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Kiki's mixed request thread! ( NSFW seeking smutty diablo II rp)


Mar 4, 2012
Space colony breeding/concubine program (update)

Space Hegemony: post Big Push

so basically the setting big is in the Big Push era of Hegemony, the Hegemony, basically being this neo-fuedal confederacy of 23 human controled systems with colonized planets and even a k2 civilization. the status quo was the Hegemony kept power by keeping planetary and system nobles happy via supplying them with concubines. then came the Big Push.

the Big Push was basically an attempt at uniting humanity and using a new warp drive template, creating millions of colony ships and trying to seed as many potential habitable systems beyond their local neighborhood as soon as possible. Why? well some think it is a uniting project, some believe a cataclysm is coming that this is a move to avoid extinction, or its a political move to seize power to the Hegemony and not the Nobles.

well what if the later was the case?

I am thinking a few centuries into the Bug Push era, alot of the human system are depleted of manpower for the big push project and maybe even the visionary behind the project is now dead. then... a universal levy is called, but this time for the military. normally the Hegemony just maintain commerce security, via their navy, but now, they possess the strongest military in the local volume, they are a K2 civ, AND they have the warp infrastructure. basically everyone who worried they would be betrayed was right.

Well, that when I thought, what if the Nipponse not only broke away, being also a K2 civ, but also with two systems and very strong navy and engineering acumen, but what if they reach out to their Setai rival and not call a truce, but an alliance. they are Nipponse after all, and which ever faction of the Setai gains the aid of the Nipponse navy will with the Setai unification wars, meaning the other clans will have to fold and join or be wiped out. So now the Nipponse Imperium and is now founded, K2 level civ, high amounts of energy, resources, living space, industry, a strong navy, but now no treaty limiting its size, further ahead in science than most civ, and with the Setai, one of the largest, best trained armies in the local group, now with Nipponse tech, and with Onna Setai, basically unlimited manpower.

the declaration of independence and unification of the Nipponse and Setai, would jsut WRECK the status quo and be super fun for political intrigue since a new military super power with rise overnight, so either the Hegemony tries to save face by disbanding its new army before other groups also rebel, use their massive military or loose it, or try to unit the other systems against the nipponse. part of the reason the Setai never conquered and populated the local group like crazy was the lack of a good navy, and their constant infighting... which is not resolved. would most nations try to become protectorates of the Nippose to avoid being conquered, or join the Nipponse aginst the Hegemony that betrayed everyone? or will other nations declare independence? I think it would be a fun storyline with different ground having to negotiate with the threat of be stomped under the boots and miniskirts of the Setai war machine.

Space Hegemony: Big Push Era:

okay, so admittedly I have been playing Surviving Mars and honestly getting some smutty ideas. Want to build a colony, okay, you'll need to make it habitable for people, before sending a bunch of specialists over. but all the specialists will be busy... and growing the colony will be slow if we want replenishment numbers right? and sending people is expensive...

Welcome to humanity's Great Push. The Human Hegemony want's to expand into their new emerging star system while resources as super easy to access and lay claim to new systems before recent K-0 civilizations jsut discovered try to expand themselves. But building new colonies will take lots of man power, the best minds, the best tech, and more than ever, fertility. The Hegemony has had the concubine program as a form of feudal appeasement to the harems of System nobility, to gen-hance the existing cuties and beauties that humanity and produce to the best that they can be. but not will rivalry in the galaxy, the Hegemony and humanity as a whole needs to claims more worlds and system FAST, meaning the tech, training and recruitment of concubines to serve as the breeding caste on generation ships and colonies needs to be increased exponentially, this means recruitment of more Booty Hunters, to head hunt the hottest ass the core systems can provide, Sensei to oversee gen-hancement and training of new concubines and more and more concubines. for the Good of Humanity's future!

So this story can go a few ways, Sune being spotted and booty hunted, maybe raped and reviewed, on beauty, libido, sexual performance, fertility and genetic suitability. Or she can be taken from her homeworld and in the care of her Sensei, helping along her gen-hancement, her beauty becomeing even more increadable by the day as she gets her accustomed to sex/rape multiple times a day. or lastly, colonists who are not sure what to expect from seeing real concubines on their ship or in their colony and meeting Sune of having her assigned to their bed along with other overwhelming girls.

or we can work out other systems and world building, but we can discuss.

Current Craving:
so this is the same setting of the space age, but during the era of the Big Push, but with a Cute Nipponse Engineer girl

Shumi Takahara: Pre-genhancement

Age: 23 Standard (44 with stasis sleep)

System of Origen: Nipponse Secundus

Planet: Sakura Secundus

Tech level: K 1.5

Profession: Engineer

Temperament: Dedicated to her studies and making things work, lacks self awareness and has very limited experiance with social and physical intimacy, easy to tease. tends to be stubborn, but shy, the Nipponse term in her native tongue is 'tsundere.'

Body type: small and busty

Hidden records: Due to streamlining of the Concubine Program, specifically the Booty Hunters, several Booty Hunters have programed AI to scan the social media feeds in worlds to rate girls deemed suitable. Normally the beauty standards are very consistent to the tastes of most Booty Hunters, but due to leaving 'cuteness' as a category, Shumi fell under the radar and did not get double checked. this resulted in her being sent to a Concubine Academy instead of a the Alpha Century 'Jump Hub.' avoiding the scandal in the program going public and still keeping records satisfied, Shumi was not trained as a Concubine, but did undergo gen-hancement to satisfy inventory logs. she still struggles to get used to her altered body and enhanced needs and if unaware of her affect on others. she is heading to Alpha Century with the rest of the graduating concubines but being thawed early in the Sleep Ship.

(shumi is more a romance character with potential for smut, Sune could be in stasis for the rest of the crew....)

Setai lore:

ah, well basically they are the descendants of Terran Japanese, and at this point in the setting they have two star systems and are working towards K2 civilization. but for fun I made a very militarize faction that is banished to the gas giant region of their primary star, the Setai. Basically they are a shogunate, but with tech and radiation issues and some spartan aspects. So they are highly militaristic, but due to the wars they have over moons and dealing with the planet's radiation, they basically steered their evolution toward breeding at insane rates keeping their manpower maxed out. so basically the average nipponse woman is fertile almost all the time, and gestation period is only 5 months, and birth is basically easy due to the systematic breeding for wide hips. so that brought on the idea of the battle breeders. the female Setai mop up units that take over once the enemy starts routing and wear miniskirts to breed with defeated of wounded enemy soldiers, they also tend to be buxom and like most nipponse, cute. they tend to finish you off after taking your seed, but sometimes if you are not wounded, and are into it, they usually take you as a POW for battle breeders to train with

What I had in mind for battle breeding (skip to 2:34 )

Current Craving :

so its a strange idea that was inspired by a series of pics

Basically a girl is being repeatedly stalked, hunted and bred by polymorphic creature that needs to reproduce. maybe she is coming out of stasis on a ship, everyone else is still froze and the person who thawed her, or even the ship's AI mentions that they have a quarantine breach, something is one board and will like kill other crew, but won't harm a fertile female. it will hunt and rape you, but not harm you. so. this is a constant threat. and we can have affects similar to rape city, its semen puts her into a sort of heat and if she cums during this heat, she will wake up more shapely and beautiful and be hunted again, and again till she is bearing its child. bow ever though its motives are simplistic, the creature is cleaver and will take her to beds or take her or hide her sources of clothing. She might also give into heat and pleasure it orally or using her breasts to help quench its lust. it also really loves her body and torments her sexually, loves her breasts too.

the other take is this is in a dungeon or a labyrinth that she is put in as punishment or trial and its the same idea, behind hunted and stalked, by a polymorphic creature that wants to breed with her

Clinical Seduction.

Basically this idea entails a young attractive nurse taking up work at mysterious sleep clinic and meet her boss, the infamous Dr keifer.

light bondage, breasts play, power play, dirty talking, body worship, intimate/inappropriate touching, workplace relationships, medical play, pseudo rape, slutty clothing/forced clothes wearing, sexual trials, vibrators, dildos, massages, orgasm denial, sexual training, unfair 'rules,' public scenes, blackmail, corrosion, sexual frustration, etc.

Possible plots intros: (I am more than happy to develop a fresh one if you have some good ideas.)

Clinical Seduction II

Sera blushed as she struggled in frustration with the buttons. getting into the clinic's small mandatory nurses uniforms were usually a trial, but these new uniforms were particularly challenging. The green haired nurse though still flustered allowed herself a short smile of achievement as she managed to do up the last button to her top, though now it was particularly tight across her full breasts. she blushed knowing that the uniform like all the nurses uniforms was hugging her every curve, of her shapely body. she blushed deeper as she ran her hand down her hip and finding the smooth skin of her thigh almost immediately. fidgeting to herself. was the skirt really going to be that short!? she blushed and closed her eyes. how did she keep getting the shortest skirts?

Keifer smile in greedy amusement as he watched the security monitor. his smile widened as he saw her reaction to her newly hemmed skirt. he leaned back and smiled as he watch the view from the nurses dressing room from his office. Sera was one of his favorites and he knew how awkward she was about having other ogle her legs. that was why in the past she was always given the shortest skirts, till now... he out did himself.
the new uniform was now a one piece with the only adjustment being the buttons on the top. you could be shy and try to button up the top and risking the uniform tighter and pulling up the skirt several inches, or you could leave it unbuttoned and have exposed cleavage in exchange for a slightly longer skirt.

it was a win win.

Another monitor showed one of the more tiresome patients having one of their patents picking their nose in his sleep. Keifer sighed and set a picture in front of that screen.

Keifer picked up a file from his desk. the new nurse was supposed to be coming in today for training. Keifers eyes scanned the photo graph of and attractive young woman and notited under her measurements that she was a double d cup.

keifer smiled and put the file down, this sight shift was going to be very interesting. the monitor caught his attention again as sera raised her arms behind her head to tie her waist length green hair into a pony tail, her skirt rising up her backside with her movement revealing her panties. keifer smiled at sera's sudden reaction to pulled her skirt down and deep blush on her lovely face.

Keifer smiled. indeed it was going to be a interesting night....

Clinical seduction III

it was hot and it was sweaty...

Sera gasped out in passion with his motions as Dr, Keifer continued to bounce her on his lap. The poor green haired nurse blushed a moaned as keifer lewdly caress her thighs as he took her.

"no keifer, please not there..." she begged moaning as his cock went deeper into her as the doctor unbuttoned her over strained top with his teeth, baring her full and heaving breasts. she gasped as he started to lick and suck on her breasts and she desperately tried to hold hims around the neck as her toes started to curl. keifer could feel Sera tightening around him and started to fuck his lovely nurse harder...

Sera would get a shorter skirt after this. he new her exposed legs embarrassed her, but her legs were lovely and her body was for his pleasure...

keifer turned his attention from sera's breasts to a file on his desk.
the new nurse, a photo with her measurements listed. she was an ideal piece of T & A eye candy but one stat stood out to him: "DD cup"

keifer smiled trying to imagine his new nurse in the skimpy uniform he had mailed to her, a hip length skirt, a perfectly fit waist and a top that would barely be able to contain her large breasts without drawing the already tiny skirt higher.

oh this was going to be so much fun when the new nurse arrived in that uniform...

A loud moan from sera and and increased tightness around his cock drew his attention to the beauty her was currently dealing with. "kefier I can't take anymore I going to cum!" she moaned feeling herself cumming as he started to suck on her breasts again.

Clinical Seduction IV

Sera starred towards the polished floor as she and keifer walked through the halls of the clinic, she was discussing the progress with the clinics current patients while Keifer updated her on the finance situation. The lovely green-haired nurse blushed as she felt keifer casually encircle his arm her tiny waist as they walked. She felt his fingers playing with her waist length hair, nurses in any other hospital were required to keep their hair short or up in some manner, but keifer had stated his preference earlier that he enjoyed running his fingers though her hair, and that she was to keep her hair down in his presence.

She felt a shiver up her spine as his hand traveled gently down her the opposite slope of her hip. The tight uniforms keifer required the nurses the wear, particularly the tight miniskirt made only her feel almost naked in his presence. And warm when he touched her.
“anything else you think we need to go over?” Keifer asked a rather excited tone in his voice. She knew that tone and blushed.

“no… I mean ,not that I know of, I think we’ve covered everything, erm, everything recent that is…”s he blushed as keifer stopped his pace, sera tried to remained focused of the floor, but eventually turned, feeling keifer’s eyes gazing though his spectacles down upon her.

“I think we need to go over some of the rules of conduct again.” He said with a smiled as sera’s eyes widened and her blush grew deeper.

“I- I- I know are the rules though Kei- Dr Keifer…” she almost caught herself. “ you know I do…”

The twinkle in keifer’s eye grew brighter as she looked over his helplessly beautiful nurse, his hands placing themselves on the flanks of her full and curvy hips, stroking her gently through her skin tight miniskirt. She blushed as keifer pulled her body intimately close and leaned into him, his face close, almost as if to kiss her. Sera whimpered as she felt her body temperature starting to rise as kefier held her very womanhood in his hands…

“kei-keifer?” she managed to squeak before keifer claimed her lips and she knew it was all, over. The fires in her loins started to melt her within as she felt helpless in her tormentor’s embrace.

Keifer broke the kiss and looked back into the eyes of his beautiful blushing sera. “yes, you know the rules, and yet, you continued to break them… ‘arousing the desires of your employer…’ why do you have such trouble with that one? How many times to I have to ‘punish’ you before you get it?” he asked in a teasing tone as he turned the girl around and gently pressed her to the wall.

She whimpered looking over her shoulder helplessly as he lifted her tiny skirt, no doubt taking note of the wonders those yoga classes were doing with her already amazing body, and the noticeable dampness between her thighs. “I wasn’t trying to-“she stopped as she felt the all too familiar sensation of her boss’s hot, throbbing member against the curves of her shapely backside and the sliding between her thighs, to tauntingly pressed against her womanhood. Only her thin, white panties denied him entry. This only made the poor girl wetter. She felt his hand roam up to cup and pleasingly full breasts through her tight uniform, and she felt his hot breath traveling down her delicate neck.
“you never are and yet you succeed…” keifer whispered as he started grinding agisnt her ass. “you are just a sexy girl who cannot help it…” he whispered kissing her neck and making the poor girl moan. “maybe that was the reason I hired you, besides, it’s your fault the ‘punishing’ is so fun…”

he was grinding against her hips hard now, any means of resistance melted away from her body, “not in the hallway. The cameras...” she gasped as she fondled her breasts in that expert way he knew to play with her.

“I know…” keifer whispered to Sera’s horror. “something for me show the new nurse for orientation…”

Sera’s lovely face burned with embarrassment. “but what if some else sees us here?”

