Take a look inside the Queen's treasury, various plots & characters inside! FxF, FxM!

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Your Favourite Naughty Goddess
Feb 2, 2017
Hey there BlueMoon peoples! Welcome to my revamped request thread. Consider this a sort of rebrand. Recently I’ve been doing and searching for much more taboo role-plays, specifically the kind involving monsters. Don’t get me wrong I still really enjoy those role-plays and this thread may contain certain elements of that. I know I have a few, potential incest plots. Anyway, moving on. If you’re looking for some more taboo action, check out my short term request thread here, or my DM request thread here.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s talk about what I’m looking for.

The things I want​

Detail - This is by far the most important point. I love detail, at all times in an RP, wether it’s a passionate smutty scene, or an action adventure. Don’t just tell me that you take my jeans, describe to me how you fumble with the belt before manning to unfasten them, tell me how you roll them down my legs, revealing the pale, creamy skin underneath. Or don’t just tell me how you slap some lube on my ass and push your dick in. Describe how you prepare me, how you rub the lube into my asshole, maybe push a finger to two in to get me ready, before slowly sinking inch after inch of your hard, throbbing cock into my tight, virgin ass. You get the point, right?

Multiple Characters - A close second to detail, I’m really looking for someone who can play as multiple characters. It doesn’t necessarily need to be multiple characters all in the one scene(Though that would be awesome!) but over the course of the RP if you could control several characters for one on one pairings or more then that would be great.

To tell a story - I’m not looking for some mindless smut. When I am I’ll bump my short term thread, but if you’ve found your way here it means I’m looking for something plot. I’m not gonna give any ratios etc cause to be honest I think it all kinda depends on the story, where we are in it and where we want to go. But needless to say I want the smut to make sense and fit in with the rest of the story.

People that aren’t dicks - ‘Nuff said really.

My Rules​

So, if you want to role play with me there are just a few, slightly more formal and strict rules that I ask you read and abide by.

1 - Be awesome.
2 - Don’t be a dick. Just to reiterate how much I dislike dicks(the metaporical ones, not actual dicks. I kinda like those.)
3 - I only roleplay via thread. I find it easier to keep track of them that way.
4 - I’m looking for FxF or MxF pairings only
5 - Please have a decent understanding of the English language. I accept that mistakes happen, but too many and I hulk out into a total grammar nazi.
6 - Do your best to give me either three or four solid paragraphs, or 500+ words. I like quantity and quality. I can’t do anything with a few pathetic lines, so keep the story moving.
7 - RL comes first. I aim to reply as often as I can, but sometimes it can be a week between replies. However I’ll always tell you if I’m bored and I expect the same courtesy from you.
8 - Read my fuckin’ rules.
9 - Now re-read them make sure you understand what I want.
10 - Keep being awesome.

So, hopefully I don’t sound like too much of a bitch, but if I do, guess what. Tough shit. But if I’ve still got your attention then lets move on to some of the fun stuff.

Kinks, turn ons and all those other things​

Alright so, onto the things that turn me on. Honestly the list is pretty long and by no means exhaustive. So to make it easy I’ve split it up into different sections. However if you don’t see anything here, just ask. Odds are I’ll give it a go if I haven’t already. But worse case scenario is I’ll say no thank you, what else do you like. ‘Kay?

Things I like as a writer

A good story
Lots of detail
Realistic and flawed characters
A partner who can move the story on
A partner who can play multiple characters
Someone who can entertain me for a long term rp(Trust me, I’ll more than return the favour)

Things I like in my smut

Being filmed
Risk (Of getting caught, pregnancy etc)
Public settings (I.e toilets, changing rooms etc.)
Oral(Giving and receiving)

A few other themes I’m open to

Darker stories

Stuff I definitely don’t like

Anything that belongs in the toilet

A couple notes on relationships

So, firstly I don’t do the whole dom/sub thing. It doesn’t make sense to me. in my opinion that kind of thing fluctuates in relatively normal relationships. On moment someone in the sub, the next it can change. I prefer mutually equal relationships. All of my characters, all the ladies listed below are capable of being submissive to the right person, but they also have their feisty sides. They can all be badass bitches when they need to be.

The second note is that I don’t want our characters to only interact with each other. in my opinion a sign of a truly awesome roleplay is when two people can be playing multiple characters so well that they can have huge scenes where the main characters aren’t even together, or interacting with each other. Y’know, just like a proper story.

