Craving Interracial

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Oct 15, 2014
*NOTE - been having some trouble with my PM inbox. If you've already sent me a PM and I've not replied, sorry. Send it again.*

Hello all,

I'm really looking for some hot, smut-driven, interracial RPs at the moment. I prefer threads but will settle for PMs. I'm easy about length - apart from one liners I tend to match what my partners produce.

I'm quite open as to kinks, as long as partners remember that this should mainly be about white girls and black guys. If I was looking for a master-slave roleplay or a BDSM one, for example, I'd have posted that as a thread. This is about interracial.

Have a look at the plots below, or if you have your own ideas please also PM me. I'm open to discussing ideas. Images below are definitely NSFW but are safe for smutty funtimes.

Option One - The Debtor

Hey Boss,

Thanks again for lending me that money. I don't know what I would have done without that loan.

How do you want to take your payment? I can't afford much - not saying you don't pay me enough though lol - but maybe we can work out a regular scheme?

I'd hate to miss payments and make you mad...

Eliza xx

Option Two - The Undercover Cop
Miami Police Department - Vice Squad - Report
*classified - senior eyes only*

There is almost certainly something going on at the Scottsdale Youth Club that doesn't quite add up. In posing as a Youth Worker there I have been gathering information on the clubs activities.

Behind the veneer of a gang out-reach program I believe the club is a front for organised crime. The large number of young, punk-ass, black men, with or without petty criminal records, that flock here provides the muscle for all sorts of illegal goings-on.

I believe there might well be drugs, prostitution, and money laundering at least here. I will continue my investigations - they've proved highly rewarding so far. I do not believe that my cover has been blown.

Officer Dani Woodwick

Option Three - The Secretary
Dear Diary,

I cannot believe that I landed this job. Me. Little Megan. What the hell?

I mean - its a serious company for someone just out of college. My new boss is charming but also a little intimidating. I think he's going to need a lot of pleasing if I'm going to make this work.

He's hinted it might involve a little more than the average PA job. I'm not sure what things he has in mind though. But I really need this job.

Option Four - The Unfaithful Wife

I'm obsessed with big black cock. I've never been fucked by one before, but the very idea of it drives me crazy. My husband and I have a fairly shitty sex life. He works late, has a low libido, and generally would rather slump on the couch than make love to me.

That's why I'm on this site I guess. I'm not looking to leave my husband - I love him - but we have no sex life. And even if we did, he wouldn't be able to scratch this urge I have for interracial sex.

So this may sound dumb or desperate, but I'm looking for a partner who doesn't want a long-term relationship outside of sex but who isn't going to treat me like a slut either. I want some genuine steamy passion without the love affair I guess.

Hit me up. Help me go black.


Option Five - The Team Medic
Dear Boss,
Thanks so much for taking me under your wing again. I didn’t think when I left college as a medic that I’d end up working as team physio for one of the biggest basketball franchises in the USA.

This is just a little note to say thanks and to remind you that I’m willing to do whatever you need. I’ve overhauled the team’s nutrition, and will be there court-side in case of injury as we discussed, but if you need me to give sports massages, for example, just say.
I’ve also heard you’re testing out some potential recruits – let me know if you need me to look them over.

Thanks again Boss

Option Six - The Bar Fly
I've been hitting up this new bar across town after my break-up with Todd. I can't stand seeing him in the bar on a regular basis, or that bitch Stacey. But in trying to find somewhere that's still relatively cheap, I've ended up in this run-down place across town. I'd avoid it, but you know I need somewhere to spend time out of the flat otherwise working from home would drive me insane.

I'm pretty much the only white person who goes there - its mainly powerful black guys from what my Mom would call 'the wrong side of the tracks'. I'm pretty sure I've seen drugs being dealt there, not to be stereotypical or nothing. I'm having to watch myself when I'm there. Not because of any sense of danger but just because of how hot the guys are.

You want to know the truth? I fantasize about them. All the time. That's why I keep going back. Thinking about what they would do to a preppy little white girl like me. How they would fuck me. Individually and as a group. How they might own me, keep me coming back for more, mark me as their property.

Shit - I need to stop going there. But its so hard. Ugh.

Anyway, just...don't judge me by this email. We all have fantasies deep down.

Melissa xxx
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