BlueEyedAngel's Request Thread

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May 18, 2016

About me​
Joined this forum only a few hours ago, but I'm a longtime roleplayer who's only new to the forum style of roleplaying. I've played using a few other formats over the course of roughly 11 years, so I'm pretty sure I know where to start with this post. Wish me luck anyway though ;)

I don't really see much of a reason to get into my personal details, but what I will say is that my usual availability to play is limited to about three nights each week on average and they usually fall on weekdays. There are some exceptions, but that's what you can count on for my availability.

Places that I won't go
Most of my experience is doing what I believe might be called "claiming myself" in this realm of roleplaying. Basically most of my experience is in playing as myself but I'm more than open to playing as a random girl. The only catch to that would be that she needs to be an "everyday" type of person. I don't find models or celebrities to be relatable enough for me to connect with the character and it just ends up feeling empty to me. To play it safe, I have a bunch of pictures of "claims" that would work for me just in case its needed :)

When it comes to settings, I once again try to keep everything as relatable as possible. Basically if I can't see myself in a setting then I likely won't feel that way about any characters that I play, myself or otherwise. That's not to say that I'll shoot down a setting that I can't feel like I can relate to. All you have to do is validate why its reasonable :) that's literally it. For example, say you wanted to play out a scene with my character being in some third world country. I can personally tell you that I would never willingly go to such a place. What I can tell you is that if you lay out a way for it to make sense that I actually WOULD go to a place like that, then I've found the link that makes it relatable to me and now I can feel a connection with it. That burden is on you though. If I could have done it on my own, I would have, after all :)

My F-List​

Preferred roles​
These are just a few of the general sets of roles which I've played in the past. I'll attempt to list them in order of preference but I'm nearly guaranteed to think of something later on that belongs in a high priority section of the list. I'll edit this as that happens :)

Preferred roles: for now I'll just be general and list the "one size fits all" roles that work for nearly anything, like neighbors/coworkers, then there's strangers, rivals, or even straight up playing as foes. Will update this another time.

Neighbors Plots

Plot 1: A Humiliating Mistake
I would be your neighbor who absolutely, 100% does not get along with you. Ever since I moved in 3 years ago, we've never once been nice to each other, which could arguably be traced back to getting off on the wrong foot, but ultimately things just got worse over time, and by now it's in no way salvageable.

I avoid making eye contact with you as much as possible, and my indirect way of offending you on a regular basis (since I'm avoiding interaction with you) is to tell my two girls to "hurry on inside" or "hurry on into the car" whenever you're around. Basically, I've trained my own two kids to be afraid of you, which you certainly don't appreciate because of what that could imply to other adults in the neighborhood should my kids mention it to them. So, in other words, I've made this personal, and you have a serious problem with it which you can't necessarily address with me because I'm constantly avoiding you.

But then, one day, you literally set out to force a confrontation, mostly because I need to hear that I've crossed the line and that I'm messing with the wrong person in the wrong way, whether or not I realize it. Obviously, my ego causes me to get standoffish with you after you say that, and I call you out on what you say, by basically saying "oh really...? And what exactly does that mean?!". Hypothetically, you'd say something like "keep going, and you'll get what you deserve", which only makes things worse, as I respond with "what I deserve?? And just what the fuck do I DESERVE?!". At this point, the most critical part of the plot happens, as you boldly tell me exactly what you think I deserve (this would need to be phrased in a way that you would word it, but would also directly detail somewhat how you see yourself taking me down, sexually), and walk away toward your house. It would leave me speechless, stunned, but most of all, enraged.

Calling the cops would get nowhere, because all I'd have is hearsay, and so I'm left with nothing to do about it over the course of the next few weeks... that is, until I get this "brilliant" idea that, in my angry and impatient plotting, seems foolproof.

The plan is simple: I get ready one night to head right over to your house, somewhat late in the hopes that I'd catch you off guard. But before I actually leave to walk over, I'd call someone who I deeply trust, and tell them one simple thing: "listen, this is really really important... but please don't say anything, just listen to me for now, okay?? I don't have time to explain right now, but I promise I will if you just don't ask questions and do something really, REALLY important for me... but in 15 to 20 minutes, call the cops... tell them I'm at this address, and that the man who lives there has kidnapped me and that I'm in deep trouble... I swear to God I'll explain later... but please just don't ask questions because it's better if you don't know anything until later... okay??"

It took nerve to make that phone call, even though I trusted this person with my life, and even after I hung up after hearing nothing but a soft, nervous "...okay...", I felt confident that this was going to work. However, it was in my nerves that I made the biggest mistake of all - I was too caught up in explaining my directions for her to follow to realize that she was high... high out of her mind, actually. Basically, by the time we hung up, she'd forgotten about the conversation entirely, and I was now walking over to your house, under the impression that I had 20 minutes tops to put you into an incriminating position that would lock you away for a long, long time. But the police weren't coming, not in 20 minutes, not ever. And the only person I told about it would never once be able to remember anything about it.

