Looking for DC based Roleplays

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Mar 19, 2017
Hello everyone, and thank you for taking a moment to look at my page. Hopefully, if you are taking the time to look at this page than you are interested in superheroine roleplays. At the moment, I have a submissive side to me, so I am wanting to play a very strong willed heroine. I enjoy long detailed scenes, but unlike before I am not going to be so straight forward in laying out roleplays. I feel that is unfair creatively to my partner. Instead, I'll lay out a profile of the character I will be playing and hopefully find partners who can create fun detailed stories in which they lead me through with me on the edge of my seat.

  • Detailed writers who can post two to four paragraphs per post. Not a grammar freak, just please do not write your whole message like you are sending a short form text message.
  • 60% fun exciting story, 40% hot steaming smut
  • Sex of all kinds: rape, seduction, romance, one night stands, etc... There are just too many to name.
  • I want these plays to be fun, with scenes that make you laugh while others keep you on the edge of your seat. I can do anything from a light hearted Marvel Universe type setting to a Christopher Nolan Dark Knight setting but somewhere in between I think is perfect. Have the humor and fun while still having that hint of realism.
  • Sexual torture, sexual devices
  • Physical torture short of permanent loss of limbs unless first agreed upon. Death is included in this.
  • I write in third person, would prefer this but not a deal breaker.
  • Real life consequences for defeat: pregnancy, risk of pregnancy, drug addiction, enslavement, imprisonment, etc...
  • Heroine wins after a long struggle that seems hopeless
  • I use porn stars as my actresses, and will use photos of them during roleplays when situations meet available photos.
  • I think the best partners are partners who can play the world around me. I know that is unfair to ask but I love to come up with an idea and let someone else run with it while taking me for the ride.
  • Character's profiles are listed for the beginning of their career. They can be older depending on the story line.

All of my characters, with the exception of one, will be DC heroines who are either gender swapped or remain a female. I find female submission and defeat to be much more enjoyable. I will avoid origin plays but all of these characters will be early in their career.

  • Real Name: Brandy Wayne
  • Portrayed By: Tori Black
  • Occupation: CEO of Wayne Enterprises
  • Age: 27
  • Date of Birth: Fed. 19, 1990
  • Hometown: Gotham City, Pa
  • Current Location: Gotham City, Pa
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Relatives: Thomas Wayne - Father (Deceased), Martha Wayne - Mother (Deceased), Alfred Pennyworth - Adopted Father
  • Origin: Brandy Wayne witnessed the murder of her parents when she was only ten years old. Growing up with a troubled childhood, she found herself in trouble with the law throughout her teenage years for fighting, alcohol and narcotics along with her boyfriend Roman Sinois. When she was fifteen, she secretly gave birth to her and Roman's child, but gave the child up for adoption to a trusted friend, Jackson Michaels. Attending Yale, Brandy was kicked out of school but met Talon Al Ghul which took her to meet his father, Ras Al Ghul where she gained a new purpose in life; fighting injustice. Traveling the world over the next seven years, she would master everything she needed to become the world's greatest detective. Returning to Gotham City, she became The Batwoman with the help of Lucius Fox and Wayne Research and Development.
  • Powers: No meta human abilities but is in top physical condition along with an extremely high intellect and endless resources from Wayne Enterprises.
  • Weaknesses: Limited to the physical limitations of a human being. Emotional scarred from tragic events of her past which makes her react hasty to love one's being placed in harm's way.
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 120 lbs

  • Real Name: Clare Kent
  • Portrayed By: Alexis Texas
  • Occupation: Reporter, Daily Planet
  • Age: 31
  • Date of Birth: June 18, 1985 (date ship arrived on earth)
  • Hometown: Smallville, Kansas
  • Current Location: Metropolis, NY
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Relatives: Jonathan Kent - Father, Martha Kent - Mother
  • Origin: Having escaped Krypton right after Dheroian War and Brainiac's destruction of the planet, Kel-El arrived on Earth and was raised in Smallville, Kansas by Jonathan and Martha Kent. Early on, she showed her powers which was a closely guarded secret thought her father always knew she would be destined to change the world. Learning of her past through the ship which brought her to earth, she hid near the South Pole which lead to the creation of the Fortress of Solitude. Having attended college in Metropolis and recently started a job working for the Daily Planet, Clare has made a name for alter ego as Superwoman but stopping petty crimes. Lois Lane suspects something strange about Clare but has yet to realize her co-worker is actually the woman who saved her from a plane crash which happened 13 years ago when she was investigating miracles happening within Smallville.
  • Powers: Superhuman strength, superhuman speeds, flight, heat vision, superhuman breath, invulnerability, bulletproof skin, solar flare energy release (uncontrollably ability)
  • Weaknesses: Kryptonite, which was used in Kryptonian space travel engines, can weaken her to less than human strengths or death if prolonged exposure. Pink Kryptonite, which is used to make unruly women submissive to their Kryptonian husbands, can send her body into uncontrollable sexual urges with prolonged exposure leading to heart failure. Red Kryptonite can peak testosterone levels within her body, causing uncontrollable rages.
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 126 lbs

