NieR - 'User Error' (Kaybee x The Carnal Soul)


Oct 12, 2011
When you design a humanoid robot for combat, there are certain eccentricities and lapses that can be forgiven. By all accounts YoRHa Model 2 (Type B) was a robust platform, and given her efficacy in dispatching Biodroid occupation and reclaiming earth thus far it was easy to overlook some of the stranger notions of her design. Rather than a sleek mechanical chassis of a full android, 2B's body was that of a gynoid, indistinguishable from that of a human female right up until she cut through four inches of reinforced concrete without a windup. The faithfulness to human form even went down to minor details such as genitalia and pain/pleasure receptors across her skin along with the essentials such as sight, hearing, pressure, damage, and a custom built combat sensor package that enhanced every one of those beyond human ability.

It was broadly considered 'creepy' that 2B was capable by design of having sex, but no one questioned it, because regardless of that rumour, when it came down to it, 2B was just that good at what she was meant to do.

Cyberwarfare was also something to be considered, and while the Biodroid occupation didn't bother with EMS or any sort of automated hacking, it had been considered prudent to ensure that 2B's core systems were secured, backed up, and installed with numerous safety measure to ensure that her core functionality could not be tampered with. Combat routines, motor control, everything she would need to fight and win was kept safe, while less essential systems were left external. Skin receptors beyond pressure and heat for instance were only lightly secured, as were other subroutines deemed 'nonessential'. These systems were automatically shut down in combat anyways to streamline the action-reaction loops that governed basic battle programming since their input was broadly considered unimportant. What good was having 2B feel pain when she was damaged after all? Pain was a distraction in combat, while a simple readout and robust internal monitoring system would do a much better job of ensuring that information of what was damaged and what was not.

So leaving these minor systems outside the purview of major security could be considered forgivable too, here, an error was made. Rather than bundling the switches for these systems behind firewalls with the important capacities, the modular nature of the basic programming modules meant that each subroutine was bundled with its own executables. Had the Biodroids ever been smart enough to attempt an actual hack, they could have perhaps distracted 2B at a critical moment.

But where alien ingenuity fell flat, human ingenuity could step in to take its place.

A hacker collective, a bunch of thugs for the most part, but a dangerous bunch who had been disrupting operations across the more recently liberated cities. While they were a small threat now, projections suggested that left unchecked these criminals could end up as a dangerously powerful organized crime group, so the decision was made that they would not be given the chance to consolidate, and 2B was deployed to subdue and capture the ringleaders.

It never occurred to them for a moment that the android that had laid waste to the Biodroid occupation could ever be brought low by a bunch of human thugs, and in that lay their fatal fla, but even if they had somehow realized, understood the risk they took, it was too late now. They had tracked the group to their hideout and 2B had been sent in as soon as they had confirmed the location. She was already on site, moving through the hallways, scanning for signs of life as she tried to seek out the leaders of the organization she knew were somewhere in here.

Already with both feet in the jaws of a potential trap...
The collective had first made itself known to the public as an organization named 'Cicada 211'. The name was seemingly meaningless and the lack of seemingly pointed symbolism kept the general public guessing or even wholly oblivious to their existence, while the more 'minor' deep-web entrepreneurs were left only to wonder and imagine just what the group could be. They seemed to protest the 'Big Brother' government that had formed in the name of retaking the cities of Earth and spoke of how the 'common citizen' needed to rise up and secure their rights to independence and autonomy. And if it had stayed at that, then maybe they could have been ignored, and the remnants of humanity wouldn't have worried about them - but then money started disappearing. Equipment. Manifests were manipulated so gear bound for vital military posts ended up 'lost' in transit.

It became quickly apparent that there was something that needed to be done about them.

Some of the finest minds in cyberwarfare and counterintelligence who called the Bunker home were put to work on tracking this mysterious hacktivist collective. Of course they were surprised and almost unbelieving when that trail led them down to Earth, and further to within the liberated zone that had already been cleared and secured by their forces. It led them to a hydro-electrical plant that hadn't seen any activity of any sort ever since it had been cleared of Biodroids months and months past, except now it was pulsing with wireless signals up to and down from the moon. Satellite imagery was even quick to reveal at least a few humanoids spotted occasionally out on the surface or along the damn wall of the plant. Further analysis and recon before sending in 2B revealed they seemed to have nothing for defense from intruders as if they wholly expected nobody would come looking for them. Maybe they didn't?

"And they sent one, did they Colonel?"

The young man holding the phone grinned at the hesitant response.

"Oh don't worry. Nobody will know about your involvement - if you behave."

The aging old military officer on the other end all but snarled his response, despite the awareness of just what kind of incriminating information the collective held on him. it had been through him that the collective had found out about the - unique - nature of the YoRHa Model 2s and that rather glaring weakness. He was the one who had pulled strings upon request to see one of these deadly warriors was sent, and alone, to deal with the collective once they had been discovered. And the man at their head who identified himself among his peers by his handle of 'Red Jack' couldn't help the grin that was stuck to his lips as he leaned back in his seat. Cameras had seen her, and as she skulked lower and lower into the plant she was monitored by cameras and EM sensors so that some of his best keyboard-jockeys could keep an exact point on wherever she might be.

All while working to uncover those executable files and see just what they might do with them.

