May 10th, 8:40 AM

"Ehh?!" Satsuki's resolve to keep her voice down took all of that single statement to shatter. "I-I don't-! Uh..." Flushing of embarrassment on two fronts the red-eyed girl remembered where she was, glancing hurriedly at the duelists on the field. Both were talking to each other loudly enough that the sound of their probably would have drowned out anything short of a bomb going off but given what she'd just heard and how acutely aware of her own volume she'd been, Satsuki felt a flush creeping up on her as she forced her volume down. "Did you just-... Are you propositioning me-?!" Her voice almost rose again before she pushed it down once more, creating a sound the bordered on a squeak.
Satsuki hung her head, took a deep breath, and composed herself, looking at the costume, only to realize in some corner of her actual conscious mind that his mouth hadn't moved there, and then to realize that his mouth had moved each time he'd been speaking earlier, and the hand on her shoulder was strong, muscles tensing beneath skin, not some glove, and that would have to be a damn realistic mask or...
Her brain crushed that train of thought as soon as it started, but it persisted. Too many inconsistencies, and besides, it was too weird, almost so weird that it couldn't be anything but true if only because the notion that someone would come up with such a ridiculous lie was preposterous in and of itself! She was being asked to accept, in order, that demons were real, that people had (hopefully inadvertently) made cards based on them, and that one of said real demons upon whom a Duel Monsters Card had been (again, hopefully accidentally) based was offering to take her back to his place.
Satsuki choked back a bubble of hysterical laughter, blinking slowly up at the cosplayer -not a cosplayer, a demon, a living demon- swallowing as she slowly nodded once, then twice. "Alright then..."
"Show Me."
Dream Field Arena - Duelist Waiting Room, Neo Domino City

Yuki followed tentatively, she wasn't dragging her feet or trying to pull away but her body language spoke uncertainty and reluctance, especially since she still found it difficult to meet Kaden's eyes. There was an odd intensity to his gaze that both frightened and intrigued her, sending shivers down her spine and little tingles of heat through her cheeks in the same instant. The little tingles coalesced into a flush at the comment of her name that only made her look down, hoping to hide the redness in her cheeks beneath the sweep of her hair.
"P-please do~" she managed to stammer. This was already too close to something that she would vehemently tell herself she didn't want and having the door closed would only make it all the closer to that thing that she most certainly didn't want and why was this happening to her? How had she even managed to pull this off? Shouldn't she be talking? Being a person? "I..." She hesitated, then her flush deepened slightly. "I know the feeling..."
It was times like this Yuki wished she had one of those big coats where she could just put the collar up and hide. A coat like her father's, smelling of smoke and leather and at least two sizes too big for her...
Dream Field Arena - Duelist Waiting Room, Neo Domino City

"If by 'cute' you mean 'grotesque' then yes, but your demonstrably poor taste aside," Lilita's hand came up with a flourish, brandishing her deck with a malevolent grin. I'd be delighted to watch my elegant night-walkers turn your little monstrosities into snacks." The redhead held up one arm, duel disk gleaming as it shifted under the lights. "Will the table do? Or should we take this outside?"