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All the Good Thread-Names are taken…

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Corporate Drone
Dec 29, 2011
Current state of Dancecard: FULL.

Hi everyone…after more than five years at the site, over three years of that spent either lurking or absent, and not quite two years spent actively writing, I’ve finally gotten around to making a request thread. Yay me.

Why? Because there are a couple of stories I want to write, and while I’m happy to take part in your ideas, I’d also like to get my own done as well. Sometimes you’ve got to give yourself permission to be a little selfish, and this is mine.

What am I looking for in a partner?

I’m looking for a person who can match me for quality. I’m not after quantity so much – I typically write 3-5 paragraphs, more if I’m really into a post or setting a scene, and I don’t expect you to match me for volume – but I do want someone who can put thought into a post and match me for quality. Give me a post I can respond to, and I’ll do the same.

I’m not a grammar nazi, and I won’t pick you up on typos – I make them just like the next person. My best failings are those words that are spelt correctly, but are just plain wrong. I do, however, ask that you at least attempt to be mindful of your posts, to make sure they read well, and I will do the same. But, in the end, we’re all human, and humans make mistakes. Goes with the territory.

I write in the third person, past tense. I’ll ask that you do the same. I know that some like writing in the first person, some in the present tense – that’s not me.

I’m not looking for a person who thumps posts out thirty minutes after I post. If you do, that’s great – but it’s not a requirement. If you’re a good and solid partner, I don’t care if you take a week to reply…so long as your post is worth the wait. With that in mind, it's important to note that I do NOT RP via IMs; PMs and Threads only (in no particular order of preference). If you and I get along really well, I may write by email. Just so you know.

I don’t care what you are behind the keyboard. I’m writing a story to your character, not to you. You can be male, female, something in-between – just as long as you can make the character(s) you write believable, that’s all I ask. I don’t need to know what you are or identify as. My only request: if you’re imagining YC as being yourself…don’t tell me. It’s a little hang-up I have: I’m not writing a story about you and me – I’m writing a story about MC and YC, and inserting YOU into the story will ruin my enjoyment.

I like some OOC chatter as we write. Plotting a story takes time, and plots can change as we post. I’m not looking to become your BFF, and I’m not looking for me to become your BFF. Friends, sure, but I don’t necessarily need to hear what you had for breakfast yesterday.

If you’re going to be away from the site for a while, tell me. I’ll do the same for you. Why? Because it’s just good manners. If it’s going to take you a week between posts, that’s fine – just tell me so I don’t start wondering whether you’re still interested. Again, I’ll do the same for you.

What am I looking for in a story?

I like characters who can think for themselves. A submissive person has thoughts and feelings – I like to know them. I like to get inside the heads of my characters and put thoughts and feelings on paper to add to the immersion of a story; it’d be nice if you could do the same (it’s a request, not a demand). Thoughts and feelings can be as erotic as a strip-tease if you do them right.

I don’t mind a little taboo-ness. Incest is fine, as is age-gap – within site rules, of course. I generally like the girl to be younger, but that’s not a hard-and-fast. Similarly, I like the girls to be a little more on the innocent side, at least when it comes to sexual matters – not necessarily virginal and untouched by anyone or any thought, but that air of innocence in a young lady can be very erotic. If you’re not sure, ask me – we can negotiate.

I tend to favour romance and eroticism over smut and force, and I like build-up. I’m not a huge fan of starting a story and having panties being ripped off by post #3. Some people like that – I’m not one of them. I like time to get to know the characters before they start some horizontal folk-dancing. That doesn't mean I'm opposed to early smuttiness entirely - if the story calls for early smexy time, that's great, but it should be reasonable in the context of the story.

I do have an F-List (it’s in my signature), and while it covers everything in a general sense, it is also subject to moods and whims. Just because I have something listed as a YES or MAYBE, doesn’t necessarily means I’ll agree to it, or consider it. I won’t change on my NOs, though – don’t ask.

I most certainly do NOT want to write anything that belongs in the bathroom, or involves body mutilation, or heavy torture/BSDM. I will write M/F stories, and I will write F/F stories…but I will not write M/M stories. If you’re not sure, ask: the worst I can do is say NO.

Lastly – don’t over-think an idea. Simple is good. If you’ve got a half-dozen ideas for a scene, throw them at me, but don’t be offended if I ask to hold a few of them over for another scene.

What about the Plots and Ideas?

Yeah, I did mention those. I said I had a couple, and here they are in no particular order (other than the one I would prefer being at the top ;) ) They are only ideas, and are open to workshopping.

