Raven's Information Gathering (Shadowkiller x WillowRose)

May 30, 2012
Rhode Island
In Jump City a new threat started to enter its way onto the street. A new drug that was highly addictive but also highly destructive as the users would get temporary increase in their strength and grow more aggressive. The Teen Titans were able to connect the drug to Bane but could not find where they have been storing the drug as well as how they were getting it into the city without anyone noticing. Luckily for the Titans of the the members of Bane's ring was being mistreated by the higher members and wanted to make them pay. So he sent the Titans a message that he would give them the next shipment of the drug coming in that would allow them to round up the entire ring. But he would only give it to the female members of the team in a location of his choosing that was a motel that was slightly outside of the city limits where he knew that the other members would not find him.

John was a little shaken as he waited at the motel to see if the Titans would take up his offer. If they did not he risked his life for nothing to be here to talk to them. He would go to the bed or the room and look under the pillow where he placed a hand gun just in case one of the members of the ring found out about his meeting and needed to defend himself. He would then return to pacing the room as he waited.
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