Sci-Fi, Nudism and Sci-Fi-Nudism!

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Feb 27, 2017
Hi, Blue Moon! ^_^

I'm just gonna say right now that I'm a weirdo. My kinks are probably not your kinks. But if they are, then yay! ^_^

I'm here looking for intricate, well plotted fantasies where I can explore sensual pleasures I can't get in real life or put into my other fiction. This is stress relief for me. -_^ I'm primarily a sci-fi writer. I write sci-fi and about sci-fi, so this is generally the bulk of what is on my mind when I'm not lusting after the feel of grass on my bare feet and bottom or the rain or snow on my naked body.

In case you haven't guessed, I'm a nudist and a gymnophile - nudity and I are old friends and lovers. And since this is my fantasy life, none or my characters will wear clothes or shoes, or probably even own clothes or shoes! \(^_^)/ Basically the fantasy of being able to live a 24/7 nudist lifestyle, not having to put clothes on while going out to the shop or going to work is my biggest fantasy. I love exhibitionist/voyeur pairings where your character will adore seeing my character naked, naked in public, naked in nature or whatever. Groping is another fetish of mine - hands on bare tummies and thighs and the small of the back and shoulders and feet and butts - hands everywhere! Yay!

Okay, I'm rambling. Not terribly interested in actual intercourse (vanilla) sex in fiction, but I'm not against it. And I certainly enjoy role playing it in the right setting and/or story. But I'm much more into the buildup, foreplay, teasing and social scenarios around the sexy-time stuff than the "main event" itself.

I'm pretty pansexual, I enjoy playing with boi and grrl characters. I play as grrl characters predominantly. But let me know. I do fantasize about two bois a lot. :3

If you have an idea you think I'd like, feel free to send me a PM, I'd love to hear it, but please, please, please don't contact me if you have no idea what sort of story you want to play. Thanks. :3

Random Ideas:

Here are some random story ideas I have. The pairings are arranged (Me x You). A lot of these are pretty strange, I know, but, like I said, I'm a weirdo with odd kinks/fantasies. Please don't try to psycho-analyze me! XD

Every Ounce Counts! (FxF) or (FxM) or (FxFuta)
Setting: Low Earth Orbit, 2030s, in a world where humans are living colonizing the moon and Mars and having limited permanent settlements in space.
You thought it was a brilliant idea at the time. With space and bookings so in demand on Van Braun research station, you would just take your dissertation research to a civilian station. In addition, you can study how LEO culture is adapting on a private space station, how their customs and culture is different from the public, commercialized stations that are hotels and research stations and ports primarily. You choose a gas mining station which harvests oxygen and nitrogen from the thermosphere to sell to ships as oxidizer and bio-system gases, since it is much cheaper mine it from the upper atmosphere than shipping it up Earth's gravity well from Earth. Another thing the inhabitants of the gas mining platform consider to be too expensive to ship up from Earth are clothes. Easier to do without in the artificial, climate-controlled environment anyway. (My character is a worker on this gas mining orbital platform, yours is a grad student working on your doctoral research in space, probably closed system agronomy, though you also have an interest in perhaps writing some papers on the anthropology of living and working in space)
My fetishes in this idea:

Sex in free-fall.
Sex fluids in free-fall (male or female ejaculate, sweat, saliva, all the fluids! XD Even open to watersports - so long as it's floaty!)
(GIF of real life semen in freefall! :D)
Free-fall sex positions! \(^_^)/
Struggling to find privacy for sexy-time on a cramped, industrial space station.

Sex Worker in Space (FxF) or (FxM) or (FxFuta)
Setting: Aboard a commercial Mars Colonial ship en route to Mars, late 2030s/earth 2040s.
Children under the age of 18 aren't allowed on colony ships - the 6 to 9 months in free-fall is terrible for developing bodies. As a result, the ship owners had no objection to Alicia Marstin's skimpy wardrobe on her first run out as a passenger in the ITS Historic. They were bemused when they found out she was filming herself for a zero gravity sex website for perverts back on Earth - until they saw how much porn producers were paying her for her videos. Now they require Alicia (on-line name Astra McQueen) to pay extra for running a business out of one of their cabins. Alicia lives aboard the colony ship full time now. During the crossings between Earth and Mars she and pre-arranged partners act as the first adult entertainment studio in interplanetary space. During the layover in Earth orbit she rents a suite aboard a hotel station. During the much longer layover on Mars she dances she lives aboard the ship most of the time and rents a room in town - all the time she doubles as an on-site correspondent for the major media outlets. Her business card reads "Astra McQueen - New Frontier Working Girl - 'Have cam-bot and dictaphone, will travel". Your character has never watched much porn, and doesn't really pay attention to popular entertainment. You've been dreaming of going to Mars since you were a child, striking it out for the frontier. Your employer is paying your passage out, at last - you knew your degree in closed environment systems would pay off one day. You meet Alicia in the ship's bar - she's the only person you've ever met who would wear a short skirt and tube-top in free-fall. As you are talking, you notice that, when the fabric floats in an air current above her waist, she's not wearing panties. (My character, Alicia, finds your character, who doesn't know of her status as an adult entertainer, refreshing, and sweet - a bit of porn-star meets cute innocent. Fluff, but I like fluff)
My fetishes in this idea:
Everything in the Every Ounce Counts! idea above, plus sex cam show in spaaaaace! Filming the sexy-time for broadcast.

Earth Boys are Easy (F/m) - or Earth Girls are Easy (F/f)
Setting: Low Earth Orbit - 2030s/2040s
You've never been in space before. Your movements in free-fall are flailing and imprecise. Your movements in the simulated, centrifugal gravity of Van Braun station are hardly much better. Vivian could spot that you were a "dirtsider" from clear across the promenade. When she spotted you in the station's bar later that night, she smiled wolfishly and slunk over toward you, barefoot and in her skin tight silk ship-suit, with perfect balance in the low G, sipping on her cocktail. She's just back from a long, stressful mining run to the belt. She knows she can have you - dirtsiders are easy.
My fetishes in this idea:
Same as in the Every Ounce Counts! idea above, but where I get to play out my more Dominant side. :X

I Think You're Beautiful (FxFuta)
Setting: High School, in a world where nudism is a protected against discriminatory practices, and legal, but not common.
My character is a nudist high school student, the first openly nudist student the school has ever had. Your character is a closeted Futanari, a woman with a penis. One day you see my character being harassed by a group of (mostly) boys in the hallway - saying very mean things and grabbing me. You punch the lead bully right in the face, breaking his nose, and hug me, protecting me, as the school staff break up the scene. As you are hugging me, I feel your erection through your clothes, but say nothing. The two of us become friends and lovers.
My fetishes in this idea:
Being protected by a bigger, stronger grrl.
Having a girlfriend who will beat up bullies who pick on me.
Giving a blowjob to a grrl in a pleated skirt (school uniform).
Giving a blowjob to a total virgin.
Having my butt grabbed (consensually) by a friend in public.
Being groping all over while snuggling in private.
Nude in school.
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