From here, I'd knock on your door, explain that I've done some thinking that you're right... I need to learn my lesson, and that I was surrendering to you, so that (everything you said to me in that bold comment) could happen, and that I would finally learn how wrong I was. I'd do this because I'd want you to be caught "raping" me, except it would never be discovered and would only end up recorded for future leverage over me.

Plot 2: Turning a New Leaf
I would be the daughter of the family living next door to you (a man who would be fairly older than me), and ever since the day that I could formulate my own opinion, I've done nothing but argue, disagree, and just all-around get on your nerves. As I grew older, it would only get worse as well. My high school years were the worst of them, since by then I had friends that I felt the need to impress. Eventually, it grew to the point where you dreaded being seen outside by my friends and I, because you wanted to dodge the harassment and antagonism. My parents were of no help to you either, but it wasn't hard to see that they were perhaps the problem to begin with, since they spent very little time in my life. Ever since I turned 7, I was left on my own at home much of the time while my parents would either drink, or be somehow absent from my life. It was a recipe for your misery, at least with the way that I turned out.

Then one day, shortly after my high school graduation, it had suddenly stopped. It took a few days for you to realize it, but you finally began to discover that I was nowhere to be seen or heard. At first, you were actually concerned for me, even though you resented me on some level. Still, you were wondering if something happened to me. Eventually, you discover that I moved halfway across the country to be with a better part of my family. Your relief was twofold: on one hand, you were finally free from my harassment. On the other hand, you knew that I would likely find myself in a better environment and hopefully become a functional adult. That was good for me and all, but you did find yourself regretful in that you never had your opportunity to actually retaliate against me, and teach me that, now that I was 18, my actions had consequences. You never got your chance to do that, which at first meant little to nothing to you, but as time went on, started to grow on you, until it eventually began to affect your mentality somewhat.

As time went on, this effect became even more and more significant. Before long, its reach would find itself in the realm of your dirty thoughts, and in turn, your sexual fantasies. I was 18 now, and simply the memory of me was enough to sprout fantasies that would eventually grow into daydreams that would plague your daily thoughts. These daydreams involved fantasies of both my willing submission and surrender to you, as well as you having to force it out of me. There was just something about forcing a surrender out of me that left my willing submission far more appealing, however. So you found yourself preferring that side of things.

In these fantasies, I would acknowledge the errors I've made in my past, the wrongdoings that I've committed against you, and that I couldn't live with myself unless I could somehow make it up to you. Far fetched, yes, but you still found the idea growing on you more and more on a daily basis. Eventually, you stumble across a revenge porn forum, and find yourself discussing the details of your fantasies with other members, who only egg you on about taking action on it. Obviously, you can't. But the regular conversation about it inevitably makes the idea grow on you that much more, until eventually, your fantasies grow into the realm of recording a video of us specially made for this forum, where the entire theme is to make me publicly apologize to you and broadcast it to the world by posting it on the very site that is facilitating your fantasies for it. Be that as it may, I still live halfway across the country, and for all you know, that's just where this idea will stay... in your fantasies. Until one day when you can't believe your ears when you hear that I'm moving back.

You managed to catch a glimpse of me a handful of times while walking around outside, in and out of the house, and so on, but that's it. But you did see it with your own eyes that I'm back, and from what you know of, its for the foreseeable future. Suddenly your fantasies are that much closer to reality, but obviously, its not like you can just force me to fulfill them for you. Perhaps you could, but not without ramifications that just made it not worth it at all. So you kept your fantasies to yourself still, but this time the difference was that it had the feeling of being "so close, yet so far away", all because I was now next door almost at all times. It was perfectly reasonable not to expect the ability to act on your fantasies, but my presence next door threw you for yet another loop, and before long, you found yourself with an impromptu studio in the basement, because it was really the only step that you could take without breaking the law. Using things that you already owned, you managed to put something together that would lock us in the room and record the entire ordeal. There was furniture, cameras, and marked spots on the floor designated for particular things that you'd love to post a video of yourself putting me through. For now, you would be driven borderline mad about your inability to make your fantasy into a reality, but little over a week later, an opportunity would present itself that would leave you seriously considering going through with this, after I knock on your door, alone, stating that I'm here to apologize for your many years of agony at my hand, that I've turned a new leaf and that something that's very, very important to me now is settling old grudges at any reasonable cost. At this point, this idea can go two different ways: unwilling, or willing.

- Unwilling: You invite me inside for a drink to discuss the matter, either immediately or later on, with the intent to drug me. Afterward, I would wake up locked in your studio, my hands tied or cuffed, and with the horrible realization that my only way out is to allow you to record my humiliation at your hand, with the knowledge that it will be posted on the forum.

- Willing: I would confess that I fully realize that this was entirely my fault, and that I understand that I may have an uphill battle to win your forgiveness. Not necessarily caring about settling things, and also not caring about what I think of you, you figure that there's nothing to lose in being blunt with me. So you just come out and tell me what I'd need to let you do to me on camera. Leaving me speechless at first, you close the door in my face. A little later, you have another knock on your door from me, this time to tell you that I'd let you do it, if it would win your forgiveness.

