Alien: Sexualization [ Trinimad x Major Mario ]


Sep 5, 2015
Doctor Lyra Joules was normally quite the logical and rational woman. After all, that was exactly why she had achieved such a prestigious position within the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, in one of the most secretive and ambitious research project to ever be undertaken; alien genetic splicing. More specifically, not just any species, but one of the most malleable in terms of genetic manipulation; the Xenomorphs. Normally, the aliens' life cycle was terrifying, to say the least, but here in the top-security space station, S.S. Wright, they had made ground-breaking results.

Finally, instead of having to depend on finding a Queen Xenomorph with the possibilities of her overrunning whatever safety measures they put into place or the messy extinguishing of life from the violent manners of birth by the Chest Burster stage, all they needed were their test subjects to breed among each other and with fertile hosts for a new generation of Xenomorphs! These specimens were lab-grown and specially created to be functional as full-grown life forms from when they were born until they were sexually mature - usually a result of just a few months of intensive growth and care by the scientists who had created them. In general appearance, they would seem nearly identical to normal Xenomorphs; possessing with all of the dangerous natural weapons and that seemingly unsettling appearance, they were now also equipped with their greatest utility that made them so special and different - a penis.

Not just like any cock; this one had been tailored for not only efficient results when breeding, but also for pleasure with whatever or whoever they would be mating with! With its nearly amorphous capabilities to fit into whatever sexual vessel to implant sperm (in the case of these specific subjects, the human vagina), it was a prehensile yet well-endowed organ even beyond that of what any human male could dream of. With lubricating secretions guaranteed to ensure easy thrusts, chemicals in the precum to both relax the mate's muscles and heighten sensitivity towards pleasure, that was only the beginning of the wondrous sensual qualities they possessed. They had almost unstoppable endurance, a trait shared by their less-attuned natural race members, but specified so that fertilization was practically certain with just the amount of sperm they could ejaculate in multiple and consecutive loads! These Xenomorphs could be declared as the pinnacle of sexual manipulation at its finest - something that could hardly be appreciated by those bound by outdated moral qualms or close-minded assumptions.

Reigning at such a headway was what could be called the "perfect organism"; Specimen Khan, or numerically known as S-69. With careful tweaks and multiple instances of trials, they had finally accomplished their goal with him; a Xenomorph so precisely attuned and perfected to be a sexual partner that Weyland-Yutani decreed that Khan could not be used as a "breeding specimen." No, he was too valuable, too precious of an individual to be allowed to do as his instincts would otherwise; they had mandated that he be in "pristine" conditions, with his only form of contact being that to collect the virile ejaculations containing his potent sperm for possible future specimens like him. Which, to Lyra, was simply a shame all by itself. Had they not already determined that these aliens were not only highly intelligent, but also sociable in a way? And now, after having been genetically combined with further human DNA to be more compatible with the homo sapien race, of course he would want further physical and perhaps even emotional contact with others - fertile and youthful human females like herself in particular.

All of those times having observed and specifically interacted with Khan had lent Lyra to a certain amount of affection for the Xenomorph; more than what was expected, at an alarming level of familiarity that would terrified her coworkers. Perhaps it was just the loneliness of her work, the vast expanse of nothing of space that had little interest to sate her primal needs, or just the fact that her alien charge had been intentionally created with the sole purpose of looking like as much of a viable mate as possible; whatever it was, the scientist could not help the instinctual feeling of attraction that she felt to him. After all, he had made it as clear as he could even without words that he clearly wanted her, specifically her; all of those months observing the alien lounging back behind the glass observation wall only when they were alone with that impressive member in one dexterous hand being stroked off had certainly done gratuitous amounts to her sexual appetite.

