P4, a Retelling (Zaki and Cororu)

Mountain Zaki

Aug 26, 2016
Yosuke let out a sigh as he stared up at the roof of the tent. Kanji had stormed off, saying he was going to the girls tent after Yosuke had unwisely questioned if his innocence would remain in tact through the night since it was just them in the tent. Still, it gave him time to think about everything that had occurred recently.

The strange murder cases, Saki's death and the awakening of his powers that allowed him and Chie to save Yukiko and then Kanji....the power of Persona. He still didn't know much about it, that strange man in the Velvet Room spoke in riddles half the time, but he knew it fell to him and his friends to save the town. Thus, he had taken on the role as the Leader of their little Investigation Team and so far, they managed to save two people but were no where closer to finding out who did this or why. Still, he was happy Yukiko and Kanji were alright.

His mind wandered to the raven haired girl and he blushed slightly. He had a crush on the girl since he had moved to town, but she had always brushed him off like all the other guys. Since her rescue and acquiring her Persona, however, they had grown much closer. They hung out after school and went to eat together often and they both seemed to enjoy each others company. He looked at the door to the tent and he now had half a mind to leave and join the girl's tent as well, if only so he could talk with Yukiko.
The quiet of the night quickly broke. Someone outside began fiddling with Yosuke's tent, trying to get the zipper to either open or - based on the urgency and force - to break. "Yosuke!" In a panicked hush, a familiar female voice is on the other side. "I'm coming in!" In comes Yukiko. She's panting a bit, hair a bit messy, and she barely has her outdoor education jacket zipped up. "Close the tent! Hurry!"

She sits in the corner of the tent, trying to catch her breath. "Kanji was in my tent. A...A-A fight? Chie passed out and Hanako is, too. I think?" She taps her head for a moment. "I think? Yeah." She looks to Yosuke, still out of breath. "Anyway, let me stay here tonight."

In a moment's though, she ponders for a bit and wags her finger angrily at Yosuke. "But no funny business! I'm only doing this because Kanji invaded my tent." She folds her arms, kicking off her socks with her feet. "Gonna get him tomorrow for this."
Just as Yosuke was thinking of Yukiko, lo and beyond did she appear in his tent, breath ragged, top barely zipped and face flushed. Yosuke's face instantly turned crimson and he was about to stammer out and ask why she was her when she answered his would be question. He let out a pained sigh as he quickly zipped up the zipper of the tent.

"I can't believe he was dumb enough to do that...sorry, Yukiko. I should have tried harder to stop him but I didn't think he was serious." He rubbed the back of his head meekly as he let out a chuckle. His eyes wandered to Yukiko's now exposed feet and the spot where her zipper was undone. He bit back a blush as he moved to the more uncomfortable side of the tent to let Yukiko have the flater side.

"I would never think such a thing, I am a gentleman after all....you do owe me for the curry though." He gave the raven haired girl a playful wink. The curry had nearly killed him after all, or so he claimed but it was all playful teasing.
Yukiko fans her self a bit, trying to get rid of the sweat and calm down. Upon his comment, she immediately turns to Yosuke with a frown. "H-Hey! It was still edible! You could've still had dinner." She knew damn well that is lie, but she isn't going to have herself be indebted to Yosuke over something like that. Nor is she likely to admit that she and Chie had a few snacks in their tent after dinner.

Still, she's glad that they are now closer friends. Prior to these crazy Persona accidents, she and Yosuke were more distant acquaintances, friends only because of Chie. However, as of late, Yosuke's shown a more mature side that's rather adorable and appealing at the same time.

She lies down gently on the flat side of the tent. She simply stares up at the top of the tent, reaching over to gently turn down the lamp. "But thanks for covering for me, Yosuke. And saving me."
"Sure, sure....whatever you say." Yosuke teased Yukiko some more, finding her embarrassed reaction to be quite cute and amusing. King Moron could be heard outside, drunkenly wandering around. Yosuke didn't seem too worried as he just looked over towards Yukiko. He was admiring her beauty.

"Of course...what would Inaba be without that beautiful smile and charming laugh of yours." Yosuke grinned widely as he tried to flirt with her before his grin softened," and...I couldn't let what happened to Saki-Senpai happen to you..." his voice was more serious, with a hint of pain as he looked at the ceiling. While he did have a crush and affections for Yukiko...he's feelings for Saki lingered and what her shadow said had hurt him deeply, he just tried not to show it.
When Mr. Morooka walked by, Yukiko goes into a quick hush, barely even breathing. The last thing she needs is to be caught, and if she gets caught, so does Yosuke and Kanji. However, the moment passes quickly. There's a slur in the teacher's mumbling and a stutter to his steps. Yukiko sighs in relief once the drunken footsteps fade away.

