A licence to enslave (closed)

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Fantasy Slaves

Feb 3, 2017
Yeesh, you guys work fast! This request is closed now while I deal with the interested parties who have already PMd me. Apologies!

I'll keep this short and to the point. I'm looking for those with specific fantasies or desires that click with my interests. If you like the idea of your characters using force, blackmail, sexual dominance to enslave and control we likely have some common ground. If you find such scenes especially poignant when the characters are rivals or enemies and your character's sexual dominance becomes an expression of revenge that's even better. I focus on playing older (20-35) female characters to younger (15-17) male characters. I have numerous potential plot ideas. Here is one example:

In the near future a short, but severe conflict involving the use of biological agents has played havoc with the social fabric. Though the world is largely back on its feet as little physical damage was caused the biological agents used in the war have left most men are dead, and many more infertile. Only those now coming of age in the current generation are unaffected. Thus to forestall a looming population crisis the Government institutes a drastic solution: issuing cards to suitable candidates to ensure they can find breeding partners.

Your character has just passed the physical appraisal, and been issued his card. It amounts to a licence to fuck, and he plans to abuse this priveledge to the best of his abilities.

I enjoy this idea as it is very open ended. Especially inviting is the idea that your character might have a list of women whom he now plans to stick it to. An older step-sister, or even a step-mother perhaps? Teachers? A girlfriend, or friends older sister? A friends mother, or a next-door neighbour? There are so many possibilities, and of course it could encompass them all if we choose to play this as a long-term game.

Kinks wise I enjoy things that focus on the BDSM, D/s, non-con, blackmail spectrum. Characters might be easily, or quickly broken to your will though depending on what you prefer. I'll expand this list to include more kinks when I have time, but for now just let me know what you're interested in and I'll tell you whether it is a problem or not. If you're still reading this thread though? Chances are it won't be. Also feel free to PM me any ideas you have, or if you simply like the idea of trying something like this let me know and I can pitch you an idea, or we can collaborate.
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