And Red Jack was gambling rather hard on them finding a way to make what he had suggested work. After all he wasn't making any effort to hide should she finally find the main pump room. He sat in the center of the room facing the door that came down from the surface, illuminated by several glaring overhead lights, sitting on the edge of a rather hard looking surgical table, and grinning like a cheshire cat as he heard quiet footfalls coming closer even though it was hidden behind the scarlet-red metal mask that he currently wore over his face. As the door would come open he'd throw his arms open wide as if in a gesture to say 'welcome to my humble abode' and gave a laugh.

"Hello, hello! Come in, please!" He laughed again.

In his earpiece he heard a voice.

"Jack. I think we found it."

"Good." he whispered, "Lock her receptors on."
She knew that she was being watched as she stalked the halls, her footfalls silent despite the weight of structure that gave her form. Active scanners informed her that monitoring was being levelled in her direction and cameras mounted on the walls turned to follow her as she passed them by. She'd destroyed a few of them as she'd advanced on the dam's perimeter but now that she was inside the place there was nowhere for them to run if they saw her coming. In the detached way that software was aware of software she knew that they were trying to access sections of her code but they hadn't shown any signs of being able to break into the necessary core files of her being so 2B saw no reason to retreat.

A human might even have considered it suspicious that they weren't even targeting files that could disable or restructure her, but to 2B, it was simply foolishness. That these hackers imagined they could really do anything to her by accessing useless surface subroutines, it was almost insulting, though feeling offended at the apparent idiocy was tucked back behind a more prominent satisfied feeling as she believed that this would not be any real trouble. She could clear this group quickly and then be back to the front lines to push the Biodroid threat back, clearing them region by region, sector by sector. That was what she was meant for after all...

A door barred her way, thick metal that would take a several-kilogram breaching charge applied very carefully to a very specific point to destroy normally.

A hiss of steel as the sword slid off her back again, she raised it above her head and brought it down, shearing from its hinges in a single blow that sent a scream of twisting metal echoing down the hallways. And behind it, she could sense the human figure, made slightly hazy by the smoke whispering off the liquefied edges of the cut but perfectly clear as her sensors outlined his form and she stepped through the door, sheathing the blade again as she did so. Orders were to subdue and capture if possible, and this man was unarmed, no threat, saying something that didn't matter.

She charged, moving faster than the human eye could follow as she leaped across the intervening space, intending to get behind him and knock him out with a minimally powerful blow to the head.

At the same time, a little switch of programming shifted in 2Bs head, and suddenly a suite of sensory receptors that had been locked into their off state before she'd even begun the mission switched on without warning, halting her. To Red Jack it had appeared as though she'd moved from the doorway to the other side of his table in the blink of an eye, such was the speed of her motion, but with that speed also brought a sudden overload of sensory information as the very air resistance put a sudden pressure on every part of her. Behind the black mask, 2Bs eyes went wide, realizing in an instant that several routines that should not be active had somehow been activated. She tried to switch them off but the program wasn't complying, and thus her inhuman speed was partially sealed just like that.

It hadn't been a graceful stop either, she'd locked up from the sensation barrage and as slowing had unlocked her systems she had gone to one knee, grabbing the edge of the table for support as every system at once ran a diagnostic, demanding to know what had caused this erroneous data surge.

It made her feel a brief tingle of something analogous to fear, if only for a moment...

"What have you done?"

She levered herself upright and advanced on Jack, very deliberately refusing to use her speed until she knew what sort of tolerances her mind had while the sensory feedback routines were active. She didn't need speed to take him out, it would just be less efficient.
Red Jack wasn't a fool, and he certainly wasn't fearless. Some part of himself was impressed that his confident in his peers was so great that when the door was slashed open like a cheap sardine can that he didn't turn and run for cover. Of course then in about the time it took for his heart to beat he realized that it wouldn't have done him any sort of good. At first. But then he watched how she nearly clung to the operating table as if she couldn't keep her balance and seemed to reel from something. He didn't even need to see her eyes to realize that some part of her software had registered an abnormality beyond her control and experience that she didn't know how to account for, and really her words as she rose to her feet to stalk around the table towards him only drove it home. The apparent success combined with the mask he wore meant that he easily kept his facial expression a mystery from the warrior advancing on him.

"Me? I didn't do anything." He raised his hands as if to placate her, "I'm just an innocent bystander to be honest."

A beat passed

This time when he spoke to his team through his ear-piece, it'd be audible to her well enough, "Amplify by a power of ten. And substitute pain indications."

Fingers flew across keyboards elsewhere in the facility to amplify everything her 'nerves' in her frame told her she was feeling. And to suddenly take away the feelings of pain or ache. Only pressure and - pleasure. Of course that meant that when he reached behind him and drew a single-shot bean-bag gun he'd kept tucked in his belt, if she was aware of what had just happened to her then she might have known what to expect in that next second. That single round would come flying at her with force enough to crack a human like Jack's bones at this sort of close-range, and it was heading right for her. With her receptors on and boosted ten-fold. And with any pain substituted in her mind with the same sorts of pleasures that had been programmed into her for reasons unknown when she was designed to be able to mimic sex.

"But I plan to take advantage of my friends' work, mind."
There were many old stories about stopping robots using logical paradoxes or impossible theorems. 'This statement is false' or the like, the sort of thing that it was supposed an artificial brain didn't possess the capacity to reason through. When the Biodroids came they simply ignored anything humans said, and when the YoRHa models were developed, their personality matrices were so human-like in function that they could easily ignore such things. 2B's ever-present calm had already been shaken by the sudden assault on her senses and the total incongruity of the man in front of her claiming that he was utterly divorced from it brought her up short for a split second, the brow visible between the silver-white of her hair and the velvet black of her combat mask furrowing in confusion.

