The Dead or Alive Hallowed Manor (Faiyt, Lilly,Mo)

Kasumi darted past thickets in the vast forest where she was being chased by numerous members of the Mugen Tenshin clan. They all wanted to stop her from entering Daimyo Kiryu's territory, claiming that he was a dangerous and sadistic ruler. But Kasumi wanted to deal with him herself, without putting anyone in her clan in danger. The only one who would accompany her in this mission was her close ally Momiji, someone who she shared a strange relationship with. At times the two were considered lovers, then there were times where Kasumi would suffer beatings from the black-haired kunoichi and be forced to obey her every command.

Kasumi's long socks tore in various places as sharp thorns brushed against her legs as she continued to pace through the forest. Eventually, she found the end of the forest and through the opening she could immediately spot a bright light that seemed to be emanating from the Daimyo's mansion. Immediately, the kunoichi looked over her shoulder and gave Momiji a satisfied look. "I think we're finally here. Do you think we should barge in through the front, shrine maiden?"
"KASUMI!" She bops her beloved on the head. "I am no Shrine Maiden anymore... not after I slew Rachelle and her demonic essenence came to reside within me." She had cast aside her Shrine Maiden days. The woman now wearing a black mesh outfit with some fishnet leggings along her long legs. The top was like a leotard and it settled on her curvy figure so well. The sounds of the Mugen Tenshin pursuers was growing closer. But once they entered Lord Kiryu's territory. They would be safe... Lord Kiryu was head of a powerful Yakuza clan. Having existed since the time of the Shogunite's first foundation. Thus the Yakuza was greatly feared even by Mugen Tenshin.

The red light of the fenced in Manor could be seen. The woman grimaced and would tug Kasumi's hair. "No time... we are jumping the fence..." She said and with a firm tug of that long auburn hair. Then rather rudely takes her and swings her over the fence. Likely sending her landing in the lord's pool. But hopefully Kasumi could swim. Then, with great grace she would leap the fence using the chainlinks as foot holds and landed on the other side. "Sorry Sumi-chan...." Once they were passed the fence. The group of Yakuza guarding the door would come running. "What is the meaning of this?" One a heavily tattooed man with a pierced nose said. "We are the new servants of Lord Kiryu...and we have come to escape our pursuers in return our life for lord Kiryu, now get out there and keep them busy..." She grimaced, and sent the man scurrying to gather his troupes to go stop the Mugen Tenshi pursuit. Then she'd go over to the drenched kunoichi. "Sorry, was a flow of the moment...thing?" She held her hand out to pull the soggy ninja out.
Kiryu would come out upon responding to one of his men coming and telling him there was some Mugen Tenshi business brewing. He'd come out and would work with his men to clear the Mugen Patrols. The lord returning victoriously eventually. Then moved towards the pool area where the girls had been. "So, what you said is true is it?" The man said, his calm face looked upon them.

"Get her dried off, and have them come inside..."

One of his men turns and looks to the boss before bowing his head. "Yes sir."A few men brings them some towels to dry off the one that had been thrown to the pool.
Kasumi didn't even have time to gasp before the dark-haired kunoichi effortlessly tossed her over the fence and into Lord Kiryu's pool. Being submerged underwater was not anything new for an experienced ninja like her, even if she didn't fully appreciate her beloved just carelessly tossing her like a ragdoll. When she emerged from the water, her soggy hair had untied itself and draped down past her shoulders. The traditional blue kunoichi garb and white socks she wore had been soaked to the point that they barely covered her privates at all.

"It's fine, Momi-chan. It's not your fault, it's the demonic essence inside you that you have no control over." Kasumi cracked a low smile as she took a hold of the hand the tall kunoichi had offered her. "Still, I can't help but feel you enjoy moments like these." The soaked brunette ninja stood next to her partner using both hands to squeeze the water out of her hair as she watched Lord Kiryu make his appearance from the other side. "Yes, Lord Kiryu..." she nodded as she tied her hair into a side ponytail before looking towards Momiji at her side. Immediately, she pulled a string around her sash that dropped her entire to the pool floor leaving her naked frame exposed. Kasumi wrapped the towel around her lithe body. Once she was finished drying herself, with only a towel and her thigh-high socks to cover herself, she grabbed a hold of Momiji's arm and looked sternly at Lord Kiryu.

