This is a Gym, Right? (WhitePitch X Kaybee)


Nov 18, 2015
It was the middle of Autumn and as the wind blew a trainer entered the town, ready to take on the Laverre Gym Leader and reach his goal of becoming champion. Calem was his name and he was eager to fight his way to the top. "You ready Chesnaught?" he states as he looks behind him to his large grass type Pokemon. Chesnaught smiled as he grinned and raised his arms. "Ches! Naught!" he roared out as he smiled at his trainer. It was only a few days ago since Quilladen evolved into Chesnaught and today he wanted to test his might against new trainers and new Pokemon.

Calem laughed a bit at his companion's enthusiasm as they walked to the nearest Pokemon center. He opened his PC and withdrew His Talonflame, his Duelblade and his Charmeleon."Now we're ready to go." He states as he puts the poke-balls into his bag. He turns around and walks out of the Pokemon center and heads down the road to they gym, as he walks he sees guy trainers with grins and flustered faces walk past him from the gym. "What the? I thought this gym was a fairy type gym. Not a poison type one." he states with a puzzled look on his face. He shakes his head to rid his head of worry before he opens the front door as Chesnaught and him walk into the gym, ready for a battle.
RE: This is a Gym, Right?

It certainly looked like a fairy gym too as Calem stepped inside as well. Pristine white marble with pillars and gilt, a red and gold carpet, and a trio of green circles, one to the left one to the right, and one in the dead centre of the room. The central circle did nothing when stepped on, even though it looked like a warp pad, but the left and right ones both activated the moment he planted his feet, twisting him into another room. Each of the rooms was like a dollhouse almost, and further reinforced the fairy aspect of the gym. Cute curtains, vibrant and pastel color palletes, lots of whites and pinks and purples and warm earthen tones.

It was all kept pretty spotlessly clean too it looked like, not at all like a poison gym...

Then he reached a room of crimson and gold, and unlike the first rooms, this one had a trainer in it, a girl Calem could be fairly certain he might have seen before in a distinctive black and red dress "Oh, another 'challenger'?" She winked at him with a sly grin. "My name's Kali, and you'll have to satisfy me first before you can hope to face our leader." A pokeball was produced from one broad sleeve and thrown eagerly. "Go Dedenne!"
RE: This is a Gym, Right?

Calem was in aw as he meet eyes with the girl. Her hair was silky black and her skin had a smooth look to it as he stared at her entrancing beauty. Her smile made him blush and his heart race, but he shook his head again to rid himself of any distracting feelings. "I'll battle you with everything I've got." he states as he throws out his pokeball. "Burn them up Talonflame!" He smiles as his fiery red falcon Pokemon takes to the air, leaving cinders in her path. " Calem looks around him and starts to show a bit of caution. The room they are in may be big but it still doesn't give his Talonflame room to execute certain moves or to fly at her best. "I guess I should have thought this out more." he smiles as he mumbles to himself. He holds his head down and tips his hat as if showing frustration, but as he looks up at her he chuckles gives a small grin. "Whelp, no one said this was gonna be easy now did they?"

Talonflame takes to the ceiling, circling around the Dedenne. "Brave Bird! Lets go!" Calem states right before a red streak plows right into the small electric Pokemon. "I'll show you what a winner looks like." he smirks, tipping off his hat.
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