Eeveelution Harem (LR-Studios & Mike the Bloodwolf)


Nov 29, 2015
United States of America
Glaceon and Espeon are sleeping in a bed at the home of an unknown individual. They are trying to get some goods nights rest, sleeping almost completely nude, and sharing the same bed.
Umbreon and Leafon looked at each other and chuckled softly before Umbreon who had been nicknamed Moonlight and the Leafeon who had been name Leafy both snuck up on the two sleeping pokemon. Master was out right now so the girl had full roam and Umbren snuck up behind Espeon and began to softly lick her pussy while Leafeon would be nibbling at Espeon ear though they made sure not to alert Glaceonto their presence.
Espeon begins to moan softly from both Moonlight licking on her pussy and Leafy nibbling on her ear. Glaceon didn't hear Espeon's soft moans she was making, she was still fast asleep.
Moonlight kept licking her pussy before using her teeth to pull off the last of Espeon clothes so she had free roam before starting to now suck and lick Espeon pussy while Leafy moved to start licking and ducking on her breasts. The two of them still making sure that they dud not wake Glaceon they they would be giving the ice type the same treatment soon enough.
Espeon continues moaning, this time getting slowly louder. Glaceon's left ear begins twitching after the loud moans from the Espeon, she opens one eye and sees what's going on right in front of her.
Leafy notice Glaceon trying to wake up so she quickly used Grasswhistle to put her back into a deep sleep, as Moonlight kept licking Espeon pussy getting her tongue in deep to hear her moan loader, Master was not hear and Moonlight was feeling as horney as hell with the moon up, Leaf was there to keep Glaceon asleep and to help get Espeon in the mood even if she was sleeping.
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