Keifer laughed. “sera… Sera Sera Sera… I gave the rest of the staff the night off an hour ago, but not you, you must be punished…” he turned the beautiful girl around and pinned her to the walls, his hand under her skirt, stroking her most private place before moving her panties aside. There was and grunt from keifer and a loud moan from sera as she threw her arms around his neck as he entered her. She was already hot and wet. Keifer looked down at her with a look of hungry lust and kissed her again, deeper this time. His hand caressing her naked thigh as he devoured her, knowing full well how mad it drove her when her touched her there. She instinctively raised her thigh to his hip. Keifer broke the kiss “…and I have all night to punish you…” he said as he unbuttoned the front of her sera’s blouse.

the moans and cries of passion echoed down the empty halls of the sleep clinic.




(Skirt must be shorter...)

Dr. Keifer designs:
1 2 3 4

Keifer’s clinic

nurse-staff dress code:
All new nursing staff must be in uniform as all times while on duty unless instructed otherwise by a superior. The composition of the default nursing uniform is as following: White mini-skirt, white mid-drift, white three-button blouse, white tennis shoes or high-heels, white socks, nurse’s hat and white thong. The maximum skirt-length for this clinic must not exceed the length of your knuckles, if your skirt exceeds the regulated example or there is a preferred customization that coincides with the minimum requirements, contact your immediate supervisor. Heels or Tennis shoes, or white knee high boots are optional, Stocking’s and other leggings are also optional, but not required. Panties, thongs are optional, but thongs are preferable, for g-strings and other undergarments, contact your immediate supervisor. Custom changes to uniform can be requested through your immediate adviser or by recommendation form you immediate adviser… Nurses at or beyond 36C-cup are not permitted to wear bras within the clinic, NO EXCEPTIONS. Those found in violation of said rule with be subject to discipline by their immediate supervisor. All fine print must be obeyed.

Punishable offenses:
Exposed cleavage in the presence of your immediate supervisor. Swaying hips in the presence of your immediate supervisor, unauthorized customizations to uniform. Inappropriate skirt-length. Wearing a bra in the presence of your immediate supervisor. Not wearing panties in the presence of your immediate supervisor. Tempting or arousing your immediate supervisor with your beauty. Having a nice ass. Having smooth thighs. Pleasing your supervisor with your body. Making your supervisor hard… denying your supervisor’s desires. Wearing a thong or erotic panties… being a great fuck. Letting your hair down. failing a Supervisor’s trails. Bare legs… being sexy…

early termination of employment, negative reference. Being tied up, spankings, hard fucking, titty fucking, sexual torment, money shot. Uniform customization. sexual Enslavement. Public fucking, humiliation, grinding, breasts fondling, massaging, oiling, cunnilinugs, fillatio, cow girl, reverse cow-girl, doggy style, missionary, rape, groping and fondling. Clothed sex Vibrators/sex toys, trials. Cum-on face.

Nurse staff benefits package:
Access to free HealthCare,
Access to free birth control,
Free memberships to tanning salons, health clubs and beauty parlors.

Dr. Keifer also care for lonely, frustrated young women, who come to him for examination and... release...



also, I have bounced ideas with other people on possible short "Train Rape" fantasies, but in a sort of sanctioned world. possibly the city tasks measures of putting vending machines that dispense birth control and fresh panties in exchange for soiled ones, so girls can continue with their day , or maybe they put padding on corners or something so it not so rough.

Example post:

Typically beautiful, shapely girls tended to get alot of intimate attention on the trains. Posted cautions usually warned attractive young women about mini-skirts, low necked shirts and skimpy clothing. The signs even gave visual scenarios of the treatment a sexy girl could face. A caress of the thigh, the very common grope of the ass, or playful spank, of embrace from the side or behind, sometimes for busty girls cupping of breasts of kissing of the neck. then some more erotic examples of escalations, a hand in panties, nipples being pinched, or sucked, a crotch against a shapely ass, or a cock between breasts.

Then there was detailed sketches of common positions girls on the train get raped. usually bent over and held at the waist, or backed into a corner with her arms and legs around her rapist. the illustrations were quiet erotic and very suggestive, whatever public service group made the signs probably hired a doujin artist. in a way the warning really didn't warn so much as gives horny commuters ideas.

Not all girls got raped on the train, but being groped or felt up was almost guaranteed, some girls had to deal with the shame of being fucked on the train or deal with the frustration of being stimulated ,but not fucked. though for a shy, beautiful girl with needs it was an easy outlet.

Juliet, was in a shorter than short mini-skirt, and a top that fit her, but only if she left the two top buttons undone to comfortably contain her large breasts, but expose quite a bit of her cleavage. It was clear the poor shapely girl was to get her share of attention for this commute.

It was mostly the usual, her bare legs caressed by alternating passengers, a few held her waist and pressed their hardened members against her ass, a few more daring men hand ran their hands up her inner thigh and actually stroked her through her skimpy thong once or twice. she would have to hug her breasts to hide her nipples less she attract any further attention. her shapely ass was groped several times nothing unusual, she had a nice ass and tight skirt, so that was bound to happen. though nearing the end of the train ride, one man in particular had gotten very bold. cornering her and lifting her skirt as he ground his bare erection against her thong clad ass, kissing her neck and massaging her large breasts. he seemed committed as he started to undo her top further to bare her breasts. she only had three more stops.


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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

I have been flirting around with for sometime. this involves my beloved elves. as canon, Moon Elves and Drow and long time ancestral enemies and are often at war. the Drow being the more cunning and ruthless often capturing cute, delicious Moon elves to become torment slaves and pets. however, due the matriarchal society of the Drow, the pleasures of moon elves slaves is only known to the female caste, where as the males often do the dirty work of fighting.

Now say, due to being enslaves by humans as sex slaves and by drow, moon elves needs to seek out new allies on the surface, so they seek out their sister elves, the fierce and exotic Naryu elves. the Naryu elves having been breed into a race that slays demons to gain the rights to a mate, the naryu seem like perfect allies for the moon elves to call to their defense against the ever growing drow raids. save for one problem...

there is no actual bad blood between the Naryu any drow and neither race has met until now... the main fighting force of naryu are strong, beautiful, passionate yet sexually starved female warriors. While the common raider and fodder of the drow are sharp, swift, stoic, dashing sexually repressed males... a few hostage or kidnapping situations between these warriors with no blood feud between them could lead to some very... intimate, and taboo curiosities...

Moon elves:



Moon elves used the be the most predominate surface elves on the planet prior to the first and second Necromancer Wars. after the wars, the male population depleted the dominating human factions moved on on the vulnerable moon elves enslaving the majority of them as sex slaves. like most surface elves moon elves can only conceive male moon elf children with another moon elf male. mating with a male of any other race simply results in a moon elf female, hybrids are possible, but rare. the remaining free tribes of moon elves remain plagued by their millennia old ancestral war with the drow. being a race whose independence is vulnerable and on the decline, most drow attacks a raids purely for capture of elven slaves. moon elves are one of the last races of elves to be fluent in light and nature based magicks, by nature moon elves are submissive, modest and gentle. they posses amazing endurance, but a very sensitive and have little tolerance for sexual stimulation, often reaching hights of passion and pleasure human females can only envy.

Slave information and sexual characteristics:

Body Type: small, slender, shapely, two g-spots

Sex Drive: mild

Demeanor: Shy, gentle, caring, demure, submissive.

Accessibility: common

Bust: shapely

Background: One of the oldest races of surface elf, Moon elves were once a proud and influential society. However in the second necromancer war the elven kingdoms had been obliterated by the dark hordes who were soon eliminated by human and mercenary forces. As a result the lowly humans took the proud elves as slaves and their treasures as spoils of war. After the first few centuries of domestication, moon elves were often bought for magical services, healers, care givers and concubines serving as eye candy in great halls. Moon elf slaves were rather expensive and only fulfilled certain niche markets until it was widely realized that moon elf females had a high weakness to sexual stimulation yet a VERY high stamina. Over night moon elves became a sex slave exclusive and demand soared. Moon elves by and large are very sweet, gentle and beautiful creatures. Moon elves often refrain shyly from sexual advances but hardly ever resist. Unlike most slaves moon elf erogenous zones are estimated to be nearly twice the sensitivity to that of humans. It is also rumored that moon elf females have two g-spots and males with girth greater than that of a moon elf male are able to stimulate both to overwhelm the poor elves. It is still not known just how many orgasms a moon elf female can experience before fainting, however millions of independent studies are being tested world wide, everyday. Through some elves are still sold as care givers, moon elves are nearly always sold as either sex slaves or the more recent trend, torment slaves. Every new sex toy to ever hit the market is often tested on moon elf slaves first.

fertility: Average (tricky)

Moon elves like most surface elves have a particularly deep cultural and spiritual connection to the earth, and like most elf genetics, Moon elf chromosomes are superior to that of other hominids. In other words, while moon elves are sexually and reproductively compatible with several different races, their genetics will always override the other races genetics producing a pure blood elf as off-spring unless bred with another race with elf genetics, this is the only known condition where mixing can occur. Also in the addition to the pre-dominance of elven genetics, elves or all types, surface or underdark have a a dominate X chromosome complex that is only compatible with the Y chromosome of other elves. In other words, only male elves reproducing with moon elf females can produce male off-spring, copulation with any other races will only produce female off-spring. While this genetic quirk is ideal with the slave shops being able to breed only moon elf females due to a lack of elf males which were long gone since the necromancer wars, Human handler merely have to take moon elves sire more moon elf females. However the trickiness of reproduction with moon elves, goes deeper into moon elf lore. Moon elves are culturally and by nature a monogamous race, meaning they have one lover and for life, they consider love to go hand and hand with sex as they lack the promiscuous their drow counter parts and can only conceive in ‘love’ with lust being a culturally shameful thing to feel. The difference of love and lust being what they believe sets them apart from their hated drow cousins. For this reason, moon elves being forced to couple with races like humans, creatures lower than the moon elf males they believe they should be meant for and the shameful fact that other more vulgar races can bring them to levels of pleasure and passion that their own forgotten males could never hope to achieve, most moon elves though pleasure and shame are unable to conceive. Handlers in slave shops however discovered accidentally through putting down moon elf ‘rebellions’ through repeat daily and random gang rapes with moon elves that were suspect of organizing, they found that moon elves raped by the same human man daily and brought to orgasm constantly would lose out to her pleasure and shame making her give herself to the man making her his and could conceive a child. For this reason slave shops often assign handlers to exclusively single out and take moon elves multiple times a day and regularly to dominate her and make her give in to her master’s desire. This method though long term does work and guarantees a steady supply of moon elf slave girl for the public. Like most elves, moon elves though the most slender and delicate of elf breeds have hips wide in proportion to their waist giving them a lovely aesthetic appeal but also easy child birth, one of the reasons elves never experience the birthing difficulties of human females, but also the reason many human nobles looks to slave girls to bear their heirs instead of their wives. (also with slave girls often having a sex drive and appeal human women can’t match. )

none, Female Moon elves seek other races for mates

kind, gentle, submissive and beautiful and amazingly cute. with soft light blue skin, waist length silver hair, short and slender nubile bodies with average busts and full hips, Moon elves make amazing companions and loyal slaves. like most surface elf females, Moon elf females posses two g-spots instead of one, both easily stimulated by a human sized cock or greater. though moon elves posses no visibly powerful sex drive, they have sensitive bodies and can experience pleasure and passion on levels only few races can, hence even when raped, moon elves cannot help by enjoy the experience dispute themselves


At war with the drow, often captured as sexual 'pets', they fear the drow particularly the females.
Moon elves are distant cousins to the naryu, though separated by region, though the naryu are traditionally isolationists, the have a loyalty to their ancestral sister elves.

humans becoming the new dominate race on the surface perceive moon elves to be cute and beautiful obedient slaves and have nearly enslaved their entire race. Moon elves believe that the human cock, for its size and girth to stimulate both g-spots to unspeakable pleasure, leaving most moon elves to believe that the human male body was made to concurred theirs




Before the Necromancer Wars, the Rise of Man, and the human tribes, the were the Ages of Darkness. During this time, much of the globe was taken over and ruled by conquering demons lords. One these demon lords, Gralzadon, had conquered a large swaft of ancestral elven lands, his prize? the moon elves. Gralzadon set about forging the ultimate concubine race to satisfy his lusts. the moon elves concubines, through magic and breeding were change to have tanned skin, sandy yellow hair, wide hips, small waists, large breasts, incredible beauty and an incredible sex drive. for generations the existed purely as sex slaves for the pleasure of lord Gralzadon and his minions, very rarely had the naryu ever bore male children by design. one night the most beautiful and powerful the naryu concubines in the throws of heat gave herself to Gralzadon. in the heats of passion both master and slave came their zenith of sexual power, in that moment the elf used her orgasm and all of her magic to banish her master to another realm. the spell drained her life force and thus her race's knowledge of magic, but the banishment of the demon lord lead to a rebellion among the naryu and the started to retake their ancestral lands. over several generations, Naryu had mastered the art of demon slaying and proved themselves to be the fircesome warriors. however due to the limited amount of males per tribe, only females who prove themselves by slaying a high level demon. however, this leads to the extermination of demon in the regions where the naryu settle. high level demons are often slave, however, lower level 'hentai' demons that tend to rape females tend to be spared the wrath of the naryu. infact naryu happen to be proven by humans and lesser demons to be easier to rape than to fight. though amazing lovers Naryu have not been discovered on conquered by the greater human cities yet and are largely unknown to the greater world. the hot humid weather of summer is the mating season of the naryu, when the females are most fertile and the tribe is most vulnerable. this is the time when humans from local villages brave the woods in search a hot elf or two to fuck. like moon elves, naryu are very sensitive and posses two g-spots, however unlike the moon elves, naryu are actually built for sex are incredible lovers and slaves and a usually dominated by bold sexual advances and rape. while naryu elves make incredible cute, and sexy slaves, they still have their pride and will try to be resistant to sexual advance, but with little luck

Slave information and sexual characteristics:

Body Type: small, shapely, curvy, slender. two g-spots

Sex Drive: medium-high

Demeanor: stubborn, bold, proud, submissive

Accessibility: Rare

Bust: Ample

Background: a close cousin to moon elves and sun elves, the Naryu are a beautiful, exotic and as of yet unconquered breed of surface elf, often found in forest lands outside the frontier. However unlike their moon elf cousins, the Naryu are a warrior's culture and take pride in their cunning. Naryu are clever and deadly in combat. However like their moon elf cousins, naryu elves share some of the same physical weaknesses. Like the moon elf, Naryu females have two g-spots and are easily easily overwhelmed if raped by a human male. In the act of love making, naryu elves become surprisingly submissive. Unlike their moon elf cousin's, naryu elves are not shy about their bodies and have little to no shame in showing some nicely tanned skin. Summer tends to be the breeding season for naryu elves, the times when the weather is most hot and humid are the times when naryu elf females are most fertile, similar to the breeding patterns of sun elves. Though naryu elves are beautiful and highly sought after, they are not domestically bred and are quite expensive and only attainable through special requests.

