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Fetish Photography (butterfly0408/CountofTuscany)


Jan 9, 2009
An Alternate Universe
Olivia sighed as she walked down the busy city street. Another go-see that left her with nothing. She knew that trying to jump start a career in modeling was going to be hard, but she had been trying every day now for 3 months and only booked one job. And that was just for her hands. They looked damn good giving a thumbs up on that billboard though, she had to admit. But if she didn't get something to pay bills and fast, she was going to have to return home. Her bank account was starting to run dry now. Her roomie couldn't be in much better condition. He was struggling just as much as she was.

Maybe a better portfolio? She'd talk with her roomie about setting up some kind of photo shoot for her. He was a aspiring photographer after all.

Taking the subway back to the apartment she shared with her friend in the, what could only be considered 'slums,' she climbed the five flights of stairs to the little one bedroom. They took turns sleeping on the mattress. Three days on the mattress. Three nights on the sofa. Repeat.

"Anyone home?" she called out throughout the little place as she locked up the door behind her.
Matthew Harris was sitting home right now, well as much home as the apartment building could be. He sat on the mattress that laid on the floor, as his new life had been hectic. Considered an amateur still, his photography wasn't taken all too seriously yet. Sure he had the gear at home, but he lacked the proper technique gained through experience still. He sat with his back to the wall and his laptop opened as he was searching for photography tips and tricks on one of the many forums he liked to kill his time with. His camera sat beside him like always. A black Nikkon with a .50mm lens, very powerful if you knew how to use it. What he was actually doing though was stealing wi-fi from the neighbors, he and his friend made no where near enough money to actually have internet yet, and plans had gone downhill ever since their last hit! Matt put his notebook to the side, hitting one of the thread names by mistake on the photography forum. He got up from bed and walked towards the kitchen.

He was a pretty average guy. He had short blond hair, a pair of dazzling blue eyes, tall with a wide muscular back, and an artsy look to him that made him an interesting individual. Okay so he wasn't that average, he was pretty original. He also maintained his physique from when he loved in his home with his parents in their fancy-pansy mansion with it's own mini-gym. He turned on the coffee machine, it was time to wake the brain a little so he could think of some new picture or something. He heard the door and assumed it would be the only other person with a key to the slum. His deep voice called out, "Hey Olivia..."
"Good, your home. I'm dead bolting us in." She took the time to lock all 5 locks and the chain since they were both inside now. She liked to be careful in this neighborhood. Putting down her bag and her keys, she glanced his way, "Hey, put in enough water for me. A mug full." When she asked for coffee in her mug, that was a clear sign that things had not gone well. Most people drown out their sorrows in booze. She couldn't afford booze so she did it with coffee.

"How was your day?" she asked as she head towards the bedroom, shutting the door once inside so she could change into some around the house pj top and worn jeans. She could still hear him even with the door half closed, but she was sitting now on the mattress... right next to his laptop. She could not help but glance over at the screen while she sat there...
He heard the many locks on the door and et out a small chuckle, who would really want to rob this place? Matt did as he was told, filling the mug all the way up after she finished her paranoid chore. As he washed the only pair of mugs that they had for now he let out a soft whistle to a random rhythm and tone. He rinsed them and dryed them up with a cut up towel used for the kitchen. He heard her as she closed the bedroom door, they were so hollow that they managed to have pretty long conversations while one was inside and the other out.

"Meh... luck has been a stranger to me recently, you?" He asked as he served both of them the a mug filled with coffee. He knew the way she liked it so she went ahead and served both of them their custom favorites. He went towards the bedroom holding each mug in one hand, he nocked and pushed it open, not caring if she was ready or not, it's not like they had never seen each other in underwear, mistakes were mistakes, and he already knew what she lokoed liked under clothing. He then saw her eyes glued to the screen of his notebook and he went over to it, "What's up?" ... The forum's title was "The Money Shot." The firs tpost had a sereis of kinky pictures of women, and he managed to read the poster saying he had received a load of cash for each one. "What the hell?"
At first when she saw the screen, she thought, oh great now he is whacking off on the mattress. How considered since they share it. But then she noticed the forum. It was a legit photography forum she knew he visited. But this was like no legit photos she had ever seen before.

