Rebirth of a Goddess [F x M]

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Mar 1, 2017

You have my thanks for taking the time to read this! I'm looking for someone to play a sort of human x goddess prompt with me, with more elements of romance, action, adventure and whatnot to keep the RP going for a good while.~

Before I get into the details with the story involved with this RP, I'm going to have a brief go over of my rules.

1. Don't message me every freaking hour asking if I got the RP or not. I'm perfectly fine if you're sending me messages just wanting to chat, but I'm a full-time student looking for a job, I can't be on here all the time.

2. And on that note, if I don't respond in about 3-4 days, please check back in on me to inquire about the reply's progress. Sometimes I get so busy I end up forgetting about some of my partners, so shooting me a PM every once in a while is a good way to keep me from seemingly flaking out on you. (Not to mention having ADD doesn't help me in this regard, so forgive me... u_u)

3. Please write at least 1-2 paragraphs per reply! This is long-term, not something completely sex driven, so I want some more involvement with not only our character's interactions, but the world around them as well. Sometimes writing 1 paragraph is fine if you have writer's block - I can understand, but don't constantly write just a single paragraph!

4. I can RP over PMs or threads, that's really up to my partner.​


Anyways, now let's get to the good stuff!

It's been several years since the final battles against the demons, and despite the fact that humanity had teamed up with the angels of heaven... victory was only barely snagged out of the hopeless situation. Practically all of the crusaders and angels in the battle had their souls sucked down to the pits of hell, save for one man - or so the rumor goes. But the door to the underworld has been nudged open thanks to his hesitance to kill the previous gateway, and now demons are seeping out into the world, corrupting any human they can get their hands on in order to drag more souls to hell.

Only an inkling of a prophecy remains; that the last crusader will awaken the goddess who will purge the demons and shut away hell for good.

My Character is a reclusive 'witch', living deep in the mountains away from the kingdoms to avoid the eyes of society, spending her days practicing magic and whiling away her time in the wintery environment. However, one day after discovering the remains of some eviscerated demon-possessed humans, she ends up meeting Your Character... The last 'knight' from the Crusades, who'd been relatively injured during the vicious fight against the corrupted humans. So MC takes him in, healing him, and eventually offers to escort YC across/back down the mountains - as she knows the shortcuts from living up there so long.

However, the demons seem to be ramping up their attacks more and more the closer they get to the bottom of the mountain, as it soon becomes apparent that there may be a bit more to MC than first impression might imply...


This is just the basic prompt of the roleplay, so if you do message me we can still discuss anything we want to add/change to it! And we'll talk kinks over PM as well while we're planning, I've found it's far easier to exchange what we like/dislike instead of reading it off a thread.

But seriously, if you want to do this, just hit me up! I don't bite!​

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