My Sinful Lust Thread

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Nov 27, 2016
Okay so I was thinking about some things that I would really like to do here and so with that in mind hello everyone my name is Lucy I'm 18 years old and I have over five years of role play experience under my belt so trust me I can cover a story pretty well so here are a few ideas with work with and note nothing is written in stone and we can plot some things out together so please message me if you find anything you like to do don't be afraid to message me


- this one is pretty taboo but I was thinking something along the lines of my character being sexually dominated by a creature maybe a dog or something else but in the story she is home alone and the thing forces itself onto me and at first I'm to weak to push it off but then I start to enjoy it and it becomes a regular thing a bond between her and this dog or something else

FXF - speaks for itself but when you message with this one please have some kind of plot in mind and note I'm okay with a lot so please don't be worry to bring ideas to the table

(I'm still working on this thread but I really wanna do the first two bad)
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