Legend of Zelda Rp [ Ganon x Fem. Link]

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Feb 19, 2016
Hello everyone,

As the name of my thread would indicate, I'm looking for specifically a Legend of Zelda roleplay. In the past I've done many other Rps, but this is one I've really wanted to do for some time, and been unable to find a partner for, so I figured I would try my luck on here.

As far as rules are concerned, I don't have many. They consist of:
  • Be at least semi-literate, where you're able to string together a few paragraphs and I'm not left trying to decipher through a mountain of typos. Quality over quantity, but I would like at least a paragraph a post.
  • Try to reply at least once a day, although myself, I will reply multiple times throughout the day, normally.
  • I'm fine with contacting anywhere but a thread. Pm, email, IM. My personal favorite is PM, but just let me know what you prefer.
  • If you realize you want us to finish up early, even though I posted this under Long-term, I'm fine with that. Just please don't leave me halfway through our Rp with no warning, that breaks my heart every time. I'd rather have you just tell me that you're done, or that you're too busy than have me waiting for weeks, wondering if I did something wrong. I will show you the same courtesy.

For kinks, I enjoy most, only ones that I don't enjoy are:

-Bathroom Play (peeing, pooping, throwing up, etc.)
-Cutting/Bleeding (With this being Ganondorf, I'm sure like once or twice would be fine, but I'm not into that ALL the time)

Other than that, I'm pretty open-minded, and if there are any in particular you want me to incorporate into our Rp, just let me know. I want us to both be enjoying the story.

For the plot, I have a basic premise:

Link has been reborn as a female version of the Hero of Time in this lifetime; and while she might not know why, she doesn't expect this lifetime to end any differently than all the previous ones have. With Ganondorf wanting power, and going crazy in the process of achieving it. This always leads to thousands of innocent deaths, on both the Gerudo and Hyrulian side. She wants to try to prevent this bloodshed, so she wants to talk to Ganondorf before his descent into madness and strike some sort of deal with him to prevent the needless bloodshed.

We can, of course, change anything you have an issue with. Again, just let me know, I won't bite your heads off. :)

Setting: This is a new reincarnate of Link, so it's not exact, but I tend to base the premise of the setting on Ocarina of Time, without the Ocarina or time-skips or anything. Just the setting. Hyrule town, castle, Ganondorf being the King of the Gerudos prior to him going mad, etc. The only difference, is I imagine a town, similar to Twilight Princess, where Link lives, seeing as she couldn't be living with the Kokiri Village in this version, since there was no doubt about her not being a Kokiri.

Alright, I think I addressed everything that needed to be, but if I missed anything and you have any questions, just give me a shout. Either on here, or on PM. Hope to hear from you soon! :D
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