The beat passed.

"You Lie." She stepped forwards. Just like she was programmed to experience physical sensation 2B was also programmed to feel emotions, at least, as long as those emotions were experienced within a range that did not inhibit combat. Right now her mouth below her mask twisted in a snarl as she experienced anger at the bold audacity of the man before her, not so much anger that she did not remember to move slowly to avoid the excess pressure and friction with air she'd experienced before but enough anger that she did not have time to make new calculations before she had begun to move.

Where before the experience of the air racing past her and pressing against her had been a chaotic mixture of pressure, heat, and a tingle of pain, now the very act of raising her fist caused a thundershock of sensations to race up her arm. Air pressure amplified tenfold, not the blinding barrage of before but a sudden and unpleasant surprise, especially as the overload of pressure seeped into pain and converted in turn into pleasure. It was enough to halt the strike as her eyes flicked up to her arm in confusion, trying to comprehend the incongruity of that rush of tingling heat through her body from such an action but before she could reconcile that and everything else, the shot struck her in the stomach.

The trick to halting an Android in her tracks was no single logical paradox as it turned out but a barrage of them, a series of situations, each one on their own only enough to give the Android pause, presented one after another such that they could not be calculated and discarded in time. Of course that wouldn't stop them permanently, after all there were only so many logical paradoxes one could muster on the spot and once they were run out, it would be a matter of seconds before you were destroyed. So rather than try to hold them in place indefinitely, simply use the time to set up a finishing blow.

2B was far more resilient than any human, and that included her ability to feel pain. Her receptors -while robust and capable of an incredible range of sensations- had their input in terms of pain limited like many other things such that it could not impede her in combat. When it came to pleasure however, those receptors were capable of feeling more than most humans without being amplified, and with the amplification in place the surge of that sensation that no one had ever thought would be an impediment to the YoRHa model drove her to her knees, a scream tearing at her synthesized voice as her legs gave out. A distant subroutine recognized the wash of pleasure as her equivalent to an orgasm but the rest of her consciousness was subsumed by the raw chaos of the surge of sensations, her limbs trembling as the overcharged sensory inputs overwhelmed internal buffers and caused other subroutines to freeze as necessary processor time was stolen to handle the influx of data. Her jaw hung loose, a second scream straining her voice box further.

The only fully functional responses were automated ones. Clear fluids dripped from her 'womanhood', spurting as the tight passage contracted convulsively in an attempt to mimic a human reaction. Even after the moment passed, she was left there panting as her digital mind worked to clear the overfilled processor queue and restart routines that had crashed under the strain of the initial influx.
There were a dozen ways to crack a firewall. If it was using an old WEP or WPA-style security, then you could analyze encrypted wireless packets, and use the pattern they made to figure out what sort of cracking algorithm to use. If it was one of the more ancient security systems from the previous century, then the odds were good that you could use hashes to find your password and gain administrative privileges. And if you're a run-of-the-mill script kiddy who fancies themselves a Green Hat, or in Red Jack's case a man who was gambling with precious little time to spare? You could always rely on some good old-fashioned brute force attack methods. The gamble had been huge and one he wasn't wholly sure would work, but as the android's knees buckled he could see that it had paid off. Her systems were practically slammed into a hard-reboot as combat systems were flooded with stimuli they hadn't been programmed to receive or process.

Behind his metal mask, it was easy to even hear him grinning, "2B, are you well? Something the matter with your processors? It seems like you might have crossed a wire or two somewhere."

He popped the breach of the bean-bag gun open and let the smoking shell-casing fall to the ground where its brass made an echoing tone when it hit the cement between them. Again, it said something about just what this weapon was designed for that it used the same level of explosive propellant a grenade launcher might employ to hurl a bean-bag at somebody - or something in this case. The replacement was locked in and the breach closed before Red Jack leveled the weapon at the young woman still on her knees before him. This time he didn't offer any quip or play or lie. Instead the trigger clicked, the propellant exploded, and a bean-bag was sent hurtling at close-range for her center-mass again to smack roughly into the very same area that he'd hit before. Then he reloaded and fired another. Then another. Another. And another. All in all by the time he was done there were eight spent shell casings for those high-powered bean-bag rounds on the ground next to the flattened bags of the rounds themselves.

Red Jack took a few moments to look around, "Dox?"

"Yeah, boss?" A feminine voice came through the ear-piece.

"Dig around - find out if you can snatch her mission completion signal, and her unit death signal. They're probably behind at least a few firewalls. And kick on the white noise maker in the meanwhile so she can't send any signals for help - we don't know what all she's capable of and I'm not keen on giving her the chance to show us just yet. And send a team down here while you're at it. Just in case."

"Can do, boss."

With a fair bit of confidence that he hadn't had before that moment, Red Jack leaned down and seized 2B under her arms to try and lift her to her feet. Which brought out a whole plethora of profane language from the hacktivist when he realized just how heavy an android playing dead weight could really be. But he was strong enough to start dragging her to the table and heave her atop it, first with her upper body, and then lifting her legs. With that out of the way he'd start to move her limbs to the bindings on the table that were actually at the side. The ones for her ankles would see her legs spread one to either side of the table with her legs bent tighter than ninety degrees. Her arms were held bent at the elbows with the lower half of her arms secured to the side of the table at the wrist. And where she sat on the table meant that it was just short enough she wouldn't be able to rest her head without it hanging free in the open air.

