Slice of life characters inside for super detailed and long term stories. FxF & FxM

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Your Favourite Naughty Goddess
Feb 2, 2017
Hey there peoples of BlueMoon!

So, welcome to my thread. Before I go on let me just explain what you're going to find here. Obviously there will be my rules but then after that, rather than listing half thought out plots and a huge list of kink, I'm just going to leave a list of characters that I would very much like to play, with a detailed description of them. Included in that will be the kind of pairings you can expect with that character and perhaps a list of her kinks. If one of my girls interests you then let me know and we can come up with a plot around her; some of the plots will be a mxf pairing, others will include you playing multiple characters or maybe even a female, but we can work out the specifics later.

The Rules

1. More than anything, be awesome.
2. Don't be a dick.
3. I'm looking for FxF or MxF Pairings only. No MxM.
4. I only roleplay via thread.
5. I'm from the UK, so be aware that our time zones might not sync up.
6. Be literate and detailed. Like, super detailed.
7. I reply as often as I can and strive for once a day, but obviously RL comes first.
8. If you can't give me at least three solid paragraphs per post then walk away now.
9. Read my fucking rules.
10. Now re-read them and actually remember them before messaging me.
11. In case it's not obvious throughout this thread, I really want a partner that can play multiple characters. They don't need to be at the same time, but just well written and believable.

The Good Stuff

Now just before we actually get onto the fun stuff, lets talk about what I actually want from out rp. To start with all of the characters listed below are to be used in a slice of life story, with a heavy focus on the romance and/or their relationships. I'm also looking for someone who can write a very detailed, long term story.

A note about relationships, sexual or otherwise.

I'm going to say right now that I don't do dom/sub relationships. I think it is a load of bollocks, and all of my characters are more than capable of being dominant in certain situations and submissive in others. Some of the relationships might be mutual with no one in charge, while others might be a constant struggle and yet others will fluctuate. But I don't believe anyone is entirely dom or sub.

Another thing to point out is that I don't want our characters to only be interacting with each other, but also the world around them. I'm happy to play multiple characters and I'd really like it if you could to, so that we can even have scenes where our characters aren't together but are still doing things, perhaps talking about one another, or even just reacting to the world differently cause of their relationship.

A note on kinks.

So some of you might be wondering what my kinks are. The answer to that is pretty much everything, but I'm not going to list them as the various kinks we incorporate will depend very much on the character and the plot we give her. The only things I will never include is anything that belongs in the toilet. However here are a few things that get me going as a writer are :

Lots of detail
Realistic characters
A good plot
Someone who can play multiple characters

Katie Lovett
The girl next door meets gamer girl



The daughter of a policeman and a teacher, Katie was raised primarily by her mother after her father died on the job when she was three. Being an only child with a single parent, the two of them have always had a close bond, while in certain aspects Katie was forced to grow up more quickly than most children. When she was old enough she began to pull her weight around the house with chores, while her mother also began to teach again, working for a company that helps teach disadvantaged & struggling young people. When Katie was still in school her mother was presented with an amazing opportunity; to be one of the few people to expand the organisation into America. While she was originally planning on refusing, Katie forced her mother to sit down and discuss it and, after long conversations they agreed that her mother would accept the job and Katie would enroll at an American high school.


Katie is rather quiet and reserved which often leads people to assume she lacks confidence, but that couldn't be further from the truth. She's remarkable intelligent and stunningly beautiful and she knows it. However she doesn't allow herself to be overconfident and where her looks are involved she doesn't flaunt them. Neither does she dress like a nun, but rather like the girl next door. She also identifies as a nerd or geek, being rather an avid gamer.
When it comes to relationships she is fairly inexperienced but is very opened minded due to the fairly liberal upbringing from her mother. She had a 'boyfriend' during her timeat school in England, but it wasn't serious and she looks forward to being able to date before settling for just one person, and while she's always been interested in boys, recently she's start to think that she might also be attracted to girls.


Katie is a natural redhead but dyes her hair a darker, deep scarlet. Her eyes are a bright green and she has smooth, porcelain skin with a very light smattering of freckles. She actively tries to keep healthy and work out and as a result her body is slender, with a flat stomach but no considerable muscles. Her breasts are a perky 32 C, bordering on D cup. Meanwhile her legs are long and slender with a small but perky and round butt. She is also 5ft6. As for her outfits Katie often wears skinny jeans and shirts/t-shirts, while during summer she might wear short shorts, or a skater skirt/dress, but never anything too short. The more revealing outfits she saves for dates and nights out.

Image ideas :


Pairings and Plots

Katie's new neighbour is one of the schools cheerleaders and she's drop dead gorgeous. Her and Katie soon become friends, with the neighbour more than happy to show Katie round the town and school as she gets settled. But what happens when one of them develops feelings for the other? Do the other cheerleaders approve of the neighbour hanging out with what would be seen as a nerd?

Generic pairings :

Other student(s), teachers, new neighbours, someone from a local coffee shop, strangers, her new best friend and anyone else you can suggest.

Athena Grey

Sexy and not afraid to use it



Coming from a working class, disadvantaged background, Athena(or Thea as she often goes by) had to work for everything she had. As a child she got by in school when she wasn't getting into fights, something that wasn't helped by her parents chaotic relationship. When she was twelve her parents split up and her mother left without a look back, while her father slowly descended into alcoholism. Her and her younger brother, Daniel, soon had to look out for each other and themselves. When Thea was a teenager her body developed early and quick, which gave her a lot of attention from males and certain females. At first she was rather discomforted by this but as the years went by she started to enjoy. Not only that but she soon learned the advantages of utilising her body to get what she wanted. It then didn't take long for her to become very sexually active. As soon as she left school she got a job in a shop, working as much as she could, while maintaining a very active sex life. When she was nineteen she found herself in a stripclub on a night out with some friends, and after befriending one of the girls she soon found an opportunity to work there and took advantage. Now, at twenty three years old she is rather experienced, she no longer works at the shop, instead performing four or five nights a week, which pays for her new apartment and lifestyle.