Plot 3: The Ultimate Revenge
(The neighbor pairing seems to be trending with the plots I'm working out, so I'll keep it there for this one too. Anyway...)

As neighbors, once again, we would be members of rival families that could consider themselves in a feud. Bad blood between your family and mine has led to generations of resentment toward one another, and the resentment only grows as time goes on. This could be due to racism if you'd like a more intense idea, or even just a simple plot where race is no issue but instead clashing personalities. Either way, my family eventually decides that enough is enough, and they move nice and far away to Florida. The family house just lost its appeal to them, and no longer held any reason for them to stick around. However, I voluntarily stayed behind, partly due to my stubbornness in not wanting to surrender the family house and just sell it, but also because I had a life here and I didn't want to leave it.

At this point, it doesn't take long for your character and his/her family to discover that their worst enemies have left the house, save for one -- me. While this would be enough for your family to declare victory, the fact that I've opted to stay behind is too much to resist. Victory for you doesn't come with a simple surrender, which my parents apparently did. If I'd have gone with them, it would have sufficed just fine. However, the fact that I stuck behind meant only one thing to you: I was refusing to surrender. You couldn't just let that go -- it was time to put the final nail in the coffin, and declare the ultimate victory by taming the last remaining member of your worst enemy's family, me.

The way that your family takes me prisoner can be done one of two ways: it can be subtle and sneaky, or it can be strong and forceful. By this I mean:

- Subtle and sneaky: your family would hatch a plot to lure me over to your house of my own willpower. Perhaps you offer a "treaty" or any means of burying the hatchet, only to reveal your true intentions once I'm all alone in your house, surrounded by enough people to guarantee my capture.

- Strong and forceful: your family would come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter how I'm taken prisoner, as long as I'm taken prisoner. You could simply storm my house with a handful of people and bring me back home to take me captive in your basement or some other locked room, or set up shop in my family's house, like you're claiming enemy territory, and tame me right then and there.

Either way, it kinda takes a wide open course from here. You could release me when you're done, knowing that you've finally claimed victory over my family, or you could keep me as a servant of sorts (semi-willfully once I've been tamed), even half-living in the house that belongs to the very family you've feuded with for generations.

Stalker Plots

Plot 1: Turning Obsession Into Reality
The relationship between our characters is less important in this one, as the central theme would be that your character is stalking mine, for reasons which he cannot control. Does he want to see a girl who is always happy, suddenly have something to cry about? Perhaps he would have an obsession with me physically, in some way shape or form? Either way, once he gets his hands on my character, he would take his sweet time attaining his goal and/or fulfilling his fantasies. (Updating with an actual plot soon)

FxF Plots

Plot 1: Rivalry Gone Romantic
Back in high school, we would have been enemies who were once good friends. Meeting each other our freshman year, we would have become friends almost immediately, as we meshed very well with one another, and it wasn't long before we became best friends. Nothing could have turned us against each other... that is, until our junior year, when you had confessed that you had a crush on me. At that point, I immediately began to avoid you, and despite your attempts to reach through to me, to talk to me just to let me know that it was fine and that you wanted to pretend that nothing ever happened, I still avoided you like the plague. Before long, your heartbreak turned to anger, and soon enough you would find yourself writing off our friendship and instead taking an aggressive approach. You were always the "leader" of our group of friends, and we'd both enjoyed playing mind games on our enemies. Now that I was your enemy, it became a war of mind games on each other. I felt untouchable in that department, but in fact, I wasn't even in your league. You got under my skin easily, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to phase you. It continued like this, with the occasional comment you'd make to me about teaching me a thing or two, all the way to graduation, where we finally went our separate ways.

Anywhere from 1 - 13 years later (depending on the age you'd like me to be), I would start a new job, and end up being assigned to my trainer. Much to my shock, it would turn out to be you. It would be awkward at first, but you'd play it off as though you didn't even know me. After a while, I eventually had to ask if it was you, to which you'd tell me that yes, it really is you, and explain to me that the past is the past, and no hard feelings. Eventually, we become friends once again, and I almost even forget our history. Then, one day, we're assigned as a team to head out to take a training class for our job. We would both be sent halfway across the country, and be assigned to the same room as well.

A couple of days into our week long trip, we would be down at the hotel bar. You weren't ever really much of a drinker, so you were drinking water while I was getting a good buzz going. After a while we would decide that it's time to go back, but once we get back, I'd feel myself pinned to the wall, being stared down by you. At this point, it can go two ways:

Unwilling: I struggle while you easily wear me down. Kneeling me in the stomach, you send me to my knees, where you drag me over to the bed, and spend the rest of our trip teaching me the lesson you wanted to teach me back in high school.

Willing: after a moment of being stared down by you, a few well placed touches from you would send me into submission, for reasons I couldn't explain, where I finally just... surrender. Starting with a kiss, your hand traveling to my butt or my thigh, I would surrender myself to you while you spend the rest of the week making me your girl.
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