RP: Split : Can You Fix The Broken [ Horror_Show & savageglittered ]


Feb 15, 2010
As the girl’s mind came to consciousness her senses felt muffled. Her head was painfully throbbing, she tossed her head as her hearing came back with a dull ringing. Her sense of smell came back and the notes of chemicals and febreeze filled her nostrils. Her eyes were crusted shut and as she tried to use one of her hands to rub them open, she discovered she was restrained. This induced panic and she clenched her hands, trying to effortlessly get out of the rubber restraints. It didn’t take long, with her lurching to discover her ankles were also bound. Small pants came out mixed with grunts. Her eyes swelled with tears, they stung so bad. She let out a sickening pathetic scream, it held more anger than it did fear.


“Please,” an irritated voice stated, “calm down…. your wasting to much energy.” A low strict voice said. She heard footsteps and gasped out, her body stiffening. She cried out as she felt a strong hand slide underneath her back, applying enough pressure to make her sit halfway up, still restrained. Then she felt a bottle of filtered water put inside of her mouth. “Drink.” The voice demanded. She was dehydrated and her mouth was dry and she started chugging the water down. She coughed out water spitting it everywhere, as some of it went down the wrong pipe. She felt him push her into a higher position, hitting her back with enough voice to make more water come up. “Slow…. again.” He said tilting the water back for her chug. She was still blind from her eyelids feeling like weights, crusted shut. She finished the whole bottle, gasping out, her body shuddering against his weight. Even though she couldn’t see, her other senses were hypersensitive, especially her mind, her memory.


“Stay sitting….” The voice ordered, she heard noises, as if someone was grabbing materials, she couldn’t quite make it out until she felt a hot clean rag on both of her eyes. The temperature made her face lean into the rag, her eyes hurt. The moisture of the cloth leaked through to her eyes. She felt whoever this man was wipe the crust off. “Open your eyes…open them now.” She forced them open, they fluttered. Her vision was blurry and she felt him apply ointment, gel all over her eyes. He had on medical gloves. Her vision was slowly focusing. He was the first thing she saw. It had confirmed her racing thoughts, flashbacks from hours ago. It was him.

She stood sitting upright with his help, her body trembling, her breath heavy. The Horde is what the media had nick named him. He was all over as the number wanted criminal and mad man in America. Months ago, in Philadelphia he had kidnapped three teenagers, only one survived as he had cannibalized the other two, something you would only see in a horror movie. It had America on edge, a distraction from all the lousy politics of the country, the feds were after him. She coughed out spit and saliva, sobbing out uncontrollably. Fear boiled in her fragile mind. Her hands were vibrating against the rubber restraints. “Your safe.” She heard the voice say, felt his mouth next to her neck. She turned away clenching her eyes shut as tears streamed down.

“Like all those other girls…..like Claire and Marcia.” She breathed and felt his hand move from her back up to the back of her head, cradling it but his fingers were tangled, grasping her hair pulling her head back so it was tilted, she gulped, coughing. Those names were nothing to him now, they were no longer important. “They were weak…. their existence doesn’t matter anymore. Yours does.” He gritted and pulled her hair so hard it made her cringe, breathing out. He got up and gently laid her back down on the hospital bed. One thing she wouldn’t notice just yet is how their location was unknown, but he had remodeled this room. There were two older hospital beds, with new mattresses and sheets and covers. New wooden tiles had been placed down, with rugs thrown down for the girl’s comfort. The room had been dry-walled and painted. The small patient bedroom had also been remodeled. A good investment was put into wherever this place was. A couple of night lights were spread out throughout the rooms minimum furniture to give it a warm glow, there were no windows.


The man would have delicately picked up some sort of medical tub that was organized with all sorts of medicine and first aid supplies. He she could hear him taking off his latex gloves. She looked over and on the other side of the room, she saw another girl sitting silently, wide eyed across the room, quiet as a mouse. Oh god, how many of us did he take? Her first thought was fear for the other girl.

Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart?
Can you help the hopeless?
Well, I'm begging on my knees
Can you save my bastard soul?
Will you ache for me?​
When Vivian woke from her slumber, she already felt as though something was wrong. It wasn't so much of a fully conscious, immediate spike of alarm so much as her stomach coiled into itself anxiously, the depths upturning in waves of oil slicks; dark, dreadful darkness that bubbled painfully as she moved to lift a hand to touch her throbbing temple. She couldn't, but that didn't bother her, not as much as the nuisance of her nose feeling stuffed and her mouth cottony. Her joints ached, knees creaking as she rolled onto her side, for reasons that she couldn't fathom at all. She turned her head. Vivian's dark eyes could make out the purplish webbing against the olive skin of her bare upper arm --- something definitely not self-inflicted, much less there from before --- but she said nothing, did nothing, as she only gently set her head back onto the soft surface she had been laid upon. Wherever she was, she still had her socks on to combat the chill her arms suffered from and nothing else exactly concerned her besides ...