She took the cup from him as he handed it towards her, "I was gonna ask you the same. It was on the screen when I got in here but... look at this." She pointed to a part on the screen. This guy has his own site where he sells pictures like this. They ever have fan sites dedicated to the model he uses in all his pictures." A few clicks brought her to the membership registration page and she almost spit out her coffee, "They charge $30 a month PER person?! Who would pay for that?" She noticed a little counter in the corner that read 'Click here to become member number 3,261. She did the math in her head as a light buld seemed to just click on, "That's almost $100,000... a month..."
Matt's eyes split open. Being the mathmaticla one between the two she spat out an outrageous sum of money. As she crolled he couldn't help but pay more attention to the pictures than what she was pointing at. He finally got soem sense into him and asked, "What are you trying to say here?" He asked as he then thought about it, not really likign the idea of selling her body. He wondered how she might take that fact, and then wondered if she was actually willign to do it. "I mean... it's selling the body. Not to mention the fact that if we wanted to do something like that, we'd need a server, pay for teh server, maybe a technician, and pay him too..." He immeadiately jumped to teh conclusion that she was asking for it, but then he added "But I'm just jumping to conclusions aren't I?"

He asked embarressed as he sat down on the table. He smiled at her and then took a sip of his coffee and said, "Imagine... 50,000 a month. We'd be living like rockstars as we were always meant to. But maybe that's not supposed to be our life..."
She didn't feel to keen on selling her body either, but... "Well, it is a lot of money. And we don't need to do it forever, right?" She sipped her own coffee and sighed, "Matt, we hardly have enough money left to stay here much longer. If we don't get money fast, we are gonna have to go home and never really live our dreams. And well.... we can cover my face up. Create an alter ego. People won't see you as the photographer. If it takes off we will get the cash. If it doesn't, then no one will ever know but us." She looked down at the watch on her wrist, "I'll pawn my watch for the starter money if I have to. It's better the going back home." He might have come from a pretty happy home, but she didn't have such a happy place to go back to. She never wanted to return there.

"Look, we can find a board to spark interest first with some sample pictures and if it looks like it could work, we can start the site and start charging." She was staring into her coffee the whole time, not sure if she should look to him to see the reaction on his face or not. "It couldn't hurt..... right?"
He thought about it for a second, and looked outside. The place was a dump, it was horrible, he couldn't picture him here for much longer. He closed his eyes and took a sip out of his own coffee. Then he smiled, opened his eyes, and let out a small laughter. "Not me at least..." He took avertical glance at her body and returned his eyes to her, Matt smiled, "Well if you are willing to then let's do it. The phtagropher you are looking at is now called Leo Marksmen. And you will be..." He said as all of that nonsense flew into his mind. On one hand it would be easy money, which meant he could travel aroudn to take real pictures, get better equipment, and thing sof that sort, while on the other he could see Olivia nearly naked... that was never something bad. Of course hekept this perturbign thought to himself. He took his camera and then asked, "So are we going to do it now? Or think about what are we going to do first?"

He looked through the camera and fixed the lenses for a close up. He had set teh cofee on the floor next to the matress, and after that he picked it up once more to finsih it off. He didn't really want to pay attention ot his concious anymore, if he was going to make his dream and hers come true, then they'd have to go through heaven and hell, just as Dante did.
"An alias hmm?" She took another sip of her coffee and thought about it. It had to be something catchy. Look at porn stars after all. Named things like Bambi Sparkles and shit like that. Well, she didn't want to go that corny with it, but it had to be something at least a little catchy. "I will be... Skyla. No last name. Just... Skyla."

