The Supers (greenandgold x john kanto)

John Kanto

Mar 8, 2017
Barry Allen glanced over at Cisco, "Something up?" Cisco had a bemused look on his face. "I don't know, but seems Supergirl needs your help. The transmission was pretty garbled." Barry looked surprised. He did not think there was much that Kara could not handle on her own. "Cisco, can you ask them to resend?" Cisco shook his head, "I tried, twice. No response."

In a blur of motion Barry donned his uniform. "Cisco, open a portal for me. If Kara needs help I gotta go see what I can do." Cisco got up concentrated for a moment. The portal opened and The Flash sped thru.

Upon emerging he saw a city that looked like it was going thru a war. There were wrecked buildings, fires and the sound of people crying for help. Flash saw a familiar blue and red figure speeding overhead. He shouted out to her, "Supergirl!!" He waved as she looked down towards him.
National City was filled with wrecked buildings, some buildings on fire, several car crashes and a train that had been about to fall off a set of tracks, until she had stopped it. Kara flew around the city as quickly as she could, trying to be everywhere at once and help as many people as possible. It was too much for her to handle, though, and so she had tried to send a message to Barry Allen on Earth-1, to ask for his help. Relief spread through her when she heard someone call her name as she was flying to another scene of people who needed her help. She looked down and saw Barry Allen, aka, The Flash and flew down to greet him.

"Thanks for coming," She said and gave him a quick smile. "I could use your help. There's some people trapped in the apartment building," Kara said and motioned to the building that was across the street from them. "Can you clear the building of people on the lower floors, while I clear out everyone from the higher floors of the building?" All of this was said in a rush, as she didn't want to waste too much time talking, when people were in trouble.
Barry grinned as the blonde Kryptonian landed in front him. "Glad to be of service." he looked over at the building Kara had indicated, "I'm on it Supergirl." Barry took off, the lightening flashing around him as he sped to the building. Phasing through the wall he picked up an unconcious woman, turned and was outside in the blink of an eye lying the woman on the ground. He repeated this process again and again, methodically emptying the building of victims and potential victims.

He met Kara in the middle of the building. "We are clear below, anyone left above?" He felt the building shake, "we need to move Supergirl, this building is going to collapse."
As soon as Barry agreed and took off, Kara flew off with a whoosh sound. She broke one of the windows with an elbow and went inside, helping to get out the people who were waiting to be rescued. Constantly flying in and out of the building, placing people carefully on the ground and going to get more people. Eventually, Kara figured that she and Barry were done when they met each other in the middle of the building. "I think that I got everyone," she said and then paused when the building shook and another scream sounded. "Get out of here, I'll take care of it."

She flew off in the direction the scream had come in, and came across a woman trapped under a huge pole that went from the ceiling to the ground, that was in the woman's stomach. Kara cringed as she tried to decide how to handle the situation. The building was about to collapse and this woman needed medical help, badly. With feelings of worry and regret, she
flew across the room to where the woman was, used her strength and ripped the pole out of the ceiling. The woman screamed at the pain, but at least Kara could now get her out of
the building.