Additional, since Naryu are a warrior breed of elves that consistently produce more females than males, males are treated like a commodity and only the most skilled female warriors are allowed to mate and reproduce. to be worthy a female must undergo a rights of passage and slay a demon , once she attains this feat, she will be granted her rights to a mate. however due to the traditional monogamous nature of naryu lore and the low amount of males to go around, this leaves the majority of the tribes very fertile females without chance a of gaining a mate, and do to sexual repression naryu females not allowed to mate unless their rights of passage is complete. this is why most naryu females if found and raped by a human never speak of it later, but will wait in the same place hoping the human will come back. by being raped, naryu technically are not breaking any of their lore, and they still get sex, but they must not actively seek it out... summer is when the mateless naryu are more vulnerable, they are at the height of their fertility, and unless they 'help' one of their sisters deal with heat. they become frustrated, even in battle. a fist or a blade may be stopped and reversed, but an initiate caress, kiss, rub or grope would be more disarming for an elf whose body is at the brink of need.

fertility: average to high with heat

While a demonically manipulated breed of moon elves, Naryu, beautiful, buxom, and honestly made to be the ideal concubine race for a long banished demonic master, the Naryu still maintain much of the traits of their distant moon elf heritage, such as two vaginal g-spots, and inability to mix with other non-elf races, they also have to deal with only being able to produce males using the seed of males of their own kind. Unfortunately due to their Lord Galzondon’s engineering, male naryu are super rare even with male naryu mates, and due to the now long legitimized tradition of hunting demons to earn mating rights to the few remaining males (part of the reason demons are almost extinct in most frontier regions), the naryu tradition of monogamy has long depleted mating options for majority of naryu females in this now predominately female race. Also given the increase naryu sex drive and their curse to go into heat in summers naryu are very fertile year round, and due to lack of males most naryu become jaded to old obsolete rules and traditions often surrender themselves to the lusts of other races, usually humans whom they occasionally trade with and are known to be raped by, and more commonly, lust demons, or demons with huge cocks, more interested in raping the busty beautiful tanned elves, rather than fighting them. (Infact demons who hunt naryu purely to rape them are spared more often than ones who want to fight, for this reason only lewd demons remain in most areas with naryu present. Naryu don’t openly advertise the fact they are being raped by their ancestral enemies with eachother for fear the demon will be hunted and another source of sex is lost, but also during summer nearly all females are guilty of letting hung demon’s use them for their pleasure) this of course leads to even more females conceived which makes the gender imbalance problem worse. For this reason, naryu being nomadic, break into smaller groups and spread out, and though proud, many who become slave to humans become willing fast. Due to their sexy builds and very wide hips, child birth is very easy with naryu and not a matter of worry to them.

few in number, Naryu males are a reserved caste, saved only for mating to worthy female warriors, males are often kept out of danger and risk, not trusted for outside work. basically drones.

Females are the predominate sex in the Naryu society, due to lack of male mates, Naryu females seldom ever receive mates even when their rights of passage of slaying a demon is fulfilled and are forced to find their sex elsewhere with other races, but that is a cultural taboo, thus naryu never openly admit to being raped, willingly, by males of other races. naryu make passionate lovers and slaves. like most surface elves, naryu are completely unaware just how beautiful there are and tend to not the think much of their skimpy dress, save for when their outfit cannot contain their curves...

Moon elves: distantly related.
never met
Humans: occasionally trade, and rape

Dark elves/Drow:


(surface born)


Drow are one of the oldest races in the world. Unlike surface elves, drow reside in the underdark and their society is largely unaffected but the expansion of human influence and conflicts of the surface. Drow society is purely matriarchal, based under the values of their goddess Lady Lloth, who encapsulates beauty, intrigue, sensuality and chaos. Drow tend to only attack the surface during night, when the sun is less harsh to their sensitive underdark eyes. Gender relations are simple. Males are not made in the image of Lloth a thusly an inferior and treated as second class. Drow males are often burdened with meanial tasks, torment from their female counterparts and used disposably. Males are train primarily as warriors who patrol the underdark and are immensely skilled. Female drow are perhaps the most beautiful sensual races second to only a succubus. Unlike the males, females are slightly taller, stronger and while the make capable fighters, there have incredible magick abilities few males get to experience. Thought males are often beaten and but their cruel female superiors. Most drow view sex and power as the same thing, often seducing their reluctant males counterpart with their overwhelming sexuality. Drow males tend to be very ruggedly attractive due to the tastes of their female superiors. The Drow have been at war with the moon elves since to dawn of time is seems, few drow know the cause of the war, or care. Drow live for conquest, dominance, and pleasure. favorite kinks, pazuri.

Slave information and sexual characteristics:

Body Type: tall, slender, busty, curvy,

Sex Drive: high

Demeanor: dominate, seductive, charming, teasing

Accessibility: rare

Bust: Large

Background: Powerful, beautiful and deadly, the drow, or dark elves are a ruthless race of elves that had lived under the surface for millennia. The concept of slavery and dark elf slavery is nothing new in drow society, often children of a conquered house who are not slaughtered out right are kept as pets and lovers of the conquering matron. Unlike human society, drow are highly matriarchal and with females being favored highly by their dark goddess. They see other race as very inferior and particularly dislike surface elves. However since trade with the under dark started as well as marketing of the moon elves many moon elves found themselve brought into the world of their dark ancestral enemy and being subjected to torments beyond what humans even dream about. Drow tend to use sex as a form of dominance, often imposed upon males and other slaves. However there are still those drow females that favor a reverse in roles to for once feel like the one being dominated. Drow slaves are incredibly rare and uncommon on the surface and are usually a result of trade, barter or luck.

fertility: average
While drow females often boast a superior fertility to Moon elves and other surface races, fertility is roughly the same, but with fewer psychological hang ups as drow follow a very devious metric of morality. Also due to a rather aggressive a authoritarian nature and favorable proximity, Drow have completely dodged the devastations of the Necromancer wars, that occurred on the surface, leaving their civilization and power intact. Since the drow a highly matriarchical in their culture, the Drow are one of the few elf races to preserve their male populace due to utter subjugation. For this reason the gender balance among drow society is maintain, though not balanced in terms of power of privilege, also due to preferences fo drow females, male drow selectively bred over countless generations are considered the strongest, most attractive and most endowed of elven males. A fact drow females often use as a torment for moon elf slave girls as they have to be raped by male elves, much more attractive and sexually gratifying than a male of their own breed leaving the moon elf humbled humiliated and sometimes begrudgingly smitten. (this might happen to males too, but female drow don’t care about that). Like their surface elf counter parts, drow females do have predominate elf chromosomes, defaulting to female drow if breed with non-elves, however, drow have found ways through potions or tantric magicks to remedy this flaw and sometimes create successful desired hybrids to gain an edge in political rivalry and warfare. While drow females have by far the most insatiable sexual appetites, they do have self-medicating methods for birth control, though it is seldom used as more off-spring means more power in their matriarchal house-hierarchy system. While most drow hate to be humbled and humiliated by being sold to the surface as slaves for humans, most enjoy the relief of sex for gratification and no risk of assassination, and the easy seductively of human males and the ability to torment and bully moon elves whenever they want. Even if handlers successful conceive with drow producing a drow female, most handlers give them to moon elves to raise, ensuring the surface born drow is less aggressive than the mother but still as beautiful and sexually needy. Like other elves, drow as generous in the hips and can bear and birth children without complications.

Drow males tend to be introverted about their female superiors, most wanting to avoid such attention, which could be both good or bad. Their inner grievances against female drow tend to be tense to due to their susceptibility to female seductions, a fact female drow enjoy exploiting. Drow males are generally sexually repressed, often resisting the seductions of their female counter parts to retain some measure of control. Drow males have no concept of submissive females aside from cute moon elf slave girls, though only female drow are only ones given that pleasure.

one of the female alphas beyond elven races. Drow females have the most demanding sex drives and the lust from dominance. Unlike most elves, they are the only even race where the female is taller than the male, and equal to the height of a human female, but with more overwhelming beauty. Females are openly bisexual and see rape and seduction merely as sensual ways for expressing power. Only surface born drow females are ever known to be submissive.


Moon elves:
a cute and innocent ancestrial enemy that drow prize as pets, and sex slaves, often lovely to listen to the cute cries of their slaves as they cum.

Drow have never encountered the naryu before

Drow seldom have dealings with humans, aside from trade, often in rare metals and slaves.

habisai 4

Body Type: tall/short, slender, busty, curvy,

Sex Drive: high

Demeanor: affectionate, sweet, cuddly, gentle

Accessibility: specialized

Bust: Large

Golden eyes, white hair, dark brown skin, and nubile bodies, Brownies are a human made elf slave bred for their cuteness and beauty. unlike most slave race enslaved after the necromancer wars, Brownies have no roots outside of being the property of humans. they are gentle sweet and affectionate, though also overbearing at times and always seeking their master's affection of approval. its hard to stay mad at them when the tears of a brownie can melt a hundred hearts. a mix of drow and moon elf blood, Brownies are very submissive and affectionate with a weakness for pleasure and a very intense sex drive. though great for sex slaves, their tendency to be sweet and romantic make them more, companion type slaves as they will do anything to please their masters. unlike most slave races, Brownies are allowed to walk freely in society without any form of bondage, they tend to stick close to their master's side anyway. some are even given privileges as free citizens in more liberal human provinces in which some are even permitted to attend human schools, though beautiful elf girls in skimpy school uniforms tend to attract very lewd attention, there are not yet protections in place among brownies being raped, however, there is a rule that whatever the situation, brownies have to keep their cries of passion to a minimum even during climax as not to be a distraction.

fertility: average to high

Brownies being the result of what started at a technological trade with human slavers and drow, Drow females wanting to watch recordings and humiliations of moon elves being raped by drow males and being satifised beyond what a male moon elf could give her. It was also a way to get rid of troublesome and potentially dangerous males that might change alliances in exchange for human technology. By accident the handlers found that moon elves came harder and fell for their sexy drow rapists easily and not fuller understanding elf breeding science produced a new hybrid, the small, cute, curvy, sexually demure yet needy brownie, arguably the best of both worlds between the races for slavers. While brownies have the curves and sex drives of drow they still have the size, g-spots and cuteness of moon elves. Though they still have the hang up of love to conceive, Brownies are more affectionate to their masters and not hard to win over making reproduction easy. Having wider hips than moon elves and even drow, brownies will happily and easily bear the children of their masters or handlers, leading to the brownies rapidly become a new but increasing common and popular slave race.



Slave information and sexual characteristics:

Body Type: Curvaceous, buxom, beautiful tanned, fine assed.

Sex Drive: high (can go into heat)

Demeanor: horny, sensual, slutty, shameless.

Accessibility: common

Bust: Large

Nekos, or neko-jin, or Cat-People, were one of a many simple low tech humanoid races all but wiped out during the Last Necromancer War, as humanity the victors of the war helped them selves to the spoils of the surviving races, they took the nekos as well. As the majority of neko males perished during the war, much like the moon elves, the neko's face the same fate of the moon elves, give their bodies to lusts and and desires of the human males, or perish to time. seeking the former Humans found nekos to be quite pleasing as slaves, hightly sexually active, sexy, busty, slutty, within a few years after the war, neko, fertility and promiscuity lead to a rapid replenishment of their race, but with certain dieting to prevent reproduction of neko males, making them another all female slave race. Since nekos as so common they are relatively cheap to attain on the surface and have ben breed to be sensual sex bombs over several generations. Unlike some races, Nekos are over their animosity towards humans and unlike most slave races, Nekos are fine with their place in the human world and their roles as slave girls. do to their beauty and curvaceous builds neko's are often used by slave shops for modeling usually bikinis and thongs and testing various aphrodisiacs to see what can trigger or intensify a neko's heat. neko's as naturals in giving oral sex as they have rough tongue and purr with their throats. Aslo neko's tent to have sexy asses that lead more slave shops to fuck their nekos anally as well as vaginally. public rape of nekos is the most common of public rape than any other slave girl, this is mostly due to the neko's beauty, shamelessness and seduction when she get bored and horny. though rape is a rather ineffective form of punishment for nekos as if only encourages the, masters and handlers alike vigorously ignore this fact and punish their neko's as they desire.

fertility: high

The first slave race to be claimed by the humans, nekos are promiscuous, buxom, sexy, and very slutty. For these reasons the number of neko slave girls have never been low and their numbers rapidly recovered after their enslavement. Since nekos are highty desireable fore their beauty, large breasts, sexy asses, wide hips tanned skin, and shamelessness, they are the ideal choice of many beginning masters just wanting a sex bomb for a slave girl, though they are always cheaper than elves due to their aviliblity. While masters and handlers alike universally like to punish nekos for their sexual allure through rape, nekos are horny enough to rarely be upset and most fo the time deliberate tease their masters to see how hard she will get it. Also neko’s are known to go into heat vastly increasing theirs sexual needs. Like elves, neko slaves produce female off-spring only if not bred with their own kind. Neko slaves played a big role in slaver culture as nekos were the first race to be enslaved and most widely bought leading to policies such as public displays for slave dress code or lack their up and public rape of nekos and more interesting, in a recent lawsuit, bearing the heirs of rich nobles desiring a sexy cat slut over their more figedid and bitchy wives. This have led a budding populace fore female neko heiresses as sexy and slutty as the slaves but now with power and priviliege. However their have been cases for such heiresses visiting slave shops for the status for owning a slave and getting just and enslaved by handlers and becoming sex slaves all over again. Some heiresses hating it, most finding satisfaction in being a slave girl.

Males: none to speak of.



Moon elves: Neko's consider them proud, cute, and easy to taste, dominate and humiliate. as source a small gentle beauties to cuddle up with or rape depending on her moon

Naryu: the occasional proud, but sex bomb moon elf with tanned skin, not much is known very rare, only see them on occasion.


Males: hung, strong and aggressive, their new masters, the race that seeks to dominate them through sex of all things. whose to argue with that? often raped by humans, nekos think of human males in terms of their endowment and stamina than anything else.


frigid, bitchy, boring. Nekos consider themselves much sexier and more desirable than human females (rightfully so) and love to tout the fact that they are the preference of their male counter parts and often get cuckled as a result. for this reason female humans of privilege have tried to push many laws and restriction on using nekos for modeling, reproduction or brothels, and try to smear campaign the sale of nekos as cheap sluts. this have both hurt and helped the popularity of the nekos.

