Letria is looking for Rps 2.0 Quick plays and Short terms.

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Aug 25, 2014
A little about me...
Good afternoon, my name is Letrixia and I am looking for role plays. I am a twenty nine year old woman. I will no tell you where I am from because I really don't think that matters. Well with that out of the way let me tell you a bit about what I am looking for and what I will offer in exchange. I value quality over quantity, give me your best and I will give you my best, give me your worst or don't think about your post and I will never answer you. I value a person that gives his or her best in each post, that tells me a lot about them. A person that just writes a sentence to get away from the post doesn't really deserve my respect or my best. I may answer you once or twice but I will stop writing with you after a couple of post.

Well now that you know a bit about me let me tell you some more things, yeah lots and lots of info!. Well let me now tell you about my favorite settings. I love school role plays and modern role plays, give me something horror or post apocalyptic and I will love you. I really ain't that good with futuristic settings, medieval settings or space settings. I don't do furries, just ain't good at it never was and never will be. Now with that out of the way let me get you to the stuff you been waiting, on and offs.

If you want to know my on/offs here you are finally I did it! F- list!
Feel free to add me to AIM:

Images used for plots
[Use these pictures for plots and I will love you!]
Perfect Girlfriend Gamer (NSFW) \\ Beach Fun (NSFW) \\ Thoughest Bitch Around (NSFW)


[1] To Live with Daddy (NSFW) : Mc is a sixteen year old girl who lost both of her parents in a terrible car accident and she has been living with her grandmother since then. She has been going online speaking with guys until she began talking to YC, a multimillionare man owner of a lot of companies around the world. He has been looking for a girl to take care of and shape her to be her girlfriend (or even slave). One day she runs away to meet you and go live with you abandoning everything she has so she could live with you. What would happen next?. (This got potential to be long term, just ask)

[2] Club Regular (NSFW) : There is a regular BDSM club in Las Vegas which YC has been a long time member of, MC is a new girl in city who happens to start going to the local college however at night she is always looking for some action. When she finds out about the club she dresses up one night and go to the club, what would happen when you see a new girl that has a white collar which means new submissive. (This got potential to be long term, just ask)

[3] Beach Beauty (NSFW) : In Florida there is a lot of things to enjoy for people from any walk of life. Hidden away from the main city however there is the most beautiful island ever, nobody knows how to get there but rumors has it that there are people living in there. YC is a person down on his luck he lost his job, house and girlfriend. What happens when he meets a girl from the island, with an offer he cannot refuse... she has been looking for a mate to take the the island and live with her, and she has taken a liking to you. (This can be long term, no bdsm, just vanilla)

[4] Kidnapped and Turned (NSFW) : MC is a student on YC's school, she is the perfect student. She is very good looking, sexy, and over all of that super intelligent. YC is a man on the nearby town, since a couple of years YC has been studying mine waiting and trying to find a way to get MC alone and he figured out a way. MC always walks through the same alleyway in the way to her home, one day YC kidnaps MC wanting to turn her into his pet and daughter and move to a new place and start a new life together. (YC can be filthy rich if you want).

5 Baddest Bitch Around (NSFW) : UC is a nobody, a person who has nothing on his life and lets people bully him around. He does not know it but he is about to face a decision that either would change his life or let it continue the way its going. One day while walking him from work a pack of bullies manages to get to him steal everything he has and knock him out cold. However before he goes out he manages to see the shadow of a long haired woman beating down on all of the gangmembers. YC wake up later on his house with his wounds treated and a note besides him that read, "If you want to learn how to defend yourself call this number, otherwise be careful out there the streets are not to be traveled alone". What would he do? and would this spark new romance?
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