So to say that she wasn't thinking straight recently might be the way of describing how Lyra was constantly feeling due to the ever-increasing pent-up sexual desire. But nothing she did alone ever seemed to satisfy her; not when the only images she had in her mind was that of Khan's uniquely throbbing cock, and the ever-present thought of just how pleasurable it would feel inside of her. After all, she knew better than anyone else as his primary caretaker, what wonders the Xenomorph could have her feel if such a flexible organ were to be thrusting inside her and leaving behind all of his pleasure-inducing chemical cocktail slathered against her tight walls... Not to mention, just how satisfying it would feel for such an intelligent and sapient creature like him to finally be able to experience one of the most pleasurable feelings possible! He had always been such a docile and obedient specimen in comparison to his more unruly and "imperfect" brother, so what better way to reward him than with what he wanted so dearly as much as she wanted him?

Lyra was no engineer, being a bio-chemical scientist, but it didn't take much for her to find the security camera station and do a bit of fiddling around for at least a few hours of privacy in the darkness of the night. What she was planning to do, if caught, would at least lead to expulsion from her position and the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, but knowing its stringent policies, she might not even return to Earth. Well, that was, if she even wanted to, not when she had already found what she believed was the one person whom she thought was simply perfect for her; the only issue was that he was currently kept away from her in a specially designed Xenomorph escape-proof enclosure, which was hardly a challenge for her to enter instead.

All it took were a few key punches and some rewiring of the circuitry behind the door panels for her to completely override it; a simple task that couldn't be done quickly enough, given how impatient Lyra was feeling. Already, she could feel her excitement begin to mount alarmingly quickly with the sheer anticipation of finally, finally being able to physically encounter her beloved Khan, and as soon as the doors opened with a smooth hydraulic hiss, she was striding through with purposely steps towards the shiny dark shape in the corner of the dimly illuminated bare glass-walled cage. Even among other Xenomorphs, he was more built and larger in every way as purposely designed to be superior to them; the sleek alien figure should be enough to intimidate the most bravest of soldiers, but to her, he was the embodiment of a perfect partner.

"Hello, Khan," Lyra began out innocently enough in the same sort of greeting she always gave him with that sweet warm tone, but this was going to hardly be a usual visit between them. Namely, the scientist could barely contain the shudder of desire that course through her body as she reached out a hand to touch one of his shiny plated arm, which was enticingly warm under her delicate fingers. At this, the red head smiled encouragingly at him, now having moved so close that he would be able to easily smell the arousal wafting from her already moistened pussy as she began to trail her fingers lightly to his equally muscular shoulder and broad chest. "Do you miss me? I couldn't... I couldn't help myself any more from you. Someone like you shouldn't be kept in such conditions like this, being confined from what you're best at," she continued, her voice taking on a quality of honeyed want as the human female now stepped back slightly, just enough for him to see her entire shapely hourglass figure underneath the nearly skin-tight jumpsuit she wore.

Meticulously, with the confident knowledge that Khan would be enjoying the view just as much as Lyra was with baring herself for him, she pulled the numerous zippers and buckles free from her body and to let the entire jumpsuit drop to the ground around her, exposing the pale milkiness of her soft skin without having even bothered to put any undergarments beforehand. Why should she? The sizable orbs of her breasts were bared, just begging to be squeezed and held, nipples perky with anticipation, and if the sweet musk of her pussy was noticeable beforehand, it was clearly wafting out with the fertile scent of a female who just wanted to be bred by the perfect specimen here in this enclosure. Her words then dropped to a sensual whisper with her light green eyes fixated on the Xenomorph as if he was the only thing that mattered in the world now, "Whenever I see you, I'm supposed to working... But all I can think about is you dominating me like you were meant to, Khan. I never thought I would meet someone who makes me feel this way, but I just want you to experience how it feels to mate with me, just as we've wanted to all this time."
Alone. Cold. Dark. Metal. Alone. Cage. Trapped. Watched. Alone.