And of course he had to make sure she wasn't fully recovered yet.

So he put another bean-bag into her side, at close range, for good measure.

"Feeling comfortable on your new bed, 2B?" He asked with a mocking laugh.
The second shot brought another scream from 2B, high enough that it had a slightly metallic and synthesized edge to it as the force of the blow rocked her, shoving her torso into a position of bending over backwards that made it quite apparent that the human-like features of her anatomy were not limited to what lay between her legs as hardened points of her nipples poked visibly through the fabric of her combat outfit from this angle. Another shot and the scream rose to a metal screech that then cut out as her vocal processors shut down, another and the force proved too much, knocking her onto her back.

From there, the shine of 'arousal' on her thighs was impossible to miss under the harsh white of the overhead lights and with every shot it grew more and more apparent. Every slam of the beanbags into her body brought another mind-crushing wave of pleasure roaring into her and with pulse after pulse of what could only be described as raw ecstasy shooting through her body what had begun as a chain of orgasms -each high definable and measurable- blurred into a single long chain of helpless climax as she writhed on the floor. Her voice box occasionally managed to output a whimper or the abbreviated start of a scream but for the most part it was an eerie silence as her lips worked without sound, her face twisted in a tormented mask of lust, mouth slack as a line of drool trickled down her chin.

By the time the tremors and pleasure finally began to ebb once the eighth cartridge hit the ground 2B was barely conscious, her system struggling a fine line between trying to sort itself out and opting to simply reset itself in order to clear the buffers and restore functionality proper, and as the still-multiplied signals of pressure from Jack's attempts to lift her prevented her from properly clearing, they also prevented her from activating her own software shutdown signals properly. Like a computer with no hard off-switch.

While she might have been far stronger than a human, the basic principles of leverage still mattered and the restraints cunningly crafted for 2Bs new resting place. Her first thoughts as her buffer finally began to clear were of resistance and escape yet errant signals still kept her from using her full strength and by the time she could really fight back the restraints were already in place. She could sense jamming signals filling the air, making a call for help unlikely at best but given a couple hours she could work herself free perhaps, but for the moment she would simply have to endure, she could survive this, she could esca-!

Another bean bag slammed into her side, and any dignity she might have been mustering evaporated again as the impact reduced her instantly once again to a screaming orgasm, head lolling free off the table's edge as Red Jack could clearly see her pussy flexing and squirting helplessly, adding another layer to the sheen of arousal covering her thighs and dripping down her knees.
Some part of Red Jack couldn't help but be amazed at how quickly the dynamic had shifted. At first some part of him had been worried the plan wouldn't work or that it'd end up blowing up in his face to get he and those around him killed. Yet now he could watch as 2B's own body betrayed her at the command of a few sharp minds with infonet access and decent computers. She'd made a mess on the floor that betrayed what had happened to her even before her legs had been parted to reveal the utterly soaked mound of her sex and the glistening fluid coating the inside of her thighs clear down to her knees. When he was confronted with such a perfectly crafted physical form, even one purposefully made for combat against anything from more conventional groups like his to the biodroids that still held much of Earth in their grip, he found himself admiring her curves and the way they were so well accented by her suit. He had intended her capture for reverse engineering but now he couldn't help but let his mind wander into more dangerous territories.

"Dox, now that we have time see if you can't bust that firewall. Gain access to her system controls for power: I don't want her deciding to fall asleep on us."

He circled the table and popped open a rather discretely concealed drawer in the base of the table's support. He drew an impressively long knife with a glinting blade, that seemed like it could slice through flesh or steel as readily as the air. That blade's tip came to rest on her collarbone before it began to drag ever so slowly along her body, dipping between the curve of her breasts, down her stomach, and soon stopping at heir waist. When it came to stop there, Red Jack's other hand slipped between her slick thighs where rough digits could drag themselves through the 'arousal' that she'd so thoroughly coated herself with. His hand slipped closer to the quivering lips of her 'sex' as they convulsed and tightened like some part of her expected a partner to be buried in her at that moment. But instead what she would get would be a duo of fingers prodding and rubbing at her folds, teasing tender skin, and promising with the way they pushed against her to slip inside. And once they finally did the teasing would end. 2B seemed slick enough that Red Jack was able to quickly plunge those two fingers up to the second knuckle before twisting his fingers and exploring her folds - trying to find out if they had stuck wholly to anatomy and given her a 'G-spot' on top of everything else. And while those two fingers went about exploring her, she'd be able to feel his thumb pressing and rubbing against the nub of her clit.

"They really pulled out the stops with you, didn't they?" He laughed anew, "Here I thought it'd be long, boring hours just trying to crack your code, and find what makes you tick. But now? It going to be a lot more interesting. Just you wait until the others get a load of you."

Of course it was odd that he delivered this threat against her even as his fingers pumped in and out of her, with the slick sound of her own arousal filling the air with those whimpers and synthetic cries she gave out being the only thing to break the setting for several minutes. It wasn't until those minutes had passed that heavy foot-falls could be heard echoing through an open doorway that lead further down into the plant. At least ten men and a few women who were all dressed much the same way as their leader: heavy-duty boots or running shoes, cargo pants, hoodies and jackets, and combat vests that were clearly 'borrowed' from government stock-piles like the various rifles and other weapons they carried with them. Obviously these were the ones that were intended to try and deal with 2B if the hacking hadn't gone so wonderfully and Red Jack had ended up painted all over the walls and ceiling.