Besides ...

A beat. The dark yellow cast set off above her deepened the visible signs of her horror, as if it were a late-blooming flower that had just caught up in season. Vivian sat up abruptly, and strangely failed to make an expression that conveyed the discomforting, dull ache that emanated across her lower back and her muted confusion. Only one glance was necessary for her to see that she was bound by blue cables around her wrists and ankles. That wasn't the worst part. What shocked Vivian the most had to be the worn face of another girl, who in turn stared right back at her. The cold flush that wrapped around her body, constricting her throat with a python-like vice, warped into an arctic chill that shot through her veins. Her mouth was wrought open into a silent murmur, a weak intonation, "H-Huh?", escaping from her lips before it died off into a choke. Still, her mouth gaped open like one of those silly bass shop ornaments, but her mind had long stopped her from being potentially obstructive. Too many thoughts poured from her brain into her eyes, which burned like bleach as she blinked away an onslaught of tears. Vivian imagined, as it was the only thing in her mind that was coherent, throwing herself onto the wooden floor, crawling, screaming; then, just screaming, because it was what she couldn't allow herself to do. It wouldn't hurt to imagine it. Then a red flash --- and she was dead. No, won't work, how do I ...

"You both are awake now."

Time stilled. As did Vivian. She hadn't accounted for their abductor to actually be with them, right at that moment. But why? Vivian risked a look at the other girl, far more concerned at the moment with giving the main the attention he seemed to be seeking. She didn't want to make him angry, especially since she wasn't sure what he was capable of. Be good, be good ...

Whoever he was, his side was to them as he rifled through a tub of medical supplies, brow pinched taut as he spoke coolly, gruffly. There was an accent that Vivian couldn't make out, and she struggled to stay in the present. She wished she was home. Away. Anywhere but here. Vivian froze over and her very skin shook as he faced them, standing at the center of the room to look at them both. Images piled up a dastardly body count of faces--of his face--that she had seen a handful of times but never took the time to study. Vivian didn't even know his name. On the television, online news, and even social media, his face was always just there. But now he's really here, and so am I, and so is she.

"It's important," he paused, lips thinning, "That you realize how important and lucky you are to be chosen for this blessed consecration."


His bright eyes ran over them with a stuttering surveillance, skipping over them to linger then disappear as though he hadn't done so at all. It should have made Vivian feel disgusted, as creeped out as she knows she should be, but instead she's squared her shoulders a bit. She only smoothed her expression into a watery smile. Her facial muscles struggled at first, but she managed to anyways. She had to. She ignored the faint burn searing across her torso, her breath fanning out unevenly.

"--This must be a mistake. Whatever this religion is, I didn't sign up for this. We," Vivian looked at the other girl again, unable to keep from zoning in on the honey ginger strands of her hair. But she caught herself, ripping her gaze away to look at him again. This time her voice did waver. "We didn't." But his hard eyes, unfaltering in it's stare, continued to pierce her and pick her apart. He only tilted his head to the side, as if he were explaining to a child something that they couldn't quite understand. Of course Vivian knew, she fucking knew, but she held onto her outrage tightly. She didn't know what would happen if she lashed out.

"You both were chosen." As if that helped or gave either of them clarity, but she couldn't dwell on the thought as she saw his gaze pass over her face again, then lower. Vivian wasn't sure where, but she saw his adam's apple bob. When she determined he was paying attention to her face and the straight line her lips had formed, Vivian warped her expression soft, unassuming.


She, once again, aimed to make eye contact with the girl on the other bed but the man distracted her with his sigh. His knee wobbled as his heavy-shoed foot tapped at the ground, fingers squeezing against the plastic tub in his hands. A couple of beats later, and he took one measured step forward. His glances alternated between them both, then the wall near the beds. His mouth twisted.

"Before we proceed further, I have to ... inspect you both and clean you, if you are filthy." His voice was thick, as if it was hard for him to say the words. Vivian didn't think much about it. He was preparing them for something, but what? She wasn't badly hurt and couldn't recall how or why she would be, but she couldn't speak for the other girl. Vivian didn't even know her name; a stranger. Why them? She once again felt as though she were going to cry, but she wound herself tightly. She couldn't allow herself to take a breath. It wouldn't be good, it would catch up, and ...

Her brows shot up for a moment.