My Ladies​

So finally, onto the plots. Sort of. Rather than listing a few generic plots that have been tweaked ever so slightly to seem just a bit original, I’ve listed a few different characters that I would love to play as. Each one has their own backstory, personality etc. They all also have their own plots. Or at least ideas for plots, because after all I think coming up with the story is a two person job. So, have a gander and if any of my lovely ladies catch your eye, let me know.

Tessa Hawkin
Priate queen of the stars

Age : 22
Race : Human
Setting : Intergalactic Sci-fi
Occupation : Mercenary

The World She Lives In

Tessa was born in the distant future, long after the rise and fall of mankind's great galactic empire. Humanity's reach extend to the farthest edges of the galaxy. They thought themselves untouchable as they colonised planet after planet, subjugating the various species they came across. For centuries they ruled over the galaxy. bringing about a golden age for humanity, but a grim era of despair for any non-humans. Then came The Cataclysm. To this day nobody knows what happened, but the empire collapse, fell in on itself. With the fall of humanity came the rise of the aliens. Now the galaxy is in chaos. Two governments strive for power, The Second Human Empire ad the Coalition of Intergalactic Species. However while the two of them struggle for power, the rest of the galaxy is in a state of lawless, decadent chaos. For the everyday person it is rife with danger. But for a ruthless mercenary like Tessa, it is full of opportunity to get filthy rich.


Tessa is no stranger to hardship. Being born the daughter of a whore with telepathic abilities saw to that. She was a freak, born among the lowest classes of Earth’s Lunar colonies. The colony was unforgiving enough as it was, due to random power outages, riots, gangs and over zealous peacekeepers. Despite all that though Tessa managed to survive. Her mother taught her to fight from an early age. Nothing formal, but enough to survive, the kind of dirty, brutal fighting that took place on most human colonies. As she grew older and more confident in her abilities, Tessa left the safety other mother’s brothel to explore. She soon became friends with several of the children, including Arena, her best friend. With Areyna by her side she soon won the respect of many children her age and older, forming her own small gang. They spent most of their time just trying to survive, stealing the food they needed, occasionally cutting a purse here or nabbing a few trinkets there. Everything changed though when Tessa was eleven.

Her mother died. Murdered by a spurned client. Tessa’s only other family was her aunt, who wanted nothing to do with her. So Tessa made her own family. She had her gang and several friends at her mother’s brothers who would look out for her. Her gang’s heists started to target richer targets, focusing more on gathering money. Tessa was consumed with two things. Revenge and leaving the shit-hole that was the moon. By the time she was thirteen she had her revenge. One night, she tracked the murderer as he left the brothel, staggering home. She set upon him with a rusty knife in a quiet alley. The body was found the next day with the knife stuck in his throat, vocal chords severed. No-one ever cared enough to look into and Tessa got off free. Now she was focused on getting off the moon and looking after her gang. So at fifteen years off age she started to work at the brothel. At first she was only a teaser but eventually she was allowed to earn more money as a whore. It wasn’t glamorous but it paid money. Two years later and she caught the eye of one of the ruling elite, who wanted her as his mistress. Tessa was all too happy to provide what the man wanted, getting close enough, learning everything she could. The man was found dead in his bed, along with his wife. All his money was gone.

Days later and Tessa bought a ship, The Bloodraven. With Areyna as her right-hand woman they took their gang and left the moon behind. Now, several years later and Tessa’s crew of all females, The Furies, have made quite a name for themselves as one of the best mercenary groups in the galaxy, withTessa leading as a casual, yet firm captain.


Tessa is hard and cynical. She doesn't trust people very easily, but once her trust is gained it's worth it. She'll stand by her friends, to the death if need be, but she’d rather play dirty. On more than one occasion she was won by fooling both her friends and enemies into thinking she didn’t care, only to gain the upper hand. But cross her, hurt her friends or take what is hers and there is nothing in the galaxy that will stop her from taking revenge, aided by her ever loyal crew.
Tessa also enjoys sex, a lot. Man or woman, she isn’t picky so long as she gets some. She’s slept with most of her crew, with the exception of Areyna, her best friend. When they stop of at the various ports she also makes a habit of seducing a few men or women during her stay. However she doesn’t believe in love. Lust has always been enough for her.


