Darker World Rp ideas

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Nov 27, 2016
Hello my name is Lucy and for awhile now I have looking at doing more role plays with more serious and action tones to go along with a long serious story so I have decided to list some below and yes some are fandoms and some are not but with that in mind lets go over my rules first

1.My writing can be random meaning my messages could ether be super long and short depending on how I feel it would benefit the story.
2. I only do fxf and fxm and that's it.

3. as always real life comes before anything and some days I might be more busy then others so expect at least two messages a day , maybe more on good days but maybe less on bad.

4. do not just randomly bail if you don't like where the story is going at least message me and maybe we can work something its not only rude but disrespectful to just go away and never talk again.


Rp idea 1 . (Steel Bade Saga) (set in the universe of samuri Jack) this role play takes place in the current future where the main character is however we will be telling our own story with characters that we create as we train hard to use and master weapons in a world of fear and hate ruled by the might Aku.

2. (Frame My Memories) In this world everyone has some type of camera ether being a phone or just a regular lens the point is everyone can record anything , my main character is caught by you (taking a video of her) doing something really awful and starts threating to show people or even post it online if she doesn't do what you say, the story for this one does go way deeper and we discuss details and characters later if you want to do this one.

3. (The Shadow Of A friend I once Knew) Okay so here the main setting is a high school and this school has a hidden past meaning people have died here , women have been raped here , this place has been hit by main dark events and so it becomes a hunted zone , one night our characters decide to stay there after dark to record something for there youtube channel but what they find is something more dreadful then they could ever think of.

4. (A U R A Space) People look up at the stars and wonder if we are truly alone out there in the cosmos but the true is we aren't , the truth is there already right in front of us but we never see them because they hide really well and they look just like we do , but there different meaning they have powers and some of them can even move objects with there minds , they aren't evil they don't want war they just wish to live among us.

(if you like any of these plots just message and put #Plot in the subject box and tell me what plot you enjoyed the most and we can go over it in more detail I cant wait to bring some of these to life and explore in true detail these worlds I have created)
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