Depraved Tales of Love (F seeking M- rape, love, pregnancy and more!)

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Apr 1, 2012
Waiting to be amused.
Good evening Ladies and Gentleman! Boys and Girls! Welcome to Love's request thread! This is one of the many I have wrote over the years and I'm sure it will not be my last! This thread I am seeking out many different ideas and desires. I have recently gone through some real life hardships and I am seeking writing as an outlet for these personal pains like I used to. But before we jump into things, I'm going to give some info about myself as a write, what I'm seeking in my writing partner, and some general On's and Off's before getting into the meat of the thread, those all so wonderful plot bunnies.

A little about the writer: Hello, I'm Love, you can call me Margo if you like everyone else does. I have been writing since I was 12, and let me tell you that was a long time ago. Nearly 16 years ago, back in the stone age of dial up internet and AOL chat rooms....god, kill me now...I'll be 28 this July. Anyhoo! I started writing and roleplaying then and its only grown to me writing as my passion and hobby, which I write my own short stories outside of roleplaying thread sites and hope to publish some day. But, for fun this is my outlet. I am a literate writer that can write up to and above five paragraphs per post normally way more. I am seeking someone of the same literate level and desire to write, thank you. Also, I am friendly and love to chat and get to know my writing partner on a easy friend level.

A small list of On's.

*Pregnancy- This needs some follow up because I know a lot of people are not accepting of this kink, which is fine. But, I do like it to play some part in the story as it not something I partake of in real life. All my story ideas can be made to feature this, or not feature it, its not a big deal to me! Thank you.

*Non/con or starting Non/con- Moments in which a man who is normal shy or quiet (those book-worm types) show someone who's boss. You know what they say about the quiet ones.

*Good writing! I like someone who can challenge me in my writing!

*Incest! Mostly cousins or brother and sister.

*Sexual Play- Rough, hair pulling, choking, mouth fucking, ass fucking, pussy fucking or even something more calm and vanilla, all those things appeal to me. There is little I will say no to.

A small list of Off's
*No potty play, I don't wanna play with shit or piss thank you.
*No furries.
*No anime.
Really...that's about it.....


Male and Female stories. These range from romantic and vanilla to darker with more taboo things. Please remember you can take anything you like from the story and talk with me about it! I'm open to talk about my ideas to make it both our ideas!

Modern Lifestyles

*~*Cold Ground*~*


Story elements- Rape, mental instability, drugs, drinking, power struggles, pregnancy (optional)

Plot Bunny- He's always been known as a bad guy, having grown up in a rough home with a single mother and a father he could only find in bars. He had grown to be a rough young man with little to strive for in life. Drugs and drinking with his friends was normal, and selling drugs helped fund his apartment and lifestyle. Recently however, he had raped his druggie girlfriend when she wouldn't sleep with him and found that he really liked the high it gave him. Better than any drug through his veins. She of course quickly left and he hadn't heard from her since, not like he cared. But as he stands away from the rain under a tin stoop cover of his buddies apartment he saw a pretty young woman walking home in the near darkness. Tossing his cigarette away, he rushes her and yanks her into the alley. Raping her right there and threatening her. When he's finished, he takes her purse and bolts. Leaving her scared and wet...but not because of the rain. What is he to do when she approaches him a few weeks later in a coffee shop.

*~*Life's Cruel Joke*~*


Story Elements- Rape, Incest, pregnancy (optional)

Plot Bunny- He was what his family would consider and loser. He wasn't a lawyer or the owner of a company just like the rest of the men in his family. He had taken a more quiet lifestyle to being a artist, and it paid. His paintings went for lots of money, but it was something his family still frowned on. But, it made him happy. There was something else in life that made him very happy...his older sister. Who had grown into being a model and dancing at many high edge clubs in the city. His sister was beautiful in all the sense of the words, no one could compare to her in his mind. He had been touching himself to the thought of her since he was just a boy. Both of them hardly see each other anymore as they are both busy with their adult lives. But, over the Christmas holiday they come home to spend it with family. His sister is recently broken up with and seeking out home comforts. While her parents are out the house to go pick up their grandparents from the airport, she gets more than she bargained for in regards to “comforts” as her brother finally snaps and needs to get what he's thought of all his life.

*~*Thought I Was a Nobody*~*


Story Elements- Rape, breaking/domination, Pregnancy (optional)

Plot Bunny- He thought this was going to be the best job in the world, but really it had turned out to be the worst. A young man has made his way into the entertainment business and worked hard to get there. Working along side his uncle on helping Hollywood's biggest and best as personal assistant company. It was normal for him to work with many people of high standing. Till, his uncle signs him up with one of the hottest girls on the stage. He is signed on to be her personal assistant, but he finds her to be unbearable. She is mean, hateful, spoiled, and all around bitch. Till, he snaps and put her in her place. Turning this bossy and mouthy bitch into a sex kitten, but its their secret.

*~*Liqueur on Your Lips*~*


Story Elements- Crime life, mild rape, drugs, murder

Plot Bunny- She lives a boring life. There is no other way to say it. A young woman has lived her light of the straight and narrow from the time she was born. Her parents were overbearing of her and insisted she live every single moment by the books and she lived her life that way. Even though, deep inside of her, a part of her was breaking or already broken and she was hiding it from the world. She lives a happy little normal life, working as an editors assistant and a local magazine publisher and having the perfect fiance to add to her perfect white life. Keeping the lie hidden to even herself, she goes on about her life, doom to die this way. Till one evening, a friend of hers wants to go out on the town. Normally, she would decline to just stay home and read. But, someone possessed her to go out with her friend. They get to the overly crowded club, and being so pretty they didn't have to pay to get in...which already felt like breaking a thousand rules to the young woman. Cutting loose with her friend, they start to have a good time. Unknown to her, she is being watched. The owner of the club, as well as a few others, is watching her. He is a air arm and drug King Pin, born from a long line of mobsters, he is a true blood Gangster. He is slightly insane, and no one tells him no. He wants her. If he did believe the lie of Love at First Sight.....he felt it for her. She would be his, no matter what he had to do to get her.

*~*Fuck the Groupies*~*


Story Elements- Love, lust, drugs

Plot Bunny - Who doesn't love to live the life of a rock star?! For a young man that's been his dream since he was a little boy. Growing up with a really hard life, he worked his ass off to get where he was today. One of the worlds hottest super stars. He's sacrificed a lot, lost and gained friends, but mostly lost them. Drugs and drinking are his favorite things besides writing music. People love him and his voice have carried him far in life, and his awesome lyrics. But he is finding in his life, he may have everything but he is empty. Falling off the deep end of his self abuse of drugs and drinking, he gets a little to fucked up on night and loses his temper on a groupie. She flees from him, and the other band members restrain him to calm him which only pisses him off worse. Its only when his assistant, a lovely and stern woman is called and she comes in. He's been secretly in love with her for a long time.


Thank you for reading over my thread, please feel free to message me with of your own ideas or any of your own! I will be adding more stories within the next few days!!
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