A Harem-esque Roleplay - Seeking Male

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Mar 13, 2017
I enjoy playing roleplays with multiple characters centered around
yours. I am looking for one roleplay partner who can both accommodate
me in this, and be enthused about it, lol.
PM me if interested, and thanks for reading!

For this particular harem-esque request
I present to you the Kingdom of


Estvia has
A King who rules
A bitter Queen
A cruel Prince
Two twin Princesses in their prime
A sensual Harem of 8
An over-zealous Priestess
A mysterious Advisor
A court of reckless lords
A court of snooty ladies
A host of servants
A handful of slaves
and a slew of others


I already have conflicts, drama, and individual struggles
happening between all of these characters listed above.
Yes, I am that good.

Your foremost goal is to play your character amongst their
ranks to achieve an ultimate outcome. Your primary objective
will be to set your rogue character up as King of Estvia.
up secondary, ulterior, and personal goals along the way is
highly encouraged as well.

Let's not make this complicated.
This is a structured roleplay within a sandbox environment.
You meet who you want to, talk to who you want to,
fashion relationships with who you want to, learn
what you want to learn, and make decisions according
to what pleases you in the game. You may meet all
of the characters listed above, or you may only meet
a few of them. It is entirely up to how things flow.
But your goal must be clear,
and you must work towards your goal.

I am all about sex, too.
And I do not carry myself above smut, either.
Some characters only exist to be used and abused.

This is what I require from you:
* 2 - 5 healthy paragraphs per post.
* no less then 1 post per week.
* BMR threads only, please.
no pm, no im, no email, no kik
* An interest to immerse yourself into the
potential relationships and play my 'game'.
I will sniff you out real quickly and dump
you if it is obvious you only want to take
advantage of my harem, and not make
an effort to allow a story to develop.
* Your character/s must be male.
* Your character will not succeed if you
only play a submissive personality. The
drama and conflicts existing in this particular
roleplay set-up is best paired with switch or
dominant minds.
* You must be ok with ALL gender pairings;
m/f, f/f, m/m. I will NOT compromise on this.
Do not even ask me to compromise, or try and
be sneaky and force yourself around my

You can pick one of these roles (up to two) to
start yourself off in Estvia and get your feet wet.

The Ambassador
You have traveled to Estvia to straighten out some
estranged political morals and practices between your
home kingdom and the kingdom of Estvia

The Researcher
There is not much literature or knowledge on Estvia
for the rest of the world to learn from. You have been
permitted to stay in the palace and collect your
findings into a volume, soon to be published.

The Teacher
You have been invited to stay in the palace and
teach the nobility a variety of general studies
including world history, world geology, world
religions, world relations, and world cultures.

The Honorable Guest
The Prince feels indebted towards you after
a freak accident which resulted in you saving
his life. He has invited you to stay in the palace.

The Vacationing Lord
You are a rich noble lord from another kingdom
who has decided to get away from home and
indulge yourself with the secluded luxuries and
beauties of Estvia.

The Visiting Prince
You are a Prince from another kingdom who
is visiting Estvia in attempts to strengthen relations
with them.
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