Looking for Rp partners.

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Feb 25, 2017
North Carolina
Hi! I am looking for male Rp partners mainly. ( I do sometimes rp with females.) I am currently craving a Batman themed and Yu Yu Hakusho themed rp as well as an Original story rp. If your interested then just message me or email me. Also if you get bored with rping with me then please just out right tell me...don't just disappear on me.
Still searching fpr Rp partners willing to do Batman themed rps. (Keep in mind if I can then I will use a anthro in the rp for my character.) Also looking for Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho themed rps. (Same thing. If I can use a anthro rp character then I will.) I am also looking for rp partners wanting mainly story driven rps. I have a few ideas to give out if anyone is interested.
-Takes a deep breathe- Alright I am still searching for Rp partners. Let me stress I am almost always looking for rp partners. (I like doing multiple rps. Keeps me busy when I have free time to answer.) ANYWAY!!!

I am currently craving a Batman Themed rp as well as Yu YU Hakusho and Inuyasha rp. That being said please keep note I do not and let me stress this...I do not rp as premade female characters.(For example....Batgirl, Ivy, Harley, Catwoman, Kagome, and any females from Yu Yu Hakusho.) I personally do not like the females in the shows what so ever. That is just me and if I can avoid rping as them then believe me I will do so.

I am also looking for partners to do original rp ideas with. I have some that I can give when asked and am open to ideas. So yeah...that is pretty much it for now I think XD Have a good day.
I am still searching for Rp partners. Let me stress I am almost always looking for rp partners. (I like doing multiple rps. Keeps me busy when I have free time to answer.) ANYWAY!!!

I am currently craving a Batman Themed rp as well as Yu YU Hakusho and Inuyasha rp. That being said please keep note I do not and let me stress this...I do not rp as premade female characters.(For example....Batgirl, Ivy, Harley, Catwoman, Kagome, and any females from Yu Yu Hakusho.) I personally do not like the females in the shows what so ever. That is just me and if I can avoid rping as them then believe me I will do so.

I am also looking for partners to do original rp ideas with. I have some that I can give when asked and am open to ideas. So yeah...that is pretty much it for now I think XD Have a good day.
Still searching for Rp partners. Currently wanting some action and adventure. Also willing to do Walking Dead themed rps as well as Supernatural (Tv show) themed rps. So if interested then just feel free to pm me.
I am still searching for rp partners. Please keep in mind I am looking for Batman themed rps, Yu Yu Hakusho themed rps and Inuyasha themed rps as well as Original ideas.

Also keep in mind I prefer to rp as an anthro so if you don't like anthros then tell me and I can switch to human role or even vampire role. So...thanks for taking the time to look and Happy Easter y'all.
As always I am still searching for rp partners. Please keep in mind I am looking for Batman themed rps, Yu Yu Hakusho themed rps and Inuyasha themed rps as well as Original ideas.

Again please keep in mind I rp as an anthro almost all the time even in the themed rps unless it is Supernatural. (I do want to do a rp with the Winchester Brothers ;3 )

Another thing to keep in mind I love doing rps with both adult situations and story...equal parts is about how I do it so...yeah... Have a good day/week.
Just going to repost what I did last time...plus adding in something new.

As always I am still searching for rp partners. Please keep in mind I am looking for Batman themed rps, Yu Yu Hakusho themed rps and Inuyasha themed rps as well as Original ideas.

Again please keep in mind I rp as an anthro almost all the time even in the themed rps unless it is Supernatural. (I do want to do a rp with the Winchester Brothers ;3 )

Another thing to keep in mind I love doing rps with both adult situations and story...equal parts is about how I like it.

Also adding in that if you get bored with me...just tell me and I will apologize for wasting your time and move on...you don't have to ditch me just tell me your no longer interested and that will be the end of it....so yeah have a good week y'all.
Alright I am still looking for rp partners for long term rps. If your interested and don't mind me Rping as an anthro then feel free to message me.
Again as usual looking for long term rp partners. Prefer story based rps mostly but I am open minded. I rp as an anthro so if you do not like anthros please tell me before hand so we can figure something out. My current rp cravings are Batman themed, Supernatural themed (Tv show) Yu Yu Hakusho themed and Inuyasha themed. I also do original ideas so please feel free to message me if you wanna rp.
Ok so I am still looking for rp partners. I want long term rps that are mostly story driven. I am in the long run on story rps so if you lose interest all I ask is that you just tell me. Secondly I do not do one line responses what so ever. I try to match what I am given so if you give me a paragraph or more I will try my best to match it. If you give me one line then you will get less or called out on it. Also I may not answer fast sometimes. (Usually I am quick to answer.) so if I don't answer right away don't message me over and over again trying to get me to answer. I will get to it as fast as I can depending on what is going on around me.