"My smile, hm?" Yukiko can't help but to smile just a bit. The line is a bit forced and cheesy - very cheesy, but that's just the sort of charm Yosuke had: sort of boyish, sort of silly, but always honest. Though, as dense as Yukiko is sometimes about romance, even she understands the pressured relationship between Saki and Yosuke. She wasn't around during the initial conflict in that other world, but she remembers her own conflict.

It's a special kind of hell to face yourself in that world. Yukiko, she should think, knows it must've been tough for Yosuke. She gently pats his shoulder, smiling as a good friend. "I'm still alive and stronger. Thank you for that, Yosuke."
"Yeah....you have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen...." Yosuke blushed as he rubbed his head meekly, admitting the truth to Yukiko as he turned to look at her. He had a hard time maintaining his composure around her...she was just so beautiful, charming and funny. She help him forget about the pain of Saki....it would always be there, lurking, but with Yukiko's help, he was able to face it and move on.

He nodded softly as he moved his hand up to hers and gently grasped it, interlocking their fingers together as he gave her hand a small squeeze and he gave her one of his trademarked goofy looking grins. "I'm stronger because of you, Yukiko....when I'm around you...I feel braver, able to face up to myself better and accept who am I...so I want to thank you for that." His cheeks were tinted a slightly red and he couldn't maintain eye contact with her for long. "Sorry...I'm sure I sound silly..." He mumbled softly, yet he seemed reluctant to let go of her hand.
Yosuke's hand feels warm against Yukiko's hand. What makes it weird is that Yukiko has never touched another boy before. Weirder still, she never though of Yosuke like that. She's heard and faintly understood Yosuke's flirts, but she never quite appreciated all the flirting as serious or anything of major consequence. Yosuke seems different today, though. Something about him makes him more appealing, a sort of boyish charm that even Yukiko recognizes.

"You don't sound silly, Yosuke. I'm glad you're sharing all this with me." She sees him blush, and she follows suit. "It kind of makes me think I'm important to you." She gives his hand a gentle squeeze in return, enjoying and sharing the mutual warmth. She's lying gently on the ground, watching him for a moment before she scoots over a bit. "That side of the tent looks uncomfortable." She scoots yet a bit more, making more room. "Kind of a tight squeeze, but sleeping closer won't hurt your back."
Yosuke smiles slightly as he feels Yukiko squeeze his hand back, and he also notices the blush on Yukiko's face. "Don't be silly, Yukiko...of course you are important to me...you are the most amazing girl I know." He confessed to her with a large smile. He can't help but wonder if prehaps she has feelings for him now too, or if she might be developing them. He squeezes her hand again as he nods to her, giving her a grin as he starts to scoot towards her.

"Thanks, Yukiko, I appreciate it! Don't won't to get an old man back when I'm young!" He joked as he was now quite close to her. He could small the shampoo she had used this morning in her hair and he could hear and feel her breaths. He gulped as he decided to take a chance, he figured it couldn't hurt and the mood seemed right.

He reached an arm out and wrapped it around Yukiko's waist, pulling her into his chest, which was surprisingly strong and firm. He rested his chin on the top of her head, her face nuzzled into the crook of his neck as he held her close, her breasts molding against his chest as he blushed, his face quite red.

"I think...we'll both be more comfy this way, Yukiko...what do you think?" He asked her with a small grin, hoping she was feeling as comfortable and warm as he was .
The sudden movement surprises Yukiko - at the least. In the most, she might be a bit fearful. Holding hands is one thing, but sudden close contact is a whole new level for her. She isn't fearful of touch - just of the new sensation. Under normal circumstances, she would push any other boy away. It took Chie several years to get close to Yukiko. This isn't Chie or any other boy. This is Yosuke, and in light of all that's happened, she's willing to give things just the slightest more of a chance than before.

Her face flushes a deep red, and she resists the urge to stop. She takes a moment to take it all in, and in a way, she feels both tense and calm. She is, indeed, stressed by the new sensation of being so touched and close, but at the same time, this is Yosuke. She rather enjoys his presence now, and perhaps this is a kind of welcomed change.

She remains against his chest, keeping her face against him. He's warm and smells a bit, but it's a kind of manly musk. Though, she smiles a bit to think of Yosuke as someone who is manly instead of just boyish. Perhaps she could show him some traditional remedies to clean the body more thoroughly. "I think...I can get used to this."
Yosuke waited to see if Yukiko would push him away or freak out in anyway. He was somewhat surprised when he heard her words, saying she could get used to it. Yosuke was now smiling uncontrollable as he let out a small chuckle, nuzzling his face against Yukiko's gently as he let out a blissful and relaxed sigh.

"Yeah....I could get used to this this...you are so warm and soft, Yukiko." Yosuke's voice sound deeper now, more gruff and full of desire. His hands ran themselves through her raven colored locked, feeling her smooth hair flow between his digits like water. He lowered one of his hands a little too lower and accidentally brushed it against her firm and round rear. He blushed, but he didn't apologize as he leaned forward slightly, planting a gentle kiss on Yukiko's forehead.

