Old Man LOGAN Idea [2017 film -MAJOR- SPOILERS!]

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Feb 26, 2013

I just watched LOGAN in theatres and it blew my freaking mind.
It's now my all-time favorite Wolverine/X-Men film. It's also the most realistic representation of what a world with mutant evolution would look like if it existed in modern times.

The premise, plot, and detailed summary of the film:
(Not necessary to read)
The film is set in a mild dystopian near-future, in year 2029. The film depicts the world was relatively the same, with the exception of some small technological features and medical advances in genetics and biology. Advances include cybernetics, cloning, and genetic modification (including "test-tube" babies). Mutants have dwindled dramatically in numbers, with an evolutionary halt stemming from a complete lack of mutant birth in over 25 years.

Of the famous and primary X-Men, only Logan (Wolverine) and Charles Xavier (Professor X) remain alive. However, both mutants have grown old and sick, with Professor X suffering from a degenerate brain disease causing lethal telekinetic seizures. Charles is deemed by the government a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" after a terrible seizure caused Charles to emit a deadly wave of agonizing telekinetic attacks that lead to the death of several X-Men, and caused over 600 injuries. Although the incident happened over a year ago, Logan does not wish to see Charles suffer from the guilt of his seizure. He opts to sedate Charles using a cocktail of medication in order to suppress his memory of the events. Additionally, he keeps Charles locked in a water tank in order to shield him from the world.

Similarly, Logan is dying, as the adamantium covering his entire skeletal system is slowly poisoning him. The toxicity of the chemicals has lead to a compromised immune system and in his regenerative ability. This has left him aged, weak, and hopeless. Despite his ailments, Logan doesn't seek treatment, as he no longer has the will or desire to live and contemplates taking his own life by shooting himself in the head with an adamantium bullet. Despite depression, a drinking problem, and a weakening physical state, Logan scrapes together a living by driving a Cadillac limousine in the city.

One rainy day while on the job, a Spanish-speaking Mexican woman approaches him begging for his help as the Wolverine. He dismisses the woman, telling her to leave him alone. As he returns to Charles, his best friend began to babble about a new mutant. Logan brushes off his babbles as sedated jibberish, and continues working as a driver. He receives a call for his service and drives to a motel where he is encountered by the Mexican woman and a young girl, yet again. The woman bribes Logan to driving her and her "daughter" to North Dakota. Logan is hesitant, but agrees. He returns to the motel the next day to find the woman murdered, and the girl missing.

Driving back to the border where he is keeping Charles, the two of them find the girl on the property (having snuck into his limo).Charles is overjoyed, stating to Logan that this child is a mutant. Still dismissive, it isn't until a slew of men in black militarized vehicles follow them back does Logan become exposed to the gravity of the situation. As the men begin to attack, the little girl, named Laura, unleashes the beast without, emerging from a state of silence to bear adamantium claws bearing striking similarity to Wolverine. Lauren goes crazy on the men, nearly wiping all of them out.

Logan escapes the property with Charles and Laura, though the men are not far behind. Soon an explosive chase across the South ensues, with Logan and Charles discovering through a video left by Laura's "mother" (actually a nurse who cared for Laura, not her mother) that Laura is a child of a laboratory program designed to breed mutant soldiers, and most importantly, that she is Logan's biological daughter. With his genetics used to create her, Laura is born named X-23 (subject number) with claws on her hands and even feet, as well as the same regenerative ability as Logan.

The three embark on a roadtrip, where many tragedies occur, including the murder of an innocent black family as well as the death of Charles Xavier (who is murdered by a CLONE of Logan). Logan eventually agrees to finally take Laura to North Dakota, where she claims there is a safe-haven called Eden for mutant children. Despite believing the place is fictional - just a figment of the X-Men comics - he begins the drive to the location, but falls very ill. He awakes several times from unconsciousness, once in a walk-in clinic and another time at the safe-haven in North Dakota. Both incidents he is taken care of by Laura, with the help of others. The mutant children of Eden explain to Logan that they are hiking to the border of Canada, where they will seek asylum in order to escape the American government. When Logan awakes the next morning, the children, including Laura, have all departed for the border.

In the climax of the film, Logan sees government trucks driving up the hill, and senses that the children are in danger. Rather than walking away, he grabs a green serum vial, made to enhance his strength, and takes off for the mountains. There the children are being captured by soldiers, unable to fend for themselves. Logan injects the entirety of the serum into his neck, the liquid giving him the stamina to turn into a killing machine. He, Laura, and the other mutants take down the attacking crew, though the incidents leaves Logan impaled by a tree branch. The serum wears out, the chemicals from the adamantium in his system finally poisoning him enough to stop his regeneration. He dies with his daughter Laura by his side, and the film ends.