With that over with I am currently wanting mainly a Batman themed rp as well as Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Supernatural (Tv show) themed rps. I also do Walking Dead themed rps as well as original ideas. I am open minded so if you have an idea just let me know. I have a handful of my own ideas I am happy to share so if your interested in rping with me please just message me and let me know.
Hi all.

I am still looking for Rp partners. I try to match the length of the response from my partner so if you give me a one line response then that is what your getting in return. Just letting you all know that.

I am craving original ideas which I have some I am happy to share when asked. I am also looking for themed rps such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Supernaturl (Tv show.), Blade (Movie), Dragon Ball Z, Batman ( I will not play a premade female super hero as I hate all of them) and finally Inuyasha. So if your interested in rping with me just message me. Also one last thing I no longer rp in forums. I rp in email, private message and on a rare occasion Skype.
-Sigh- Still in search of rp partners. I love story driven Rps as well as the non story driven rps. I always rp as an anthro. If you do not like Anthros please let me know. I am open to hearing ideas so if your interested please feel free to message me.
-Head desks- Good god such a boring Sunday as usual. Anyway I am still looking for Rp partners. I am looking for long term rps that are mainly story so they don't get to boring to fast. I do themed rps such as Supernatural(Tv show.) Resident evil, Blade(Movies),Yu Yu Hakusho, and Inuyasha. I also do original ideas so if your interested just message me.
Still looking for rp partners to do long term rps. I do original ideas and themed ideas such as Supernatural (tv show).Batman, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Resident Evil, Blade.

I do not rp as multiple females. If I get the desire to do so then I will and I will let you know. I always rp as a anthro unless the rp calls for otherwise so if you do not like antros please let me know.

I do not do one line responses. I will try to match what you give me as a response.

Alright...so if your interested in rping with me just feel free to message me.
Still looking for rp partners. Mainly looking to do original ideas right now but I will do themed rps like Batman, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Walking Dead, Supernaturl (Tv show), Blade and Resident Evil.

I do not rp as premade females. I always use my own characters. I also prefer using anthros over humans so if you do not like anthros then please tell me before.

If you get bored with me just tell me please. I have lost to many rp partners with no reason from them. Also...I rp in third person and would prefer my partner do that as well. I also try to put at least a paragraph or more for my responses so please do the same.

Anyway if your interested in rping with me just message me.
So yeah still looking for rp partners to do story based long term rps. I seem to lose rp partners...Anyway I am up for doing original ideas as well as themed rps.

I have a list of original ideas I am willing to share and I am open minded to whatever ideas you might have.

The themed rps I like to do are Batman, Supernatural, Blade, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, MLP, Resident Evil.

I do not do premade female roles. I always use my own characters no matter what so please keep that in mind.

I try to match you post length wise so if you one line it I will call you out on it because it is hard to work off of one line responses.

Anyway if your interested in rping with me just message me. I answer as fast as I can.
So yeah still looking for rp partners to do story based long term rps. I seem to lose rp partners...Anyway I am up for doing original ideas as well as themed rps.

I have a list of original ideas I am willing to share and I am open minded to whatever ideas you might have.

The themed rps I like to do are Batman, Supernatural, Blade, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, MLP.

I do not do premade female roles. I always use my own characters no matter what so please keep that in mind.

I try to match you post length wise so if you one line it I will call you out on it because it is hard to work off of one line responses.

Anyway if your interested in rping with me just message me. I answer as fast as I can.

As you can see from above yes still looking for rp partners for long term rps so message if interested.
So yeah I am still looking for rp partners looking for long term rps. I do story based rps and I am open to hear your ideas so please do not hesitate to message and offer up your idea for me ot see. Never know I might agree with it.

I have a list of my own original ideas as well to share so I will be glad to show those off when asked.

I also do themed rps such as Batman, Yu Yu Hakusho, Blade, The Walking Dead, Inuyasha, supernaturl. The only thing to note is I stick to my own characters and never ever will rp as a premade female character from any of the shows or animes. I hate them all. I am going to out right say that so please keep that in mind as well as if I can I will always rp as a anthro.
Still looking for rp partners. I like long term rps mostly. I have a list of original ideas I can show if your interested or we can come up with one so if interested then feel free to message me.
Still looking for rp partners. I prefer long term rps just to be up front about that. I do themed rps. (Blade, Batman, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Resident Evil, Supernatural, Walking Dead)

I also do original story ideas. So if you would like to see my ideas then feel free to message me. If you want to share ideas of your own please feel free to share them with me and we can discuss a rp.
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