A Long Way From Home (Star Trek)

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Oct 22, 2015
As some Trekkies might have realized from the title, the following request is heavily based on Star Trek: Voyager.

Before one gets to the juicier part of this request, I need to go through few basic formalities. I post very long posts, anything from a strong paragraph to one or two-thousand words depending on the strength of my partner. In this kind of scenario, literacy and good post quality is a must. For posts either threads or pms should be used, partner preference, go for pms if you can't decide.

One thing I will say is that I dislike overpowered characters quite a bit. I've never been a fan of superheroes and all that. I'd rather not have any of our characters end up like a second Mary Sue.

Romance is a must as well. A good romance is the essence of writing. As for sexual writing. I can do sexual scenes, but most of the sexual actions I do with my characters are teasing, groping, foreplay basically. The act itself becomes boring to me if overdone. Usually I put kinks at the start, but for this occasion, creating the basic scene, and then offering things to add might be the better approach.

I won't force people to use pictures, but I will definitely use them, for clothing and or facial and bodily references

The Plot

The plot essential to this request. The plot would be very similar to Voyager, my favourite series after all :3

A ship or multiple ships depending on how we spin it, stranded in the Delta Quadrant, 70,000 light-years from home (1000 lightyears = 1 year of travel at warp 9)

The thing that would be different would be the species we encounter. Depending on how our plotting turns out, they'll be very oversexualized, and some events and phenomena may have extreme effects on the physiology of the crew. And sadly, the ship/ships suffered heavy casualties while being pulled to the Delta Quadrant, so any qualified people would come in handy. And when they get back home, humans practically wouldn't exist on the ship anymore, thanks to the numerous genetical alterations through contact, diseases, natural phenomenon, and something as simple as new arrivals.

The species would be something we'd still have to discuss, and of course they would vary based on how sexual we want to make them (hyper or normal, perhaps both for different species for the sake of variety) and how frequent.

Both players would have to play multiple characters in a variety of positions. Any position really, although of course the captain, the first officer and some of the bridge officers will have to be played out as well as senior officers in general.

The Potential Cast

Every great show needs a cast. And in this case, we're talking starships. Simply taking the old Intrepid class would be an option, but also a rather boring option. This area is to suggest ships that would be interesting to take along, as well as why and how they would work together.

"Why together?" a true trekkie may ask. Well, even in the series, the Marquis ship and the Equinox(A Nova-class Starfleet vessel) traveled with Voyager. In the end, crews of three different ships(not counting non-Alpha quadrant members) arrived back at earth. Even with three crews under Voyager's command, they struggled and struggled, on a ship made for long-term and long-distance exploration with new prototype technology like bio-neural circuitry. As such, taking two less qualified ships would be possible. And having two captains allows for all types of conflict, or perhaps one of the captains dies during the travel and one captain takes control of both ships, which would be impractical but not entirely impossible (two captains would be better).

Nova Class


The Nova-class. Voyager fans will recognize that the USS. Equinox was a Nova-class vessel. Nova class ships are equipped for short term planetary missions. This consequently means that they are horrible at long-range exploration. They simply don't have the cargo hold to do it, and their speed is limited to warp 8 at maximum. The Nova class is equipped with a special Waverider shuttle that docks on the outside and is equipped for planetary research. This ship is really not the one you want to have on your 70 year trip, provided it takes that long. With 11 type-x phaser banks and 2 torpedo launchers, the Nova-class is unsuited for combat. What the Nova-class does have though is a powerful sensor array built into the ship, truly a science a vessel. It only houses 80 crewmen though, so really, this ship is only for those who want a challenge, a rather big challenge.