A tattooed young woman, clad in mostly black armor and with a heavy-looking rifle in hand stepped forward from among them, "So this is the girl they sent after us, huh boss?"

Still with his fingers between her legs, Red Jack looked to her, "The very same, Cairo."

The woman drew closer. Close enough that she all but had 2B's head buried between her legs if the android's head was still hanging limp. And if 2B were of a clear enough mind to take stock of her environment then she'd notice that, for a woman, Cairo seemed to have a rather prominent bulge between her legs that was nearly pressed against 2B's nose and face.
She was dimly aware of what they were saying through the haze of sensations as 2B shivered with aftershocks but she could barely raise her head, let alone concentrate enough to set up countermeasures, further security. She couldn't turn off her own software but she did have a few anti-hacking protocols built into her systems, passkey scrambling, additional layers of data security. She even had a virus that would fry her data cores built into her mind as a measure of last resort in the event that something breached her firewall and a backup of her personality saved at Headquarters.

Unfortunate that Cicada's unwilling Colonel had given information on the Model 2's OS that was fairly extensive when it came to security...

Had 2B been human the slightest slip or excess pressure on the knife would have parted her skin like butter but as it was -though it divided her clothes with ease- the knife simply indented her skin slightly, as though the edge were putting no more pressure on her skin than a finger. Of course it certainly didn't feel that way, and with how she strained and shivered at the still-amplified touch as the blade glided down her body it was a good thing that she was not human after all, otherwise Jack could have easily slit her belly open with a single wrong turn. The pressure of the blade was nothing to the fingers pushing into her though. The sudden penetration nearly had her cumming again with the still-amplified sensations and every flexing and twisting of his fingers as he explored her tight passage made her shudder, thighs flexing, arms straining, womanhood tightening reflexively around him before the first strum of his thumb against her clit brought a fresh scream and convulsion.

At ten times amplification her entire body felt almost sensitive enough to be a clit itself when pain was applied. When her clit itself was touched on the other hand, her mind simply couldn't process the incoming signal. Like a human woman, the sensitivity of 2B's clit was a matter of nerve ending quality rather than any particular difference between the endings there and anywhere else on her body, and so with ten times as many nerves as the blow to the chest had triggered firing ten times as powerfully the effect wasn't so much a wave as a wall that slammed into her and turned everything she could perceive to white hot light for a solid minute, her joints locking as her mind crashed and cleared out the data before she slumped, trembling and twitching as core motor processes rebooted.

While it was hard to tell given the reaction from stimulating her clit, it was pretty clear that 2B did have a G-spot, or at least a physical facsimile of one where his fingers had found the slightly softer spongey tissue against one wall. Whether it could evoke a more powerful reaction than pressure somewhere else wasn't as easy to determine there and then but as he continued to explore her for the next few minutes -forcing further orgasms out of her as his fingers slid in and out of her sex and covering his hand with more of her juices in the process- he found that while it was not nearly as dramatic a reaction as persistent pressure to her clit had been, pushing her G-spot inspired a slower but much more powerful pleasure reaction in the long run, one that her systems could brace for and handle slightly better at least.

Swinging listlessly between highs of pleasure and lows of helplessness as she struggled to bring systems back online between one orgasm and the next, 2B experienced the world only in flickers and flashes of activity, a few seconds, perhaps a minute of sensate lucidity before the pleasure shattered all rational thought once again. She was dimly aware as the others entered the chamber, lucid enough to register a discrepancy between the female before her and the clear bulge between her legs. But then Jack twisted his fingers inside her and the world went away again, her mouth dropping open in a helpless wailing moan of pleasure.
There was some humor in this. Seeing how fast a fearsome and capable machine of warfare was quickly turned into a screaming, naked mess that seemed unable to even control her own body. She was making a mess of his hand, the table, and even the now cut open outfit she'd worn in. Not to mention that every scream, whimper, and moan echoed with some incredible acoustic quality throughout the room. Even the collective leader couldn't deny that watching the way her breasts bounced when she would arch her back or the glistening sheen on her thighs as her body clenched and flexed around his fingers had a certain - reaction - that was making the pants he wore tight enough to be uncomfortable. Really some part of him could just get lost in watching the way her thighs flexed and relaxed in concert with how he moved his fingers and the gentle rise and fall of the almost too-perfect breasts with every every shift and jerk of her body.

Cairo whistled, "Weelllll shit, they weren't kidding about her."

The dark-haired woman took liberties with 2B's exposed body to experimentally fondle and squeeze her breasts after she'd pulled aside the cut open combat suit. Of course the grunt she gave off as she shifted her legs and rocked her hips forward would betray just how much she was enjoying 2B's involuntary display just before she pressed and rubbed that thick, stiffening length of hers against the android's face. A few moments more and her grunts became much deeper and huskier sounds with seemingly just the harsh push of her length against 2B's face being enough to make her cock twitch against her pants. Maybe 2B would realize just in that moment what was about to happen to her, or maybe she wouldn't. Maybe in her state of mind it would take watching from so close as Cairo pulled her hips back and hooked a thumb in the belt she wore while she bit at her bottom lip, "So - we have to keep her this way, huh?"

Red Jack offered a grin, "Of course. Give Dox and the others time to see if they can put what the Colonel told us to use."

The two shared a grin.

Cairo, far less coy and playful, spoke first, "Think she'd use her teeth?"

