barbie's GoT a craving || fandom [mxf] (now with more star wars!!)

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Feb 5, 2017
Hello little birdie~
did you catch my pun up in that title? you did? four for you, glen coco. you go, glen coco.

  • I am Barbie. I'm a chick. I am over eighteen (duh) but not super comfortable divulging my age to strangers at this point.
  • I am currently studying abroad and as such, I cannot say that I will be reliably available on a day-to-day basis. That being said, writing is a form of stress relief to me and I am online frequently.
  • I have been roleplaying for upwards of ten years, give or take. English is my native language, but that's not to say I'm not open to roleplaying with those who aren't necessarily as fluent as I am.
  • I am perhaps overly friendly and truly enjoy ooc chatter. I have a real penchant for plotting as well, but please don't let me overwhelm you.
  • I have outstanding patience, but I truly am not looking for someone who isn't interested in maintaining a long term roleplay. If you feel you're losing interest, please warn me up front before leaving. I'm too cute for all y'all to be breakin' my heart like this.
  • I would be happy to give out my Skype for OOC/chatting when the time comes. Please don't hesitate to ask!
  • I am capable of writing some incredibly lengthy (800+ word) posts, but usually my comfort zone is somewhere between 300-600 words. It's okay if that's not something you're interested in. My word count varies depending upon my current level of inspiration, and while I appreciate long posts, it's not a requirement. Quality > quantity.
  • Multi-character/multi-pairing rps are some of my favorites, but I enjoy just as much to take on only one role. That being said, I prefer to play at least one female. MxF is my main interest, but I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of FxF/MxM... it's just not my area of expertise at the moment.
  • I am currently NOT looking for predominately-smut based RPs. However, if we could find that sweet spot somewhere in the middle of kink and plot, I'll be putty in your hand.


GAME OF THRONES (really, really, REALLY craving this atm!) UPDATED, YO.
The Best Part of Him Died With Her !!!!!!!!!!!!
The tale of Lady Joanna and her Lord husband is no doubt tragic... and I live for the pain. Perhaps we could explore a little bit of the mystery pertaining to the Mad King's obsession with the Lioness as well?

I want to play: Joanna, as well as possible requests.
I want you to play: Tywin

The Boy Who Lived !!!!!!!!!!!!
Literally just want to play Robb Stark's wife. Sue me. I just love him, okay?
Also, holy cow, want to play Cat because Cat and Robb are cute--not in the shippy way, in the mother/son relationship way. I just... want to see the Stark fam happy for a little bit.

I want to play: An oc, help me I'm trash. Catelyn Stark. Possible requests.
I want you to play: Robb Stark


The General
Not gonna lie, I have the hots for General Hux now thanks to an excellent piece of fanfiction on AO3. Indulge me, pls?

I want to play: A female OC, probably. Sue me.
I want you to play: General Hotness himself.

Also, I'm always down to play a senator, because the shitty prequel era is still sort of my favorite. Sue me again.

Don't see what you're looking for? Drop me a line. I'm always down to do your cravings, too, fandom or not.

So, here's a little list of men that really tickle my fancy, if you're into that sort of thing. Just saying, I might be eternally grateful or something of the like if you were willing to use 'em.

Richard Madden
Tom Hardy
Jason Momoa
Mads Mikkelsen
Michael Fassbender
Luke Evans
Lee Pace
Tom Hiddleston
Ian Glen


Dis my F-list. Cash me ousside, how bou dah?

In summary, my preference is for my female characters especially to lean on the submissive side. I know that's terribly original of me, but it's what I'm more comfortable with at this point in time. I will indulge you pretty hardcore if you tick some boxes on that faves list. I tend to be a very "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" kind of partner.

A word of caution: my "no's" are hard passes and they are non-negotiable. They make me incredibly uncomfortable, and roleplay is something I want to do for fun--not to push my boundaries. There may come a time where this list changes, and if it does, I will be the first to inform you.
RE: barbie's GoT a craving || fandom [mxf] (slight update...)

weekly bump-a-lump
RE: barbie's GoT a craving || fandom [mxf] (slight update...)

moar weekly bump-a-lump
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