❁I Can't Think of A Clever Thread Name. (FxM) ❁

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Jun 28, 2016
Hello, hello. :^)
For those of you who have visited my threads before, welcome back.
For those of you who haven't, Hi! I'm Breezy, but you can call me Breezy.

A little background info (if it matters to you):
I'm a college student, 19 years old. I've been roleplaying since I was 13, and I've been on Blue Moon since I was about 18. I started out in the fantasy genre and gradually made my way into more realistic plots and eventually into the erotic ones. I'm a decent writer, in my opinion, but I know I'm not the best. I like to see every partner and every plot as an oppertunity to improve myself and to help someone else improve. :)

Now then, moving on.
I like to put a little hidden sentence in my threads, just to see if people are actually reading through them all the way, because then I feel more inclined to roleplay with somebody. So, if you're one of those good-hearted souls who takes the time to sort through all my banter, go ahead and tell me your favorite movie.

Let's get into the nitty gritty stuff.

What I look for in a roleplay partner:
➥ Someone literate
➥ Someone who will reply multiple times in a day
➥ Someone who will also engage in a little OCC chat, I find that RPs go better when you get to know someone better.
➥ Someone who will not only give me good, dirty, smutty stuff, but also gives me a decent plot
➥ Someone who has a sense of humor!

If you're wondering about specific kinks, here's this thing: https://www.f-list.net/c/breezyyy

As for the format of my writing, I consider myself a mock writer. If my partner sends me 2 paragraphs, I try to write the same. If you're giving me one liners, expect one liners in response. I write in third person, you're welcome to respond in first, but just know that I'll be writing in third. I prefer to write in PMs, but I have AIM (BreezyIGuess) and YIM (Labrawhorite) if you prefer those.

Moving on to the plots!!!!!

This is a plot that will be included in literally every thread that I post because it's one of my all time favorites. I had a personal experience with a similar situation, so this is near and dear to my heart. :,)

MC and YC never got along growing up. They had to at least attempt to play nice though, because they had one thing in common: MC's older brother. They were both very close with him, but not at all with each other. The two constantly bickered and frustrated one another to no end. After a traumatic event, MC abruptly goes to live with her mom out of state. A couple of years later, she comes back to her hometown and by this point YC and his best friend (still MC's older brother) have moved in together. MC shows up on the doorstep, and she looks totally different. Her brother eagerly invites her to stay with them until she finds somewhere else to stay. MC and YC go back to bickering as always, but after while the regular tension develops into sexual tension, and a whole new issue arises.

MC is a student. YC is her professor. MC has always done well in school, until she met YC. When she gets a D on a paper, she confronts her teacher about it, and ends up getting a D of a different kind. (hehehehe.)

Muse A, a tenacious crime boss, is frustrated by yet another news headline about a big crime bust in the city which has ties to their own illicit operations. It seems that the mayor’s been making good on his promise to eradicate crime as of late (probably because he’s looking to run for Senator in the upcoming elections) and that ultimately spells trouble for Muse A. It’s only a matter of time before someone from the Mayor’s camp comes sniffing around Muse A’s nightclub, which operates as a front for their money laundering, but Muse A wants the Mayor dealt with before that happens. As fate would have it, Muse A isn’t the only one who wants the Mayor gone.

Muse B, the Mayor’s child, sees right through the tele-prompted speeches, contrived family photo ops, and the empty promises of a crime-free city. Muse B has seen and heard their father conducting his own illegal practices and knows firsthand that the Mayor is not a good man. Muse B has lost all respect for their corrupt father and only feels disdain and fear toward him. It’s by coincidence that Muse B enters Muse A’s nightclub after a volatile confrontation with their father, but it isn’t a coincidence when Muse A recognizes Muse B and invites them to the VIP area to talk. In this secluded area of the club, Muse B spills all of their concerns to Muse A and Muse A offers protection in exchange for information. Muse B agrees to spy on their father for Muse A with the understanding that, at the opportune moment, Muse A will get rid of the Mayor.

My character is spending the holidays alone this year. (( We can decide if it's Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, or whatever we're feeling at the time)) When she goes to the store to pick up a few things, she runs into your character(who happens to be her ex)'s parents! It just so happens that they're heading up to their vacation home ( Cabin on the lake, beach house, ski lodge, whatever is applicable) to celebrate the holiday! They invite her along, insisting that she comes, and that your character will be thrilled to see her. So, after she drives out to meet them that night, it becomes clear that she was the last person that your character expected to see at the door. Turns out, your character's parents are trying to get our characters back together. What happens next? Are they destined to be together, or will they fight the whole time, only YOU can decide!!! (and me of course, this is a two person endeavor.)

Another plot I took from a website; based on one of my favorite songs, Girls by The 1975.