Rough details on the Slave shop:

the slave shop takes place in the rougher side of the town in a very prosperous human city. the slave shop used to be run by a by a Vet of the last Necromancer War, Gates, a huge, magically resistant by sterile Mule of a man (half giant, half dwarf) who like most fo the human forces capture many elven and neko settlements during the war. since these exotic slaves were high sought after Gates started his own auction and his own shop for high class humans. the slaves where initially treated surprisingly decent, till Gates, having several genetic draw backs thanks to his breeding, fell ill, leaving his human employees the Handlers to run the shop.

Since then the slave shop has become incredibly depraved, disorderly and lewd. The slaves are fucked regularly by the handlers to train them to be submissive to sexual advance, increase their beauty and sexual hunger. the also have fun subjecting them to otherworldly torments too, like summoning a tentacle demon through and few slaves in a taking bets of the order the slaves will be caught and how many time each one with cum. (something customers to watch and enjoy too) Slaves are traditionally kept in their cages, but since their is little oversight, and many of the keys her lost, many slave roam free among the slave shop usually cuddling up with the fellow slave turned lover, or in the arms of a handler.

it has a bath and spa area, usually for slave girls to be bather and relaxed, run by moon elf slave girls selected for their gentleness, but still not immune from the desire of a handlers or another slave girl. there is the summoning cage, used to summon the tentacle demons in the back stage during off hours for fun, or wheeled to the front stage for the amusement of customers. it has laundry area used for cleaning and repairing what little clothing the slave girls can get, again, most run by moon elves becasue of their obedience (panties are a hard commodity to come by particularly after the first few weeks. they are very much sought after, some try to steal some for the collection of handlers who keep them as trophies, risking a night of hard fucking or an hour in the tentacle cage). A tailor's shop for custom clothing and maybe a play to hide out during auction days... for a price... the exhibition cage. where slaves are subjected to the latest in state of the art sex toys and depraved sexual acts for the amusement of the crowds. the mysterious tormentor's dungeon. tasked with the domination and sexual torment of moon elves being trained as torment slaves or just for punishment, always echoing with moans and orgasmic screams. the handlers used to have a proper barracks, but that fell into disrepair too. most sleep in the many make shift lean-tos and beds scattered around the back shop like a shanty town. the shanty town always smell of sex and every turn there is a moan or a scream of pleasure. inevitably, their are handlers who start to fancy certain laves after a while and slaves favoring certain handlers like wise, so sexually heated romances and purposely hatching plots to avoid putting slaves on sale happens alot.
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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

Loooong summer...

The summers seemed to be getting longer and hotter, the climate was starting to change for maryel and her tribe it was starting to take its toll. the demons every naryu female had to slay for attain a mate had long migrated out of their forest, not that it would make much difference, her tribe only had a few males and all currently had a mate, and that left too many fertile young females enduring their most fertile season without release.

the hot humid are kissed her sweaty tanned skin, her smooth bare legs were shifted and crossed as she tried to be comfortable, the ties to her bodice were undone to release some heat and relieve the tension of her large breasts. Layla couldn't concentrate of weaving, her nipple were hard under her tunic. her body begged for a lover's touch. the sound of approaching steps caught her attentions as she rose up to see her sister Maryel. "sis! so you heard of my request, right?" she said scampering up to her beautiful older sister. Maryel sighed. "the answer is no." Maryel answered looking over her lovely and all to fertile sister, who body was arching her her love promising juice flowing freely down her tanned inner thighs. Maryel bit her lower lips as she caught whiff of her sisters pheromones. "you are in NO condition to go out demon hunting." she warned. "you will make a mistake and the demon are not forgiving, the last girl who attempted that will in heat was raped. "I DON'T CARE!" Layla stamped her foot impatiently then shivered and started to loose balance. "please sister... I can't take this anymore..." she whimpered hugging sister around the waist and burring her face into her busty sister's cleavage. Maryel look into her sister large beautiful eyes and bit her feeling her lovely sister's body against hers, she too was in heat and was feeling lust a well. "I..." she said breathing hard as she felt already soaked panties grew hotter "I am doing with for you now good Layla..." she said as she ran her fingers through her sister's waist length sandy yellow hair, down her nubile wait to her full hips before clutching her bottom and making her sister gasp. she kissed Layla's neck now too lost in her own lust not to have ther way with her sister's sensitive body. "please Sis..." she begged as she felt maryel fingers stroke her between her thighs and gently slide into her dripping panties and making her arch her back and moan.

the two female guards waited at attention, both stock still, sweaty and wet, waiting impatiently for their shift to end and get some dry panties on. its a very bad summer when the entire tribe is short of fresh panties that don't smell strongly of a women in need. still, nipples erect, panties dripping and clits swollen, the two guard obediently maintained their posts before the tried leader's tent.

it did NOT help at all when they saw their leader. maryel and her younger sister, both in holding groping moaning and kissed in a lustfully frenzy as they tried their best to get more of each other out of their clothes as they made their way to the tent ignoring the modesty of the tow gourds. this wasn't all that uncommon for elves to rely on family member to bring release if no male was available. in fact this summer is was become almost routine.

but still, the sounds of lips on flesh, the heaving on breasts, the kissing, the moans the cries, the sounds of the two sisters knocking over small pieces of furniture in a lustful frenzy. it was becoming too much. the youngest of the guards could not stand it, her juices were running down to her knees now and she couldn't handle the sounds of two beautiful sister making passionate love while she received none. her heart pounding she nodded to to the other guard who was pressing her hips against the shaft of her spear and trying not to moan.

it was dishonorable to leave guard duty, but she couldn't take it. there was a stream nearby, dangerously close to the human settlements, but a cool bath might do her some good. she shivered as she walked, feeling the fabric of her panties brushing against her throbbing clit as she tried to make her way to the stream without swaying her hips too much, but with no luck. she moaned and stumbled as she leaned against a fallen tree whimpering and leaned forward against it taking a break. she fight the urge to touch herself. it was not safe to do that with humans around, she heard stories about her felt elves being raped by humans and used as sex slaves. she shuddered... with envy. her tunic clung to her sweaty body, snug across her waist and barely even containing her full hips. but the poor elf girl was she had set her spear down and was unaware of the appealing view she was giving whatever was behind her.

(be a human, slaver, or a demon, and rape some declectible little elves.

Naryu elves:


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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

So basically the setting will be act I of the diablo II game and basically the countryside and major town cities and sites of power have fell to the growing forces of darkness, one of the few hold outs against this in the camp of the Sisterhood of the Sightless eyes, basically an all female religious and militaristic order, their warriors are the rogues, known for wearing skimpy leotards and thongs. Though their numbers have been halved lately as one of their Captains, Blood Raven recently fell to the darkness and took several sisters with her.

Now this would normally weaken the camp but thanks for being the last secure holdout, they have become a rally point for refugees, lost caravans and even bold heroes and traveling warriors. this is generally how the game begins with you selecting a hero to play as.
now in my smutty version, the rogues have proven so hard to crush that Blood Raven wanting to defeat them with less blood shed and spare the lives of most of her former comrades decided to change tactics. being an all female order of 20 somethings for so long with men around, the girls have needs... and weakness... Now its not hungry insane demons that only want to kill going after them, but hung and horny beasts and eagerly take them alive and fuck them until the sisters mount and raid and rescue them, only... the seed of these demons is potent, leading to higher lust, which can be relieved with a magic dildo, but at the cost of making them more beautiful (slowly becoming a succubus) and there are now many men in the camp eyeing these nubile girls, hardy warriors, lecherous merchants not so noble heroes.

relationships and alliances can be made and we can even have a dice element to balance the game, but playable girls can be the following:

Peasant girl/tavern girl -a refugee, can joining adventurers or the sisterhood.
A Rogue - decided if you are a new recruit or if you have been captured and fucked a few times already
Eastern sorceress - very beautiful and exotic, monsters and men alike will want her~
Assassin -appearances can vary but assassin girls might be trained in seduction and lust.
eastern harem girl/slave girl

So I am deciding to make this a general diablo thread in which roles of enemies, main characters and NPCs can be divided among rpers.

I realized how much smutty, unspoken potential the diablo series has and was thinking of tapping that. starting with the rogue camp. The Rogue camp is a camp of female warriors in skimpy leotards, serving a military and religious order called the Sisterhood of the sightless eye. after the events of Tristram, and the coming of the Traveler, Darkness has tainted the land and beasts and monsters run rampant. with the roads closed caravans need to seek shelter and adventurers need to find rest. the most secure strong hold that has yet to be overrun, the Rogue Camp.

whoever the Rogues, all young fit female warriors, are not accustomed to and abundance of males in their midst. lecherous merchants, chivalrous, and lewd heroes and even hung goatmen, lots of potential in this setting..

some diablo characters:
NPCs (Diablo II)

example to create your own character:

Name: Shala Sultra
Age: 23
Gender: female
Class: Sorceress (multiclass): Eastern Slave girl
Background: Shala Sulta was young orphan girl selected by Zakrete, the court sorcerer of the local Pasha to be his apprentice in the arts of magic, as he saw great potential in her. she was 18 when her master Zakrete had succumbed to old age and died. though her potential had grown in the arts of magic, more noticeable other Pasha was her beauty. what started as training her as a dancer turned in making her another slave girl for his already impressive harem, whom the pasha generously shared with his guards. for four years she was the plaything of men and their desires. even to this days she is submissive to the intimate touch of a man. it was only when the corrupt raided by sabre cats that she managed to escape. she has fought along many groups of adventurers during her travels, usually working as a dynamic spellcaster, but is often criticized not for her skill in magic, but for her lack of fighting experience and combat instincts. though she has seen defeat many times at the hands of many monsters, they never kill her, most find joy in her beauty and enjoy the pleasure of her body instead. it is something she embarrassingly tries to avoid mentioning every time she tries to join up with a group of adventurers or merchant caravans. Right she knows that the evil in the west is on the rise and that heroes are rising to fight it. she wishes to join such a group and help to destroy the darkness.


Personality: Smart resourceful and demure, she is willing to be persuasive and stick up for herself when people make assumptions of her, but falls back into her own words when the assumptions happen to be true. but she has one major weakness, she is VERY submissive to the sexual advances of men, and possibly even women. she does not like fighting alone, she works well in groups... mostly....


A merchant's wagon looking to be of eastern origin rumbled past the Rogue's patrols and into the borders of the Sister's encampment. the merchant sitting on a bench behind the driver marveled at the scantily clad red-haired beauties of the Sister's of the Sightless Eye. He wouldn't mind having a few of the lovely female warriors do him an few favors during his stay, however her was already quite content with the shapely, silent white-hair beauty beside him...

Shala Sultra blushed and looked away as the merchant's around returned to his pace around her tiny waist and an his fingers teasingly close to her the exposed skin of her hip. she was lightly bound behind her back by the wrists though such a thing was unnecessary for her, his touch alone was enough to remined her whom she belong to. though it wasn't always this way...

Originally she had enlisted as a sorceress to be protection for the caravan in exchange for envoy. the merchant however was more overcome with the young sorceress's beauty and delectable body. it wasn't long before he found out she was a former harem girl as well, a fact that pleased him greatly along with her submissive nature towards men. of course he realized the joy of his investment a top notch slave girl at the price of a cheap mercenary. he seldom let her leave his bed, he had even gone out of his way to have her blessed with a slave curse, binding her body to him, he already had her soul. the curse prevented her from straying too far form him, or from using way points, or from using particularly potent magic. the result of either of these violations was a magic enduced orgasm. few female slaves could run very far after climax. The merchant smiled greedly at Shala as he groped her ass watch the girl wince and whimper softly. he remembered when she DID fight a few time with the curse on her, she could fel a single powerful beast with much ease and maybe some dripping panties, but multiple weak foes... he smiled growing hard remembering how her casually watched as she was over taken by Leapers and ravaged in front of him and his driver. they waited before helping her, then had their turn with her.

Shala herself tried not to think of the men who had had their way with her, it made things awkward when giving her qualifications as a sorceress when trying to join up with parties of heroes. though, multiple men seem to instinctively know of her past as a concubine, or rather we taken enough with her beauty not to take 'no' for an answer.

and she was by all means what one would desire in an eastern slave girl and more. her body was shapely and well curved, with full ample breasts and full curvy hips. her skin was a lush and tanned, which contrasted with her strangely white hair. she was seldom given anything that didn't flatter her physical charms and even when she paid good money a tailor still saw to it to expose her thighs, hips and cleavage, and then charge an 'additional' fee...

Shala whimpered as she felt the merchant's hand slid up her inner thigh, where he he liked to keep his hand when she was close. the girl whimpered and closed her eyes as his hand slid under her body hugging chemise and into her panties. the merchant shushed her and cupped her breast making her gasp as the wagon came to a stop. "don't think I wouldn't take what I want from you right here right now if there weren't errands to run..." he kissed shala's neck making the girl shiver. "But once were are ready... don't think I won't gladly flaunt you, my slave infront of the others and repay you for tempting my lust... like you always do..." he said looking over her pleasing body and smiling fro kissing her lips. the girl was blushing now, he said he wouldn't take her here, but he had made and broken such promises in the past.

"now go visit the way point, make sure it is active. for us." Shala blushed deeply.

"but- but the way point-" she stammered

"I know..." the merchant said flatly with an evil grin as the girl blushed even deeper.

Shala blushed and leapt down from the wagon, and flinched as the drive caress her thigh as he walked past her. she turned and looked to the merchant.

"can- can I have my binds off?" she said sheepishly.

the merchant grinned and jumped off the wagon as she girl turned. he instead pulled her hips back into her his crotch, parting his robe and pressing his hardened member against her shapely ass. "just remember what happens if you get too far form me and how hard I will fuck you if you do..." he hissed grinding against her ass. Poor shala whimpered expecting him to take her right there as she started to grind against her ass. "remember to be back at my bed by tonight... " he said and turned her around and kissed her deeply. he really WAS tempted to take her in the middle of the camp, but other things where pending, his treasured concubine wasn't going anywhere.

As they broke the Shala blushed and nodded. he cut her loos binds, freeing her hands. "now go!" he start spanking her fine ass.