While Athena is definitely very sexy and confident, perhaps one of the things people remember most about her is how charming and seductive. She dates a lot more than most people and has a very active sex life, but she is by no means a nymphomaniac. For her she enjoys the seduction, the chase almost as much as the sex itself. She isn't very clever in an academic way, but she has a lot of common sense and street smarts. On top of that she is very tough and it takes a lot to scare her. A guy gets to forceful or frisky with her? She'll turn the tables and make them regret it. On top of that Thea is incredibly loyal, not only to her friends but also to the few committed relationships she's had, never once cheating on anyone.


Athena is not only very well put together she's also very slim and attractive. She has a completely flat stomach, 32 C breasts and a gorgeous bubble butt. Her long hair is dyed black and her eyes are a piercing pale blue. On occasion she has been know to look more gothic, with pale makeup and black lips. But underneath all that is a sense of physical power. The work she puts in to maintain her body plus the time spent at the club and poledancing have given her impressive muscles. Her stomach shows the faintest signs of the muscle underneath and while her arms don't look impressive, there is very little fat to muscle ratio. When she tenses them she can pack a mean punch. Meanwhile her outfits have been known to range from sexy & classy all the way to the outrageously slutty depending on her mood.

Image ideas:


Possible pairings and encounters

When a new girls starts at the club she catches Athena's attention. The girl is stunning with a great body, but she's not very confident. When a client tries to force her to do something she doesn't want to, Athena steps in. She takes the new girl under her wing and teaches her what she knows. However an attraction starts to form and the embers of passion develop between the two girls. What happens when they give in? Does it become a regular thing? Is it just physical or romantic as well?

When a regular client gives Athena a proposition, to spend the night with him, she says yes. Afterall, he was offering a lot of money. It soon becomes a regular thing, but how long is it before word spreads and she's accepting more clients? How does the club react? And where does Athena draw the line, when the clients start getting kinkier and kinkier?

Generic Pairings :

New stripper at the club, regular client, first client as an escort, more clients as an escort, her boss, a friend, strangers and anyone else we can imagine.

Hayley Simons
Good girl with a dark side



Hayley was born and raised in a cliche small town, USA. The kind of town where everyone knows everyone. Her parents own and run their own farm and regularly attend church, which they passed on to their children along with their christian values. Hayley doesn't know if she believes and doesn't like to think about it, however she does follow the same moral code, viewing things like greed, violence, promiscuity and lust as immoral.

This brings us to what she considers to be her dark side. Hayley suffers from hypersexuality and a love of exhibitionism. In direct conflict with her morals and upbringing, she can't help but feel guilty at her urges which she can't help but give in to. So far she has managed to keep them secret from most people, however she has had to sneak off to toilets or changing rooms at times to pleasure herself, while she also performs as an online cam girl, with her identity hidden. The only two people who know are her younger brother, who does what he can to make sure she has her privacy, and her best friend. A few months ago her friend moved with family to a big city and Hayley visits every other weekend, giving her a chance to truly let loose and go out, drinking and dancing with guys & girls, not to mention the one night stands.


Everyone who meets Hayley all describe with one word; perfect. She is always kind and helpful to everyone she meets. At highschool she will flirt with the jocks and nerds alike, gossip with both fellow cheerleaders and goths, she sticks up for anyone being bullied. She helps out at school or town events and on the other hand she attends parties and isn't afraid to dance with the sluts or drink with the guys, being able to easily handle her alcohol. But under it all are her urges and desires and when they become overwhelming there isn't anything she wouldn't do to satisfy them.


Hayley is a knockout with long, lush blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin is soft and lightly tanned and her body is slim and healthy. Her stomach is near flat while she has round hips and an attractive, round butt. Her breasts are an impressive D cup, bordering on DD, while her legs are long and slim with powerful thighs. Her outfits are fairly standard for a highschool cheerleader; she's not afraid to show some skin but never an outrageous amount, But when her urges take over the shorter skirts and tighter tops come out, while she ofetn avoids panties altogether.

Image Ideas


Pairings and plots

On a night out one weekend her best friend finally makes a move after waiting for years. What happens next? Where do the two girls go from there and how do people react when and if they find out?

Unable to satisfy herself, Hayley sets her sights on her brother to satisfy those urges. Is it just a one time thing they never talk about again, or does it become something more, a sordid affair that neither one can stop.

A new guy/girl starts Hayley's school. They're charming, witty, incredibly good looking and unlike most of the people at school, they have the courage to ask Hayley out on a date. After dating for a while she finaly confesses her secret to them. Are they repulsed or intrigued? Do Perhaps they seek to take advantage of the situation, or maybe they truly love Hayley and are happy to look past it and help her with her urges.

Along with whatever plot we go with, either one of the above or a different one, I'd really like it if you could also play the guys and girls she dances and maybe sleeps with on her crazy weekends, at least while they're a part of it.

So I'm going to finish this here with just the three characters for now, but I shall certainly add more soon! :)

*Apologies to all of the people I was roleplaying with previously, unfortunately something cam up in real life, I'm not going to go into it, but obviously it prevented me from rping and took precedence. If any of you want to discuss our rp's and possibluy get back into them, then let me know.*
RE: Slice of life characters inside, F for M or F, want detailed and long term rp

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