Subject Khan had watched for many days, months or years as scientists and researchers loomed over him, prodded his form from the safety of their enclosure and scribbled down things in their notebooks, clipboards and datapads. Since the moment he had been 'created' Khan never really cared about what those strange humans did as long as he was fed, got water and received some stimulation. He wasn't very friendly, but considering how friendly all Xenomorphs up until him were, Khan was basically the friendliest alien in history. Friendlier even than his "imperfect" brother, though Khan wasn't aware of said brother's existence as a result of being taken away and raised in a separate cage thanks to Weyland-Yutani. Reduced to pacing around his enclosure, occasionally interacting with a scientist by spooking them senseless, plenty of naps and little audio activity outside of what the scientists spoke, Khan at the very least felt some degree of gratitude that he hadn't had his limbs pulled apart or his blood collected by these humans.

Alas, he longed to be free. Khan longed to jump around corridors, scuttle upside-down through hallways, shift about in the shadows and, of course, mate. He had the means to do so, and he had the instinctual drive to desire it. At times he played with that long, slick violet cock out in the open with no shame whatsoever- shame was a human emotion, after all- while at other times he allowed it to rub against the walls of his enclosure as if it was a naughty, yet very entertaining thing to do. He loved seeing the reactions from the scientists as he showcased his cock- in fact, over the days or months Khan had transformed into quite the exhibitionist, though it was only due to the appearance of that redheaded Lyra Joules that he carried through with most of the acts. He liked toying with her as much as he did any other scientist, but when the Xenomorph noticed that curious spark in her eyes whenever she gazed longingly at his cock, he schemed.

And so after many days or months- bah, time had no meaning to a Xenomorph here- that redheaded scientist was here in his enclosure. He regarded her with some caution as he stared from the corner of his enclosure like some common animal. There was no hissing, no chittering, no chuckling or other inhuman noises. Merely silence. The Xenomorph was studying Lyra for whatever her intention may be, for whatever objects she might be holding in her hands or be concealing. Yet there was a smug confidence to Khan that could be easily seen even in the dim lighting of the enclosure. His mouth was cracked open as saliva trickled down from those rows of sharp teeth while the inner mouth was contained inside the gaping maw, though it flopped lazily against the floor of the maw like a tongue. Yes, Khan had been expecting Lyra to come to him and, when she spoke so softly, came so close and touched his plated body, he couldn't help but rise up to meet her face to face.

Or rather, the Xenomorph towered over Lyra like a goliath. Khan sniffed at the air with an audible rrrrhhhuuuff many times over once he noticed the arousing scent radiating from Lyra's pussy. He paused as the woman spoke again and seemed drawn to her honeyed words like a moth to the flame by how his head leaned in towards her and his tail flicked about. Though the Xenomorph didn't have any discernable eyes- at least from what could be deduced from a quick glance- it was clear that Khan was gazing at Lyra's form and noting similarities between hers and his own, though the male gaze was far more interested in scouring those curves and what her body could look like under that jumpsuit of hers.

Oh yes, Lyra was right... Khan enjoyed the view very much! Thicker saliva trailed from his maw as he watched Lyra strip before him, at least until the maw closed and Khan sported that typical Xenomorph grimace. With Lyra bare before him and sporting those impressive breasts that had long entranced Khan for months on end, it took a great deal of self-restraint to not lash out and take the woman by force. Khan could smell her desire, her arousal, and knew that she was essentially pledging herself to become his mate now and forever, but why was there hesitation on his part? Perhaps he just wanted to hear the woman say the words out loud so she could bask in the ecstasy herself. Whatever it was, there was no mistaking that Khan was painfully aroused and riled up at that point. Already his long, slick and well-lubricated cock had slithered out from its sheath to pulse and tremble in the air, even to slide up against Lyra's stomach where it left a shimmering trail of slime and thick precum laced with a familiar aphrodisiac. He wanted her- no doubt about that.