With the pole still sticking out of the woman's stomach, she carried the woman and flew out of the window, just as the apartment building collapsed to the ground. Kara made it to the ground and safely set the woman down. "Is there a paramedic around? Or can someone call 911? We need some help here!"
Barry watched as Kara carried the last victim to the ground. He heard her call for help but there was no one available. His lips tightened, he knew the woman would not survive unless she got to a hospital. "Supergirl, give her to me, I can get her to the hospital in time." The lightening flashed in his eyes as he prepared to take off.
Kara nodded and carefully picked up the woman again. She set the woman gently in Barry's arms. "Be careful, Flash." She said and quickly told him the directions to the nearest hospital. Once Kara had told Barry where the hospital was, she started to check on the other people that had been rescued from the building. After a few minutes and finding out that most were okay, but shaken, she flew off to the hospital after Barry and the woman. Her worry clear on her face.
He nodded to Supergirl as he took the woman into his arms. He ran as fast as he could. Anyone who saw them would have seen only a red blur with lightening flashing behind the blur. As he made the first turn he saw another building come crashing down. He made a hard right then left as he dodged falling debris. 'What is causing all this destruction?' Barry wondered. As he sped along he heard laughter and an explosion off to the left. Something was bad wrong in this world. But first things first. Flash came to a stop inside the emergency room, People stopped and stared as he laid the woman down on a cot and called for a doctor. Stepping outside he saw Supergirl flying towards him.
Kara landed on the ground and walked over to Barry. "Did you and the woman make it here okay?" She asked, even as her glance darted around. There was laughter, and her eyes sought the source of it. More aliens had come to this earth and were tearing Central City apart. Kara had called in at CatCo, as she had no chance to go into work. She had been flying around all day stopping one disaster after another. Always one step behind the aliens she was trying to catch.
Barry nodded, "Yes, the doctors are with her now." Looking around then back to Kara, "What has happened here?' He heard that laughter again. "What is that?" He asked. He was begining to wonder if he should have brought Green Arrow and Kid Flash with him.
"More aliens are here from Krypton. They broke out of the prison there, and are terrorizing and destroying this earth now that they're free. I've been flying around all day cleaning up one mess after another," Kara explained as she turned back to him.
"That's not good." His eyes moved over Supergirls form before forcing himself to turn his gaze to the city. "Seems we need to get the aliens back in prison. Any ideas on how?" He heard more explosions in the distance.
"A few, but they're not pleasant. Especially for them. We just have to kick their butt's until they give up....." That was easier said than done and both Barry and Kara spent the next 3 hours rounding up the aliens and helping civilians, before they finally got help from the DEO and the escaped aliens were locked up. Once that was taken care of and she and Barry
were both debriefed by Alex, Kara suggested that they go back to her place. "I was thinking that we can celebrate a job well done. Dinner, on me? How does pizza sound? I usually
order two, but I'm sure you eat more than that. So, maybe 5?"
Barry grinned, "It's a date!" He stepped towards her, "Oh, um..might want to make that 6". He gave her a lopsided smile.

Late at Kara's place. Barry took a sip of the cold beer. Alcohol had no effect on him, his metabolism burned it off too quickly. Though he did enjoy the taste of a good brew. They sat close together on the sofa. They had spent most of dinner catching up on what they had both been doing since their last meeting. He had changed into jeans and a red and black golf shirt. He turned to face her, "I have missed you Kara." Deciding to take a chance he leaned in to kiss her. His lips pressed lightly against hers at first.
"6 pizzas it is," Kara said and smiled back.

Later that night she and Barry were relaxing at her place. They had pizzas and beer and were enjoying each other's company as they caught up on what was going on with each other. "I missed you too, Barry." She said and smiled. Kara was surprised but pleased when Barry kissed her. She immediately kissed him back. One of her hands moved to the back of his neck, cupping it as they kissed.
greenandgold said:
"6 pizzas it is," Kara said and smiled back.

Later that night she and Barry were relaxing at her place. They had pizzas and beer and were enjoying each other's company as they caught up on what was going on with each other. "I missed you too, Barry." She said and smiled. Kara was surprised but pleased when Barry kissed her. She immediately kissed him back. One of her hands moved to the back of his neck, cupping it as they kissed.

