Straight girl subjugation - FxF - short term option

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Apr 25, 2015
So I've been venturing into new territory lately, and this is one of my more recent ideas that comes along with that rare feeling of "this might be worth holding on to" LOL. Not that it's anything all THAT spectacular, but everything is subjective and based on my life experience, this could be something that I get really into. That said, I'll go on with the explanation:

What Alcohol Won't Do
Age range (MC): 18-30
Age range (YC): At least 5 years older than MC
MC (18-21; LTR/engaged or 22-30; married) would be out drinking somewhere with my cousin/sister/friend, in an environment where getting drunk is easy (bar, party, etc.) and I don't know the crowd very well (very important). Basically, I'd be a recluse for the most part, hanging out by myself somewhere, clearly not happy with this place as a suggestion that my cousin/sister/friend made to come have fun, as I'd discover that its basically a gay bar or crowd and that I forgot that my cousin/sister/friend has lots of gay friends. That behavior would continue, that is, until somebody had slipped something into my drink, and now all bets are off with how my night goes. I'm out and about, my usual cheery and carefree self, making conversation with everybody that'll talk to me and ignoring the ones who won't. It goes on, until eventually, I meet YC.

YC could be anything from the "typical feminist depiction" to "typical everyday girl depiction". I'm happy with either, but once we meet, YC would get the impression that I was flirting with her, whereas I carry on like its a typical conversation. The problem is that the drug has me acting very provocatively without realizing it, playfully sticking my tongue out at times, making the occasional grazing of my fingers on YC's shoulder, and anything else that might send the wrong signals. Eventually, YC decides that there's no way that I'm NOT flirting with her, and makes her move, planting a kiss right on my lips as my eyes widen, much to my shock as well as my cousin/sister/friend's from across the room. That kiss turns into a more passionate one, as soon we're making out, my back pressed to the wall. Its here that the plot would start (or we could start earlier in the story, up to you), but from here, my first idea is that YC slowly guides us to a side bedroom, opening the door and closing/locking it behind us, my cousin/sister/friend not to see me again until YC has finished with me.
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