Shala tried to make her way through the camp trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. though such a thing was hard with a scantily clad nubile body and lovely eastern features. her full hips swayed unconsciously of their own accord, all her years as a dancer made walking in such a way second nature. also the merchant's touching of her body wasn't much help either. she was attracting gazes of not only men but some women too... she blushed remembering a bisexual concubine in the same harem as her...

she blushed deeply as she came close to the waypoint. she didn't even need to see it, she could feel as she could any magic used by her, on her or around her... she neared it slowly blushing as the density of the energy around the way point grew more potent. gently she stepped one foot over the waypoint, suddenly the arcane device activated and bathed her in energy. the energy, through the curse immediately converted itself into ecstasy. Shala screamed out her orgasm as she body blazed with pleasure and clasped next to the way point and clutched her womanhood with both hands as wave after wave of pleasure overwhelmed her. she arched her back through the second orgasm and curled into a ball and shuddered though it. embarrassed that the magic in this way point was stronger than she was expecting. of course news of this would please her master. she blushed as she tried to not to look at those staring at her prone body as she tried to catch her breath.



At the tavern:

Gaile gasped as yet another adventurer pinched her toned ass through her tight leotard. She turned around to glare at the offending man and blushed to see the huge barbarian from the north, the one who had cornered and taken her several nights ago.

the make shift tavern was set up a few weeks ago buy a few of the merchants who wished to still make some coin even while stranded in camp of the rogues for the duration of the war. Of course, a tavern needed wenches, and a rogue, bored with patrol duty could earn some extra coin severing the men. of course, a shapely rogue with red hair, strong bare thighs, a scrupled ass and full breasts attracted it share of male attention in this setting. She blushed deeper as she had to lean over to fill the barbarian's flagon. the barbarian licked his lips appreciatively as he ogled the young rogue's cleavage, she could see his monstrous bulge when she looked down and blushed deeper remembering the strong large hands that had held her lithe body down and the enormous member that had filled her.

normally it was taboo for a rogue to fornicate with a passing drifters, much less by raped by one. Kashya would have had the barbarian's head if she new, and would have been eternally dishonored by Gaile's breaking of the Rogue code. of course, with all the refugees, adventurers, merchants and... men... it was obvious to her that several of her sister rogues were likely going to give into to natural weaknesses. Of course those who did, and she knew they did, tended to keep it quiet. much like rogues that were captured by the goatmen and later rescued. they had been raped, alot, usually by the same goatman since they were territorial about their 'mates.' the benefit was you were more likely to be kept alive if a goatman captured you to make you his slave, rather than imps, who tried to sacrifice and eat you.

She knew her rape while in the captivity of the goatmen would be secret as Elly was captured and taken with her. both swore to keep it a secret between them, though considering the glances from the veteran rogues upon their rescue, their experience with the goatmen was nothing uncommon for the warrior females.

As for her trantric encounter with the barbarian who was now ogling her fit and shapely body with stroking his enormous member as he smiled as her, she thought that one night was the end of it as he left for adventure the next day. she figured that would have been the end of him. either he would fall in the cold plans for traveled beyond the frost moores. but now he was back and clearly recalled her as one of his many conquests. She shivered as he placed his large calloused hand on her smooth thigh.

She whimpered as straightened turning and enduring the expected spank on her plump ass as she desperately looked for another customer, keeping her thighs together as she tried to hide her wetness.

some more ideas for rogues captured by monsters.
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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

Age of Discovery Roleplay

so first off. This is not a straight up smut rp, it probably CAN have smut elements, but for now I kinda to tried it out as an actual roleplay game in which I get to DM.

The setting

Its been 20 years since the discovery of the New Continent, a lush tropical land of boundless riches and dangers too. The discorvery of these new lands has lead to several wars inland wars among the imperial nations as to whom holds claim over the new lands. 10 years of bitter wars, more fo the Imperial nations have worn down to a rather shakey truce.

Imperial Nationalities:

Ruled by the Anglian crown, they are a strong seafaring nation, decent military, decent wealth, industrializing, many enemies, tied government priorities.

Deeply militaristic, progressive, and aggressive. Well industrialized, the Duechers lack resources and have to depend on outside trade.

Ruled by the Francken Crown, the Francs a very wealthy, many resources, thriving agriculture, and industrial power. Strong military tradition, long time rivals of Duechers and Anglians, strong navy, little trade.

a confederderay of northern seafaring nations, shrewd and skilled in the ways of war, but even more skilled in mercantilism.

Rich, militaristic, religious, strong navy and large army, agriculture and mercantile economy.

Industrial, militarist, scientific, religious, while a big loser in the ten years war, the the new governement is slowly starting to recover itself, rebuilding its trade and navy. In need of allies.

old, Wealthy, militaristic, intellectual and stagnant. Ruled by and ancient and powerful family, no navy to speak of, but holds immense prestige.

The New World:

At the time of the first discovery of the new world, little has throughly studied or explored. The inhabitants seem great in numbers and ruled by three powerful states known as the Inland Kingdoms. Due to disputes over the succession, the inland kingdoms a currently embroiled in a massive civil war, leaving only the costal villages largely impacted.

Inland kingdoms:
Currently unknown

Outside factions:

The Kalmar league:
A trade company of immense prestige and wealth, they favor in the sale of exotic goods bartered from exotic places. Made up mostly of Nordians.

The Imperial Trust:
Another trade company, much large and ally to the Anglian Crown. Also serves as a banking interest as well as merchant company.

a Wealthy religious order, holds sway over the souls of the Castilians, Haspisans, and Francs.

Character castes:












Essentially I would like to create character making system where you pick your nationality, your caste, then your hereditary profession and skills. (you nationality and caste determines the conditions in which you are sent to the New World)

the idea is kind of a mix of Morrowind and Civilization.

you will have many NPCs to talk to make alliances with and broker deals. once on the New world, you pretty much are on your own, you cand get favors from your nation, but performing deeds that bring prestige, or seek help from the locals, or forge your own path.

again, this is mostly just a straight RP idea. let me know who is interested, or better yet, have ideas for developing it.

and an example intro:

Four Weeks at sea trapped down in the hold with 20 veteran Duescher soldiers and 80 Anglican sailors. the merchant sailor now turned privateer by the crowns commission. The Anglican crown was going to need all they could get sailor wise as the Iberian war had cost the Anglicans Navy greatly, as well as lead to several small Anglicans colonies being overrun Iberian forces. Rouke's Town was the bastion of Anglican control, and had been converted into a coastal fortress. and due to limited availability of shipments of arms, food resources and other materials, the crown could not support both the colonies AND the war at home. Hence the commission of the hastily thrown munitions factory and barracks.

yes they were to hold out and make arms for the arrival of future Anglican armies, how they were going to do that was up the reckoning. He had received a summons that Captain Taylor had a briefing for them before they're arrival at Rouke's Town.
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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

age of discovery, adventure and smut

it was been 40 years since the discovery of the new world. a new content to the imperial powers across the Great Sea. the hope for this story is to create an interesting and new world, with the Imperials on the cusp or mastering steam punk technology, while the Inland Kingdoms within the new world have limited technology, but boundless resources, and old magicks. choose, win the favor of the imperials, win the favor of the inland kingdoms, join the inland war, remain neutral, declare war, gain guides and allies, discover valueable flora and funa, explore runes, ancient sites, treasures, win the favor of the imperial crowns, the InLand warlords, or the Trust? are you a merchant, a warrior, an inventor, a guide, translator, doctor, or lord?

I want this to be a world that rps can play multiple characters and work hard to explore and develop, and find smut along the way ^.~

Rough intro (long):

the bulk of the ship rocked and creaked in the strong but subtle night's breeze.

Sir Mathew Harland Bates instinctively reached out to steady his shifting oil lamp as the ship road over a particularly rough wave, all the while the young man kept his eyes train on the journal in his hand. he was an educated man, a botanist and cartographer at age 23, certainly hansom by any standard with blonde hair and devilish features. he turned over a fresh page where and artful hand had diligently sketched in fine detail and beautiful native girl from a newly discovered land. Mathew smiled at he took in the fine detail, long dark hair, exotic features and a shapely body, with skimpy clothing that barely covered her full curves... Mathew marveled at the picture with interest at he ogled the girl's bare thighs and cleavage. though he a bright and promising young man from a respectable and affluent family. he was lazy and cared little for his reputation in society. he was already an such embarrassment for being a gambler and womanizer, mostly womanizer, that his family demanded he start behaving like a proper gentleman of his status.

Mathew turned to next page to see a sketch of the same girl form before bending over of at the waist to fill a water jug, damn did the artist catch a great view... how the hell could anyone expect him to be a gentleman around such a delicious woman? he was already getting hard, imagining taking the women and in that position, a vulgar action to be sure, but the type he liked the most. damn, two months at sea without a woman, how did these sailors stand it?!

a snore from the end of the room broke his concentration on the picture. a shadowy figure curled up in a make-shift hammock snore loudly and stirred with the ship's rocking. Mathew rolled his eyes, Bernad Shuk. or "Benny" a he was called. a commoner and scallywag, but a former liaison to the late Doctor Rotheski. Benny was more rough and unkempt, dark hair, unshaven stubble and general cynicism. that at least Mathew like about him, he new his fellow nobles were the most cynical people alive, it was good to know that a squire and linguist like Benny could be just as cynical.

The cabin door open inviting the roar of the sea before closing base into relative silence. a tall elderly man in a sea captain's uniform march into he warm dry cabin to shed his coat. "still readying through Rotheski's journal are you?" Captain Taylor asked and she started to ring the sea from his coat.
"twelfth time through..." Mathew answered spending a few moments admiring another sketch that the girl was smiling in and knowingly poising for.

"not just ogling the pictures I hope. defeating the entire purpose of your father sending you here." Taylor said hanging up his coat to dry.

Mathew rolled his eyes. " Rotheski was quite the artist, you cannot blame me for appreciating the man's skill. nor the beauty of the women he choose to sketch."

"Just remember, you will be sketching maps, not girls, you will be traveling deep into the new continent and accessing what resources and what value can be found amount the land and its people... it is your duty to the crown."

"but... we might need a native guide for such an expedition."

"that's what Benny is..." Taylor growled gesturing to the sleeping man. "he knows the local language and he knows the village we will be porting at tomorrow and he was one of Rotheski's men."

"and then Rotheski disappeared how? again?"

Taylor sighed, "get some sleep, we will be docking in the morning... "


Mathew Tried to best to wipe the sleep out of his eyes as a man was noisily stomping and banging around the cabin, getting dressed and gathering up equipment. Mathew yawned. "the hell's going on?" he muttered.

"'what's going on?'" a gruff, man's voice that had not yet lost its youth mocked. "THIS is what's going on." A curtain way violently pulled aside flooding the cabin with agonizingly blinding light.

"dah! Damn! Close it! close it!" Mathew gestured violently as he tried to cover his eyes.

A heavy sack Hit him in the chest nearly knocking him off the bed. "get dressed, the captain's waiting..."


The smell of the sea was strong as was the tropical sun and dense moist air.

Captain Taylor, in spite of the heat remained fully and formally dressed at the dock sipping his morning tea as his sailor marched up and down the gangplanks, carrying bundles of woven cloth, and crates of salt and barrels of mead. Mathew exited that cabin still doing up this shirt as he made his way among the crew onto the dock. "Are we here already?" he asked looking taking in his surroundings.

the sun reflected hotly off the white sand of the beach only to be briefly cooled by the steaming and receding of the waves. further inland from the beach a densely green wall of tropical foliage. The doc was of modest build with large trunks of imperial timber. "Peter's Port" was encribed on the port's main wharf house, also to bearing a flag of the Crown, but also the insignia of the Imperial Commerce Trust.

Mathews Knit his brow as he finished doing up his suspenders. "I thought this port was owned solely by the Crown...."

"it is.... " Said Taylor as he raised his tea cup to his lips. "for now anyway... The trust has taken quite a bit of interest in this new land, there is high potential for valuable plants, animals and mineral wealth. This port was built initially as a landing point for ships further sailing up the coast, mapping the continuance. that was a year ago, since then their has been trade with the local natives of our own manufactured goods that their own. they have brought us man exotic fruits and plants of many powerful properties, for medicine and recreation. its only natural the Trust should take an interest." he sipped his tea again. "right now the Trust has taken a great interest in the economic potential and the resources of this land, and the trust will smile vary favorably to the Imperial nation that can best map out this new world...."

"and bleed this land dry just like we bled our own..." Spat Benny as he marched past the two gentlemen, tipping a leading mead barrel into a tin mug a taking a swig.

"a little early for that kind of beverage Mr Shuk?" Captain Talyor asked the scruffy young man who proceeded to pour the remainder of the mead on his arms and neck.

"unless you want to be eaten alive by skeeters capt'n, I suggest you follow suit... this land maybe be lush and beautiful, but I can name a number of common things here that could kill you are well."

"like the natives?" asked a tall, Teutonic, muscularly built man in full military uniform and mustache and blunderbuss in hand.

"ah, Sargent Reynolds," Taylor smiled as the tall solider started to readjust the straps to his pack. "Glad you could make it. you've haven't met Sargent Reynolds have you Mr Bates? He is a former grenadier in the Royal Redguard's division. a stnad up soldier, but unfamilar with the ways and customs of these lands I am afriad. Mr Shuk, I trust you cand bring him up to speed."

Benny shrugged and nodded. Mathews was looking down the dock at the natives exchanging crates and barrels with the sailors. The majority old and wizened men, tanned by the unyielding sun. "Taylor.... what would you estimate the average age of natives in this village?"

Taylor shrugged. "mostly between 18 and 29, though they are rumored to live well into their 90s, why do you ask?"

"Because there seem to be only old men, handing the goods..."

"that's becasue the YOUNG men are further inland fighting a war among the inland kingdoms. this has been going on for two years now... in that respect their problems are not all that different that the Imperial Nations. And you Reynolds, I recommend you keep your weapon stowed and let me do the talking... no sense starting a war with the Inland Kingdoms on their own land..."

"Do you speak any of the local tongue, Mr Shuk?" Asked Mathews curiously.

"Enough to get by, but you won't have to worry about this particular Village. with the international trading, Dr Rotheski's influence, and general exposure to our tongue, most of the natives can speak the language of the crown... "

Mathew took a moment to ponder this...

"I understand I was to have a scribe accompanying me..."

Taylor blinked. "oh yes, Mr Sneibbs. he is still below deck, I will fetch him..."
Taylor set his tea down on the post and started to make his way up the gang planks. Mathew smiled as he

watched him leave and turned his attention back to the two hardened men before him. "Now Mr Shuk, I take it you know this particular village well, would you mind showing me around."

Benny looked to where Captain Taylor has disappeared below deck then hesitantly looked back to Mathews. "Suppose... but for what purpose?"

"I believe we need to higher a native guide. a native speaker. you admit your command of their language is limited."

"yes..." Said Benny cautiously, not breaking his eyes from the slightly taller nobleman.