"Kiryu... Momiji, what do you both plan to do with my clan members were you to capture them?" Kasumi asked. Even though both her and Momiji were servants of Lord Kiryu now, she did still share a certain bond with Ayane and the rest of her former clan members, and she wanted to make sure they weren't going to come into any harm.
Momiji watched Lord Kiryu, and knew him well enough. Turning her gaze to Kasumi. Then she would calmly gaze at her. Seeing her get the point across that she was fine just stripping and then toweling off. "You must forgive me Kasumi for dragging you into this, you aiding me was what caused all this... I am so sorry..." She said, for once the Mugen Tenshi were not after Kasumi. They were after Momiji who had killed a beloved Ally of Ryu Hayabusa, and the fact was the only actual Mugen Tenshi ninja after them, as a violet haired girl who had been dragged into the midst of their talking. The girl was bound in chains her violet hair disheveled and she was blind folded, gagged and various other restraints were on her. For everyone knew Ayane's secret jutsu could bring down an entire complex if she were not restrained properly.

"Boss, this one was quite the fighter, she put two of our boys in the dirt... what you want us to do with him?" A rather roughed up Yakuza guy said holding the bit of rope.

Momiji looks to Kiryu... Then back to Kasumi. "Sorry Kasumi, she will likely be broken....she is an enemy of the Kazama clan... and... she is to be part of Lord Kiryu's collection... just like us.." She said turning to look at Kasumi offering a kind smile. "I hope you can forgive me, this cruel path is all that is left to girls like us." She said with a sad smile.
Kiryu looked at the two of them, and then the third his boys brought. Then shook his head slowly and softly. "Put her in the cell in the basement, no food and water... I will have them deal with her once I am bored with either of them." Kiryu said, and would snap his fingers. "Follow the both of you..."

He'd lead them into the lavish estate. It was clear the mansion was built to be luxurious. It was a mix of western and eastern. It even had an indoor garden and koi pond. The walk would split with his guards eventually who took Ayane down into the basement and would lock her away. "I hope you two really mean you will serve..." He would say and turns on his feet. "But first, let us have dinner... you two will be cooking..." He said, as he leads to the kitchen and points to the wall, a pair of naked aprons were the choice. "You will see the instructions on the fridge, if you can't cook up a fine feast for my men and I, then I will have you do something far less in your favor."
Kasumi immediately dropped to her knees when she saw the horrid sight of her sister Ayane being gagged and dragged by Kiryu's men. "Momiji, stop... you don't hav to do this." Kasumi held tightly onto the former shrine maiden's hand unwilling to let her go and do the dirty task Kiryu had expected her to do. "She may be of the Mugen Tenshin clan, but that is also my sister."

However, Kasumi's pleading was cut short by Kiryu's sudden order to have Ayane locked away in the basement. Wiping away the few tears that strolled down her cheek, Kasumi regathered her confidence and stood back up on her feet. At Kiryu's orders, Kasumi nodded and walked hand-in-hand with Momiji through the mansion.

Kiryu was an imposing man, but also refined. His decision for them to dine together despite being his servants showed that he was capable of being a gentleman. Kasumi only nodded to his order before taking the scanty apron from the wall and replacing her towel with the apron as the only cover for her body. As she pulled the note of instructions off the fridge, Kasumi turned towards the taller kunoichi and lightly wrapped both arms around her beloved. "I don't know what they will do to Ayane. But for now let's do our best to live up to Lord Kiryu's expectation, Momi-chan." she forced a smile before giving her beloved a light peck on the lips.
Once the girls were left in the kitchen. Momiji sighs. Then strips down and would apply herself as was to be expected. Then would read the instructions magnet held to the fridge. Then shakes her toned ass towards Kasumi and flashed a smile. Then when she felt the peck on the cheek she smirks. "Careful now Kasumi don't want to be caught grinding it out on the job do you? You know the demon in me could have me straight pin you down and we could grind till dinner time is over... but it would not be wise now would it?"

She offers a smile, before her hand went and cups Kasumi's ass and she leans in kissing her upon the lips. "But you look cute in that apron." She smiles before she gets to work on cutting up vegtables and everything that was required for the meal.
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