A few fandom requests

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Nov 27, 2016
Hello my name is Lucy and I have a few requests for role plays and I will be listing them down below but before I do that here are some of my rules and I do hope you follow them.

1. I only use Pm
2. No controlling my characters
3. if there is any kink I am not comfortable with then I will not be doing it
4. real life comes first , that means I sometimes I might be away and you might be away so its agreed we will both understand and wait but please never walk away from the story without at the very least telling me why because its really rude.


1. (The End Of Hyrule) (Legend Of Zelda)


"We along the gates and saw nothing but ash and flames along the forest leading to the main gates , our princess on the ground slayed and our hero gone never to be seen again. The people who did this were cold hearted and only had cruel thoughts in there hearts , There was almost nothing left and thousands were now homeless and broke. The only thing that remained was a powerful item known as the Triforce and while it looked broken from the inside I could hear it calling out and seeking a new hero , the day of our suffering is about to end I can feel it."

2. (Finale Fantasy The Tale Of The Dark Dragon)

"For many years stories have been passed down from generation to generation detailing a great beast that has killed many knights and warriors but has never been caught. rumors have been spread saying that killing this beast will bring you one wish that can be made for anything you want and this has of course made people more eager then ever to be the first to slay it and among them is a man named Richard More a magic user who is known worldwide his studies of dragons and other beasts has been well known and has such he is a very rich man who has sent out a letter to every remaining knight warrior mage and everyone else who calls themselves a fighter to come and work for him to bring him this beast so that he may get his wish granted and in return to the person who does defeat it he promises great riches beyond there wildest dreams but this will be no easy task as hunters from far and wide have come to answer the call and now its an all out fight to see who can do it first........ good luck.

Those two are plots that I have long term plans for and if you wanna help me with them and be my partner messge me and I will get back to you so thanks for reading and have a nice day.
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