Tessa is somewhat of a chameleon. She has raven black hair, a prominent jaw and sharp features, with stunning green eyes. Yet in the blink of an eye she is capable of transforming, becoming an innocent, wide eyed girl, or a sultry, seductive whore. She also makes use of contact lenses to change her eyes colour and has often dyed her hair before to go undercover, or blend in.
Her body is toned and athletic. Her stomach slim yet muscular, her arms slender and strong. While she might often seem small or weak there is actually a surprising amount of strength to her.

When it comes to her clothes, she wears mixture of flexible leather and metal plating in combat situations, while in her down time she has been known to wear outfits that border on the provocative or slutty. Being raised in a brothel has allowed her to have no shame with showing off her body.


Plots and Pairings

FxF Only. After years together as best friends, Tessa and Areyna finally hook up. Perhaps it’s a drunken thing at a space port, perhaps it’s after a particularly dangerous, risky mission. Either way they fuck. It’s hot, passionate and steamy. Both women go into it thinking it’ll just be a one time thing. Yet what happens when they find themselves unable to keep their hands off each other? What do they do when they realise they are developing feelings for one another? This would focus on their relationship along with the crew’s adventures, with the potential for a few random hook-ups when they rest at the various space ports.

FxF Preferred, potentially MxF. Tessa takes on a new trainee pilot. The eighteen year old has little experience but is eager to learn. She picks up the job quickly, learning all that she can, impressing her new captain. It’s not long before she finds her way to Tessa’s bed for a night of passion. And then another and another. Much to Tessa’s surprise and annoyance she realises that she is developing feelings for the young pilot. Yet everything changes when it comes to Tessa’s attention that there is a rather large bounty out for the young pilots arrest, and that she is actually a member of royalty. What happens next? Does Tessa turn her over, or risk everything to keep her safe?

MxF or FxF. Open to aliens. War has broken out between the human empire and the alien coalition. Tessa does her best to avoid it and stay neutral, although she can’t help but notice that more and more humans are siding with the aliens against the empires brutality. After taking a well paying job for a mysterious, shady client, she realises part way through the job that her client is the alien coalition. Suddenly Tessa is pulled into the brutal war as she is now wanted by the empire. What does she do next, run or fight? What will it take for her to join a cause bigger than herself and her crew? And what can the incredibly good looking leader of the coalition do to convince her to stay?

Or, suggest your own.

Katie Lovett
The girl next door meets gamer girl

Age : 17
Race : Human
Setting : Modern day, slice of life, highschool/college/university
Occupation : Student/waitress


Born in Ireland, Katie is an only child, raised by a single parent. Her mother was a primary school teacher and her father a policeman. When she was three years old tragedy struck and her father was killed on the job. Katie has very few memories of him, but as she grew up his presence was missed. All she had left of him was a few cherished photo’s. Being raised by just her mother meant that the two of them had a close bond, while Katie had to grow up quicker than other children, pulling her weight around the house with chores and accepting that with her mother’s teacher salary they would never be rich.

Everything changed though when Katie was sixteen. her mother had recently started working for a charity organisation working to provide education to disadvantaged children. Her mother had apparently made quite an impression and was soon asked to head up a new branch of the organisation. In America. Originally her mother was going to say no, but Katie persuaded her otherwise. Her mother might never get an opportunity like this again and Katie was more than happy to move. Aside from her best friend at school there was little that she would miss, little tying either of them down. So her mother said yes.

Everything was put in place and by the time Katie turned seventeen she was living in America. They had a house in a small town, not too far from a big city(I’m open to ideas regarding the actual location) and Katie was enrolled in the education system. She caused quite a fuss as the new girl in school, both because she was new and because of her accent, but she was determined to do her best to settle in. She even got herself a job as soon as possible, working at a local coffee shop.


Katie is rather quiet and reserved, preferring to listen and think over a situation before speaking. She likes to make sure she has all the information before acting, and that she is certain before speaking. This quietness often leads people to assume that she lacks confidence, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Katie is incredibly smart, with top marks in all her classes. On top of that she is also very good looking and knows it. yet she doesn’t flaunt it, nor does she think either her intelligence or beauty make her better than others. Often described as the girl next door, Katie is sweet and helpful, with a fiery side if anyone pisses her off. She also identifies as something of a nerd and gamer girl, keeping up with video game culture, reading comics and even plays games such as Warhammer every now and then.