At the woman's final words- her desire to be dominated- Khan bucked his hips forward and pushed his trembling cock into Lyra's hand as if commanding her to take hold of it. The Xenomorph's free hands shot out to grasp the woman's shoulders in such a way that there was no hope of thrashing loose from them. These were hands tapered off with claws that were capable of ripping a marine in half or crumpling steel, and here they were being used to grasp a lithe, shapely human body with great care and great possessiveness before the Xenomorph turned on a dime and pressed Lyra's hot, trembling body against the wall of his enclosure. Pinned- and from there Khan just had to lean in and lap at Lyra's neck with the side of his slick, slimy and musky interior mouth whilst his free hands trailed down her shoulders and collided with her plush breasts. The heat from the palms of his plated hands was unlike anything the scientists had recorded before while- oh, and of course, how could one forget that cock of his?!

Khan was far too proud to beg, but he wasn't the kind of alien to wait either. His cock writhed against Lyra's hand like a snake on its death throes. The Xenomorph desired for Lyra's hand and fingers to curl around him, to feel the lubrication and the precum that was dribbling from his member... And if she wasn't convinced by his endearing kneading of her plush breasts, a sharp tweak of her nipple by two claws would surely be enough to push her in the right direction!
Ah, there was the object of her desire; that prodigious dexterous cock which Khan had taken to as easily as a creature would be to its appendage. And the Xenomorph certainly wielded it like such, as the slickness gleaming off its vividly colored member would be utilized for what it was meant for at last. Lyra had read and extensively studied its properties, but to feel its pulsating length slather her abdomen with such a chemical mixture was... Thrilling, to say at the least! Perhaps part of it was her own already simmering excitement that began to heat up ever more at its touch, but she was certain the aphrodisiac effect of its precum was also to blame. With that came the desire, no, the primal need to have more of such an decadent lubricant on her, and as if they had done it before, Khan would quickly have her slender fingers trying to wrap their way around the pulsating organ. However, just as she was dwarfed by his immense alien build, so were her hands seemingly small as they explored with a certain amount of wonder; all of the soft nubs and ridges that twisted and decorated the extensive shaft, all the way down to where his base peeked from the protective sheath inside of him, even warmer than the rest of his body. This was a new experience for her specifically; of course, Khan would have been milked for his sperm before, but whoever would have done it executed it with a clinical fashion and without the adoring attention to detail that she would have for him!

However, as much as Lyra would enjoy just being fixated on his cock like this, of course Khan had other ideas! As befitting his Xenomorph strength, the human female couldn't (even if she had wanted to) resist the way the alien grasped her body and pressed her up against one of the cold walls. Such was a juxtaposition as he was so warm and alive, while the enclosure was so unforgivingly devoid of life; the scientist simply shuddered with mounting desire for him to be ever more closer with a whimpering moan when she leaned in eagerly to the slimy feeling of his inner mouth pressing against her feverish feeling skin. If she had been moist before, now her slit was practically dripping with feminine fluids, melding with the hot musky scent of the alien to fill the air between them with a heady mixture of instinctual scent. "Ah- Ah yes! Yes, Khan, mm... It might sound greedy, but I need your cock so bad right now!" she practically mewled, her voice climbing sharply in octave once the alien's equally powerful yet agile hands massaged and squeezed at her aching breasts, and even better, played with her sensitive points!

The diminishing logical part of her mind that had ruled so dominantly as a scientific analysis continued to observe the capabilities of the Xenomorph; the sheer intensity of heat he was producing, the innate methods he knew how to pleasure a female, and most importantly, the familiar mannerisms of simply a human male having been intertwined so deeply into Khan's mentality. Out here, in the cold emptiness of space, he was simply the best thing that Lyra could have found to fill in such a lonely tight void that was between her legs - no wonder why she wanted him even more now! With both of her hands still firmly stroking and teasingly pressing into the slippery rivulets of the writhing length, the red head was gently directing the prehensile member to where they both knew it belonged; with medical precision, she allowed for the tapered slimy tip of the thick alien cock to have its first experience of what an aroused human pussy was like, with the inviting softness of her plump vaginal lips being even further slathered in the aphrodisiac fluids.