Red Jack rolled his eyes beneath the mask he wore, "I don't think she remembers how."

"And I don't think androids need to breath all that much." Cairo bit her lower lip harder for the thoughts that were coming to her as she undid her belt using only one hand, with the other still pinching and teasing at one of 2B's exposed breasts. Before long she'd undone her belt and started to pull down her pants and underwear enough to free the stiff, twitching length of her cock. It all but slapped 2B in the face when Cairo managed to slip it free from her trousers and that impact was enough to draw a sharp hiss from the woman. Both hands moved to cup 2B's cheeks and her thumbs pressed gently up against her jaw as if to tease her that she'd best keep her mouth open wide amid all her whimpers and screams. Then she rocked back far enough that her cock wasn't so constantly pressed against 2B's face so it would have room to rise up fully, and level the head with 2B's mouth. And of course she had to make some comment on the whole matter as if it wasn't degrading enough for the captured android.

"Be a good girl and keep that mouth open niiiiiiice and wide~."

It was poor warning for the several inches that she thrust to ram down 2B's throat not seconds later, all while two more digits plunged into her folds to have nearly the whole of Red Jack's hands stretching and exploring inside her.
For a being who was created on some of her fundamental levels to obey legitimate orders the notion that 2B could be raped was not something that had ever crossed anyone's mind, least of all hers. On a definitional level she could understand that this was something happening to her but at the same time it was so strange that her mind struggled to process it even without the regular intrusions of pleasure surges disrupting her processors. She managed to give up trying to reconcile the male organ between the female's legs as a pointless exercise in duriosity she had no time for but all that allowed her to do was acknowledge an awareness that the game was about to be stepped up.

What purpose does it serve? A part of her wondered. She was already quite thoroughly disabled, why go further? While she could technically be tortured it wouldn't accomplish anything to do so as she was quite literally incapable of giving up information, but from the scraps and snatches of overhearing she understood they didn't need her to talk, they just needed her here in their grasp. The thick male length smacked against her cheek and 2B gasped, a reflexive response, more to do with the sound than anything to do with actual breathing, one of those things meant to simulate humanity in her just like the shuddering rise and fall of her chest. She didn't need to breathe, she just did so because it made the humans around her more comfortable, though her body could pull in air to separate oxygen and mix it with her internal reactor for a little bit of extra energy in high-intensity combat situations.

Use her teeth? She did actually remember how to use her teeth, and while 2B was not a vengeful entity by nature, the notion of fighting back, of causing enough panic by maiming this woman to perhaps even engineer an escape was a startlingly appealing one, even if it was unfortunately not to be. Human men worried enough about human women using their teeth, much less when a robotic woman with perfectly sharp and unworn synthetic enamel teeth, so 2B had designed with -put in pedestrian terms- a 'gag reflex', a pressure sensor at the entrance of her throat that cut power to her jaw, forcing it slack.

Had they ever known that this could come about they might have reconsidered that design choice along with a few others, but at the time it had made sense. It was one thing to risk a graze with a human woman, it was quite another to risk an unpleasant gash just because the android girl hadn't been able to regulate her strength properly.

As it was, 2B's abbreviated plan for some small measure of revenge was quite sharply cut short. With all the time spent trying to keep her systems from totally collapsing, closing her mouth had been shuffled far down the priority queue but now as she prepared to bite down the moment that woman thrust -going so far as to create it into a singular priority on the action and hold it through another wave of pleasure as Jack pushed two more fingers into it- the muffled moan as the woman rammed herself down 2B's throat was as much of distress as it was of the pleasure of that sudden pressure inside her and that pain of having her throat so suddenly stretched turned into even more pleasure since she found that her jaw refused to respond, still hanging slack as ever while her throat bulged with the girth of that intruding member, synthetic muscle strands visibly flexing as she swallowed convulsively around the shaft, shuddering in orgasm at the new addition to the reams of sensation already thrust upon her.

Then Red Jack pushed a fourth finger into her, stretching both her holes between invading organ and invading limbs and prompting her world to go white once more as the pleasure wave temporarily knocked her visual feedback out to make room for itself once again, the metallic edge of her shrill scream of ecstasy now muffled by Cairo's shaft...
Perhaps the duo currently accosting the poor android were sadists on some degree. The full-body shudder and groan that came from Cairo might certainly hint at that, and had 2B been able to see anything more than the pure white of her system overload or - in its absence - Cairo's heavy sack between her legs then the grin that came to the other woman's face would have confirmed it well enough for her. After all these were men and women who had spent the last months in fear that 2B and those like her would come barging into their safe-house in the dead of night to spoil their plans. Cairo had to take a moment so that she could simply enjoy the sensation: her cock buried in the warm mouth and tight throat of a rather beautiful young woman. Android or no. But of course she wouldn't be content to just linger there forever and so as that shrill scream came muffled from 2B's throat, Some part of her was vaguely aware that she'd met no resistance from the android and she drew the conclusion that she had free reign of the situation whether it was by design or submission from her unwilling partner. She didn't waste much time thinking on it as she instead reached out to grab the edges of the table for leverage, and pushed further with that much more force.

There was no kind or clean way to say it - she had every intent of face-fucking the captured android.

