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Let's Play Together! MxM (Pretty boy seeking companion!)

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Feb 15, 2017
Hey there!

I really love Alpha-Beta-Omega dynamics, and I really love mismatched heights. Give me a huge lug of an Omega and a lithe, feminine, short Alpha. I could rock that all day. But I don't /just/ love ABO stuff! I also just love writing small, possibly feminine guys who really like making other guys take it up the ass in general!

Feel free to ask about kinks and stuff, the big 'no's are scat, vomit, vore, and hyper, macro, and micro.

Could be a ton of fun to play with your character pining after mine, promising to do whatever he wants, and mine taking advantage of that. I'm a biiig fan of toys, and I'd love to have public toy use, mine out walking with yours somewhere extremely public, or sitting down to a nice restaurant, while your character is stuffed full of something buzzing inside him.

I'd also love bursts of switching, your character gaining the upper hand and paying mine back for teasing and abusing yours. Either mine gets the upper hand again or yours decides he rather likes being tormented by this tiny idiot, either way.
I'd also love to try writing a dominant character who bottoms in bed. Outside of it, he's a bossy little shit, but behind closed doors, your character is getting their revenge for that awkward footjob under the table at lunch, or anything else. In those instances especially, I love me some degrading dirty talk, largely consensual. My character just helpless to resist being called all sorts of horrible things.

So! PM or Email is best, but if you're real keen on threads, I won't say no!
Couple paragraphs per reply is optimal, but a bit more or less won't kill me.
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