"and a native guide would be a GREAT help in learning more about the land and how their adapt to its perils, and could even educate out dear Sgt Reynolds." he said patting Reynolds on his rock hard shoulder.

"Oooookay...." Said Benny taking a puff from his hand-rolled cigarette. "but only becasue you are right...."


the people of the village were still within the basic levels of technological development, sporting simple, easy to repair and modify, light timber huts. Benny was right about one particular detail too, much to mathew's pleasure. most of the natives walking around were young women, young beautiful exotic women...

beautiful and scantily clad with only the bare functional essentials for dress, with little to no effort attempted to even hide their lush feminine shape, their smooth tanned skin, smooth bare this, full hips, bare pinched waists, long black hair, deep brown eyes and ample busts. most clad in simple loin cloths or thongs and small low cut tops. So deliciously in contrast to the women back home.

Mathew smiled and looked around like an eager school boy. the trio of foreign men were their fair share of stares and smiles from passing girls, after all two years deprived of male attention and touch left many of the young women in want. not the mention some of the local fruit not only was a decent food for consumption, but also provoked the physical desire of those who consumed it, and it was a decent crop this year. not to mention these strange foreign men were not all that bad looking.

One Particularly shapely girl with a woven tray, walked by them making an all too deliberate attempt to rub past Benny. " Oh I a- am so sorry..." she said, obviously testing her mastery of Imperial tongue and flashing a cute smile. at the three men and Benny. "would you like to try one?" she offered, raising the tray so it was level with her breasts. the tray held four exotic looking fruits.

"oh why thank you..." Benny said loud enough to make Reynolds and Mathews start paying attention. he took one of the fruit and smelled it, he fished a multi-tool knife from his pack, snapped over the main blade and cut a piece free and ate it. "uhmmmn! very good, very sweet, how much?"

the Native girl's eyes widened, "oh, un, its for you, a gift." she said gesturing for him to keep the fruit.

Benny smiled "we in that case, I have a gift for you..." he folded up the knife and handed it to the girl. she Blushed in amazement, looking up a Benny to confirm her was serious, then gladly excepted it. she smiled at Benny warmly as she started to turn, all too obviously slipping the multi-tool into her cleavage as she walked away, deliberately swaying her hips as she did.

Both Reynolds and Mathews stare open mouthed as she walked away, Benny took a bite of the fruit causally and looked at the two. "we are probably the first young men they have seen in a two years since the war. get used to it. these people at very hospitable." he tossed the fruit in the air and into the air for Reynolds to catch.

Mathews shook head out of the trance, three whole months at sea without womanly company, and here nearly nothing but women. his member was already rock-hard from the image for that girl sliding the tool between her breasts.

"you too here, try to arrange and barter for provision until captain Taylor comes back, I will find us a Guide in the meantime."

"I don't think-" benny started, but it was too late, Mathews was already on the hunt, leaving them in the middle of the village, as he looked for the perfect girl to satisfy his needs....

((who wants to play the beautiful native guide/concubine Mathew's is seeking?))


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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)



There were different breeds of slave girls how tonight, dressed accordingly to their breeds and body types, some attracting more physical attention from their customers than other. the slave girls on display, the unfortunate moon elf bound and writhing in shameful pleasure on her back as she she was forced to demonstrate and endure the power of their sponsor's latest Phallic vibrator, with special massaging ribs. the poor sweating little elf, her lithe shapely body twisting and writhing as she sobbed in pleasure, her nipples diamond hard as the cruel, wonderful toy inside her stimulated both her g-spot as once, forcing the poor thing to curl her toes and arch her back squalling into pleasure as she came again and again. her handler not even letting her have any modesty in her humiliation as she pulled her tattered slave tunic off her sweaty nubile body and, revealing her panties soak through after multiple orgasms.

The handlers smiled awaiting the cheers and some requesting slave girls, either to buy, to merely to take to the designated beds to fuck. one handler held and vial of catnip for later when the crowds interest started to wain, while the handler next to him, held the body of large breasted, and curvaceous neko mewing and in heat agisnt his, his lips on her neck and his hand one her large oiled breasts and his ranging member agisnt her juicy thong clad ass, waiting eagerly to rape the horny slave girl, but only after they tortured and humiliated the moaning elf further.
(for more details let your kitty watch the show)

They even had the Tentacle Demon Cage out today. at least 8 slave girls of different reeds, sobbed struggle faught moaned as they were slowly bound and voilated by the countless phallic tentacle as the demon had its pleasure with the beautiful slaves. Technically the handlers were only supposed to do this on nights like this and for new timer slaves that needed to learn their roles. well, lately they shouldered the costs and did it daily jsut to watch to delicous humilaition of sweet moon elf sobbing in unwanted pleasure and rape as the tentacle filled her and stimulated her nipples and clit. Or the neko girls moaning and eventually purring through tripple penetration, the drow but humilated drow beauty, pursing her full pouty lips and away from the slimely tetnacle pumping between her large, perfect breasts and biting her lip to stifle her orgasm as the demon came large gouts of hot seed on her face and breasts while more filled her quim and ass.

(for more details let your kitty watch the show)

Of course, as a well curved neko with a full, sexy ass and delightfully large breasts, she was required to wear either a thong or panties that rode up when she waitresses, and either wear a top that showed most of her cleavage and under-boob, or nothing at all. Allegedly the handlers had her body oiled by the moon elves incase she was grabbed and needed to slip away, only to learn personally when the noble took her, the oil only make her skin and breasts more sensitive to the touch and eased penetration during her rape. it made it all more pleasurable, but it also made her more enticing too. waitress girl were slotted to be ogled and touched, but not raped. however, the Noble who took her could afford the fine and actually paid more to have her again, taking her in every position and eventually making her breasts and lips with his seed. the man's virility was insane, he even stole her panties before leaving and penetrating her one more time, not fucking her but using his hardness to show her he was still far from satisfied with the sultry neko.


the last few nights had been driving Vincent mad with desire. he kept thinking of that neko slave girl he took. the sway of her wide hips, her sexy ass, this cock between her full breasts, her moans and mewls when he was raping her and her cries when she came, her warms sweaty body, he scent.

Vincent had to keep his hardness hidden from sybil and try to forget about his night dominated the slave girl and making her his, but he couldn't he had lust, passion, sexual fulfillment he had not felt in a near decade and with a slave girl most human super models could not compete with.

so here he was a little disguised this time and paying full upfront before entering the main plaza of the slave shops, filled with the smells of lust and feminine hormoans, and echoing with orgasmic scream moans and erotic depravity.

and small, very cute and shapely moon elf, reduced to waitress in a thong with her lush ashen blue skin oiled, bowed and offered him a drink over the clamor. Vincent, confident he could buy the whole slave shop if he wanted, casually ran his hand up the oiled naked thigh of the cute moon elf, and asked her to show him to the waitress slave girls' dressing rooms or to wear the nekos currently were. he tangling his fingers in the waist of the blushing elf's skimpy thong and made damn sure she could see the bulge in his pants, warning her what huge thing might fill if she delayed, making the poor elf shiver in fear and anticipation.


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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

Drow slave shop start idea:


She bit full lower lip as she sat on her knees, her slender arms bound behind her back, the soft silk snug agisnt every curve of her lush dark skin.
Rasha knew her sisters wanted her gone. Noble house rivalries weren't meant to last long and often the didn't. she was expecting assassination, something rather common among rival siblings, something she a few others in the know knew to insure against. A mutual life curse. a sort of insurgence policy, if she died, her sister would die with her. it was always a smart move, it forced your enemy to become your body guard and your position of power could be maintained and unchallenged.

Or so she thought...

then she woke up on the surface, sold into slavery by her sisters into he greedy and lusty arms of human slavers. She expected Underdark standards of slavery, worked to the bone, beaten just shy of death, tortured, interrogated, raped, humiliated. Well, humans, being rather lax in their standards of slave treatment seemed to favor only the last too, rape and humiliation, which in a strange way was more humiliating. You could hate an enemy, hate a torturer, but could you hate lover? it was weird as aside from personal sexual gratification, most of the sex-based power dynamic seemed to be water down in the simple exploitation purely for enjoyment. this was straight up culture shock for her, yes, drow females WERE notoriously lusty and loved recreational sex, but rarely could one be vulnerable enough to enjoy that freedom in world so fraught with deadly intrigues. Now she was of lesser castes and while a lesser as more sexually free as a result, while true, she may end up with a man's seed on her breasts and face by the end of the day, but quite the upgrade from a poisoned dagger to the throat.

Still things were still anxious, the Curse she put on her sisters to link their life's flame together was having side effects. she could sense when her sister singled out of a male for fornication, and she could feel what her sister felt, or feel what her other sister felt as she for a moon elf female to please with with her tongue. it was a rather intrusive and embarrassing glitch in the curse and she could only imaging how much her sisters were experiencing through her.

She felt her face heat up as she blushed, something that was a sign of weakness in the underdark, yet seemed to please the human men. She shifted, arching her back as she slid her long limber legs under the binds of her wrists, before sitting up and climbing to her feet. There was a mirror leaning over just outside her cage.

the human bastard claimed they didn't have any apparel for drow, so she was forced to wear a simple slave's tunic, the clean simple slid slip, intend for moon elves of all things!

I really did help to know she would be reduced to something as helpless and pathetic as a moon elf, but to have to squeeze into the same clothing.

the Tunic was already meant to be simply on the cute ashen blue skinned surface elves. it really didn't let that she was a nearly a foot taller than those elves and much more proudly curved. The 'mini-skirt' hem of the tunic barely, contained her wide hips and full shapely ass, till one handler offered to held her by slashing the flanks up the hip, leaving her only a sort of skimpy loincloth hanged infront of her ass and quim. the waist was tight, but not unmanageable, and drow had long waists and slender upper bodies, so the shoulders weren't too bad, the worst was the bust. to moon elves, a C-cup is considered "stacked" however, for drow, a C-cup was laughably flat chested. Rasha was a double D, a good average fore drow and totally not built to fit in a flat chested moon elf's tunic. so her handler simply tore the neck of the tunic, lower till it fit her, it showed off her impressive cleavage, but Rasha wasn't ashamed, even if is meant a man's cock between her breasts later.

Looking at the knot around her wrists she fumbled with it till her dexterous fingers solved it, and she took her cord to bind her thigh length white hair back into a pony tail before undoing the makeshift lock to her cage. one of the few perks of the slave shop next to the lax security, was free pampering and oiling at the bathing area, with submissively moon elf slave girls to oil you down. true another escape might result in punishment form her handler, but if all his punishments involved his cock, where was the downside?
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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

More info on drow:

Drow males are shorter than a male human, more stealthy and agile, pretty strong and sculpted and but not bulky. being of lower caste they tend to be conditioned to be distrustful and sometimes spiteful of drow females. Drow males, usually not aware but are probably the most attractive males of the drow races due to millennia of select breeding by the ruling drow females. the are also hung like human males, which is huge by elf standards. they also tend to be pragmatically minded and self sexually repressed as a means of defiance to the considerable seductive powers and beauty of female drow.

Drow female are the higher caste in drow society and are blessed with the magical prowess and beauty of their matron goddess, Lloth. Drow females are only slightly shorter than human females, still taller than their own males, and nearly peerless in beauty. Drow females through scheming and clever are still slaves to their own lusts. the sex drive of a drow female easily dwarfs that of their males, however with drow society being an ever present struggle for power and danger, most have to be begrudgingly cautious and very selective of when they choose to indulge their desires. Drow tend to have slender, shapely builds, and nubile curves. where a c-cup bust is consider huge to a moon elf, c-cup is almost laughably flat to a drow female. drow females tend to be very capable fighters, but seldom engage in physical confrontation when magic is more effective. drow males tend to trained mostly as fighters due to their limited magical prowess, and as a way to keep them inline.

Drow males must show fealty and loyalty to their commanding female. the most intimate and humiliating/sincere demonstration is 'the kiss.' a drow female bares her legs and exposes her inner thigh to him. the male is to show his loyalty by kneeling submissively and kissing the inside of her thigh. how many time or how high he has to kiss is up to the female, until she feels satisfied with his dedication. this is of course a way to degrading the male's pride, receiving pleasure, and seducing the male at the same time. In terms of seduction drow females are basically one par with mortal succubi.

Drow naryu intro:

Habisai paced slowly and gracefully around the carvern, the slight yet deliberate sway of the beautiful drow's full hips was hard to ignore. she did this to torment them, nothing more. it was bad enough that their division was assigned to easily the most beautiful drow in the underdark, but the most devious and wicked as well.

She was dressed comfortably and alluringly, a simple purple spider silk tube top that molded itself over her large and perfectly shaped breasts and held tightly to her slender upper body, leaving her slender waist completely bare. then she wore simple floor length silk skirt, slashed up the flanks to hip level, to exposed her smooth and shapely thighs.

With ehr arms folded under her large breasts, deliberately giving and even more mouthwatering view of her cleavage than normal, Habisai paced past her subordinates one more time. this was the game to her, how many stoic drow would loose their focus to stare at her, how badly could she tempt them. Habisai paused in her step, in deliberately turned at the waist while running her fingers through her silky hip-length hair as she turned to her soldiers with devastating smile.

the overtly feminine gesture of running her fingers through her soft hair was more than enough the break the majority of males in the company. when she turned most of them were trying to avoid her eyes, or as bet trying to avoid staring at her body. only Lady Lloth seemed to seemed to trump Habisai and sheer beauty and sensuality, lower echelons suspected she was a an avatar, the upper drow nobility refused to think in a such a way, but feared her none the less.

Still the sight of the iconic sexless males of the underdark either trying to look away, blushing or even turning slightly to hide visible hardness was deeply satisfying to their sensual commander.

as a perk of her assign rank and her sex, she was entitled to have any male of her choosing as a nightly bedfellow, of course habisai purposely made their operation drag as long as possible, and she had each of them under the sheet at least the once. the thing was, sex with habisai was insane. hot, intense passion until finally exhaustion set in, and she would fall asleep on top of them, cuddling, leaving the poor male the overwhelming experience of waking up with a female of peerless beauty in their arms, only to be teased agisnt their nature once again.

Drow society was all about strict social conditioning, habisai was dangerous becasue she exploited and broke these rules as she pleased, and tempted her own company to break them regularly, though would surely make them drider food back home.

Habisai smiled in satisfaction as a even a younger male she had be particularly cruel too was trying to hide his hardness. she ponder singling him out to make him give her a massage while she laid out the new agenda. She then noticed Ildan and Rei-sith the brothers hand both tried their best to resist her, the excitement of a challenge thrilled habisai.