Where were her inhalers?
The dark brunette’s voice somehow sounded almost normal, too fucking normal for just being abducted, her beautiful watery smile radiant even from across the room. "--This must be a mistake. Whatever this religion is, I didn't sign up for this. We," The honey gingered girl was rapidly blinking her tearful eyes, they were left raw from the man wiping away the crust and applying medical ointment, making her eyes have a clear shining reflective look.

"You both were chosen."

She wanted to snap something sarcastic, but she was fearful the other girl may have hopefully had no clue to the monstrosities this man had done. She knew, she knew because of how obsessed she had become with him and the crimes. She was betting her own interest and obsession had gotten her chosen, gotten her into a situation she would have never wanted to be in. It was a little more complicated than that. It had to of been eight months prior to when the abductions and incident happened. It had flooded across the news and social media; he was known as the “the horde”. He had abducted three girls and only one had survived, Casey Cook. The moment a flat screen TV in a doctor’s office had shown his face, but not just one face, three side by side of his different personalities. Something had happened deep within in her mind. She became fascinated like she would have with any other dark phenomena that wasn’t explained. She always had this weird interest in anything dark, trying to exploit it until she understood it or couldn’t dive into deeper into it so she moved on to the next thing. Although researching about the Holocaust or how one of the Kennedy’s had lobotomized one of his poor daughters, that wasn’t current. That was old, this was happening in her time. He wasn’t the zodiac killer. The redhead had spent so many nights in her room, researching. She had even traveled to Philadelphia to investigate herself.

Now as she laid there, strapped to an old hospital bed in some isolated abandon place, she knew this was too good to be some fetish nightmare. Her life was in immediate danger but she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

Now that her vision wasn’t as blurry she saw the room for which she knew they would be confined too, didn’t quite look like the first place he had the first set of girls, which was in his own living quarters beneath the service maintenance area of the Philidelphia Zoo. While he kept their room clean, it wasn’t anything fancy, just basic. He had more time to plan his next hide out, could pull from the last of his savings considering he no longer had a job and had made sure to get his retirement before the first incident. He had chosen an abandon hospital that no one had property ownership to except the state of Georgia itself. It was forgotten, hidden deep in the thick forest that spread for miles and miles. The only concern would be free loaders or urban explorer that would pass by but he could handle them easily. Over the span of six month there hadn’t been to many visitors.

It had taken skills no other normal man could have done to get such a filthy abandon place together enough for anyone to live in it. It took days of designing by Barry, engineering by Orwell and hard labor by Dennis to get it completed. Plumbing, construction, electrical work all needed to be done.

The room which they were confined was a little girly, but Barry had wanted it to be very rustic, feminine and cozy for the two girls. The walls were a light shade of pink, the floor had nice wooden tiles, and quite a few cute rugs were placed down to keep them from touching the cold floor. The beds were the only thing a little out of place, they were old hospital bed’s he had found in the basement, they were good shape so it just took only a few dozen chemicals cleanings to get them to Dennis standards. He purchased soft mattresses, new sheets, pillows, pillows cases and thick expensive floral duvets for them on each bed to keep them comfortable and warm. The room even had heat and air conditioning installed.

The bed frames also made it easier for restraining, the red hair had rubber restraints he had found in the hospital from the psychiatric unit, he knew she would put up more of a fight possibly. There was a closet, minimum plain white furniture and Christ lights had been strung with different shades of paper mache décor. It looked cute, but it also looked out of place, and bare in some areas. In the closet, brand new assortment of clothes had been purchased for both girls, he knew their exact sizes. Shopping for Renee was a little more difficult as she was a little overweight, he didn’t mind. Secretly the lot of them found her thicker weight more desirable, she was just thicker in places. He knew she had reasons for battling her weight. He had the best of the both worlds with these two. The dark brunette was perfect, something he could only envision like a model, she could have modeled and the ladder more of the girl next door, more real, more flaws, not picture perfect by American standards.

Her thoughts were broken by the man’s thick voice. She couldn’t see him, but she sure as hell knew what all of them looked like. "Before we proceed further, I have to ... inspect you both and clean you, if you are filthy."


“You…” he said finally letting his eyes rest on his choice, the gorgeous young dark skinned brunette. Dennis sat the medical tub on the floor by the only exit. He walked towards the dark hair girl, he had to stay in control. He couldn’t fathom misbehaving and disappointing Patricia, they were both in charge, he had pleased her. He started unbuttoning his cuffs on his shirt ever so diligently and rolling them up to his elbows, exposing his toned arms. He approached her bed and without words, started untying her restraints. The door was locked so the girls had no way of escaping, he could overpower them at any second. Once she was untied he motioned for her with one quick nod to stand and walk towards the bathroom.
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