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Lit. Partner for specific Romantic plot

Lady Bloody Ava

Anime Junkie
Jun 25, 2010

{ she / her | xx XXXX status: closedXXXX ☑ seeking: short term / long termXXXX ☒ threads / PM's / Discord }



01. Hello, my lovelies. Welcome to the house of the Sanguine
Seductress, the tempestuous temptress, the purveyor of
passion, or as my username so easily states, Lady Bloody Ava.
I am a biological female with a love of stories woven so well that
I loathe returning back to reality. I have an interesting collection
of partners in the past that have me going back to read our art
years later.

I nurse dementia residents and my job and family consume a lot
of my time, therefore my posts are not abundant, but I do make
each and every one count. If you ghost me, we're all good. If you
wanna pick back up where we left off after months or even years
apart... fill out that post and I will pick back up where we left off.
No apologies and PM necessary just... welcome back old friend.
Dipped out on an old roleplay and wanna do something new? Let's
have at. Let's toss ideas. I hold no grudges. If you were a valued
partner then time means nothing to me. Quality always tips the
scale over quantity, in my book. With that being said what I desire
can not be produced in one-liners. I thirst for details and hang on
words that physically make me groan in frustration, squeal in
excitement, and fan myself with the heated moments. Oh my!

∎ 300 + Word Count
∎ EST Timezone
∎ I reply 1- 2 times a week



Boss x Worker
Queen x King
Vampiress x Lycan
Neighbor x Neighbor
College Student x College Student

Click for More

Third Person



Rough Sex
Vanilla Sex
Sex Toys


Future Settings
Toilet Play
Discord Rps
Email Rps

Writing Samples

Opposite Ends
Bitter Sweet Rivals
Le Cirque Des Merveilles

◣Second Helping
I need something with a quick sensual jump. Perhaps what is intended as a one-night stand is a little too good and leaves a craving for seconds? The scenarios are endless. Perhaps a fondle on a packed train leads to more? A hard day after work and meeting up with a stranger at a bar? A college party with an interesting turnout? A human guard giving an elven princess that has never stepped outside of the walls of the castle a taste of freedom? Something involving vampires? Like I said the options are vast with this one...let's get it on.

Foreplay, Kissing, Oral XXXX Random Hookup XXXX Modern Romance​
◣Business Matters
James Buckholts and Frederick Beaumont were the creators of a grand financial corporation. When both men came to pass it was a fight between the son of Buckholts and the daughter of Frederick as to who would lead the company. Global Corp was split into two companies and the granddaughter of Frederick Beaumont and the grandson of James Beaumont are next in line. Fate is a fickle thing. What happens when a seemingly innocent one-night stand between two blood-born rivals turns into a little bit more. What will happen when they finally realize who the other is? What is more important? Pursuing a woman that makes you forget about the shit that happened at the mere sight of her? Or the family business that dictates that you have absolutely nothing to do with her?

rough, vanilla, oral, foreplay XXXX Strangers, Rivals XXXX Modern Romance​

◣Clashing of the Royals
The Locks and Holtest were once unbreakable allies. Some say that the union was formed by humans and mythical creatures. It was rumored that the Holtest family were blood-sucking creatures of the night and that the Locks had special blood that would amplify the Hottest abilities nearly tenfold. It was a mere rumor, but on the day of an arranged marriage, both the Lock and Holtest to be wed were both killed. Neither family knows who did it, but they accuse one another. A war erupted. The Locks and Holtest fight for two generations and the true origins are but a horror story to keep kids in bed. But the only female daughter of the Locks remains neutral. Despite her four brother's brutal advances, she lives near the battlefield and is rumored to heal all who grace her doorstep: Holtest and Lock alike. What happens when a Holtest, unbeknownst to her, is brought to her, at the brink of death? What will happen when he comes to and finds himself within arms reach of a pure blooded Lock? Does he believe or even know of the capabilities that her blood could provide him?

rough, vanilla, oral, foreplay XXXX Allied Enemies XXXX Historic Fantasy Romance​

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Good day my lovelies!! I'm hankering for an intimate moment! Romance is my kryptonite and I can be fairly accommodating. Hit me up, if you dare.
MARCO! Craving something quickly intimate, unlike my little snippet here that I just came up with. I might use it in the future though:

"What on earth are you talking about?!" The vampiress yelled towards the guard cowering before her. This was maddening. It was insane! In all the centuries she'd been alive, never had a werewolf ticked her nerves so hard. "That filthy mutt of a general is playing with fire and I will be damned if he thinks that I am going to play into his mockery." Heeled feel clicked upon the cobblestone floor as the fair skinned woman with locks that rivaled the night sky and eyes as red as the devil's soul appeared lost in thought. "Off with you and tell Dameon to see me at once." Over three hundred of her children slaughtered with ease. Gabriella Eloise de Beaumont was on neutral ground and only sought to defend her lands, unlike the rest of her family that killed for fun. To be told that so many of her kind were wiped out by a pack of werewolves was quite the shock. Sure, her brothers had active bounties on their heads for mercilessly slaughtering humans and werewolves alike and asserting the their kind were above all and earned the smite of many, but Gabriella never voiced such idiocy.

"Fuck my life. I have no choice but to meet up with him." Best to arrange a meeting with the Clan leader of the nearby pack before this escalated any further leaving Gabby no choice but to get her own hands dirty.
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