She folded her arms behind her back and smiled pleasantly as she resume her sensual saunter. "I have two tasks for today...." she announce walking past the brothers as a other drow tired to keep their gaze to the floor and tired not to ogle her legs. "one to scout the surface, while that damned fireball is out...." she past them "the other...."Rei-sithsuddenly had a warm silk top that smell of habisai land on his head. Ildan had it worse as a warm soft body embraced him from behind and her felt his cheek agisnt his shoulder. it was still jarring, no matter how perfect she was, he only flaw was he unsettling height, she was barely taller than the average male, increasingly short for a drow female, but something about this and its rarity was rapidly become a fetish thanks to habisai's relentless seduction.

Habisai pressed her large, bare, and pleasantly soft breasts agisnt Ildan's back as she looked at him form around his shoulder and gave a pout that was nothing short of adorable. "...the other... must keep their commander company...." she purred.

Rei-sith tugged away her top and set about his assignment, he was too aroused and didn't want to give habisai the satisfaction. he was going to have to endure that damned fireball again, but at least he would be away from habisai's teasing enough to come down.


Sweat glazed over maryel's lush tanned skin in the orange light of the setting sun. still even with the coming of night, the humidity and heat of summer still had the beautiful chieftain and her warriors in need. All eleven, tanned, beautiful, nubile elven female warriors, scantily clad in only short, tight deer skin tunics, that could barely contain their full swaying hips and large breasts. even through their over strained bodices, on could easily make out their painfully erect nipples and the sweet love juices running down the inside of her bare tanned thighs as they walked unsteadily as the went about their duties, blushing and avoiding staring at their attractive comrades for too long, should temptation reach its peek.

summer was the mating season of the naryu, when naryu female were at their most fertile. Maryel regretted traveling at this time of year, it was hard her warriors. not hard in terms of exhaustion, the naryu were vigorous and strong, challenge what not and issue, but the hunger of nature was. her warriors were on the desperate prowl of a demon, any breed and class, anything to slay to earn them their much need mates at this time of year. Maryel didn't have the hear to tell them that their tribe only had 12 males all of them taken, maryel even abstained from a mate herself to give her warriors hope that a mate was waiting for them. some probably had caught on to this reality and joined the merchant caravan to trade with the humans... humans known to rape and enslave elves of any breed. some of her tribe had been raped by humans multiple times and still eagerly volunteered to to do trade on behalf of the tribe. 'if only we had more of our own males...' she thought. like most surface elves, male elves could only be conceived by a male elves of the same breed, any other breed or non-elf would result in a pure bred female. the last necromancer war had taken the moon elves ability to bare male children gone for good. only a few free moon elf tribes existed now, the rest were enslaved by humans from the great cities. now the fee moon elves were under attack from the drow, and for that the moon elves have called maryel and her tribe for aid. Still maryel didn't want to fully commit to this alliance without negotiation first. she only brought a cohort of her ten best warriors, they needed to travel light and fast to reach the Moon elves' domain within the week.

Poor Maryel's clit was already throbbing through her soaked panties as she tried to finish up her tent. they had taken the pass near the mountains, the moon elves warned them that was a dangerous route, but maryel knew it was the shorter route too. speed and haste was what they needed, once they reach their sister elves, then her cohort could rest. Maryel looked over her bare tanned shoulder at her two sentries for the night, both breathing hard in the heat and waiting impatiently. one even moaned softly as she pressed her hips agisnt the shaft of her spear. a pair of warriors who had already finished their tent tent and desperately making love inside. the sounds of kissing, and moaning could be heard as the two curvaceous beauties left their clothing outside the tent. maryel's loins were melting now. she tried not the think of the mate she had denied herself, or or of the demon who had raped her, multiple times and when she came passionately before slaying him. she splashed some cool water on her burning face and sweaty breasts, before slipping into her tent, her fingers in her damp panties as she desperately started to stoke herself, trying to remember the demon and his cock


Rei-sith hated scouting the "sun" as that damn fireball of hellish light was called. he could endure it better now than in the past, due to multiple trips to surface. true his stealthy still would be best suited for the night, when the fireball was gone. but habisai wanted to plan the raid at night, and probably wanted to torment him by sending him back up into the damned light again. Of course habisai was not some one you could get mad at. that was the funny thing. frustrated, apprehensive, sure, but everything she did came with some degree of titillation. he remembered the night she had him. moaning in shameless passion as she writhed upon him. he was only able to hold her lithe waist to steady her and himself as the both reached bliss. then she collapse upon his and "cuddled" to sleep. he knew 'cuddle' was something Moon elves did with their lovers and even their rapists. it was a strange fuzzy feeling, it made Rei-sith feel vulnerable, and uneasy. how habisai was so comfortable was beyond him. he wondered how the matron would react to habisai if she knew about her behavior.

Rei-sith sighed pulled his cowl lowered to spare himself from as much of the sun as he could.
RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

Sobbing, maon and sweatying. The cute sweet elf struggled with her binds in the strong arms fo her handlers, her ssmall shapely body twisting flexing and writhing as the poor elf writhed with pleasure. Her body quacking as she felt she would expload the poor elf’s pleasure build to a mind shatting orgasm,. She sobbed in shame as he nipples stood painfully erect, her panties soaked through as the thick textured toy inside her buzzed against her g-spots. The poor elf elf thrash and struggled as the human male carried her before her will finally broke and the elf lurched and squealed as she came hard in her master’s arms. The handler aroused by the struggling and contorting body as the sexy elf smiled as he decided to take and break, as he gently lowered the poor gasped olf onto a near by futon, as she reached for his fly. The Poor elf bucked as she gasped and rode out the last few wave of her orgasm. Her blush deepened in shame as she heard the sound of a zipper goen down and her heart jumped as she looked at her hander, the man who had had her so many time before. “no…” she whimpered as she saw his ernomous member. She cried out as she was rolled down her back and his hands slide before her thighs to touch the brim of the toy still buzzing away. she gasped as the horrible wonderful thing was finally pulled out and whimpered as the binds on her ankles were cut and her panties pulled down. “no..” the helpless elf whimpered as calloused hand ran down her thighs, finding her hips as she turned her onto her back as she before her and his hand inher legs and her forced her thighs open, the poor elf unable to fight him. The elf whimpered with terror and shame as she felt his head member slide agisnt her delicate inner thigh before the handler took position above her, his heated cock grazing her dripping loins
RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)



Sir Vincent marched back and forth down the hallway impatiently, constantly checking his watch, filled with excitement. The physical excitement the realization of this own brilliance gave him new energy, and life, after seven long years of emotional purgatory
It was seven long years since he had been forced to marry the lovely but oh so dreadful Sybil. Sybil Whelch was the heir to the Whelch fortune, and had all the charm of a leech. It had been an arranged marriage, Sybil knew damn well he hated her and she was fine with that, she hated him, it was mutual, only a status matter, a way for keeping the wealth in the family by marrying cousins. Vincent was he cousin twice removed, but not far enough for his tastes. But the elders of the Whelch and Price families demanded they produce and heir. This would be simple if Sybil was not the type to eat her own young and Vincent had any desire to touch her.

And so Vincent’s life had been for the past seven years, a loveless passion less marriage form hell with only outings with his friends and the bottle to keep this morale up.

Then there was the night that changed everything...

A week ago a few of his friends took him out to a local bar, the billboard form across the street featured a new women’s cosmetic ad. The Model in the ad was beyond sexy, and they discussed how that seemed more and more common these days. Then Louie, who worked for the master’s guild explained that the advertising companies stopped using regular human girls as models a long time ago, now they use the sexy exotic slaves from the local slave shops to sell their merchandise. The idea being that slave girl will always be sexier than human women. 'Probably alot more tolerable than Sybil too.' Vincent thought drunkenly… then came the suggestion, Why not check out a high end slave shop and check out and see if these slaves are as sexy in person as they are in the advertisements.

Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was seven years of dry existence, or simply pent up lust. But that night everything changed.
While his friends tried to lobby for a VIP tour of the slave shop after hours, he waited in the main lobby, too drunk to care about whether or not they would make it in, then it happened!

A beautiful, young, tanned, and sexy neko female clad into only in a low neck skimpy cropped top that could barely contain her large pert breasts and a skimpy pair of panties that barely contain the curves of her wide hips and juicy ass. the sultry neko slave girl purred as she leaned over him teasingly giving him a mouth watering view of her cleavage as she purred softly and flicked her tail playfully as she offered him a drink from her tray. Vincent, drunk, dumb founded and now incredibly aroused accepted the drink and groped around for some money to pay her with. he almost placed his cash in her cleavage, but paused, instead running his hand down the skin of her belly to his hie hand into her heated panties. he did not even get a slap across the face from the beautiful neko, just a soft mew as left his hand inside her panties and began to stroke her as he leaned in to kiss to the kiss the neko's sweet lips. from her hot wetness it was clear the neko was in heat, but she was not on auction today, nor slotted for use, she was a waitress this week, merely there to serve drinks and entice customers. she turned away the customer her lips, and gasped as he kissed her breast instead. the neko mewed as she felt him continue to stroke her loins hand through the cash and even begin to pull down her panties down the curve of her hip.

this was going too far and she was already in trouble for waitressing in heat before. and yet she was not allowed to deny her customer's desires unless she was assigned to sex slave at the time.

The neko gasped loudly as Vincent grazed her clit and she had to back out of his grasp, one slender arm over her breasts to hide she erect nipples as she blushed offered her customer a grateful wink then turned to resume her rounds, shamelessly swaying her full, curvy hips to tease him. the hot dampness in her panties, her beauty, her body and sway of her perfect ass was too much for Vincent!

Sir Vincent was reborn! He unzipping his fly, he jumped up, grabbed the slave girl around er slender waist, tossed her tray aside, claimed the lips she had denied him and pressed his raging hardness agisnt her perfect ass he stripped her of her skimpy top and forced her into the back room.

the neko try as she did to contain her moans and cries thought her rape couldn't. the man's lust was inexhaustible, his hands on her breasts, on her ass in the all the positions he took her in. seven times and Vincent had not softened from taking her. and her attempts to hold back her screams when she came failed every time when she felt the man climax with her. the pleasure the lust, the power of conquest. Vincent could only sigh with contently as he commend the neko to her knees to do her duty and please him more intimately which she did with moans and purrs.

Vincent left the neko's beautiful face and breasts marked with his seed as he was confronted by the shop's proprietors, over the cost of drinks he had ruined and the damage to the supply room and the semen stains on the slave girls top, and for raping a slave girl not scheduled for sex. all as easily paid for, though as the sweaty slave girl tried to clean up Vincent did pull her back into his arms to cup her large bare breasts and press his hardness against her ass, as he accused her of teasing with her body and the slave shop for putting such a sultry slave on waitress duty.

Vincent didn't let the neko pull her damp panties back on, he took them pocketed them, and penetrated her again from behind reminding her that he was STILL hard even now and that was her fault. he kissed her neck and fondled her breasts as he gently fucked her, promising this wasn't over before leaving her.

But then, it was back to his old life, back to his family's estate, back to this same posh, sterile world, back to Sybil's harsh judgement. but is wasn't the same. he had tasted, held and taken a slave girl for the first time, and now he wanted her more than anything else.

((open to ideas of where this goes))

(post first encounter starter)

There were different breeds of slave girls out tonight, dressed accordingly to their breeds and body types, some attracting more physical attention from their customers than other. the slave girls on display, the unfortunate moon elf bound and writhing in shameful pleasure on her back as she she was forced to demonstrate and endure the power of their sponsor's latest Phallic vibrator, with special massaging ribs. the poor sweating little elf, her lithe, shapely body twisting and writhing as she sobbed in pleasure, her nipples diamond hard as the cruel, wonderful toy inside her stimulated both her g-spots as once, forcing the poor thing to curl her toes and arch her back squalling with pleasure as she came again and again. her handler, not even letting her have any modesty in her humiliation pulled off her tattered slave's tunic baring her sweaty nubile body and revealing her panties, soaked through after multiple orgasms.

The handlers smiled awaiting the cheers and some requesting slave girls, either to buy, or merely to take to the designated beds to fuck. one handler held and vial of catnip for later when the crowds interest started to wain, while the handler next to him, held the body of large breasted, and curvaceous neko mewing and in heat agisnt him, his lips on her neck and his hands on her large oiled breasts and his raging member agisnt her juicy, thong-clad ass, waiting eagerly to rape the horny slave girl, but only after they tortured and humiliated the moaning elf further.
(for more details let your kitty watch the show)

There were different breeds of slave girls how tonight, dressed accordingly to their breeds and body types, some attracting more physical attention from their customers than other. the slave girls on display, the unfortunate moon elf bound and writhing in shameful pleasure on her back as she she was forced to demonstrate and endure the power of their sponsor's latest Phallic vibrator, with special massaging ribs. the poor sweating little elf, her lithe shapely body twisting and writhing as she sobbed in pleasure, her nipples diamond hard as the cruel, wonderful toy inside her stimulated both her g-spot as once, forcing the poor thing to curl her toes and arch her back squalling into pleasure as she came again and again. her handler not even letting her have any modesty in her humiliation as she pulled her tattered slave tunic off her sweaty nubile body and, revealing her panties soak through after multiple orgasms.

The handlers smiled awaiting the cheers and some requesting slave girls, either to buy, to merely to take to the designated beds to fuck. one handler held and vial of catnip for later when the crowds interest started to wain, while the handler next to him, held the body of large breasted, and curvaceous neko mewing and in heat agisnt his, his lips on her neck and his hand one her large oiled breasts and his ranging member agisnt her juicy thong clad ass, waiting eagerly to rape the horny slave girl, but only after they tortured and humiliated the moaning elf further.
(for more details let your kitty watch the show)

They even had the Tentacle Demon Cage out today. at least 8 slave girls of different reeds, sobbed struggle faught moaned as they were slowly bound and voilated by the countless phallic tentacle as the demon had its pleasure with the beautiful slaves. Technically the handlers were only supposed to do this on nights like this and for new timer slaves that needed to learn their roles. well, lately they shouldered the costs and did it daily jsut to watch to delicious humiliation of sweet moon elf sobbing in unwanted pleasure and rape as the tentacle filled her and stimulated her nipples and clit. Or the neko girls moaning and eventually purring through triple penetration, the drow but humilated drow beauty, pursing her full pouty lips and away from the slimy tentacle pumping between her large, perfect breasts and biting her lip to stifle her orgasm as the demon came large gouts of hot seed on her face and breasts while more filled her quim and ass.