"Mm... Do you like how that feels, Khan? It's all for you, just for you to mate with me," Lyra then moaned out with her body arching encouragingly into his touch to further fondle her breasts, the blissful smile on her flushed expression already being induced by the tingling sensitivity just having the alien cock pressing against her slit felt like; she could only wonder, and soon experience, how it would feel to have it actually nestled and thrusting deep inside of her!
Khan was a very, very intelligent Xenomorph, but that wasn't saying much. All Xenomorphs were clever, crafty and intelligent in their own right, but Khan was a special case when he was able to 'charm' Lyra into this enclosure in the dead of night. He understood most of the human tongue, and if there were words he couldn't make out, he looked to the way the human acted, how they moved, their tone, their facial expressions and their pheromones. Even if he didn't understand what the word 'greedy' meant coming from Lyra, he could certainly sense her desire. She was horny, painfully in heat and damn-near desperate for his cock that Khan would have to be either dense or evil not to oblige her.

He let loose a low string of heated chitters before his elongated ebony head swooped in close to nuzzle and press against the side of Lyra's neck. As much as his inner mouth- different from the other Xenomorphs in that it was slicker like a long tongue with a few hidden fangs like that of a viper- was able to please by sliding and gliding along the milky-white skin of Lyra's neck, there were other places to attend to. Already Khan could feel Lyra's fingers curl around bits and pieces of his slick, violet shaft before nuzzling against his soft nubs, those raised, decorative ridges, the leaking tip with grandiose amounts of precum all the way down to the very sensitive slit that served as the entrance for his cock-sheath. She was eager to please him as a mate, so if he wanted to keep her as his and his alone, Khan would have to show her that only he was capable of keeping her satiated and filled.

This gave birth to a crafty plan that Khan hoped Lyra would accept. As his cock writhed through Lyra's nimble fingers to get closer and closer to that unbearably arousing heat emanating from between her legs, Khan would tilt his large head back and force his inner mouth along her chin, up her cheek, to her temple and then back down to her cheek only to glide against her lips. Purring like an affectionate animal, Khan would press his tongue-like inner mouth against Lyra's lips in such a way so that the suction at the end would pick up her upper lip in what seemed to be the Xenomorph's version of a chaste kiss. The mouth drifted lower to nip at Lyra's lower lip for another 'kiss', but once it slithered between the two halves it became clear that Khan was merely searching for the opening where he heard those honeyed words. The slithering inner mouth slid in a few inches like a human tongue would and even rubbed against Lyra's teeth and inner walls, at least until it found her own tongue, to which it began to slip, roll and shimmy against with great erotic efficiency.

The second part of the crafty plan was to finally take what was his by right. With Lyra's body begging for his cock, Khan slid his violet member forward where it contracted and stiffened up like a hard rod before a lubricated passage. A Xenomorph like Khan had no knowledge of 'virginity' or a mate's potential pain at that moment and instead went as far in as he possibly could. A slow and pronounced 'schliiiick' punctuated the enclosure as Khan's cock slid into Lyra's hot, wanting pussy. Deeper and deeper Khan slid in as the nubs and ridges of his alien cock scraped against the neglected nerves and walls of Lyra's cunny all the while that viscous precum of his along with the natural slimy lubrication helped to make the transition easier. Khan simply wouldn't accept a mate would couldn't take a hefty load of his cock now!

Once the Xenomorph's cock was hilted up to Lyra's cervix- that natural wall that not even Khan wanted to tear down (it would have to be slipped past with care, lest he ruin the womb that laid behind it)- Khan let loose a delighted chitter before purring at a steady pace. His plated hands reached down to Lyra's hips to scratch against the globes of her ass whilst his own hips pulled back, paused, then launched forward with enough force to push the good doctor's back up against the wall. That slippery cock of his pulsed with erotic energy as it enjoyed the warmth and overwhelming pleasure of an aroused human pussy, and Khan himself was sending plenty of good vibrations down against Lyra's tongue with how his inner mouth was trembling from the rapture of it all. Once the initial shock had worn off Khan removed his hands from Lyra's ass and went to pick her up by the legs so that she could be raised up and placed into a position where the only way down was to bounce upon that thick, virile cock of her very special "perfect organism".

