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Semper Fi's Male Character Request Thread

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Semper Fi

Aug 22, 2012

I'm Semper Fi, I've been here on BlueMoon almost a year and once again decided it's time to revamp my thread. I've been rping off and on for about 10 years now. I like to think I'm fairly literate. In the sense that I have a firm grasp on grammar and spelling; the English language in general. Of course, I'm not perfect and I do make mistakes. I can typically write 1-3 paragraphs, more if I'm inspired, rarely less than a solid paragraph. I'm always eager for people's suggestions, so don't be afraid to PM me your own ideas.

I am a female in real life but I have recently started to enjoy playing male characters on occasion.

My males are confident and lightly dominant. They can be pushy, possessive etc. but they will not be wildly dominant. I won't play any master/slave stories as the male.

Also I am still learning to write sex scenes as the male, so as a result I don't want any rps that are heavily focused on smut. I prefer plot driven partners.

I only play CONSENSUAL stories.
The Rules
> My F-List

> 1-4 Paragraphs is preferred, obviously you can post more, but I will admit it gets tiresome to read a wall of text for every post.

> Please use Spell Check. I won't jump down your throat about a few errors, I know I make them. But please at least spell check, I promise to do the same. I do reply in my iPhone almost exclusively so please understand sometimes I make mistakes more often than I'd like

> Text Speak is not allowed, the only exception is when two characters are texting/chatting online in an rp.

>PMs are my preferred method of roleplay. I can do threads, however I am a bit less motivated when it comes to them. IMs/Email are not an option.

> Plot is more important to me than sex. The plot should drive the rp and the sex should just be used to enhance the relationship between characters it should not drive the story. Quite honestly I don't care if there's any sex at all in the story. But I love romance. Typically I like at least 60 plot and 40 smut but I'll go al the way to 80 plot and 20 smut.

>I prefer playing character(s) that I have personally created. Except if we are rping a fandom, but even then, generally I prefer to use OCs. Exceptions can be made, if you ask nicely.

>I rp present or past tense and in third person. This won't change. All I ask of you, is that you rp in third person. The tense, I could care less about.

> I'm really not into rps that involve Magic, Wizards or the like. I have not read any HP books, nor seen any of the movies, that sort of thing just doesn't interest me. Maybe it could be a subtle part of the plot, but it can't be the driving force.

Plots & Pairings
My role on the left.

** Red I Really want to play**

• Cop x Cop
• Cop x Civilian
• Cop x Anything
• Firefighter x Anything
• Bodyguard x Client
• Shapeshifter x Human
• Shapeshifter x Shapeshifter
• Vampire x Human
• Vampire x Vampire
• Hybrid x Human
• Hybrid x Shapeshifter
• Hybrid x Vampire

Ages: 25-35
Relationship: M/F
Plot vs. Smut: Negotiable

Listen to the song "We Danced" by Brad Paisley. I think the first part, when the couple first meet, is cute and I thought it might be a cute start to an rp. Though of course it needs more plot, but that's all I got so far. It might be a good rp, to just "Go with the Flow" and see what happens.[\spoiler]

Ages: Late Twenties

So my character is a paramedic, and yours has just been in some sort of attack, whether she got shot, stabbed or beat is up for debate. My character and his partner respond and care for her, taking her to the hospital, and for whatever reason, my character comes back after shift to check on her, and continues to check on her in the following days, maybe she has no friends or family. This would be a bit more of a sweet romantic story, with them falling in love and such.[\spoiler]

Ages: 26-35

My character works for a private security firm who trains usually ex-soldiers and loans them out as bodyguards for anyone who can pay the high price to have one. He works with the K9 unit, so in addition to himself and his training he has a trained German Shepherd who works with him. Your character can be basically whoever you want, CEO, CEO's daughter, someone important visiting from another country, or going to a another country, be creative.[\spoiler]

Ages: 17-19

SHe would becoming out there against her will, her parents sent her. SHe's suppose to only be there for the summer, for an attitude adjustment. His uncle runs the farm, and is friends with the city kid's parents. His uncle decides to have his nephew keep and eye on the city kid, keep an eye on her on the Montana ranch.[\spoiler]

Suggestions Welcome! PM me :)[\Center]
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