Emma Watson's Stalker craving (see plot 2)

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May 18, 2016
As the title suggests, I'm looking to take on the role of one of the above listed names (but feel free to suggest your own, although I can't guarantee I'd be interested in it). I have a few plots in mind but they all depend on who's chosen for my role, so it's best to ask before I give any plot suggestions. Themes I enjoy are:

Age gaps
Rape or coercion
Size contrasts
Mind control/hypnosis
(Plenty of others that I can't think of at the moment...)

Actresses that this plot can be modified to fit:
Emma Watson (obviously)
Ashley Benson
Lucy Hale
Janel Parrish
Taylor Swift (in a world where she drops music to pursue acting)
(Will add more as they come to me)

Plot summary: "Getting in Over her head"
It's hard to find work when you've been typecast as a wizard and spend your free time professing feminism. No directors want to even touch her, and the ones that do? Well, they have lackluster ideas and just want a star to attract viewers. It wasn't the post-Harry Potter career she was expecting. Rather than blame herself and her inability to make convincing auditions, she simply blames her agent, fires him, and decides that she can do this on her own. After even less success in the coming months however, she's contacted by an agent who claims that he can fix her problems and get her into a blockbuster hit.

After a few conversations over the phone and by email, she agrees to meet the man at a local coffee shop. There, they discuss his "blockbuster idea". That idea? She would play the part of a feminist who's been kidnapped by the typical American male, and fights her way to freedom and eventually, justice. It would have sounded corny too anybody else, but a desperate Emma Watson looking for her chance to break the mold? It was the perfect way to get her feminist message across while using her sex appeal to attract viewers and show her adaptability. Maybe this could be the blockbuster hit that the man promises.

They eventually meet at his studio and discuss how they're going to shoot the film. It's all pretty general, until the man says that he would like to use real chloroform or drugs for her drink in order to incapacitate her. When Emma shows skepticism over that idea, the man points out that it's for the most realistic depiction of what it would be like. It's still early on, so at this point, Emma actually agrees to the idea. Things haven't gotten too ridiculous yet, after all. And so, they act out the kidnapping scene - her walking out to her car and the man who will be playing the kidnapper (your character) sneaking up behind her, holding a rag over her face, and watching her feint from the struggle. They agree to the idea, sign all the appropriate papers, and he gives her a scheduled date to return to the studio.

This is where things take a horrible turn for her...

When Emma comes to her senses, she's wearing a dirty rag tank top and shorts (made of super thin and flimsy cotton, easy to tear), while laying on the cold, damp floor of what she eventually comes to realize is almost like a stone wall dungeon with jail cell bars locking her in. She never really asked how this would transition into this scene, as she assumed that there would be a break in the action to go over it. And so she maintains her act -for now. Seeing the mystery man enter the room, she gives it her best:

"Wh-who are you?! What have you.... done to me?!"

When the man goes on about his plan and what he's going to do to her, she once again plays along when he points to an apparatus with shackles on it and tells her to put herself into it before he opens the door. Seeing as your character will be nearly obsessed and/or a stalker:

Creepy old man: the apparatus will force her to kneel with her hands locked behind her back and her head in place.

Offended black man: the apparatus will be a waist level wall that she would have to bend over to put herself in the shackles.

Obsessed nerdy guy: not sure about this yet.....

Once she has done as the man says, he would enter the cell. She's playing along until the man actually reveals himself to her. Then the reaction becomes genuine. Still however, her reaction is within the confines of what an actress would seemingly be scripted to do in this situation. Depending on the apparatus, the black man either rapes her while she can't fight back, or the old man terrifies her to the point of surrendering her mouth and tearfully going oral on him.

When all is said and done, the "agent" reveals that he actually owns a website specializing in non-consensual sex. The video would be posted with her consent, according to the paperwork she signed herself, and she could either go on the rest of her life without any acting work or accept her place as a submissive in non-consensual porn. It's up to her if she can accept a life without as much money as porn would get her.

Plot summary: "The perv's obsession with her face..."
The fantasies have plagued you since you saw her for the first time. Fantasies of her volunteering her face for you to just..... OWN. To humiliate.... to do as you pleased with it. Watching her on TV more and more by the day didn't help either. Your fantasies only grew more intense.

However, one day, something just... changed. Yes, the fantasies only grew more and more intense... but the reality of achieving that fantasy was beginning to sink in. Of course that would never happen, right? That woman would never volunteer her face for you to do anything with it. That's right. You never once considered being able to reach out and do this to her as being impossible - in your mind, that was realistic. No, the impossibility was that she hadn't offered to let you do it yet and so you began to realize that it would never happen. In your mind, that was absolutely unacceptable.

Where there's a will there's a way. Thankfully there's enough public information for you to know where she's going to be at any given time of any given day. If you look hard enough, that is. Your plan comes easily to you. After getting a job working for her either as a bodyguard, or (perhaps more realistically) you set yourself up to be her only option for a cab ride in the big city. Or maybe you're the agent that reaches out to her like in the previous plot. Either way, your plan goes off without a hitch and with a little bit of chloroform or something that you spray in her face to incapacitate her, she's coming to her senses in a place where where her only way out is to let you fulfill your fantasy for her face.... for as long as it takes until you're bored of it.

Ideas include:
1.) The classic cum-on-face fantasy
2.) Having her face held stationary by some kind of apparatus while watching thick, heavy slime slowly ooze down onto her face in gross abundance, possibly even over and over
3.) Rubbing yourself on her face
4.) Licking/kissing her face (only prior to any fun or slime fantasies)
5.) Forcing her to kiss/lick your feet or cock
6.) Writing your name or initials on her cheek to "mark" it as yours
7.) Will add more as I think of ideas
RE: Noncon Celebplay - Emma Watson, Ashley Benson, Kate Middleton (open to suggestions)

Open to giving this a go as well
RE: Noncon Celebplay - Emma Watson and others (two plots added now)

Got room for one more :)
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