Sure, Lyra could always wrap her arms around the Xenomorph's body, but given how rough and adamant Khan was about making this woman his mate it seemed like another, more dominating position was about to put into place.
Khan continued to surprise her with every action; after all, Xenomorphs were quite unpredictable creatures, being as intelligent and cunning as they were, but with the addition of being as emphatic as he was from his human genes... Lyra would be lying if she was expecting for him to try and kiss her! But it wasn't an unpleasant surprise, quite the opposite actually, as the scientist happily indulged in his exploratory "sucking" of the inner mouth, something that should seem absolutely terrifying or disgusting to someone else. But to her, the redhead moaned encouragingly, opening her mouth easily to twist her own tongue against his in the most sensual dance that made her gasp with simple primal pleasure - as if they had done this already! Everything that was going on between the two beings, of completely different species and even appearance, seemed to fit perfectly together as they were made for one another; at least, one of them was actually created for the sole purpose of breeding and the other simply adored him more than anyone else could, so in a perverse way, they were!

Seeing as she had practically led Khan's throbbing cock tip straight to her soaking entrance, there was no way he could miss it, not when Lyra herself could feel the member stiffen into a much more forceful shape and press against her wet folds, her body so greedily wanting to accept it into her as was right. For being such a prestigious scientist, and after so long of denying what her basic instincts were in the throes of her research, she was still quite young, and thus fertile with the want to be bred; all her instincts wanted was to have such an impressive cock to be pushed inside of her and claiming her as his. But that last fragment of rationality in her mind cried out as she still had a hand wrapped around barely half of the member's base; in one moment of clarity, all of the fear and wariness that she normally reasoned with rushed back into the scientist's mind. Being that she did grow up on earth, the red head had heard enough of the horror stories from women who had taken more than they could handle; how much it hurt, how uncomfortable it was, and how much she would bleed at the mercy of the man's cock and his pleasure.

But this was no man! This was Khan, the humanized Xenomorph, and his cock had so much more than any man could even dream of. First, the equally relaxing and sensitizing qualities of his precum that would make taking him feel like heaven!

Lyra waited for the pain, for the negativity that should surround the fact that she was taking such a thick member... And felt nothing but pleasure. It was a warming, almost glowing sensation that made the human female moan as she could feel her body starting to stretch, holding tightly to its original shape around the throbbing shaft as it slid inside of her. She felt every ridge, every bump on that muscular pillar of flesh as it pushed inside of her, claiming the scientist as the Xenomorph's mate. Deep within her, she could feel the hot spurting tip of his cock nestle so far within that he would be the only one to reach such a place, pressing and pushing against nerves that she never knew would be awakened. When he bottomed out, pressing ever so snugly against her cervix, the leaking precum that the monstrous organ pumped into her was doing its job extremely well; no other woman would have sex this pleasurable and vivid as she was about to experience with the one and only Khan, the perfect organism for mating!

There was simply just so much of the massive thick length that the red head couldn't help the soft overwhelmed cry of his name against Khan's inner mouth. Just with the impressive member pulsing and filling inside of her, it was enough to make the human female moan and squirm as much as possible in his strong hold squeezing her ass, which would each fill a soft handful in his clawed hands. Her sex clung tightly around him, holding onto every ridge and every fold of his throbbing shaft, and her body eagerly welcomed the feeling of being claimed like this. But they were just beginning, and Lyra knew it, transfixed in their mutual pleasure with her body pressing tightly up against the alien's.

