✩ Lady Looks Like a Dude ✩ Seeking M for F ✩

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Dec 1, 2016
Hello, hi, good morning -- I've been watching bad, cliche things all night, and I'm absolutely dying for some horribly sweet, shenanigans-filled romance.

Quick bit about me and my writing, I'm on the east coast of the US which means EST for those who'd like to know, I'm 24, and my hours are sporadic unfortunately. I prefer writing about three paragraphs, more or less is always welcome as inspiration comes and goes, but I'd like to keep things above a sentence or two. Paragraph-style, third person, past tense, all that. I've been writing for over 10 years now. I'm not especially looking for this to end up mature, but if it ends up there, that's fine too.

Onto what exactly I'm looking for, I'm hoping to find some people who'd be interested in writing a romantic male lead against a female one for a crossdressing line. I've got a stupid love of storylines involving female characters being mistaken for males (either masquerading as male for a very specific reason (boy bands, all boys school, etc), being just androgynous enough to be mistaken as male frequently (and subsequently rolling with it/not correcting them until its too late), or female characters who were raised as male for any convoluted reason we want). I'm super open to what sort of scenarios we play this in, whether we want something modern, something to do with schools, co-ed or all boys, or something fantasy/historical, a girl in a typically masculine position, or anything in between.

Give me all those long nights of 'holy shit i cant like him, i'm not even bisexual!' and getting into arguments over stupid things because they aren't communicating enough. I do want us to write well together, and I want it to be a well-told story, but I'm really not fussed if the premise, or even the characters, skirt a little close to cliche.

I'd love to figure something out with you all, if you're at all interested in something this silly, please shoot me a PM - I prefer to play over email, PM, or maybe IM (i have telegram and aim ready, i can also kik for ooc stuff), but given no other options I can also thread!
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