    • Real Name: Diana Prince
    • Portrayed By: Aletta Ocean
    • Occupation: Ambassador to Themyscira
    • Age: Approx. 5,000 years, appears 30
    • Date of Birth: Approx. 3,000 BC
    • Hometown: Themyscira
    • Current Location: Washington, D.C.
    • Relationship status: Taken by Steve Trevor
    • Relatives: Zeus - Father (deceased), Hippolyta - Mother (deceased)
    • Origin: Believed to have been formed from clay, Diana was actually the love child of Zeus and Hippolyta and was meant to be an unknown Olympian who could defeat Ares should he ever rise again. Being raised to be the greatest Amazon of all time, Diana was trained by every Amazon she could spare with. She was raised to be a warrior and to never trust the outside world, but showed her first true act of heroism when she saved her Amazon sisters from Hercules during Hercules' twelve labors. After Ares escapes Themyscira with the help of Circe and rogue Amazon Persephone, who would become Baroness Von Gunther, she was given her Wonder Woman famous Greek Armor and weapons as gifts from Hephaestus, Athena, Hermes and Zeus. Coming to man's world with Steve Trevor, Diana soon found herself falling for Steve and his charm while hunting down Ares and Baroness Von Gunther.
    • Powers: Superhuman strength, superhuman speed and reflexes, flight, invulnerability and healing factor
    • Weaknesses: Bracelets of Submission can weaken Diana to the levels of an average woman when her hands are bound together, Piercing weapons, Determination to fight can be manipulated until her body over gives out due to exhaustion.
    • Height: 5'8
    • Weight: 125 lbs

      • Real Name: Barbara Allen-West
      • Portrayed By: Nicole Aniston
      • Occupation: Forensic Scientist, Central City P.D.
      • Age: 29
      • Date of Birth: March 19, 1988
      • Hometown: Fallville, Iowa
      • Current Location: Central City, Ill.
      • Relationship status: Widow of Ireland Allen
      • Relatives: Henry Allen - Father (deceased), Nora Allen - Mother (deceased)
      • Origin: After witnessing a yellow blur kill his mother from a distance, Barb was forced to live with foster parents while his father was convicted of murder. Growing up with the soul drive purpose to prove his father innocence, Barbara became a forensic scientist out of college and started to work for the Central City Police Department. During this time, she met and fell in love with the son, Ireland West, of her Police Chief Joe West. One night while working in a lab, he was struck by lightning and was turned into a speedster while the rest of the city was effected by a partial blast from the Partial Accelerator at STAR Labs exploding. Now fighting crime throughout the city as The Flash, Barbara struggles to make her personal life, professional life and heroic life all mix together.
      • Powers: Links to the speed force allow Barbara to move at unimaginable high speeds. This allows her to phase through solid materials, create whirlwinds, generate enough force to knock Superwoman down with a punch along with Time and Dimensional travel. Her heighten metabolism results in a healing factor.
      • Weaknesses: Cold air or slick surfaces which can reduce friction, physical forms of attack which impact.
      • Height: 5'3
      • Weight: 125 lbs