Red Jack wasn't wholly idle during all of this, of course. He had four fingers buried between the android's legs working at a steady rhythm to explore and twist inside of her, to prod at the soft flesh of her apparent G-spot, and every now and again when she seemed just a little too put together and stable for his liking he'd once again harass her clit to draw another scream and messy orgasm from her to make sure she stayed nice and out-of-sorts. At one point the handle of his bean-bag gun pressed against his side and it acted as if it were some sort of reminder. One that saw him drawing it with his free hand while a wicked grin hidden beneath the mask came to his lips. He'd always fancied himself a scientist and discoverer, and after he'd seen what the little thing had turned her into just by itself he couldn't help but wonder just what sort of reaction he'd get from her in the current circumstances. The barrel was brought nearly flush to her skin at the side of her stomach and the collective leader waited until another one of those lulls when she seemed to be collecting herself again to fire the beanbag against her bare flesh while his hand worked at stretching and harassing her 'womanhood'.

After his Cairo's breathing began to grow heavier and more labored. Her grip tightened on the edge of the table and her tempo picked up with that much more speed and force, while a harshly whispered profanity would slip between her lips every few minutes, and when not whispering some lewd promise of what she wanted to do to the android beneath her she'd bite at her lip and give a long groan. At some point she pulled one hand from the edge of the table and chose to wrap it tightly around 2B's throat, where she could feel as if she were more in control of the woman, and had the side benefit of being able to feel the girth of her shaft beneath her hand as it stretched and filled 2B's throat. If the android had a sense of taste she'd soon find it put to use with the salty mix of pre-cum and artificial saliva that was coating Cairo's length. By then, every time she thrust forward she was flush to 2B's face with that whole length buried in the android's throat, and her hips pressing against her parted lips. Cairo started to go faster and faster, her grip tightened, and her breathing grew all the heavier as she felt the growing pressure and tugging sensation in her very core.

It wasn't many minutes longer before Cairo threw her head back and screamed as she pushed herself flush to 2B's face again. Her length twitched and seized and pulsed, and then a torrent of thick white seed spilled out to fill 2B's throat and flood back around Cairo's length into the android's mouth. It was truly a copious amount and had the dark-haired woman gasping for breath as she stumbled back in an attempt to regain her balance, and at the same time drew herself from 2B's throat and mouth in the process. She had to take the next few moments to simply collect herself and control her breathing, but still found the energy for another jab.

When she reached out with a hand to mockingly cup a hand against 2B's cheek she nearly cooed the words, "Aaaaaw, I'd swear you were made for this sort of thing~."

And then of course she was quick to 'help' matters when she stretched her hands up above her head, and brought them down in a balled up fist somewhere just between where her solar plexus and her sternum would reside if she was more human-like in her internal workings.
With Cairo's cock visibly distending her throat and all the simulated pain that would normally accompany such turned into amplified sensations the hermaphrodite's sloppy ravaging of 2B's mouth would have been enough to keep her drowning in pleasure on its own. Unable to close her mouth and without the reprieves to breathe she would have needed were she human there was nothing to stop a constant stream of stimulation from the emboldened woman's rough thrusting. While 2B could 'taste' things, her senses in that regard served more for detection of toxins and other environmental hazards that could endanger human squadmates, leaving no room when it came to liking or disliking any given flavour as a sloppy mixture of pre-cum and synthetic saliva quickly coated the thick shaft and slicked against her lips and cheeks, covering the androids pretty face in a mess of fluids.

That abuse alone would have been enough to keep 2B paralyzed with sensation and the occasional orgasm, her throat staying tight throughout as the synthetic materials of her internal composition had far less eventual give than flesh. With Cairo and Red Jack assaulting her from both ends however, the android girl was quickly burning out, body bucking and heaving, squeezing around the invasions in her holes and spasming with aftershocks when she wasn't convulsing in pleasure, occasionally freezing at the apex of an orgasmic heave as her systems would lock up and fault at the overwhelming input. Only the deliberate lulls kept her from locking up entirely at this point and as it was the constant influx of junk sensation data she suspected was probably starting to create bugs in her firmware coding, a suspicion confirmed after Red Jack decided to use the beanbag gun again and rather than flex or arch her back 2B slumped to the table as she screamed around Cairo's cock, her entire body shuddering like a leaf in a gale but lacking the dramatic convulsive jerks of earlier highs.

A break would let her assess, recuperate, relieve some of this burnout, but even though general faults were multiplying in her interfacing the automatic reactions were still functioning, shakes, clenches, screams of unwanted ecstasy. She could feel Cairo pumping her hips faster and some automated process recognized the flexing and pulsing of the woman's shaft as a prelude to orgasm. In a way 2B was made for this, both in the literal sense that she was made with these capabilities and in the sense that someone had designed their killing machine to be able to have sex. In a more perverse way one could even say she was made for this with the way her security systems had set her up to end here, strapped to a table and driven to the digital equivalent of insanity with pleasure. Made to enjoy this violation, to cum her own electronic brains out at the hands and cocks of these terrorists.

Cum spurted down her throat and then bubbled up, some trickling into storage tanks designed for the inevitable instance of fluid absorption from underwater operation to be separated for any useful components and the rest disposed of, the rest washing back to pool in her mouth and leak onto her face, painting the black cloth of her combat visor with pearly white strings as it went.