(for more details let your kitty watch the show)

Of course, as a well-curved neko with a full, sexy ass and delightfully large breasts, she was required to wear either a thong or panties that rode up when she waitresses, and either wear a top that showed most of her cleavage and under-boob, or nothing at all. Allegedly the handlers had her body oiled by the moon elves incase she was grabbed and needed to slip away, only to learn personally when the noble took her, the oil only make her skin and breasts more sensitive to the touch and eased penetration during her rape. it made it all more pleasurable, but it also made her more enticing too. waitress girl were slotted to be ogled and touched, but not raped. however, the Noble who took her could afford the fine and actually paid more to have her again, taking her in every position and eventually making her breasts and lips with his seed. the man's virility was insane, he even stole her panties before leaving and penetrating her one more time, not fucking her but using his hardness to show her he was still far from satisfied with the sultry neko.


the last few nights had been driving Vincent mad with desire. he kept thinking of that neko slave girl he took. the sway of her wide hips, her sexy ass, this cock between her full breasts, her moans and mewls when he was raping her and her cries when she came, her warms sweaty body, he scent.

Vincent had to keep his hardness hidden from sybil and try to forget about his night dominated the slave girl and making her his, but he couldn't he had lust, passion, sexual fulfillment he had not felt in a near decade and with a slave girl most human super models could not compete with.

so here he was a little disguised this time and paying full upfront before entering the main plaza of the slave shops, filled with the smells of lust and feminine hormoans, and echoing with orgasmic scream moans and erotic depravity.

and small, very cute and shapely moon elf, reduced to waitress in a thong with her lush ashen blue skin oiled, bowed and offered him a drink over the clamor. Vincent, confident he could buy the whole slave shop if he wanted, casually ran his hand up the oiled naked thigh of the cute moon elf, and asked her to show him to the waitress slave girls' dressing rooms or to wear the nekos currently were. he tangling his fingers in the waist of the blushing elf's skimpy thong and made damn sure she could see the bulge in his pants, warning her what huge thing might fill if she delayed, making the poor elf shiver in fear and anticipation.


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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

New kink: captor tries to use rape as a threat and interrogation technique, only to have the female captive gets heated in during...
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Fredrick looked over his notes one more time, but gave up as the rocking of the boat over the waves gave him about of nausea and he had to look away. it was pointless to try to read, but he needed the distraction, the lovely young woman with black hair and sunglasses had her naked thighs crossed in her tiny mini skirt and a blouse that was unbuttoned to release the strain of her large breasts showing off her deep cleavage. it was VERY hard to ignore and he looked at the notes mainly to avoid staring shamelessly at the young woman's tits, he had already been fantasizing his penis between her full breasts.

must be the change in climate he thought, something about the tropical weather heated the blood, so the old saying went. Still reading the notes was the help solve the mystery of what Dr. Mathews, the original owner of the island was researching and why so much funding was poured into its research.

Another jump over a wave and spray of the sea made the busty woman's large breasts bounce, something he could distract from as she had to hide his erection with his notes as he top was now wet, as she even wearing a bikini top or bra under that?


the boat veered south to the dock of the estate, where supplies and provisions were to be delivered every week and a small hamlet to the north only available via a six-hour hike or mountain bike ride. the house was a decent size for a single male and close to a rocky coastline and a natural white sand beach.

Once docked he stood up as the mariner helped with the luggage, but started to unpack other things and weren't his. "umn, excuse me, those aren't mine." he tried to explain.


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Lord Vincent sighed, half drunk with his friends as he waited in the lobby of the local slave shop. It was William, or actually Billy's idea to take him out for drinks on his birthday and pull him away from the sterile and loveless experience that marriage to the lovely, but oh so dreadful Sybil. Sybil Whelch was the heir to the Whelch fortune, and had all the charm of a leech. It had been an arranged marriage, Sybil knew damn well he hated her and she was fine with that, she hated him, it was mutual, only a status matter, a way for keeping the wealth in the family by marrying cousins. Vincent was he cousin twice removed, but not far enough for his tastes. But the elders of the Whelch and Price families demanded they produce and heir. This would be simple if Sybil was not the type to eat her own young and Vincent had any desire to touch her.
they had chatted in a commoner's bar and even mused the perverse fantasies they wished to enjoy. Something Vincent mostly had been drinking to ignore. however, the men started t pour over a fashion magazine. it was now standard in most slave sanctioned provinces to use slave girl as models instead of human models, mostly for their youth, beauty and sheer sex appeal, something human women couldn't compete with, no doubt stoking the fires of the growing Puritan and Liberation moments in some provinces. Still, the beautiful drow model, with her perfect obsidian skin, large perfect breasts, beautiful smoldering red eyes as she modeled bras and panties, while casually only wearing the panties and covering her large breasts. Drow were beautiful and probably the most expensive of slave girls and their temperament towards human masters varied based on if they were underdark born or not, the were also hard to get. There there were cute, moon elves and nubile brownie elves and of course the more common, but cheap, slutty neko. Lowly, slutty nekos with invariably large breasts and perfect assess. His loin had started to stir for the first time in a long time as she ogled the pages were nekos were modeling for thongs.

And that's when Billy had gotten the bright idea that they should visit the local slave shop, Saturdays were 'open house' to non-members since Saturdays were summoning nights and you could watch slave girls be caught and ravished by a tentacle demon.

Vincent agreed, but curious what that entailed, but now hear her was waiting in a lobby, no even able to see any slave girls, or the tentacle demon because the genius that was Billy apparently was wrong about slave shops having open houses to non-guild members, even on summoning nights. So now he waited while his two drunk and sexually depraved fried tried their best to drunkenly talk the Lead Handler into trying to fast-track a Master's Guild membership for all three of them, even if that kinda of membership normally took and month for registration and approval.

Vincent sighed.. he really needed another drink, this outing was getting stupid, he thought as he veguely heard the tinkling of chains approaching.
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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)



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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

Clinical seduction
Docter keifer casually flipped through the file of the new nurse he had selected, he had spotted her at a local strip club, one local to campus, it was not uncommon for nurse trainees to take up such work to make ends meet, but it was also a great insight to his latest hire. He smiled lewdly knowing her measurement just by looking as her photos. His uniforms typically didn’t fit curvaceous women with showing off their bodies nicely. She was buxom so she had to exposed her cleavage fore sure to make the uniform fit, or aleast have the mini skirt reach partially down her wide hips and sexy ass, but just barely, she would be able to sit on it, but no matter, she was mostly going to be sitting on his lap.

he smiled already going hard imagining her pretty face flush from shame and pleasure as she submitted to his torments and desires. He did have a board meeting coming up… he would need someone to t attended that, and if her… he had another uniform instore for her…


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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)

Sobbing, maon and sweatying. The cute sweet elf struggled with her binds in the strong arms fo her handlers, her ssmall shapely body twisting flexing and writhing as the poor elf writhed with pleasure. Her body quacking as she felt she would expload the poor elf’s pleasure build to a mind shatting orgasm,. She sobbed in shame as he nipples stood painfully erect, her panties soaked through as the thick textured toy inside her buzzed against her g-spots. The poor elf elf thrash and struggled as the human male carried her before her will finally broke and the elf lurched and squealed as she came hard in her master’s arms. The handler aroused by the struggling and contorting body as the sexy elf smiled as he decided to take and break, as he gently lowered the poor gasped olf onto a near by futon, as she reached for his fly. The Poor elf bucked as she gasped and rode out the last few wave of her orgasm. Her blush deepened in shame as she heard the sound of a zipper goen down and her heart jumped as she looked at her hander, the man who had had her so many time before. “no…” she whimpered as she saw his ernomous member. She cried out as she was rolled down her back and his hands slide before her thighs to touch the brim of the toy still buzzing away. she gasped as the horrible wonderful thing was finally pulled out and whimpered as the binds on her ankles were cut and her panties pulled down. “no..” the helpless elf whimpered as calloused hand ran down her thighs, finding her hips as she turned her onto her back as she before her and his hand inher legs and her forced her thighs open, the poor elf unable to fight him. The elf whimpered with terror and shame as she felt his head member slide agisnt her delicate inner thigh before the handler took position above her, his heated cock grazing her dripping loins
Mysterious Island RP
Basically this one is a story about a researcher traveling to a a mysterious Island related to the Island In Age of Discovery. He's taking up his uncles research and looking for where he left out before passing, the grant he is given provides him an assistant, little does he know its a VERY sexy young woman, either an island native or a woman with ancestry from the island. this has some Lovecraftian notes to it plus lots of physical temptation the research needs to endure while they uncover the secrets of the island. this can be romantic, dark and smutty, or have a RPG business building element depending if you want more game, story or smut. the Demi-Urge from the Age of Discovery RP is still active and will likely take interest in a girl with the beauty and blood line of her ancestors and enjoy her body in her dreams. and some of the locals might enforce old laws on women of particular beauty. depends on how much smut you want.

the Smutty version: could be the dreams and influences of the island mixed with the temptations of the researchers, beautiful, nubile assistant is leading to corruption and desire as her employer is becoming progressively more lewd with her, Limiting her already skimpy attire to her show as much sun kissed skin as possible, touching her intimately during work, sharing the one bed with her, to passionately stripping her and taking her, claiming her with his cock, eventually enslaving her. (this might be a tradition on the island, or part of the demi-urge corrupting him as she prances around in a bikini and pareo, can he keep himself off of her? O avoid making use fo the devices in the basement?)

Active kinks: Voyerism/male gaze, skimpy sexy clothing, Tentacles (for dream sequences) BDSM (explore the house quest), Tantric/fertility rituals (villages quests) dub con, non-con, and con, clothing control, teasing, hunkering down for storms, oral, titty fucking, body worship, body alteration (light bimbo effect, but temporary if certain island flora is consumed), cuddling, body oil.
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RE: Clinical seduction collection (and possible train 'encounter' fantasies)
Maryel was doing her best to maintain her aura of leadership and composure over her sister elves as they were barely into their most trying season, the summer heat. It was the season in which the naryu would endure months at peak fertility and arousal with little to no outlets in which to find release, save for masturbation, pairing up with a compaion for love making, but only went so far. Nearly every single naryu in their tribe save fore Shuma had undergone the rites needed to mate, by slaying a demon, but unfortunately her tribe had no males, indeed the only males of their kind anyone knew were the males who sired them. one demon, two demons five demons... her tribe basically hunted the demons in the region to extinction in hopes to have first dibs on a male mate should one be born. by now, that time wasn't to come, the only sex they could get was rape, either from humans, or demons.

Maryel winced in mid pace as she felt the silky fabric of her damp panties graze her swollen clit as the remembered her last kill of a demon. he had attacked her during her heat and instead of killing her, chose to rape her. Maryel bit her lip as she tried to walk on her unsteady legs, her wide hips swaying sensually and naturally sending more light and shivering wave of friction through her clit and her body as she remembered the long and passionate, six, time, the girth of his cock filling her, his roars of please when her came with her, the heat of his seed in her womb, his moans and the taste of his huge cock.

The normally stoic and beautiful naryu leader had to stop suddenly to lean agisnt a post and stroke herself, biting her knuckle as she reached between her thighs, past her soaked panties, blushing hot as she stroked herself and tried to remember the girth of that demon's and its resistance agisnt her tight walls embracing it hard!

It was a burst of pleasure, short and sweet, but far from the satisfaction she needed.

Shuddering with more hot sweet juiced running down the beautiful elf's inner thighs, Maryel panted for breath, her nipples standing diamond hard under her tight leather bodice, barely fastened yet barely able to contain the naryu's large, pert breasts, nor the hem of her leather tunic, which had to be slashed on the flanks to fit around her wide curvy hips.

After some more concentration she willed herself to check on the rest of her kin. Shuma had her assistants on laundry duty as they raised several more lines to dry to the rows of damp panties and thongs of the needy sisters. Shuma was also planning a trip to the human village to barter for more of the silk panties. Several of their best warriors were arguing with her not to go to the humans while in heat, they would rape her. The guards also insisted they come with, actually several of them were, some even pleading. other girls were channeling their frustration and needs into hunting for demons, only there really weren't any hostile demons left, the ones who liked to rape were still out there... Maryel bit her lip, regretting that she slayed the demon who had raped her, as he raped her till he and she were both satisfied and her was off gaurd. She didn't want gossip threatening her standing, but she now destroyed on the few outlets let to her...

She walked sensually to her sentries, the shifts had been shortened to three hours during the summer. Already one girl, tanned, beautiful and buxom panted with relief with relief to see her leader. "maryel..." she panted dropping her spear to hug her. the squish of large breasts agisnt large breasts was almost too much for both of them as she tried to kiss maryel too. if she wasn't the leader she would probably be in the grass with her right now, but she evaded Mei-ling soft hot lips and stifled ad she gasp as she felt her kiss her throat instead, she hand the reach behind Mei-ling and run her hand up the back to her bare thigh and under her tiny skirt to cup and squeeze her pump buttocks making the poor guard cry out with need.

"Its been three hours, you are revealed, Githa's in her tent and need you, tell Arima its her turn." she instructed fighting her own desired as she held Mei-ling close, both fighting hard to resist.

the remaining sentry, Shush-ta, wasn't in a much better state, pressing her hips into the staff her spear and moaning as she watched them.

Maryu had to disentangle herself from Mei-sling and placed her hand on her child bearing hips. "Shush-ta... you still have an hour, how are you holding up?"

The poor guard whimpered pressing her clit hard to her spear. "Umn! ummmm.... I just want a mate..." she moaned near tears. "the human slavers only capture and rape moon elves, why them!" she wailed nearly hysterical with the absurdity of it all and the painful never ending need. Maryel blushed knowing the temptation of being a slave to human master, but pride won against desire for moaned as she stomped over ignoring the stimulation agisnt her clit and slapped slapped Shush-ta behind her head.

"you are a free elf. a rarity these days, we are no longer the concubines of demons or lord Galzodon!" she said speaking the name of their master and creator outloud, both elves shuddered a the ancestral memory of their lusting master and his boundless needs or the girth of his member. They both looked down neither willing to debate the mixed feelings and decisions of their ancestors now of all times. Maryel swallowed and looked at poor blushing beautiful Shush-ta pressing her hips desperately now and trying not cry out. "you have been on Shuma's convoys before right?" Shush-ta bit her lip and nodded, but not telling her that the stable boy threw her in a bed of hay and raped her the whole time where she was supposed to be looking after the ponies. Maryel folding her arms under her large breasts and ignored the snapping of the straing leather ties, it happened. "I want a show of force this time with the humans, that mean double gaurd. you get a half hour break then report to Shuma."

Shush-ta's beautiful face light up as she quickly bowed and they jogged past Maryel, on to come back for her spear then set off again, Maryel watching her tiny skirt bounce over her barely cover shapely ass, and groaned with need. it was going to be a very long summer, and likely their tribe's numbers were likely going to grow yet agisnt this year.


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