Devious Monsters [MxF]

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Mar 1, 2017
I'm searching for someone who's willing to play a monster - or perhaps monsters - for me; and I have several prompts to choose from detailing various scenarios. I only really wish that whomever takes me up on this offer write more than one or two lines in a reply...

And please don't spam me by sending a message to check up on my reply if I haven't responded in a couple of hours - that's just going to make me not want to reply if you're constantly hounding me. (It just takes me a little while to respond occasionally due to being very busy with college, and I have ADD on top of that...)

Currently really craving prompt number 7 - or something similar to it!


1.) (CLOSED) My character happens upon an oasis whilst trekking through a harsh desert, and in her desperation to get away from the hellish heat of the sun, goes for a dip in the lake of water. However, she is unaware of the beast that lurks within - or the fact that the price she'll have to pay for trespassing is becoming his new 'queen'.

2.) (CLOSED) Left in the mountains as a sacrifice, my character soon finds herself at the mercy of the creatures who live there. However, as she is taken time and time again, the beasts begin to become attached to her. Sparking an idea for my character to get her revenge by amassing an army of her monsters to demolish her old home - and share this lust with the rest of her former companions.

3.) (CLOSED) Awaking in an abandoned spaceship, my character initially attempts to find out what happened to the rest of her crew members. But upon happening on an egg containing a facehugger-like creature, the start of her loss of humanity begins when the small alien has it's way with her... And she finds that it's only the beginning.
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