I moved them to the next post. It was easier, as I found a few more nuggets to throw out, and chucking them all here would have been...messy.


This is by no means a definitive list of ideas or requirements/requests – it may change from time to time (I’m an artiste, dammit! I must have my whimses and muses stuff!) as I see fit…or as life heaps crap on me. If you generally fit the above bill for a partner and have an idea of your own that you think I might be interested in, by all means pitch it at me – the worst I can do is say “Thanks, but no thanks”…but if I like the idea, I may make suggestions or push ideas back at you.

To show me that you’ve actually read through my thread and taken it in and on-board – if you actually send me a PM in response to my thread, include in your PM the name of the actor who played Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Just because.

I will respond to all those who send me a PM (because I hate it when people put up a request thread, and you send a reply…and you get nothing back to even acknowledge your effort at sending a response), but the quality of my reply will depend greatly on the quality of your PM. ;)

(Wow. This post is a lot longer than I thought it'd be. >.>)
The Plotz

Sweet Sixteen. (Slice of Life, M/F, ageplay, incest, risk of pregnancy)

He (MC) is an older man, in his late thirties or early forties. A single father, but not by choice. He’s been working hard to provide for his single child following the untimely death of his wife a few years ago, such that he’s working two jobs and barely sees his child.

She (YC) is a young woman, just turned 16 years old. Her father has just thrown her a Sweet Sixteen party, and he’s worked damned hard for it and for her. She knows he’s been on his own for a while, and wants to thank him for everything he’s done.

She’s his daughter, coming into age...

When Two Worlds Collide. (Fantasy, M/F, risk of pregnancy)

The two Empires are very much the same, but also very different. On the landmass of Valona – a hot, tropical land – there are two Empires: one is a harsh land, ruled by swords and an Emperor; the other is a hard land, ruled by swords and an Empress. The first is a patriarchy – women are second-class, tend to the hearths and families, look after servants while the men look after the lands and fight to preserve what they have. The second is a matriarchy – men are second-class, tending to the lands and families while the women fight to keep what they have. Occasionally people cross from one land to the other to find a life better-suited to them, and there are firm trade agreements between the two empires; the lands are separated by a desolate strip about two miles wide – a veritable No Man’s Land.

But what happens when a power from the North threatens both of their Empires? Each Empire selects a champion to investigate, to work together so that both might survive...

The Weekend Away. (Slice of Life, M/F, incest, risk of pregnancy)

What happens when two innocently-curious teens get stranded in a cabin for a weekend? It could happen - in this story, it does. MC is a boy aged 18-ish, YC is his sister, aged 15-16. They take a trip to the mountains for a long-weekend with Mum and Dad...but when the parents are out a blizzard dumps snow all over the place and they can't get back to the cabin. The brother and sister are alone, isolated, seeking each other for warmth...

What could possibly go wrong?

The Haunted House. (Mild Supernatural, M/F, pregnancy)

The manor was going for a YC bought it. She (YC - in her early 20s) was looking for an opportunity to get away from the Big City, and this was ideal. The manor sits on a small hill overlooking a small country town. But even small country towns aren't immune to lawlessness.

MC (in his early 40s) is the town's detective. He responds to the call from YC and goes to assist, as a good law enforcement officer should.

The problem is...the manor's original occupant is still hanging around, and it has plans of its own - plans MC and YC have just become unwitting pawns in...

All Empires Must Eventually End. (M/F, Sci-Fi, possible mild torture)

There is a theory that there are alternate realities, one for each decision that could ever possibly be made. In this particular alternate reality, the Roman Empire prevailed against the barbarian hordes, and grew stronger for doing so. The Roman Empire never faltered, grew in power over the centuries, developed stronger and better technologies...but didn't develop much socially. Women are stills second-class citizens, families still own slaves and servants, gladiators still fight in arenas, the people still demand blood sports, Christians (and any other religion that opposes the Roman Pantheon) are still thrown to the lions, the Roman Empire is still governed by a self-serving Senate.

But all Empires must, eventually, collapse - it is the law of Entropy.

So what happens when a few members who oppose the Empire happen to meet...and decide to try and take action? Will the fall foul of the dreaded Secret Police? Or will they manage to effect change in the millennia-old Empire?

NOTE: For this story a grasp of Roman society will be very useful, as will a willingness to throw in the occasional phrase in Latin. This is an alternate reality where the Roman Empire continues; I would like a prospective partner to help me keep the flavour of Rome going.
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