        • Real Name: Haley Jordan
        • Portrayed By: Dani Daniels
        • Occupation: Pilot, United States Air Force
        • Age: 28
        • Date of Birth: Feb. 20, 1989
        • Hometown: Coast City, Ca.
        • Current Location: Coast City, Ca.
        • Relationship status: Homosexual relationship with Carrol Ferris
        • Relatives: Martin Jordan - Father (deceased), Jessica Jordan - Mother (deceased)
        • Origin: Haley witnessed her father's death in an experimental plane crash but retained his love for flying. Growing up a problem child, she resorted to partying and sleeping around as a way to pass time but she found a passion when she joined the Air Force at age 18. After being dishonorably discharged from the military, she went to work for Ferris Aircrafts as a test pilot where her plane was destroy near flight by the wreckage of Abin Sur's ship. Becoming a Green Lantern that day, Haley was taken to Oa and trained by some of the greatest Lantern's in history before returning home to serve as protector of Sector 2814.
        • Powers: Using her pure willpower, Haley is able to master and wield the greatest weapon in the universe; a Green Power ring. The constructs it can create are used for any possible situation, from protective shielding to physical attacks.
        • Weaknesses: The user of the ring must be able to see for the ring to work. If her will power is attacked or she was to doubt herself, it greatly weakens her ability to create constructs. Once the ring is removed, she is just an average human or if the ring needs to be recharged.
        • Height: 5'7
        • Weight: 120 lbs

        • LIBERTY STAR
          • Real Name: Zoe Michaels
          • Portrayed By: Kenize Reeves
          • Occupation: Student, Olympic Gymnast
          • Age: 16
          • Date of Birth: April 8, 2001
          • Hometown: Gotham City, Pa.
          • Current Location: Liberty City, Fl.
          • Relationship status: Engaged to Alexander O'Bryan (deceased)
          • Relatives: Jackson Michaels - Adopted Father (deceased), Marie Michaels - Adopted Mother, Roman Sinois - Father (deceased), Brandy Wayne - Mother
          • Origin: Zoe was the child of a fifteen year old Brandy Wayne, who gave her up for adoption to Marie Michaels and Jackson Michaels; old friends of Brandy's parents who could not have children. The adopted was kept secret, and Brandy's pregnancy was not public. Growing up an army brat, Zoe found stability in gymnastics as her lessons were secretly paid for by Alfred Pennyworth. At age 16, she went on to the Olympics to sweep the women's competition in gymnastics, winning 6 gold medals. Soon afterwards, she was shot along with her father Jackson by the rogue soldier, Justin Blazer. With his dying breath, Jackson injected a serum into Zoe's body which turned her into the perfect physical condition and set her on a path to be a heroine.
          • Powers: The serum granted her body tip top physical conditioning, allowing her the strength of ten men, quickness and speed of a jaguar, and a healing factor which allows her to survive most injuries. Also, being a trained world class gymnast, she is capable of many amazing agility feats.
          • Weaknesses: She does not have a kryptonite based weakness, but having watched her first love and father both murdered in front of her face; she has a big fear of loss. She can become very emotional, which leads her to trust anyone and become over naive.
          • Height: 4'10
          • Weight: 98 lbs

          • AQUA WOMAN
            • Real Name: Ariel Curry
            • Portrayed By: Brandi Love
            • Occupation: Queen of Atlantis
            • Age: 44
            • Date of Birth: Jan. 29, 1973
            • Hometown: Atlantis
            • Current Location: Atlantis
            • Relationship status: Single
            • Relatives: Tom Curry - Father (deceased), Atlanna - Mother (deceased)
            • Origin: Ariel was born as a half breed between her mother Atlanna and father Tom Curry. Her mother was exiled from Atlantis after a revolution by her son Orm which saw her husband, the King of Atlantis, murdered. Barely escaping with her life, Atlanna made a life among the land dwellers and had a child. Ariel was of royal blood and quickly showed her Atlantis traits. Growing up, she would become a world class swimmer but would not find out her true origin until her mother was killed by a hired assassin named Siren. Soon, Orm would send an army to kill his younger sister but she managed to escape with the help of loyal Atlantians who helped her lead a revolt against the king, and take her place as the rightful Queen of Atlantis.
            • Powers: Due to her Atlantian blood, Ariel has skin strong enough to with stand the pressure found at the bottom of the sea. She also possess super human strength, along with all five of her senses being heightened, she can also breath under water, along with a sixth sense which allows her to have telepathy with marine life. She can control water, turning it into a weapon or a tool to help her in any situation.
            • Weaknesses: Being an Atlantian, Aqua Woman must return to water after a period of time or her body will grow weak. If deprived of water long enough, she can die.
            • Height: 5'7
            • Weight: 125 lbs
RE: Looking for DC based Roleplays (NSFW)

Instead of your everyday bump... Here is Joker fucking Batgirl...

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