By now, the lust was in her veins, in every part of her body, and it only craved Khan. Ultimately, Lyra was going to be bred by this demon, and she completely gave in to it, any subconscious resistance being completely knocked from her body with his first forceful thrust. As she was gasping and moaning with all of the Xenomorph's impressive cock nestled inside her tight walls, all she could do was shudder and allow her legs to be holstered up, completely pierced on the throbbing shaft. But while other women might want to scramble for a more controlling situation, the red head was more than happy to be completely subservient to her now lover to sate his bestial instincts, back arched against the wall and eyes rolling back in sheer bliss. With how rough he was in the intent to efficiently mate her to him, her sudden inevitable orgasm didn't seem far off actually!

"Oh-! Oh, Khan! Yes! M-More, please! Please, Khan, I need-!" Words seemed completely too civilized for what was happening now! The usually intelligent and eloquent scientist was merely reduced to babbling whimpers and lewd moans towards the Xenomorph that would put a prostitute to shame. After all this was only a pleasure that a specially designed cock like his could give her, and no mortal man could ever sate Lyra the same way ever again - as if she would want any other mate now...
Lyra was so goddamned tight, wet and warm that it was an alien feeling even to a Xenomorph. Khan continued to purr away as he slid his hot length deeper and deeper inside of his mate while his thick precum helped coat her inner walls and pave the way for further trials. His ridged cock scraped against her walls while the nubbed 'spikes' filled up with blood and pushed out against Lyra's sensitive nerves at random intervals- forever keeping this shapely, wondrous woman on her toes. The same could be said for Khan's violet snake-like member, for that changed at random too depending on the situation Khan wanted to go for. If he just wanted to keep Lyra atop his form with his clawed hands pinching, groping and squeezing her ass while her sopping wet cunt dropped upon his thick, throbbing cock, he would shift the organ to be more akin to a human's... But if he wanted to move around without causing Lyra discomfort... If he wanted to thrash about in her lovely, tight pussy and drive his mate wild, there was no better option than to make his cock a little less taut and constrained and instead turn it into a slithering, precum-leaking tentacle that was in no way any less thick than it had been before.

The Xenomorph 'grunted' in confusion when Lyra spoke to him, and for good reason.

Alas, more? Khan understood what Lyra was asking for, but more? Wasn't he good enough for her? Wasn't this fine, thick cock of his filling her up so much that she couldn't ask for anything else? Ah, but then a revelation hit him. He believed that, indeed, Lyra was very pleased with his performance and him overall, but if he wanted to keep this woman as his lifelong mate, he would have to fuck her into submission, pound his superiority into her, fill her with pleasure once thought unimaginable and ultimately show her that he was more than capable of keeping her pleasured until the end of her days. And yes, he would have to fill her up to the brim with his viscous seed until she was damn-near addicted to it. Only the best for his new mate, after all!

With this in mind- and the desire to keep his lovely mate satiated and ready to be bred- Khan moved away from the wall of the enclosure and grappled with Lyra to pull her off of his cock. To Lyra's great fortune, the cock never left her. Though it seemed as if the alien had pulled out, the sheer length and elasticity of the cock allowed the 'barbed' tip to stay rooted inside of her. In fact, the raised nubs were so taut that they were practically a knot, and they were hitched up tight against Lyra's G-Spot as if holding onto that spot for dear life. Khan lowered Lyra to the floor- already marred with his saliva, precum and Lyra's sweat- and turned her over so that the peach of her perfect ass was hitched high up into the sky. Khan had little desire to stand back and admire Lyra's form, however. He was here to breed, and she was here to be bred to the brim!

And so Khan pounced upon Lyra's supple body and plunged the full force of his shapely cock back into her wanton cunny, though this time the heat of his plated body covered Lyra's own form like a sensual blanket. Clawed hands were placed next to Lyra's own human pair as Khan draped himself over Lyra and dug his hips against her ass. His head was so close once again; hanging over her shoulder and purring away like a mad creature overtaken by pleasure. Not too far from the truth, actually!
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