"You are so amazing, Yukiko....Please....be with me." His voice was hot in her ear, and to a certain extent, he wasn't even sure what he meant by that phrase...he just wanted for Yukiko to be with him, for them to not be apart...he wanted to share these raging emotions with her.
The closer they became, the more embrassed Yukiko feels. At the same time, it's not an unwanted feeling. Rather, she is simply overcome with a surge of raw emotions to which she is not accustomed. She knows she does not want to push Yosuke away, but she does not know how to react, too. Though, she does enjoy his hold. It's a strong, warm hold, and it's comforting, she should think.

"You're really warm, Yosuke. I like that." She smiles and blushes sheepishly, hiding her face into his neck and chest. She notices his increased strength, too. Due to all the fighting he's done, Yosuke has a firmer chest, more defined arms, and an overall better body health. It's rather attractive. As soon as his hand touched her rear, Yukiko tenses up a bit, leaning a bit more into Yosuke. She isn't sure how to react to this,either. Again, she doens't hate it, and maybe on some level, she likes the attention. Still, this is all very new to her and quite exciting and scary.

"L-Like your...girlfriend?" She thinks of all things he could mean by 'be with me.' Everything points to a relationship. "A-Are you sure you want me as your girlfriend? I-I'm kind of plain and boring."
Yosuke blushes move when Yukiko mentions his warmth. His breath catches in his throat when she buries her face into his neck and chest. He was starting to notices all her curves and just how much Yukiko herself had developed over the past few months..her breasts molding against her chest and her rounded rear were definitely some of the more telling signs/

He noticed Yukiko didn't seem to move away from his accidental touching of her rear, so he screwed up some courage and placed his hand more deliberately on it, giving it a squeezed though her sweatpants as she mentioned being his girlfriend.

"What are you talking about, Yukiko!" Yosuke seemed surprised when she called herself plain and boring. "You are the most amazing and beautiful girl I know...you are so sincere in everything you do and you always try your best. You are honest, smart, beautiful and kind, and I couldn't think of a better girl than you!" He confessed to her quite passionately, his eyes locked onto her own before he blushed profusely and looked away, embarrassed. "I'd be honored to have you as my girlfriend, if you can stand having a guy like me as your boyfriend." He chuckled, not thinking himself up to par for such an amazing girl like Yukiko.
Yosuke's hands are strong. His grip startles Yukiko, and her mind begins to race. She isn't completely ignorant of all the things that supposedly happen to youthful teens - or what is speculated to happen. To this, she blushes yet a deeper shade of red. Her hands fidget slightly against Yosuke's chest. "Y-Yosuke? You're hands are...ah?" It feels stranger still to be so forward and upfront about such things. Though, even in her anxious state, she admits - if even only to herself - that she is rather glad for the attention. Though, she wonders if things might be moving too fast.

Still, she doesn't pull away, and as close as they are, she only now realizes how firmly her breasts have been pressing against Yosuke. She could feel his body heat, and what with the whole day involving nothing but cleaning up a state park, she could smell his sweat - a sort of manly musk. "I-I've never really done anything like that before. N-Not even holding hands or anything."
Yosuke noticed Yukiko didn't withdraw from his touch, and that only emboldened him. He groped her rear slightly more now, digging his fingers into her flesh through her fabric and making her lovely and firm ass mold against his hand. He used his other hand to tilt Yukiko's chin up gently as he gave her a small smile. He was doing his best to fight back his erection, but it was a losing battle as Yukiko would be able to feel the evidence of against her thigh as a bulge slowly began to grow in his trousers.

"Lets start with a kiss...we'll move at whatever pace you are comfortable at, Yukiko..." He whispered hotly in her ear before pressing his lips up tenderly against her own. It was a loving and affectionate kiss that was turning passionate as Yosuke's tongue began to lick at the raven haired girl's lips, seeking to gain entry to he mouth as his hand on her rear moved to the waistband of her sweatpants and slowly began to tug them down.
At one point, Yukiko felt a strange pressure against her lower area. It was a big enough pressure that it could be felt against her crotch all the way up to just before her belly button. At first, Yukiko simply assumed Yosuke had just moved in closer, but a quick peek reveals that he did not, indeed, move his leg. A moment's calculation later, Yukiko blushes yet more red. She pulls away a bit; it's enough to relieve some pressure off her but not yet enough to completely keep that bulge off her. She's even more confused as to how to approach this.

Yet, the more she wiggled away, the more her butt pressed into Yosuke's hands, which were slowly disrobing her. She was going to object, but she quickly has Yosuke's lips upon her own. She tries her best to kiss back, but between her inexperience and her tension, her kiss is more clumsy than anything passionate.
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