When he suggested they do it right then, she glanced around and rolled her eyes, "Men... think a girl can just take her clothing off any old place and it'll work. Look at these pictures." She pointed to the fetish pictures. They were almost like art. Outfits, hair done, make-up. "I need some time to get something planned. I need to go through my clothing and find something to at least partially wear and then... take off, or... you know. Plus I mean do YOU have ropes in the apartment? Or handcuffs? We need to get supplies." She took her watch off her wrist. "We can go down the pawn shop, then go over to that adult store on Mayar St. to get some stuff, okay?"
"Skyla..." He said taking the name in. He smiled and said, "That sounds rather horny. I like." He said laughing. He smirked and turned aorund hearing her proposal. He looked outside the window and noticed the streelights had come on in a moment between their chats. "How about I go get the stuff, it's getting late out and I don't want to you to go aroudn on you own after dark." He said setting the camera on the matress. He went over to the clost opened it and took out a windbreaker. It fit him pretty well, he had foudn it in a drift store. "I'll knock twice... then twice more. You think on your positions, and what you are willing to do, and what not." He said as he went towards the door, he grabbed the keys feeling his pockets for money. He had some, hopefully enough. "See you later... Skyla."

He unlocked the door and left the place. He waited for the bus and made his way to the shops he kenw aobut and had just passed by before. Matt was liking the idea more and more, maybe it was because of his dark perverted side finally being able to come out, or because he was going to get to see Olivia naked more than once, and more than just by accident.
She nodded to him as he exited and bid him farewell with a "Be careful..." but then added, "Don't forget to get somethings that will over my face."

As soon as he was gone, she got to work. A lot of it needed to be done. First, she quickly set her hair. She always thought that she looked better with a little bit of a loose curl in her hair. Once the curlers were in, she started to scout places in the apartment they could take pictures. She used the sample shots on the site they had found to help her get some ideas and ended up coming up with the shower, the kitchen floor, the table, the chair, the sofa, on the rug, and the bed of course. It was enough to start things rolling. Then it was time to look through her clothing. Pulling out a few things that ranged from a sexy little black dress, through a silk nightie, and all the way to a few pairs of her nicest bra and pantie sets... it would do.

By the time Matt got home, she was just finishing up her make-up for the shoot.
He came back with a black bag full of tricks and treats, for the right ages of course. Going on the way up to the apartment he whistled and still thought how a little crazy this had become, and he was still very keen on doing it. Matt got to the door looked around, letting the dark night and the the weak orange street lights give off the bad vibes of the neighborhood. You could always here a dog barking in the distance and the roar of buses and cheap decaying cars passing by. The floor he was standing on was a cracked, ugly and bare cement floor. He painting on the apartments was cracked too and missing at places showing more cement. He looked at the place with disgust as he raised his hand to his apartment, he knocked twice, letting the background noise be filled with the archaic engine of some truck, and then knocked twice more. At least what they would be doing was for a good cause, and not just money making beyond getting themselves away from this dump. He waited for Olivia to open up the door for him. His mood had changed a little reminding himself of where they really were and what situation they were in, but he couldn't see him like that, he was the one that had helped her out of that depression at times. So instead he smiled, and thought about how soon they would get out of here by the time she opened the door with the typical crack it had. It's not like he wasn't looking forward to looking at her in very 'implicit' positions also.
When the door open, she met him with her body still rather shielded from his eyes. She was wearing a little silk kimono style robe. "Hurry up and get in here! It's cold in the hall! And it's not like I have much on..." she commented as she ushered him into the apartment and closed the door, locking it up tight behind him. She turned and looked at the big bag in his hands and could not help but wonder what was inside it. "So, seems like you got your half of the stuff. My turn then. Let me show you what I figured we could do." She made him put the bag down and took him on a little tour of the apartment showing him each of the areas she figured they could take pictures to mix things up a bit. "It should be enough to just us started, right? I mean, chime in anytime you have an idea..." but she was already onto her next thought before he could actually say anything. The whole while, her robe was still tied closed and could leave anyone wondering what lay under it. "So, show me what you got for us to work with," she said as she plopped down onto the sofa.
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