When it comes to relationships Kate is fairly inexperienced. She has fooled around with a few boys before but nothing serious. She always considered herself straight, yet she can’t deny that there are more than a few girls she finds attractive. A few chance encounters could certainly awaken something inside her. However Katie isn’t looking for something serious. As her mother always tells her, she should have fun while she is young, and that is exactly what she’s going to do.


Katie is a natural redhead but dyes her hair a darker, deep scarlet. Her eyes are a bright green and she has smooth, porcelain skin with a very light smattering of freckles. She actively tries to keep healthy and work out and as a result her body is slender, with a flat stomach but no considerable muscles. Her breasts are a perky 32 C, bordering on D cup. Meanwhile her legs are long and slender with a small but perky and round butt. She is also 5ft6. As for her outfits Katie often wears skinny jeans and shirts/t-shirts, while during summer she might wear short shorts, or a skater skirt/dress, but never anything too short. The more revealing outfits she saves for dates and nights out.


Pairings and Plots

FxF only. Katie’s new neighbour is one of the high school cheerleaders. She’s drop dead gorgeous and, unlike the rest of the cheerleaders, isn't a total bitch. Katie can’t help but feel attracted to her, doing her best to deny the way she flushes around her, or the arousal between her legs when she watches her perform in the outfit. Katie does her best to avoid her, assuming that she is way out of her league, but then a chance encounter with said cheerleader at the coffeeshop that Katie works at sparks something. The two of them start chatting and Katie suspects that the cheerleader might be flirting with her. Katie takes a chance and gives the girl her number and it pays off. Soon they form a budding relationship, but why challenges will they face? After all high school kids are vicious. Will the cheerleaders approve or try to cause trouble? What will their parents have to say? Or alternatively, will the two girls try to keep it a secret?

FxF and MxF. Katie’s best friend from Ireland comes to visit after a few weeks so that the two of them can properly catch up, face to face rather than over skype. The two girls enjoy catching up, talking about boyfriends, life in another country etc. However it soon becomes clear that Katie’s friend has feelings for her. And, much to Katie’s surprise, she too has feelings for her friend. It’s not long before the two of them give in, enjoying the passion. But are these feelings of lust, or romance? And what happens when the friend has to go home? Do the two of them continue seeing other people, or do they commit to each other?

Or, suggest your own!

Athena Grey
Sexy and not afraid to use it

Age : 24
Race : Human
Setting : Modern day, slice of life
Occupation : Stripper


Coming from a working class and disadvantaged background, Athena, or Thea as she often goes by, had to fight for everything. Her family life was chaotic. Her parents fought more often than not, while Athena was left to look out for her younger brother, Daniel. The state of constant fighting caused an anger inside of her, which she vented at school. Her grades were good, remarkably so, yet more often than not she found herself getting into fights. Sometimes she did so while standing up for her brother, but other times she actively caused a fight, or choose to take offence at a passing comment. When she was twelve and her brother was nine, their parents finally split up. They were left with their dad while their mother left, without even looking back. Their father sank into depression and alcoholism, forcing Athena and Daniel to look out for each other even more, with Athena taking the brunt of her father’s drunken, abusive rage.

Several years later and Athena became a teenager, her body changing and developing quickly. At sixteen she was popular among the boys and certain girls, while other girls were envious. Athena knew she was beautiful and sexy, and boy did she use it to her advantage. She soon began to experiment sexually, not bothered when she started to develop a reputation as a slut. She enjoyed sex and wasn’t going to let anything stop her from continuing to do so. Even after school she maintained a healthy sex life through college and university.

At nineteen years of age Athena, quite by chance, found herself in a strip club on a drunken night out. She found the women there irresistibly attractive and even started talking to one of them, even flirting. The following morning Athena woke up in her bed, with a new job opportunity. After a week or so of mulling it over, she said yes and started working at the club as a source of income while she was at college and university. It was quite useful as well, given that she was studying professional dancing and choreography. She soon realised that she enjoyed working their and was very open with her friends about what she does. However she does her best to make sure that her family never find out. Now, at twenty four Athena has finished her education, yet still works at the club three or four nights a week. She’s become something of a favourite with the customers and she enjoys the money and attention.