Muse A is young and naïve, always looking for trouble. They finally find it with Muse B, an older, cooler type that they encounter somewhere they have no business being with their fake ID. Muse B is attracted to Muse A on a physical level, but once Muse A’s age reveals itself, Muse B lays down the harsh truth: they’re not interested in anything beyond a one night stand and they’re definitely not what Muse A needs (and vice versa). Reluctant to let the opportunity to be with Muse B slip away, Muse A convinces Muse B to take them home. Lust clouds Muse B’s judgment and they let Muse A spend the night. In the heat of the moment, when the chemistry is so obviously there, Muse B says all the things Muse A wants to hear. Once it’s all over, however, Muse B’s attitude toward Muse A hasn’t changed–but Muse A doesn’t believe it’s a hopeless cause. Much to Muse B’s dismay, Muse A starts coming around to their place, hanging with their friends, finding little ways to push into their life in the hopes of showing Muse B how good they’d be together despite their difference in age. Muse B insists that their relationship will never be; yet Muse B can’t help sending mixed signals when they continue to fall into bed with Muse A.

These are just a few plots that I'm craving right now. I will add to it as time goes on, but I just wanted to get something out there for now.
Feel free to message me with your own ideas as well!

MC is a police officer who doesn’t exactly go by the book, in fact they probably spend more time cavorting with criminals than capturing them. When MC finds themself romantically entangled with YC, a criminal, it’s easy for them to turn a blind eye to Muse B’s illicit activities (especially when YC’s boss puts MC on a special payroll for keeping their business off police radar). Over time, MC is welcomed into YC’s crime family, so long as they leave their badge at home.

This year, MC is up for a promotion - it’s so close that they can taste it. If they can arrest a notorious boss, they’re certain that the promotion is theirs. No problem. MC can simply hand over one of their lover’s enemies, right? As MC is scheming, the police chief calls a meeting. The chief unveils the newest person-of-interest, expressing in no uncertain terms that this is the perpetrator they want brought down next. MC is conflicted when they immediately recognize the person-of-interest as YC’s relative/boss, someone whom they’ve sat across from at the dinner table on several occasions, someone very dear to their lover, someone who will go after everyone in MC's family if there’s even a suspicion of betrayal.

I'd like for your character to be be kind of cold at first (no pun intended), and eventually he warms up to mine.

The plot is open for discussion and interpretation, but basically,
Your character (the vampire) Will be searching for a meal and he stumbles upon a perfect oppertunity when he stumbles upon my character about to get raped in an alleyway. He feeds on her attacker, and sucks him dry, so he isn't hungry after that. He doesn't want my character to run around telling everyone about his identity, so he buys her secrecy by offering her protection. The catch, however, is that she has to let him drink her blood whenever he wants.

This could become smutty and it could also end up being romantic.

YC and MC were and explosive couple in high school. After they broke up and graduated, they went their separate ways. Years later, they run into each other and develop a friendship. The only problem is, MC has a boyfriend. She's been dating a "nice guy" for two years, but she starts to question it after all of her feelings for YC resurface.

MC undresses habitually in front of their bedroom window, one day discovering that YC is watching them from the building across the street. Rather than shrink away from the attention, MC embraces it and makes a little show of undressing the rest of the way for YC before pulling the curtains closed. Over the course of the following few days, the two meet at the window for some shared exhibitionism. MC and YC both shed their clothes with the express purpose of teasing the other into a state of sexual frenzy. This little game is thrilling for muse A because they know absolutely nothing about each other and anyone could catch them if they look up to their windows at the right time. One day, after a particularly steamy session, YC presses a note to the inside of their window asking if they can meet MC face-to-face.

Muse A and Muse B are on a flight to a far away island, for a destination wedding. Muse A is about to be married to Muse B’s best friend. The bride and groom-to-be are on separate flights, due to Muse A wanting to adhere to the tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony. Muse A is seated in first class with Muse B and her maid of honor; the maid of honor is fast asleep. The rest of the wedding party is flying coach. Muse A and Muse B stay awake for the majority of the flight’s duration, reflecting on shared memories, and flirting with an attraction that’s been buried for the sake of both of their relationships with the groom-to-be. Spurred on by liquid courage, Muse A propositions Muse B for a one time , get-it-out-of-our-systems fling several thousand feet in the air. It’s their last chance to see what it’d be like to be lovers. Will Muse B take it? Will there be a wedding?

Another one from a website...

Muse A is fresh out of school and isn’t quite sure what they want to do with their life next. Before they can start shopping their resume around, they get a call from the casting department at a major TV network. Muse A almost forgot about the impromptu audition tape that they made for a Real World-esque reality TV show several weeks ago. To their surprise, they’ve been chosen to be a cast member! With no obligations holding them back, they pack their bags and fly out to the house where they’ll be living with 6 other people for the summer. Muse B is one of their cast mates—the first person Muse A meets upon arriving at the house. With a little coaxing from production, it isn’t long before Muse A and Muse B are in a full-blown show-mance: cuddling in the common areas of the house, kissing in the confessional booth, fighting about the other flirting with someone else at the club and so on. Overall, the experience is a blast for Muse A and the relationship with Muse B is fun, but it’s nothing Muse A anticipates to last once the show is over. Everyone parts ways when the show wraps at the end of summer, including the house’s it-couple. One week after taping ends, Muse A hears a knock at their front door. It’s Muse B, who’s just moved across the country in the hopes of continuing their romance with Muse A.

Some other loose ideas:
❁ A 50 Shades scenario, i.e. the experienced dom and naive sub
❁ A plot between roommates
❁ A boss/secretary pairing
❁ YC is in a band, MC is at the show, they meet at a bar before him and she doesn't realize who she's talking to until later.

That's all I got. PM me for inquiries.
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