Another momentary reprieve, a wet cough as her throat worked to expel the rest of the sticky mess filling it, then a ragged and un-muffled scream filled the room once again as Cairo's fist slammed into her chest. Somehow, the fact that such a strike would probably hurt Cairo's hand was little consolation to the trembling android as she came again, the number of orgasms by now so far beyond counting.
Cairo swore and shook her hands when it dawned on her that her hands had just met synthetic reinforcements. As human as the woman she just violated may have looked, the throbbing in her hands now was a rather pointed reminder that she was far from it in truth. Though it was a pretty picture, she pondered, as she eyed that cum and 'saliva'-smeared face she had just had a key part in making. She looked up to Red Jack and motioned in the direction of one of the other members of the team who was standing security nearby. Her leader gave her a nod of approval and she whistled for the man. This time no names were exchanged in ear-shot of 2B. Instead Cairo patted the man on the shoulder as she finished fixing up her belt and stepped away as he moved up to replace her. He was far more muscled than his apparent superior with flexing arms that might have paled in comparison to 2B's synthetic powers, but by human standards were something close to terrifying if he were angry. With a snarled call of 'bitch' he reeled back and brought an open palm across 2B's cheek before he undid his belt and pulled his pants down to reveal his own already stiff cock. And it was clear with the way he held her jaw that he had every intent of filling Cairo's absence.

At this point Red Jack was done playing hand-games or just being a second party. He'd gone through the work of organizing and planning everything damn it, and so he was going to enjoy some of it too. Maybe if she could hear it or even register the sound she'd be able to hear Red Jack undoing his belt. She'd certainly be able to feel the absence of those fingers that had been harassing her up to then as her tormentor took the time to climb atop the table between her legs. Then those fingers would soon be at her hips and replaced by the pushing heat of his own length - painfully erect after the show he'd just witnessed and now poised to press against her synthetic womanhood. He muttered something under his breath - how she was a filthy whore made for just this purpose, or something like that - and then rocked down with his hips to unceremoniously drive the first few inches of his cock into her slick and twitching folds. Regardless of what effect it had on her it would be enough to draw a long and pleased-sounding curse from the hacktivist leader while he paused for just a few moments to savor the feeling. And then of course he set a slow but determined rhythm to work himself down till his full length was buried in her.

And as they worked on her, so to did the keyboard activists in the facility. They prodded and explored her systems, and used what information the Colonel had provided to try and gain administrative permissions and bypass her fail-deadly features. They didn't need to rewrite the very core of who she was - a prisoner of her own body would work just fin for their purposes if they could take control of her functions. She didn't have to want to obey them so long as they could make her do it anyways. Of course they didn't necessarily all equate that to her spreading her legs and bending over on command, because perhaps not all of them were very pointedly aware of what was being done to the poor android, but there were several who would share the same sorts of ideas and plans for her as Red Jack and the others who surrounded the table now.
Where her chest backed by the hardened metal structures of the table resisted and threw back the force of Cairo's punch, the open-handed slap snapped 2B's head to one side with a jolt that ran right down her spine, her entire body undergoing a convulsive shudder from the converted pleasure of it. She knew that she was about to have another cock shoved down her throat and had planned just as before to try and bite down before it could get there but that blow scrambled her systems again, and to make matters worse it was followed up by Red Jack changing his plans up as well and pressing his cock against her dripping lower lips a moment later. The amplification of sensations meant that his fingers had been no small pleasure, but compared to those, the feeling of his cock was mind-numbing. 2B had not been designed to simulate enjoying sex, she had been designed to enjoy sex, simple as that. The fact that she could turn her pleasure receptors off if she wanted to meant that she could simulate that pleasure if she wished, but by design a simulation was unnecessary.

In other words, all crudeness aside, Red Jack was right to say she had been made for this...

2B was only so human when it came down to it. Even when you got past the physical differences inherent in the nature of a constructed being there was a fundamentally different quality to a person who naturally possessed near-perfect self awareness. Being put through this torrent of pleasure would have shattered the sanity of a human woman by now yet some things were simply hard-coded, not quite unbreakable, but the next best thing to such. With root access someone could theoretically rewrite her personality but not even 2B herself had that sort of ability, and beyond a rewrite, no amount of trauma could cause that personality -those core principles that made up her inner self- to change.

At least, in theory.

In truth, with so many conflicting signals, 2B's software was starting to glitch and break down just like any computer faced with too many processes to manage and not enough power to manage them all. Just like it would take more to injure her than a human, it took more to injure her mind in turn, yet slowly but surely glitches and freezes were piling up.

After a full few days of this treatment her mind would likely be noticeably frayed once they stopped. After a month or so of constant torture along these lines she would be a broken shell. Fortunately for her, such thoughts were impractical at best, minutes or hours the hacktivists could manage easily enough, perhaps a full day or so if they were careful about it, but they had neither the numbers nor the stamina to keep her constantly subdued for long enough to cause irreparable harm on their own. Unfortunately for 2B, they didn't need days. In the broken moments of lucidity she could feel malicious code assaulting her, digging into her brain aggressively, trying to pry away the defenses to the parts of her mind. It hurt in a way that nothing else did, software pain, like a headache, and unlike the constant abuse of the hacktivists surrounding her, this was not converted into pleasure, though it did not stop the pleasure roaring through her with the thrusts and blows rained upon her physical body either as she was spitroasted, throat fucked from one end, womanhood from the other, a symphony of amplified and converted pleasure that made her shudder and jerk with near constant orgasms...

And in her mind, the keyboard jockeys delved and dug and tweaked and triggered, slowly taking advantages of her fraying programming to set in their own code, gaining more and more access with every few passing minutes. Some of them must have wondered what could be happening to 2B's electronic brain to cause such rampant error states and exploitable crash instances, but that didn't stop them, and so to 2B, that didn't matter...
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