Barry's lips parted as he deepened the kiss. Leaning into Kara and pushing her back onto the sofa. His arms moving around her body. Lifting his head he looked into her eyes. "Wanted to do that ever since I first met you." he whispered. He kissed her again, his tongue delving in to taste hers.
Kara eagerly kissed Barry back. She let him push her back into the sofa, sighing against his lips as they continued to kiss. She felt his arms slip around her and when he lifted his head, their eyes met. "I feel the same way." Kara moaned softly when Barry's tongue entered her mouth and they tangled together.
Barry held the kiss, making it a long, slow sensous affair. Their tongues dancing together. He finally broke the kiss as he started to unbutton her top. sliding it off of her shouders. Smiling he leaned in to kiss her softly. His lips drifted down her jawline to the side of her neck, then down to her collarbone. Reaching behind her he unsnapped her bra, slipping it off of her and letting it drop to the floor. he continued kissing and licking as he worked his way to her right breast.
Kara smiled at Barry when he broke the kiss. The smile turned into a smirk as she watched him unbutton her shirt and slid it off her shoulders. "I bet that you've never done this with an alien before," She said and then laughed softly. He kissed her once more, and she moaned as his lips moved to her jawline, then the side of her neck, and her collarbone. A blush covered Kara's cheeks and neck when Barry took off her bra, exposing her large breasts. She moved a hand behind his head as he licked and sucked on her right breast, moaning at the feel of his mouth on her skin.
His mouth sealed around her right nipple, suckling deeply on it. He moved to the large left breast. His hands moved to her jeans undoing the buttons.

He smiled, "No I never have done this with an alien." He slid her jeans and panties down her long, toned legs. Letting them drop to the floor. "I promise I will not be the fastest man alive tonight." He kissed Kara deeply as then began to strip off his own clothing.
Kara moaned as his mouth went around her right nipple and started to suck it. Hips lips did wonderful things to her. When Barry moved to her left breast and began to suck that nipple, she cupped his head and pushed it against her breast, pushing both of her breasts together so they were both in his face. She felt his hands move to her jeans and as he undid the buttons and slid them down, Kara smirked at his words. "There's a first time for everything." Once her jeans were off, she pressed her body against his. His next words had her nodding. "Good. Otherwise you'll miss out on something you might never get again." She kissed him back when he kissed her, rubbing her tongue against his, and moving a hand between them, to stroke Barry gently. Her hand slipped around his cock and Kara stroked him.
Barry gasped softly at the feel of Kara's hand on his manhood. His hand moved slowly down the plane of Kara's belly, the fingertips lightly sliding over her smooth skin. When he reached her sex Barry ran his fingertips over the tender petals of her sex, exploring and teasing as he went. He looked into Kara's blue eyes as he slid a fingertip just inside her slit moving slowly up and down it.
Kara smiled at the sound of Barry's gasp. She kept moving her hand on him, leaning in to kiss him as she worked his cock. A small moan left her own lips at the feel of his hand on her. His finger slipped inside of her and she clutched his body against hers, needing more. "Barry," She moaned his name as they touched each other. Kara moved her other hand to fondle his balls, and as they enjoyed each other, the kissed turned rough and she loved it.
Barry's finger stroked into Kara's slit, exploring the smooth, wet walls. He returned her fierce kiss, his tongue wrestling with hers. Barry moaned into the kiss when Kara started to fondle his balls. "God...Kara." Barry's finger moved up to Kara's clit. His finger moved around it in a tight circle, then rubbing it back and forth. Barry placed his forefinger and middle finger on either side of Kara's clit. He smiled down at her as he caused the fingers to vibrate.
Kara moaned against Barry's lips as his fingers vibrated quickly against her, driving her crazy. After a few moments, she moved his hand away from her and pulled his body on top of hers, kissing him again as their skin brushed each other's. "Condoms. Top drawer, bedside table." She whispered the words against Barry's lips, knowing that he'd use his speed to get them and return to her quickly. Kara remained where she was, as she waited for Barry to return with the condoms. They both wanted this, and she was more than ready for what was about to happen.
Barry heard what Kara said . He moved so quickly, getting the condom, putting it on and back into position again, it appeared to happen in the blink of an eye. Barry kissed Kara again, his tongue delving in to taste hers. He slid the head of his shaft up and down her wet slit. He sighed in pleasure as he slowly pushed into her. "God..Kara." he moaned. He set up a slow steady rythym, pulling back till just his cock head was in then sliding back in slowly. Barry looked down into her Kara's blue eyes and smiled before kissing her again.
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