notice how she often sought his advice before making a choice so he thought it was possible, but Clarke was a leader of the camp.

He hoped the girl would enjoy the change in the bedroom. Now, Finn reached for her jeans as well, undoing the button and sliding them down her thighs. His right hand cupped her pussy against the girl’s underwear, his palm pressing against her outer labia as a couple fingers grazed over the entrance of her pussy. “I also have a foot fetish. I’d love to kiss and rub your feet while you’re tied up.” Finn knew that a foot fetish was possibly even stranger than a bondage fetish. He had found different books on the Ark that laid out explicit ideas for couples to use in the bedroom. He was rather fond of BDSM and foot play.

With his free hand, Finn began stroking his fingers through Clarke’s long, beautiful hair. “I want to tie your hands together behind your back, tie your ankles together, put a couple strips of tape over those pretty lips of yours, and use one of the scarves in the closet to blindfold you. I’ll play with you a while, kiss your feet, your breasts, spank you… and then I’d make love to you.” Finn whispered, obviously getting into his fantasies with his arousal growing against Clarke’s hand. Now, he leaned down to start kissing down her neck, hoping that his girlfriend would agree to his idea.


Even though Micah did not endanger anyone else in the group, Micah endangered himself. It was the equivalent to holding a gun to everyone’s head. When they first landed, Bellamy was possessive and protective over his sister for obvious reasons. As the days passed, that same nature spanned across everyone that was on board of that drop ship with him. Bellamy was protective over everyone. At this point, he cared most about Octavia though Micah was a close second. Anyone that threatened Micah would deal with Bellamy’s wrath. He cared for this man more than he liked to admit, that was why he felt so upset when he broke the rules.

When Micah responded, Bellamy acted almost insulted when he heard how Micah spoke. “Who am I to yell at you like that? I am the leader of this camp. I have to do everything I can to keep everyone safe. Everyone has rules to follow. If one person breaks them, then another will. You still have your freedom. Keeping you inside that camp is not keeping you imprisoned. It keeps you alive. You might have been alone, but you’re still putting yourself in danger. This is unacceptable.”

His voice was quieter than before, but it was still abrasive and harsh. He watched Micah walk away like he had a choice to leave Bellamy’s presence, so Bellamy followed him. When he stopped walking and admitted that he was lost, Bellamy wanted to smirk but he kept a neutral gaze. It was tough, though. The anger was being overrode by something else. Bellamy just thought it was so fucking cute when Micah blushed like this. Shaking his head quickly from those cobwebs, Bellamy formulated a proper response.

“I don’t ruin things, I keep everything together. Like now, I’m keeping you safe because you have no idea where you are. I will help you get back to camp. Since you’re here, you’ll stay with us while we hunt. You will stay where I can see you and that is not a debate. Understand?” This was said to Micah in a rush as they were walking back towards the others. Bellamy could not just stop the hunting because of Micah. Yet, he could not let Micah go on his own. It might have been dangerous to keep him within the group, but it was better than leaving Micah alone. Bellamy would assume to just leave the group with Micah than letting Micah wander off alone again. They soon rejoined the group and picked back up on the trail. “Do you at least have a knife on you?” Bellamy asked Micah, his voice now a whisper.
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