The Closed Loop. {Machine play, possible bad end, Beast themed. }

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The Ridden
Feb 7, 2013
Over the years the family had changed things on that farm, Shifting from growing crops to breeding and selling animals, But soon discovered real money was in that seed, Milked by the gallon from a growing number of Equines that were ever more eager with every passing day to be lead to one of those enclosed stall,s To have those thick rubbery hoses worked onto their cock right up to the sheath before suction took over.

The family farm had started small, with first no more than a handful of horse's, Which meant Manually milking the stallions, A long drawn process that came to an end after one of the helpers ended up over a bale of hay wasting priceless seed, She claimed it was rape, she had been over taken by the beast but the family knew better, Then came those large bulky stands that could only handle a single horse at a time, Two if they were aggressively clever in the matter.

The stands lasted for year's on the family farm, Or atleast until some neighbor girl was found inside one of the broken stands after handling an entire days stock, complete with bloated belly and cum drooling from her in ever possible way. The new way allowed the farm to grow, to accept more and more horse's milking them in the same fashion one would a cow, With all human element removed save for actually fitting those rubbery hoses to the stallions cock, And removing it after the deed was done.

Yet where there was a will one would certainly find a way. Which is where she came in, that young teen that was next in line to one day own the farm, The new system installed milked seed from dozens of horse's at a single time, Feeding the seed thru a series of pipes that would eventually lead to a cold storage, Not filling simple kegs or steel drums but large tanks meant to hold hundreds of gallons at a single time in a near frozen state to be sold in bulk.

Camera's had been installed everywhere to keep a repeat of past events from happening, They wouldn't be taken in by cum hungry workers and lose days, Weeks worth of seed collection. Yet she had found a way. Away from the stalls and machines that pumped away the seed, Just outside that cold storage she had found it, A spot off camera's below eye level where the pipes came together feeding into cold storage.

The risk would be something her teenage mind weighed and found acceptable, Not like anything could happen right? Which was exactly what she told the farmhand which was only a year or two older than her. "I'll be fine, just turn it off when the first found finishes" She said with a nod, Not like there could be that volume, not after daily milking, Of this she seemed so certain, A wiggle of her hips given, Racey thong style pantys rolled down over her hips to the floor, kicked off in his direction as she moved to her knee's still wearing that oh so short skirt that in her new bent position showed off the more than ample swell of her rump which would slowly back against the pipe behind her. She had removed a section, The system meant to be closed with no interruption so she devised to take its place for the morning milking, Have her fill and no one would be the wiser. She grinned looking up at him, Letting out a almost whorish moan as she grinded against that tapered pipe behind her letting it tease along her nethers and against that raised backside before turning her attention to the large O opening of the smaller pipe infront of her. "It takes almost exactly thirty minutes for the rotation. Once its done you need to be back here, Turn off the system and get me out, Remember our deal?" She asked with a blush, going over just how exposed she would be for those long minutes, She couldn't help but to squirm with the mere idea of such seed swimming inside of her as her lips pursed, Tasteless ruby painted lips pursing wide at her lips would wrap almost air tight around that pipe that looked to be ever so slightly to wide for her now trembling mouth as she raised a hand, Giving him a thumbs up motion to turn on that system never thinking of just why it was such a closed system or what it meant for a human body to take place of a section oh so close to that cold storage mere feet away from her backside.
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