A slave for master

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Feb 6, 2017
Hi everyone. I have a request thread in the short term RP thread, but I thought I'd make one here too, hope that's allowed


I love the idea of playing a slave character, strong and defiant at first but eventually broken down into a subservient slut for her master. I have a few ideas for longer term slave rps.

The world is a game and it's all my fault
I would play a young gamer girl who makes a wish on an ancient necklace she finds. Turns out that the necklace houses a demon, and her wish for a video game world is granted, releasing the demon locked within it in the new world. Now bound together, the girl must travel with the demon in her attempt to undo her mistake, but the demon has other goals in mind for her.

Carnival of secrets
The small town doesn't see much excitement, but one day the traveling carnival comes to town. it sets up in one night and in the morning it's gone, leaving behind only a few traces it was ever here. Six little gems that were won as prizes are all that remains, each bestowed to a young girl. The girls who won these prizes gain special powers, healing, mind reading, strength, future sight, wish granting, and shape shifting. these powers are not for their benefit though, as it is soon realized that they will drive the girls mad

The princess slave
The young second daughter of the king is a timid girl. She doesn't know much other than her life of luxury, and since she is not next in line, her father decides it would be better to marry her off for political gain. He takes a slave from the Colosseum, a grand warrior who has won many battles, and tasks him with taking her to this new kingdom, but now that he's free he decides he would rather turn the princess into his property and run away with his new pet.

The pokemon have gone wild. tired of their lives as slaves to human masters, they have rebelled, the pokeballs no longer working on them and the pokemon now turning the human men into the slaves to do battle and the women into nothing more than sex tools for the various pokemon.

Nippon Ichi Rocks
No, seriously I love the game company nippon ichi. I would LOVE to do an rp based off of one of their games.

A world of sex addicts
a dangerous virus hits the world, affecting everyone young and old alike. Anyone over the age of fifteen throughout the world have turned into sex addicts. the virus strikes hard, filling every human being with insatiable and unfathomable lust for any other adult around them. And people are too busy fucking and getting fucked to create a cure

A small group of college Occultist have gathered together and used a human sacrifice to open a portal to hell. From it a group of demons escape, possessing humans around the world. Now with their dark powers released, the occultists want to lead them to their rightful lives as masters of the earth

***Warning extreme violence idea may include snuff. accept only if willing to do some damage***
The town in the mountains.
There is a town nestled in the mountains. it doesn't get much attention or tourists, until one day. A group of bandits overrun the town, taking the villagers under their control. They make slaves of the women, warriors of the men. any who would go against them are dealt with immediate death.
***Warning extreme violence idea may include snuff. accept only if willing to do some damage***
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