Athena is without a doubt sexy and beautiful, but she also has a personality to match. Charming and seductive, Athena is able to adapt the way she comes across to suite her target. In the bedroom she might be submissive if she likes you, but outside the bedroom? She’s in charge and oh boy she’ll make sure you know it. If she see’s something she likes, she will go for it, even if that thing is you. Athena doesn’t really do committed relationships, instead opting for dating around and fuckbuddies.

Along with her confidence Athena is also tough. She can fight and has been known to when clients get a little too frisky or aggressive. On top of that Athena is also incredibly loyal, both to her friends & family but also to the few people with whom she has had committed relationships.


Though Athena looks incredibly fit and attractive, she is also incredibly strong. Regularly dancing, practicing pole dancing and working out at the gym has made her body slender and strong. At a glance the muscle isn’t visible, just the slender, taut curves of her body. Yet she can still pack a punch.

Athena’s face is soft and gentle, yet she can look stern when she needs to. Her hair is naturally blonde though she dyes it black, while her eyes are a stunning hazel, almost orange. Her skin is soft and pale, though easy to tan. Her breasts are a perky C cup, making many men drool along with her perky round ass.


Possible pairings and encounters

FxF only. A new girl starts working at the strip club. She is either a stranger or a friend of Athena’s. Either way she is younger(about 18/19) and rather nervous. Despite that she has a stunning body that catches Athena’s eye. Taking pity on her Athena helps the poor girl out, gives her some advice and generally takes her under her wing. The two of them grow closer and start to become friends and eventually a romance sparks between them, while at work they start performing together as a team act, which goes down well with the customers. But where do the girls go with their relationship? Is it purely a lust thing, or is there some deeper feelings between them? If so what do they want, do they stay at the club together, or perhaps leave to try and build a better life?

FxF or MxF
One night while giving a customer a private lapdance, the customer offers Athena a lot of money in cash to go home with them. Athena seriously considers it; the customer is attractive, seems genuine and is offering a lot more money that she usually earns, not that she’s struggling. Finally she says yes and after her shift is over she goes home with the customer for a night of hot passion. Before she knows it it is becoming a regular thing and word is spreading, with more customers wanting the same. Could this be the start of a career as a high class escort for Athena?

FxF or MxF. One night Athena gets a customer that is more intoxicated than usually and becomes very flirty and hands, but not aggressively. However the customer gets kicked out and, by chance a couple of days later, Athena runs into them again. The customer is very apologetic about what happened and, as they seem to be quite nice and attractive, Athena says they can make it up to her by buying her a drink. The two of the then start dating and fucking. After a while the customer reveals that they work in the entertainment sector and need a choreographer for movie or tv show, and they offer it to Athena. Athena is then torn because she enjoys her current job, but the new one would pay more and allow her to develop more of a career. Does she say yes and leave the club? If so how does she get on in a professional dance environment? And more importantly how does she handle her new relationship and the fact that the customer wants to help her better her life?

MxF Only. Taboo idea featuring incest. For his twenty-first birthday Athena’s brother gets taken to a strip club by his friends and they pay for a private lap dance for him. Oh you guessed it! It just happens to be Athena’s club they go to, and it just happens to be Athena that walks into the room for the private dance. The two of them can’t believe they are looking at each other. After some awkwardness Athena agrees to give him the lap dance anyway. After all it’s his birthday and she knows that she’s the best dancer at the club. Besides they were always close growing up, they often talked about things like sex, while Athena was know to walk around the house in skimpy clothing. But what happens when they both enjoy the experience? Does her brother come back for more? And if so how long is it before she invite him back to her apartment for a much more ‘intimate’ dance?

Or, suggest your own!
RE: Sci-fi & fantasy characters for detailed taboo stories, from tentacles to sex zombies

RE: Sci-fi & fantasy characters for detailed taboo stories, from tentacles to sex zombies

Bump for sci-fi and fantasy plots!
RE: Sci-fi & fantasy characters for detailed taboo stories, from tentacles to sex zombies

RE: The queen's royal treasury of characters, from taboo sci-fi to vanilla romance!

Bump and a little update!
RE: The queen's royal treasury of characters, from taboo sci-fi to vanilla romance!

RE: Looking for a DM to take me on some kinky, taboo adventures! FxM FxF FxMonster!

Bumpdate! Added some DM plots and some inspirational content!
Bump! Had another update and a slight revamp. More characters and plots to be added soon.
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