Additional details:
Mutant children has not been born in 25 years (aside from the lab) because the government had been injecting a X-Gene suppressant into the produce throughout the United States. This left virtually all of its population incapable of passing down the X-Gene.

Your Character:

James "Logan" Howlett


First and foremost, I'm looking for someone who is willing to play Old Man Logan. The details on his age and illness can be discussed!

I'd like for Logan to be hardened, hopeless, and bitter of life like in the film. In the movie, he has lost hope for not only humanity, but himself, and lacks a sense of meaning in the world. He does not find he has purpose, and as a result, has developed a drinking problem and depression. However, as Laura comes along and he discovers she is his biological daughter, he soon begins to care for her and ultimately gives his life to save her.

Despite Logan dying at the end of the film, I'd like for him to be resurrected from his grave. How, you ask? Through my character, of course!

My Character:

Marianela Sancha Sarita Castilla


Marianela is a mutant who also possesses a regenerative ability that allows for accelerated healing. Additionally, she is one of the few gifted individuals to be classified as a "Complex Mutant" (or Comp for short). Complex Mutant is a term used by the American government to identify mutants who have a wide variety of mutations, including varied abilities. A Comp will possess a multitude of defined powers, beyond the normal spectrum of capability, as a result of several mutations in their X-Gene, as opposed to the usual single mutation.

A list of her abilities include:
- Psychometry (the ability to read memories from objects - this makes her an exceptional tracker)
- Telepathy (to a varying degree - her ability includes reading people's memories and emotions)
- Mental and Emotional Projection (similar to her telepathic abilities, this power allows her to project emotions, memories and even hallucinations and nightmares of individuals)
- Touch Connection (he ability to influence people all done primarily through touch and emotional connection).
- Telekinesis (the ability to move objects with your mind)
- Immunity to almost all diseases and poisons
- Extraordinary Healing (the ability to heal others through touch - this power can also be used on the recently deceased to bring them back to life)
- Regenerative healing (the ability to heal oneself at an accelerated rate)

Bio for Marianela:
I'd like for Marianela to be Laura's (X-23) biological MOTHER. Although her file states that her mother is just a random, Mexican woman (a nobody), I'd like for that to be a front/lie. In fact, Laura's mother is not Mexican, but of Spanish descended royalty from the Catalonia region of Spain. Although we can discuss the details, essentially Marianela is captured by the U.S. government and is experimented on against her will. She is implanted with a test-tube fetus that has been injected with Logan's genetic makeup. She is the only woman to have Logan's laboratory fetus survive the pregnancy (all other hosts failed to carry the child to full-term). However, once Marianela gives birth, the child is ripped from her arms - leaving her in complete agony. The event left the facility in absolute shambles, as Marianela lost control of her powers as her baby was being confiscated. Many people died as a result of her meltdown, almost causing the entire operation to go under.

Details behind, Marianela leaves the facility with the help of the nurse (the one who took Laura to Logan). With the operation in chaos, the three of them (including the other mutant children) were able to escape. With the government on their heels, Marianela is shot dead in front of Laura and the nurse. The nurse continues in her efforts to protect Laura, ultimately bringing her to Logan before she, too, is shot dead. However, Marianela survives the bullet to the head after some time in recovery, despite looking dead and bleeding out. She attempts to find her daughter through using her abilities, though years of torture at the hands of the facility coupled with a recent bullet to the head has left her unable to perform at her highest level. Instead, she finds herself constantly one step behind, ultimately leading her to Logan's recent grave (rocks and a cross made of tree branches by the kids).

The story would begin here. Marianela would revive Logan and he would, quite literally, resurrect from death. The two of them would/could work together to get the children over the border into Canada to seek asylum, all the while trying to regain a sense of purpose, reality, and human connection (with the help of one another). The details of their relationship and its nature can be discussed! :)

Some extra details:

1) I roleplay in FIRST person, not in third. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU MUST ALSO ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON. Third person role players are more than welcome! It doesn't bother me!

2) I'm a very busy person. I go to school and work full-time. I will not be able to guarantee a post every day. In fact, it may be 2-7 days between posts, depending on my schedule. Patience is a must.

3) I do not roleplay over IM (Instant Messengers). ONLY on BlueMoon PM (Private Message) and/or BlueMoon threads.

4) I'm looking specifically for mixed plot and smut based romantic roleplays containing a female x male heterosexual character pairing. Please note, I will be playing the female character, therefore I am looking for male players/characters.

HERE IS MY F-LIST: https://www.f-list.net/c/temptationist/
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