Searching for Long Term Partners!

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Mysterious Angels

Mar 1, 2017
Hello! ​

So, I’m new to this site, but definitely not new to roleplaying. I’ve been roaming around here for a bit to see what’s available for roleplaying and thought I’d post my own searching thread to find partners that would keep me entertained and help satisfy my itch to get back into roleplaying. Below are important things to know about me, what I ask from you, fandoms, and pairings.

Hopefully I can find some lovely partners from this!

Lets see. I’m not real great at introductions so forgive me if this seems strange xDD

I’m a twenty five year old, single mother to twins that also works full time. I will still be on fairly often for my roleplay’s though. I enjoy reading, watching anime, the Flash, the 100, and NCIS. I’m pretty laid back as well and immensely patient. Part of being a mother I suppose.

When it comes to roleplaying I can write anywhere from 2-12 paragraphs. Also, when I say paragraphs I mean substantial sentences, decent grammar and spelling, and moving the plot along. I love plotting, it’s a huge part of making a roleplay great for me and while we don’t need to have a load plotted out when we start I would like to continue plotting as we go along.

Because of my job, Monday’s and Fridays I will not be on as much to respond to roleplay’s but can continue plotting/ OOC chat. I sneak my phone at work so I can do that, but can’t reply with a good post after all. My responses will come at least once a day, probably more on my days off which are Tuesday-Thursday.

I roleplay via email, thread, or google docs and plan via PM, email, discord, or skype! I also have no problem with MxF, FxF, or MxM. I will be honest and say I’ve only done a MxM once, years back and FxF has also been a VERY LONG TIME since I’ve done them so I would have to be the submissive sexually in those scenes til I get the hang of it again.

What do I ask from you as a potential partner? It’s really simple honestly:

No one liners, this is going to make me so frustrated it’s unbelievable. I would like well defined paragraphs, I want to know details about your characters surroundings, their thoughts, their actions, and something that will move along the plot so I’m not the only one pushing forward.

COMMUNICATION. This is huge to me. When it comes to plotting, roleplay style, issues, etc I want my partner to communicate with me. We don’t have to become friends (although that is welcomed) but I do want to know if something bothers you, or if you have an idea to add to it. I want you to make this roleplay OURS not mine with just your character playing a part. If you’re going to be gone, let me know. I am probably one of the most patient people you’ll ever meet and life happens. Just let me know, or apologize when you come back and tell me if you’re interested or not on continuing.

Doubles or Males. I don’t mind portraying a male every so often but currently I’m only portraying males and my females are feeling unloved. So if you would like me to portray a male then I would ask the same of you and that we double. Now, for me, doubling can mean either two main characters per one roleplay OR two roleplays with potentially separate plots. I have absolutely no problem having multiple roleplay’s going with the same person as long as we can keep going with each one.

Smut. Now, I do not require smut. It’s not a huge dealbreaker for me. I would ask that you let me know how you feel about it, whether you want it to be fade to black, explicit, just basic stuff, what your dislikes are, etc. That way we feel COMFORTABLE with each other in the roleplay in case that heats up. If there is smut I would prefer at most 70/30 plot/smut. Also no: anal, rape, bestiality, necrophilia, anything involving children-seeing/walking in, heavy bondage, or feet.

Fandoms. I’ve found that this is everyone’s second favorite part of these posts so here are mine BUT if you have others just ask. There’s probably loads I haven’t even thought of to include:

Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Ouran High School Host Club
Fruits Basket
Anita Blake Novels
Tamora Pierce Novels
Throne of Glass Series

I have many pairing ideas so if you fancy one we can work around it, if you have a different idea SHARE IT. Worst I can say is no.

Human X Shapeshifter
Human X Witch/Wizard/Druid
Human X Vampire
Vampire X Vampire
Vampire X Shapeshifter
Vampire X Witch/Wizard/Druid
Shapeshifter X Shapeshifter
Shapeshifter X Witch/Wizard/Druid
King X Queen
King X Female Captain of the Guard
Prince X Princess
Prince X Queen
Prince X Maid
Prince X Female Captain of the Guard
Princess X Captain of the guard
Princess X Stableman
Princess X King
Princess X Knight
Single Mom X Teacher
Single Mom X Old high school sweetheart
Sister X Sister’s best friend
Sister X Sister’s ex boyfriend
Sister X Brother’s best friend
Demon X Human
Demon X Angel
Angel X Human

Era’s/Types of roleplays:

Arranged Marriage
Victorian Era
Thriller/ Horror


To end one war:
    For this plot it would involve some world building. What I would like to do is have each of us create two countries. One country that would be your main character and one country that would end up being at war with our two main characters. What it is going to be at first is a marriage arrangement. YC, the Prince of your main country and MC, the only Princess of my main country have been put into a marriage arrangement by their fathers to end a long lasting war between our nations. There would be drama, angst, and action for a while just involving our two characters (and others if you want to double up). Further down the road our characters would end up ruling the nations due to some event that causes war to become an issue again between the second countries we set up. If you’re interested in this plot and this didn’t make as much sense just ask. It was easier to describe it in my thoughts then on the computer screen here

A Dying World:
    This would involve magical aspects. The world is dying, magic is slowly leaving the world and an evil is spreading causing neighbor to turn on neighbor and nations to go to war. A thousand years in the past there was a prophecy that stated there would be two (or four) people that would save the world when it was most needed. They would have control over magic, better than anyone had in a hundred years and they would be future rulers of the new world once it was saved. Now enter our characters who are those prophesized. They would go through fights, treachery, hard decisions, and evil intent as they learned about themselves, their role in the prophecy, and try to save their world.

Demons Among Us:
    Full disclosure: This is from a book I read that I cannot for the life of me remember it’s name because I read it years ago and it just popped into my mind and a plot formed from it. Demons have overrun the world, humankind has been spread out. There are a few cities that are protected with Wards. The Wards have the power to repel the demons that come out only at night but Wards are dangerous, if done incorrectly it means the life of you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors. But what happens when the people stop fearing for their life and start trying to fight back? Our roleplay would be about two (or four) people who don’t want to just live in fear and never go out at night. To rely on hoping the people with their needed food and supplies make it through the harsh traveling conditions is too much when people are dying. It would involve action, hard times, learning, maybe some romance, and adventure.

Harry Potter Plots:
    Draco X OC/Hermione/Ginny- It’s during 6th year and Draco is supposed to be fixing the Vanishing Cabinet and kill Dumbledore. Through the year at some point, my OC/Ginny/Hermione, find out what Draco is up to and try to help him get out of it and away from Voldemort, eventually they fall for each other and deal with the fall out.
OC/CanonXCanon/OC:  It’s during 6th year and Dumbledore, in an attempt to foster interhouse relations has partnered two people, one male one female, from different houses. They would have to go through dealing with their house differences and fights.
    OC/CanonXCanon/OC: It’s during 5th year and Umbridge, in an attempt to distract from the fact that Voldemort was back, has passed Educational decree (insert random number here) which states that all students 5th year and up are going to be paired together in marraiges. They will go through personality testing to make sure they’re partnered with someone that would work well with the other. Even if they don’t believe it at first.
    CanonXCanon/OC: It’s during 7th year. Basically our characters would be going through the trials of having to deal with Snape’s reign, the Carrows, and all that it entails.
    OC/Canon X Canon/OC: It’s a few years after the war and the Ministry has decreed that groups of four have to live together as muggles for one year. Getting jobs, cooking, taking care of the house etc to learn what it is like and to promote good terms between different blood types and foster good relations with muggles.

Please let me know via PM or comment if you’d like to roleplay with me!​

So, I'm currently craving some fandom roleplays. I could be persuaded to do something non fandom, I'll bump up my other thread in a moment but really I'm seriously craving Harry Potter. So rules.

First, I would prefer the plot to smut ratio be 70/30. It won't happen right away either as I like to have a slow build natural type romances. I enjoy long term roleplay's, they catch my fancy longer.

As for length, I would prefer at minimum 2 well crafted paragraphs. I can do anywhere from 2-9 paragraphs and would just like to have something to work off of. I don't need to be matched, but the plot does have to continue moving. If I'm the only one moving the plot along I'm going to get bored easily. Quality over quantity though.

As for pairings. I don't mind doing m/m, f/f, or m/f for your pairing if we double (which I love doing) but for my main I would prefer m/f. I also don't mind portraying some canon's or oc. I'm pretty flexible.

I roleplay via thread, email, or google docs. I tried roleplaying via pm, and I am for some since I've started that way but I'm finding I don't quite like it as much. I will plot via pm and discord.

So now the fun part:


Harry Potter--For this I have quite a few pairings/plot ideas to share.
Ouran High School Host Club
Blue Exorcist
The Flash
Lord of the Rings

Thanks for reading!
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