Female in need of more partners!

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Feb 17, 2015
So if you look here you will see it is a collection of all my ideas. The first post is the list of each title in order as is; that first post is always updated.

The second post is the first idea, continuing on in this fashion of one idea/story to one post/reply with all you need to know on the first post being as a guideline.

Further on down the list in the first post, I have a most desired section as well with all the stories I haven't yet gotten to do but would love to try out. Or haven't found the right partner to give me what I was looking for in a counter part in my story.

So please take a look and slide into my private messages. Before you ask No, I do not rp through messenger. I usually just do it in my PMs or a thread if I am asked to do so. thank you and see you soon hopefully.
My weekly bump... I do hope to get some nibbles. Especially for the Wonderland theme... I promise it's not kiddie as it sounds. But they're also many more ideas to choose from. I have no preference as to if the author is male or female. As long as the characters are played as they are meant to be... and I am open to hearing your ideas as well...

A bored female longing to get a little creativity out. And for those following my story - the legend of Tatia Petrova, I promise I will get a little more in I'm just at a block right now.
Just a friendly bump for a partner I have been playing with for a while. Never had any problems with StarBright, always accepting of ideas. Plus a really good writer. Always excited for the replies.
While Ace is one of my favorites to write with, I'd still love to hear from more of you. I have many many ideas to choose from as all of you can see once you click on the link. I promise as well that I will soon be getting a new idea out and posted for all of you to read and possibly enquire on. I look forward to hearing from you all!
It really is such a shame when there are less and less good writers out there willing to roleplay with you because you can't do it over Instant Message... well not to be rude or anything but I don't just cyber... I mean my content may be way smutty and get you off but it's a story above all else and would not work well over instant message anyway. Besides every time I've done it over im when my computer was alive it was not well detailed short so I had nothing to envision or write back for that matter and I was always Weirded out that 99% use the first person method like the character they're writing for is them... just not my style. Where are all the real roleplayers who are detailed and care about their work at!?
Well I have a new idea up but I think I could come up with an even better one... so with that being said give me a little time and I'll have another idea up for you guys in no time... plus I still have to post the plot ideas for the game of thrones plots I'm willing to play with specific character pairings from the show. I do hope you guys like it all... I wasn't going to originally do any more got themed plots but I see more and more fans here so, why not?

Kisses guys!
Bumping- things have slowed down just a bit and id like for them to pick up so take a look at my list of ideas... and I will have more to come.
This section is for if YOU are writing for a woman. If your writing for the Futa you advertise in other.
Um, I do write for women... I am a woman so I play my characters as a woman... I understood this was actually the short term rp thread and since I keep my ideas on one thread for the women (which all my characters ARE) I posted here for the link because I also have short term ideas in my list... but I also play women characters for women as well i do have an idea for girl on girl action... but thanks for the un-needed public comment instead of making members feel stupid by commenting like this pm them and talk about it.... wouldn't make the members as myself feel bad. Thanks and have a good night.

On another note I have more ideas on my thread, SOME short others not but ALL my characters are female I assure everyone who will be actually reading my request thread, and i do also plat women for women (lesbian action). And I will soon be putting a few more themes up, as promised.

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