Intrepid Class


The classic. The same class as Voyager, intrepid class ships are fitted with newest bioneural circuitry to improve power and efficiency. A specialty of this class are the specialized landing struts that allow it to land on any planet with ease. The intrepid class was also the first to include an EMH-Mark 1 (Emergency Medical Hologram), although equipping one on any of the other ships wouldn't be forbidden, they're just such an interesting thing to toy with. The intrepid class can hold a crew compliment of 150 people and it's been equipped with incredible speed (Warp 9.75 at maximum), a computer much better than any other in starfleet and the best navigational sensors available. Truly this is the ship you want to have when you're stranded in the middle of nowhere. Equipped with 4 forward phaser arrays, two aft phaser arrays, torpedo launchers(2 in front, 2 in back, 1 at the side) and a large main deflector, the ship is decently equipped as well. Multiple storage rooms offer room for supplies for long journeys, which is often needed on a trip like this. The torpedo launchers could even use spatial charges and tricobalt devices

Excalibur Class


The Excalibur class is a versatile class, able to house up to 1,100 people in case of emergency. It can run very efficiently on a generous crew compliment of 400 people. It's warp core is engineered to be able to lend power or extend shields to others, making the Excalibur Class an excellent support ship. The Excalibur class is only sparsely equipped for combat with basic aft and front phaser arrays and torpedo launchers, so better bring a friend to protect you. This would be the best ship for two-ship scenarios. The extensive cargo holds make it an excellent supply ship which takes a great deal of stress from whoever you're traveling with, if that's the case. Alone, this ship would be adequate for survival, but one would have to rely on steong diplomatic skills, which is bound to fail at some point. Even with its weak weponry though, the reinforced hull allows it to stay in combat for a while, and its large crew allows for quick repairs. Emergency repair crews are often transfered from these ships. The tractor beam is also quite powerful, much stronger than any lesser starships.

Oslo Class


The Oslo class too is a ship better in a team, and it shines where the Excalibur class is lacking, combat. The Oslo is a fast and agile class, stripped of redundant hull plating to allow for great agility. This gowever leaves it with minimal room for medical or scientific compartments, forcing it to work in fleets with other ships more suitable for those tasks. This ship type also employs bio-neural circuitry, boosting the computer's performance and due to being constructed after the intrepid class it now has a system to shield the gel packs from viruses or infectious agents. An improved power transfer grid also shielded the ship from plasma overloads. Because its main battle tactic was to disable weapons arrays, its five phaser banks could fire in rapid bursts. Because battles were to be as short as possible with the Oslo-class, all its defensive power lied in the durable hull alloy and the shield generators which had been greatly improved. The ship's specialty is ease of repair. The ship parts were modular and could easily be taken from sister ships to replace broken parts, or in our case, easy to construct and fit.

ShiKahr Class


The ShiKahr class is a small, light cruiser, designed as a more modern variant of the Miranda class. With a crew compliment of 360 and an armament of 6 phaser banks, 4 torpedo launchers and two phaser cannons , it is a basic but useful ship. What makes it interesting is that it can be modified to hold cargo or to have more powerful sensors. Of course, getting those things in the Delta quadrant would be difficult, but it gives you a base to build upon.

Ushaan Class


The ship is relatively small, with space for 50 crewmen, 200 at maximum. It's not as impractical as the Oslo class, but still not recommended to go alone, especially with such a small crew. For that, the Ushaan Class is equipped with 4 type x phaser banks and two torpedo launchers. It functions as a light escort, used for survey missions. For that purpose, it's quite fast with a maximum of warp 9.7 for 12 hours at a time. They contribute a little bit of safety and reliability for the road.


Usually I put a lot of emphasis on kinks. I am quite the kinky guy. But for this rp, it is less the kinks than it is having a competent partner, a partner who shares my passion for writing (and for star trek XD). I want to explore strange new worlds, and while I would like to have futanari around for example or for some planets to be more casual about sex or to have exxagerated sizes, my main priority is to write a masterpiece, something that would make those who played in star trek proud. I would hate nothing more, than to make the series injustice. So please, we can make this as kinky as you want. And while kinky will always be better than standard, kinks are not why I made this request.

This brings me to the end of my request. I thank the Roddenberrys and all producers of star trek for creating such a wonderful franchise, spanning across decades and exploring deeply philosophical issues and dilemmas.
After watching Star Trek Beyond, I'm absolutely hyped for more star trek. Plus, spring break is quite helpful when it comes to posting
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