Creature Roleplay

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Feb 12, 2017
I'm looking for someone who could play a mythological/supernatural creature. I mean that in the sense like werewolf, satyr, incubus, vampire, etc. You could be any creature that you want to be including fictional races and creatures from sci-fi, video games, etc. You MUST have good grammar and be fairly detailed. Please do not post just lines of dialogue without any actions and do not post very short replies. I only do third person and I would prefer this to be sexual with good build up. My description will be the same as my OC (original character) and that is: 20 years old with black hair that reaches just passed the nape of the her neck in choppy layers with a small braid on the left side of her bangs at the side of her face, orange eyes (the right one being blind and fogged over, but pretty much scarred closed) with a scar going from above her right brow, over her eye, and passed the right corner of her lips, a slim and toned build with a fairly large bust and ass, tanned skin since she's half Native American, 5'10, prosthetic left arm from shoulder and right leg at mid-thigh. She will also be a werewolf that can change form at will has a full wolf form and a hybrid form. The full form will be the size of a Great Dane and the hybrid form will be 7' tall. Her fur will be pitch black like her hair and her only eye will glow whenever she's in her full or hybrid form. The prosthetic limbs also change form to fit with whichever form she take. A few more things: I will not tolerate god-modding, I like it rough with some angry sexual tension with hair pulling, biting, and scratching, and I don't do master/slave. If you're interested, PM me!
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